The other day it will be exactly six months since the entry into force of the Housing Code, which was supposed to significantly change the structure of work in the housing and communal services sector. However, as it turned out, the public utilities sector has not yet converted to the new scheme. A paradoxical situation has developed in the gas supply sector, where management companies have not yet been selected, and gas supply to the population has turned out to be outside the legal framework. That is, according to lawyers, if previously residents were obliged to pay for gas, now this is not obligatory for them - in any case, no one has the authority to disconnect unscrupulous consumers under the current legislation. Experts believe that this threatens Mezhregiongaz with the loss of part of its payments.

At the end of May of this year, in accordance with the Housing Code, the Russian government issued a decree “On the procedure for providing utility services to citizens.” However, it did not take into account the proposals of Mezhregiongaz LLC to change the procedure for providing gas to the population, which resulted in a paradoxical situation.

According to the document, gas supply organizations have the right to supply gas exclusively to management companies that already sell it to the population and regulate cash receipts by installing meters. However, so far not a single management company has been selected, says Anton Sevostyanov, deputy general director of Audit - New Technologies. Thus, since the entry into force of the rules for the provision of public services to citizens, gas supply organizations have been supplying fuel to the population outside the legal framework.

“People are now not required to pay for gas services; now they are automatically sent a receipt for payment for these services, but theoretically they can ignore it,” he says senior partner of a law firm " Vegas - Lex " Albert Yeganyan. Senior partner of the Megapolis law firm Vladimir Smetanin agrees with him: “The current situation is far from the ideas that were included in the law, it needs to be adjusted.”

In theory, in case of non-payments, the management company can disconnect the subscriber from the range of utility services, but now there is no one to perform this function. “In the current situation, Mezhregiongaz may not be able to make payments for gas this year if amendments to the law are not adopted,” says Yeganyan.

This already not the best news for the company is doubly unpleasant: the sale of gas to the population is already unprofitable. Mezhregiongaz, which supplies gas throughout the country, is incurring serious losses, since payments are made not according to instrument readings, but according to standards that are significantly underestimated. In addition, payments from the budget for benefit categories of the population are delayed or not paid in full.

According to the Housing Code, all residents of multi-storey buildings must choose management companies before January 1, 2007, otherwise management companies will be appointed by the municipality without fail. Nevertheless, market participants doubt that managers will appear even by this date. “The situation is unlikely to change in the future, since it will be extremely difficult to find management companies. Thus, the relationship between residents and gas suppliers will remain outside the legal framework,” adds Vladimir Smetaniy.

According to market experts, the emergence of management companies will not completely solve the problem. Payments for gas must be made based on readings from common household appliances, which do not exist in Russia. “Several billion rubles need to be spent on this. And if the idea is implemented at the expense of supplier companies, these costs will be included in the tariffs, which will thus at least double,” predicts Sevostyanov.

In addition, management companies will have to pay 100% payments to resource supply organizations. “Given the inevitable non-payments from the population, there is a high probability that the majority of management companies will become insolvent within three months from the date of commencement of work,” one of the market participants told Business.

Advice from lawyers:

1. A letter arrived by mail notifying me of the payment of the debt for gas dated 2014.

1.1. You may not have to pay the 3-year statute of limitations of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

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Not really

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1.2. If you think that I read other people's thoughts, that's not true.

2. Payment for gas was not made. Debt 60,000 what to do.
2.1. If you used gas, you will have to pay the debt.
Otherwise, after a warning, the gas may be turned off.

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2.2. Evgeniya, hello, if you are obliged to pay, then start doing it in installments, since
if there is a court decision, they will also collect 7% of the amount of the debt for the work of the bailiffs. In addition, penalties may be charged on the debt. So the amount will be much higher.

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3. Is it possible to get an installment plan to pay off gas debt? Thank you.

3.1. ---Hello, it is possible to obtain, organizations give their consent. Write 2 applications and hand in one, on one you will be given a mark indicating its acceptance; it will remain with you, and wait for an answer. Good luck to you and all the best.

Did the answer help you?

3.2. Is it possible to get an installment plan to pay off gas debt?
Yes, you can. Contact your gas supplier with a written request to install and/or defer payment of the debt...

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3.3. You can file an application with the court under Art. 203 Civil Procedure Code

Article 203. Postponement or installment plan for the execution of a court decision, changing the method and procedure for executing a court decision
The court that heard the case, based on statements from persons participating in the case, the bailiff, or based on due to the property status of the parties or other circumstances, has the right to delay or delay the execution of a court decision, change the method and procedure for its execution.


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4. How much will it cost to connect gas for non-payment after paying the debt.

4.1. Check with your gas supply company.

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5. When paying a debt for gas, how long do they have to connect it again?

5.1. within a reasonable period of time, there is no specific period in the legislation.

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6. In February, a notification was received on the gas receipt that the deadline for the next verification of the gas meter was expiring on 03/01/2020, in the March receipt that the deadline for the next verification had expired. The owner of the apartment was in the hospital from 02/04/2020 and died on 02/16/2020. She kept track of receipts and payments. I am a lodger, and I paid the meter in February, and now in March I have a debt of 6,300 rubles on the receipt (This is calculated by cubic capacity). After checking the meter, if it is in good working order, can we recalculate the payment according to the readings?

6.1. No, within the framework of the law, this period will remain without the work of a certified meter, and at the same time, the procedure for determining the amount of payment for the supplied resource is completely different, without the participation of meter readings.

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7. If I want to pay the debt for consumed gas under a bilateral agreement to the cash desk of a service provider organization, does this organization have the right to refuse to accept payment to the cash desk and offer a third party to transfer the payment? Or send me to the bank for a transfer, knowing that the bank will also charge me a commission?

7.1. 1. If the supplier has an agreement with the RCC for processing and accepting payments from the public - it has.
2. You can also pay for housing and communal services without commission through Internet banking.
Good luck.

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8. A decision was received to initiate enforcement proceedings. For the energy supply debt, more precisely gas. The payment period is limited to 5 days. An amount over 70,000 naturally cannot be paid in such a short period of time. What do you recommend doing?

8.1. Pablo. Of course, it is difficult to pay the entire amount presented within such a period. But you can start repaying this debt in parts (several times or regularly, which should be reported to the bailiff), so that there are no claims from the bailiff and possible sanctions for late payment.
With best wishes, Vorobiev N.I., Ph.D.

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8.2. The specified period is a period for voluntary execution. After this period, the debt will be collected forcibly and an enforcement fee will be charged. You can go to court for an installment plan for the execution of Art. 434 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation - If there are circumstances that make it difficult to execute a court decision or decisions of other bodies, the claimant, debtor, bailiff has the right to raise before the court that examined the case, or before the court at the place of execution of the court decision, the question of deferment or installment execution, changing the method and order of execution, as well as the indexation of awarded amounts of money. Such statements by the parties and the presentation of the bailiff are considered in the manner prescribed by Articles 203 and 208 of this Code.

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9. The family of the husband’s niece, where are they officially registered and the owners? For the light, the amount of debt has accumulated 11,000 How can I issue a separate invoice for payment 1/8 Apart from gas, light, water, I don’t need them

9.1. You need to open a separate personal account with a resource supply organization, providing documents confirming ownership of a 1/8 share in the property.

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10. I bought an apartment. In 2016, a plug was installed to the previous owner for debts. Now they won’t connect me to gas; they demand payment for removing the plug and connecting it. Are their demands legal?

10.1. Not legal. Contact the prosecutor's office.

Did the answer help you?

11. We bought a house for mat capital. We don't live there yet. I entered gas payments and meter readings online through Sberbank, checked everything, payments were made on time, but they tell me that they haven’t received readings since the spring of 2019, they accrued a debt and cut it off without notice, and what should we do?

11.1. Understand and appeal the actions of gas workers in court.

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12. Registered in his parents’ apartment. I haven’t lived there myself for 3 years. I rent an apartment, pay for it (I have a rental agreement and all payment receipts). On the website of the bailiffs, a debt is displayed “for payments for living space, utility bills, including penalties, with the exception of debt for payments for gas, heat and electricity.” The parents live in the apartment permanently, are healthy, both work and are able to pay (they don’t just pay). How can I get rid of my debt?

12.1. Only registered or also the owner? Also according to parents the owners or the apartment according to social security. will I hire? The fact that you rent an apartment and pay for it in good faith is good, but this is not a basis for removing the burden of paying housing and communal services for the apartment in which you are registered. And you didn’t do anything for this in the first place.

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13. A letter arrived from the bailiffs regarding the debt for gas, electricity and heating. And I have to pay for everything on one account. I never had utility bills. The account is for my mother and there are no debts.

13.1. Find out from the bailiffs on what basis the enforcement proceedings were initiated.

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Consultation on your issue

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14. I overpaid a certain amount for a month of gas use! (I paid more than I paid) Before that, the gas service saddled me with a debt that had passed the deadline (they didn’t go to court). Now the gas workers have used this overpayment to pay off part of the “debt”. When paying, I did not indicate that this amount was to pay off the debt; they did it on their own. The question is: do they have the right to do this?

14.1. If the debt was written off, then in this case no. If the debt has not been written off from your personal account, then such actions do not contradict the law.

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14.2. If you indicated the month for which you are paying, they have no right to classify it as old periods.

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15. The situation is this: I have arrears of paying for major repairs for 36 months. (20 thousand rubles). I paid all other payments (water, electricity, heat, gas, utilities) regularly. They stopped paying me compensation for housing and communal services. Within a year I paid off the debt. They started paying me compensation.
Should social security pay compensation for those months when they did not pay compensation, i.e. in 36 months?

15.1. No, unfortunately you shouldn’t, because you had a debt during that period. Compensation must be paid from the moment the debt is repaid.

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16. The owner of the apartment is my mother and her 13-year-old granddaughter. The apartment has a gas meter, and payment for gas was made according to the meter on time and in full. Two months ago, gas workers opened a personal account for my granddaughter and charged her a debt for 2 years and penalties. They do not respond to letters addressed to the head of Gazenergoraschet. How legal are their actions?

16.1. If there are documents confirming that payment for gas was made according to the meter on time and in full, then issuing a debt for 2 years is unlawful, you can write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, attaching copies of payment documents, you can write a statement to the prosecutor's office on grounds of extortion, Art. 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, also attaching copies of payment receipts, the prospects of criminal prosecution are unlikely, but conducting an audit will inevitably discipline those who have not taken into account any gas receipts for 2 years.

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17. My mother is behind on her gas payment, there are 4 people registered in the house, she is a father and 2 adult daughters. As a result, her bank account and the account of her youngest daughter were arrested, and her husband, who does not work, was not involved in mandatory work to repay the debt... we paid off the gas debt on November 21. On December 12, an arrest was imposed, although a certificate of debt repayment was provided to him. Is it legal to seize the accounts of children but not the husband?

17.1. If the husband had an account, he would also be arrested, since debt for the Kyrgyz Republic and housing and communal services is collected jointly and severally.

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18. The court awarded payment for gas at the maximum capacity of the equipment due to a broken seal. While the trial was going on throughout the year, Gorgaz increased penalties on the disputed amount for gas. Before the court decision came into force, I repaid the debt required by Gorgaz. Am I obliged to pay the penalty that Gorgaz calculated according to the court decision?

18.1. Within the limits of the law - obliged. This is a penalty and is calculated depending on the length of delay in paying the legal payment. According to the text, the payment was recognized as legal, there was a delay in payment.

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19. The residents unauthorizedly turned off (installed a plug) the gas pipe in the apartment. The gas workers noted this during the next inspection. That is, the gas service knows that the apartment does not receive service. Why does Gorgaz require payment for gas use? The debt is piling up.

19.1. Even if you do not use gas, the supplying organization will charge you payments. It is very difficult to avoid this, since it is necessary to officially dismantle the gas equipment, and this requires a project and approval from all authorized bodies.

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20. Since December 1, 13, my gas debt has been growing, but since May 15, I have been paying for gas on time, now I have a debt of 16,545 and a penalty of 17,129, the court obliges me to pay the debt and penalties, but this is a debt from 13 to 15, do I have the right collect debt.

20.1. Yes, he has every right, if you have not declared in court that the statute of limitations has passed, according to Art. 199 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The court DOES NOT APPLY THE LIMITATION TERM. It must be declared to the defendant in court.

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21. The gas company is threatening to sue for the lack of a gas meter. Our house is heated with gas. There are no debts to pay. We pay according to the standards. Do they have the right to do this?

21.1. Payment for gas can be made according to the standards.

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22. I have the same problem, 3 years ago my gas was cut off for non-payment, I had a debt somewhere in the region of 15,000. About a week ago I contacted the gas service and they told me that in order to connect the gas I need to pay a debt of 25,000 and that’s not counting the payment for connection service, etc.
So my question is, isn’t the debt canceled after the 3-year statute of limitations expires?

22.1. The debt can only be canceled through the court.

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22.2. If the source of gas supply was cut off, then what other debt could you be accrued besides these 15+? Penalty only.
Debts are written off or reduced only by court order. YOU are at a disadvantage because... the debt hangs, but you need gas. You can use a gas cylinder.

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23. I was overdue for gas payment by a month, I received a receipt with a debt with a calculation according to the standards, am I obligated to pay this debt, should I still pay the meter for two months.

23.1. If during the period of debt you already had a meter installed, you are obliged to pay only according to its readings. Contact the uk for recalculation. If they refuse to recalculate, write a complaint to the housing inspectorate.

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24. My debt for gas is 24 thousand and the payment is 7 thousand, so they write the debt as 24 thousand, and the payment due is 31 thousand together with the payment, since you can pay 24 or all together 31 thousand.

24.1. If you currently have the opportunity to pay your gas debt in the amount of 24 tr. then start paying for it. Next, write to the gas supplying organization an application to write off a penalty in the amount of 7 tr. in connection with the repayment of the principal debt. In such cases, penalties are often written off.

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24.2. You don’t have to pay the song if the creditor agrees to remove it, which should be an agreement.

If you have a debt, it is better to pay it off as soon as possible, rather than wait for notification of a gas supply cutoff.

As a countermeasure against the worst defaulters, the company has introduced the practice of terminating gas supply contracts in court. In the period from January to September 2013 alone, the Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa company was forced to carry out more than 6.6 thousand disconnections of unscrupulous debtor subscribers.

We are actively working to collect debts from the population: notifications are sent to debtor subscribers reminding them to pay the debt, but even after such reminders, some debtors ignore our warnings, forcing us to disconnect from the gas supply system,” says Head of the Public Relations Department of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa LLC Ruslan Zaripov.- If subscribers do not pay their debts even after disconnection, then we have to go to court to collect the debt.

One of the latest examples is when a debtor has accumulated a significant debt for gas. It was decided to cut off the supply of “blue fuel” to residents of a private house. Since unscrupulous residents flatly refused to allow employees to carry out their work, they had to call an excavator and carry out the work from outside. By the way, calling out special equipment is not a cheap pleasure; one such disconnection costs a tidy sum - at least 50 thousand rubles, and the same amount afterwards for connection. Moreover, these costs subsequently fall on the shoulders of the debtor subscriber, through whose fault it is necessary to take such extreme measures.

We do not set ourselves the task of disconnecting subscribers from services at any cost,” explains Ruslan Ramazanovich. - On the contrary, we are interested in supplying fuel to customers in the required volume. Therefore, first our specialists send warnings to the defaulter, try to talk with the person and understand why he does not pay for the services. There are different situations in life, for example, a difficult financial situation, the loss of a breadwinner, etc. And we are ready to meet our clients halfway! If necessary, we provide installment payments, however, subject to timely current payments. But, unfortunately, some clients ignore all our efforts and often simply do not get in touch.

One of these “silent people” did not pay for gas for a long time; his debt to gas workers has already exceeded 150 thousand rubles. In addition, for several years he did not allow specialists into the apartment to check the technical condition of gas equipment, which in itself poses a danger to other residents of the apartment building. These violations were enough to disconnect the apartment from the gas supply system.

In short, the “principle of good faith” must apply. We provide the resource – gas, without prepayment and as much as needed, and subscribers, for their part, must keep correct records of gas consumption and pay for it on time,” says Ruslan Ramazanovich.


It's no secret that gas is not taken out of thin air, and before it reaches consumers, the fuel goes a long way - from production, transportation, processing, storage and ending with direct distribution and delivery. Gas supply activities are strictly regulated by the state, which also sets gas prices. The main provisions for the formation and regulation of gas prices on the territory of the Russian Federation were approved by a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. According to these provisions, the price of gas for the end consumer consists of the wholesale price of gas, fees for supply and distribution services to the gas supplier and the tariff for gas transportation. Today, the cost of gas according to the meter is 4 rubles 53 kopecks. per cubic meter. If the subscriber does not provide gas meter readings within the period established by law and does not make payment for them, charges for the consumed gas are made according to the standards. And the deadlines are as follows: until the 10th day of each month following the billing month. You can pay at the end of the current month, without waiting for these first ten days, which we recommend to all consumers.

Since no one has canceled the obligation to pay for the goods (and gas is the same product as bread in the store), it means that the debtor is a violator of the law, and the court will oblige him to pay the debt, a penalty and - attention - legal costs. There is only one conclusion - if you don’t want to overpay, pay for gas on time.

The functions of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa include ensuring gas supply to all categories of consumers and metering gas consumption. The enterprise has dispatch services, which automatically receive all the information on computers: distribution of “blue fuel” through the gas distribution network, its consumption: who consumed it and how much, whether it was paid for or not, etc.

When we see that a person is not paying extra, we send him to the check queue and send him a notification. Employees of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa are forced to conduct similar raids on apartments and houses of debtors on a regular basis. Sometimes people react inappropriately. A blatant incident occurred in Beloretsk - a woman attacked Gas-Service workers with a knife and it was only by a miracle that no one was hurt! And such incidents, alas, are not uncommon.


It should be remembered that in order to resume gas supply, in addition to 100% repayment of the debt for consumed gas, the subscriber will need to pay the cost of work by a specialized organization to disconnect and connect to the gas distribution network. In addition, the consumer with whom the gas supply contract is terminated will have to go through the entire procedure for formalizing contractual relations with the supplier and the organization that carries out maintenance of the gas supply system again. It is not difficult to conclude that paying for gas on time is not only the subscriber’s responsibility, but also much more profitable than accumulating debts!

Starting from August of this year, persistent defaulters may not be allowed to go abroad, so in order not to spoil your holiday, it is better to take care of your bills in advance.

Consumers can obtain information about their existing debt at the nearest Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa branch. By the way, soon Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa plans to launch a so-called virtual Single Window for its clients. By logging into their personal account through it, subscribers will see all the information related to gas consumption.


Recently, for the convenience of subscribers, we have already launched a useful service - you can now receive an invoice notification for consumed gas by email. To subscribe to the newsletter, just fill out an application - a sample is available on the back of the notification invoice, or contact the subscriber site of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa LLC. It is mandatory to have a passport when visiting the subscriber site. More than 3 thousand subscribers have already used the service.


9 859* applications were sent by the Company's legal advisers regarding the issuance of court orders and statements of claim for the collection of debts and penalties for gas from individual subscribers issued 6 748 judicial acts on debt collection from individuals

5 064 applications were sent to the bailiff service to initiate enforcement proceedings against the debtors

34 cases of unauthorized gas withdrawal were recorded, for which a corresponding decision was made

75 debtors were prohibited from traveling outside the Russian Federation

6 607 disconnections from the gas supply system

1 300 000 subscribers-consumers of gas today at LLC Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Ufa

*Data for 9 months of 2013

Our reader contacted the Hotline of our newspaper with a question regarding the inability to pay for gas supply services within the time limits established by law.

Olga N.: “It turns out that my salary is actually paid later than the 10th. Because of this, I do not have time to pay utility bills on time. I am very concerned about how my gas bill will be calculated if I pay later than the 10th of each month.”

We easily found the answer to Olga’s question on the Gazprommezhregiongaz website:

Subscribers who have gas consumption meters installed make payments for the gas actually consumed monthly before the tenth day of the month following the expiration of the month, based on payment documents sent by Gazprom Mezhregiongaz to each subscriber.

2.2. The procedure for paying for gas in case of failure to provide gas meter readings.

In accordance with clause 31 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2008 No. 549 “On the procedure for supplying gas to meet the household needs of citizens,” if the subscriber did not provide the gas supplier with information about the readings of the gas meter within the period established by the contract, the volume of gas consumed for the past billing period and before the billing period in which the subscriber resumed providing the specified information, but not more than 3 months in a row, is determined based on the volume of average monthly gas consumption by the consumer, determined by the gas meter for a period of at least one year, and if the period of operation of the gas meter was less than one year - for the actual period of operation of the gas meter. After the specified 3-month period, the volume of gas consumed for each subsequent month up to the billing period in which the subscriber resumed submitting the specified information is determined in accordance with gas consumption standards.

Determination of the volume of gas consumed according to the readings of the gas meter is resumed from the day following the day of the inspection carried out by the gas supplier at the request of the subscriber.

If the determination of the volume of gas consumed according to the gas meter readings was not resumed from the beginning of the billing period, then for the elapsed days of the billing period, the volume of gas consumed is determined in accordance with gas consumption standards in proportion to the number of such days. In the specified billing period, the total volume of gas consumed is equal to the sum of the volume of gas consumed, calculated taking into account gas consumption standards, and the volume of gas consumed, as determined by the readings of the gas meter.

To avoid having to overpay, the simplest thing is to report your meter readings every month before the 10th, either by calling your gas section, or (which is much easier) directly via the Internet by going to the Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-on-Don website in the section: Information for subscribers /Submit meter readings or by clicking on the following link:

Advice from lawyers:

1. Gas debt 10,500, is it possible to get an installment plan?

1.1. It is possible if you agree.

Did the answer help you?

1.2. Providing an installment plan to pay the gas debt is a right, not an obligation, of the gas supply organization. Thus, if an agreement is reached, the creditor (gas providers) may provide you (the debtor) with an installment plan to pay the debt and continue gas supply as before, or they may refuse to do so. You need to contact the head of this organization in writing with a request for an installment plan to pay the debt, indicating the payment period and the amount of the corresponding payment during this period, which you can afford.

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1.3. Alyona! There are two options: either by written agreement of the parties (with Gazprom) or submit an application to the court for an installment plan for its execution (but, provided that the court decision has already been made).

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2. A letter arrived by mail notifying me of payment of the debt for gas dated 2014.

2.1. You may not have to pay the 3-year statute of limitations of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Did the answer help you?

2.2. If you think that I read other people's thoughts, that's not true.

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3. They wanted to turn off the gas supposedly for a debt. But everything was paid according to the meter. Do they have the right?

3.1. No, they do not have the right to disconnect if you have no debt. Contact your gas service with a request to reconcile the calculations.

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3.2. File a claim with the gas workers.

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4. Debt 2800 non-payment for the month, a large family of 3 people can turn off the gas.

4.1. Alexander, the debt to turn off the gas can be at least 2 months a year.

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5. Do I have to pay for gas shutoffs? I don't use it, I have no debts.

5.1. If you don’t use gas, then of course you don’t have to pay; you don’t have to pay for services that you don’t use.

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6. I would like to know whether it is legal for gas debt to grow if it is turned off?

6.1. If your gas is turned off, there should be no charges after the shutdown because you can't use gas.
The most rational thing to do would be to contact the gas service and find out why you continue to receive payments when the gas is turned off.
This may be due to the fact that the billing department does not have information that your gas has been turned off.

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7. Why does a gas debt arise if everything is paid properly?

7.1. Perhaps it's just a mistake. You need to contact those who transmit these receipts. They must explain why.

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8. The gas was turned off for debt, what should I do to connect it?

8.1. Pay debts and submit an application for gas connection.

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9. We bought a house, but the old owners had a gas debt, am I obligated to pay their debt?

9.1. No, you don't have to.

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10. A court order for gas, heat and electricity debt is for all the debt together?

10.1. You need to look at your court order to see what exactly the debt was collected for. In general, the court order should be canceled and the amounts disputed.

Did the answer help you?

11. Can a large family also turn off the gas during the heating season for debt?

11.1. Gulnaz!

Alas, in some cases they have the right to do so. Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 No. 549)

45. The gas supplier has the right to unilaterally suspend the fulfillment of gas supply obligations with prior written notification to the subscriber in the following cases: a) violation by the subscriber of the terms of the agreement on the provision of information, without obtaining which it is impossible to determine the reliable (actual) volume of gas consumed; b) the subscriber’s refusal to allow representatives of the gas supplier to conduct an inspection; c) non-payment or incomplete payment for consumed gas for 3 billing periods in a row;

But they must comply with the following

46. ​​Before suspending the execution of the contract, the gas supplier is obliged to send the subscriber 2 notifications about the upcoming suspension of gas supply and its reasons. The first notification about the upcoming suspension of gas supply is sent no later than 40 calendar days, and the second - no later than 20 calendar days before the day of gas supply suspension.

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13. My mother-in-law left an inheritance, died 4 years ago, left her grandson, my son an apartment, and my son a house, I entered into an inheritance and registered the apartment in the name of my son, the second heir lives in the house, has not paid for utilities for 4 years, debts for gas, water and electricity, can I try to register an inheritance for my son, otherwise we are afraid that the house may be taken away for debts.

13.1. there is no longer any chance of living together, as I understand there was an inheritance under a will, and in this case it is only possible to recognize the will as invalid or recognize the second heir as an unworthy heir. In both the first and second cases, I understand this is not possible. If the second heir’s house is his only home, then by law it is currently impossible to take it away.

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13.2. Natalia,
If the heir to whom the house was bequeathed lives in this house, then he actually accepted the inheritance. Even if he hasn’t formalized it, he can do it at any time.
Accordingly, none of the other heirs can accept this inheritance. And we need to look for other ways to solve the problem.
If the house is his only home, then the bailiffs will not be able to take it away.

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Consultation on your issue

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14. We are heirs, we have a registration certificate for gas, there is no debt, and Gorgaz calculated us 25 thousand rubles, but our house is not residential and they cut off the gas for demolition, they did not warn us about the meter at zeros, they say we need to change the meter, why change it if no one lives there .

14.1. Contact the prosecutor's office.

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15. Gas was turned off for non-payment. There is no new agreement. Debts. Dacha in KP with my wife. Divorced. He wants to connect the gas without permission. What will it be like? And who will be responsible for this?

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16. The debt for gas is with the bailiffs. Today they came and turned off the gas; like, not enough money is coming from the bailiffs.

16.1. Well, in this case, the resource supply organization is completely right.

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17. The house was demolished in 2017, all the services were paid for, in 2020 in February the gas debt for November 2017 arrives, we have already moved out and paid the services in November 2017 for a new apartment. Can I not pay this receipt?

17.1. Make a written request to those who bill you. Unfortunately, without this there is no way.

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18. In February, a notification was received on the gas receipt that the deadline for the next verification of the gas meter was expiring on 03/01/2020, in the March receipt that the deadline for the next verification had expired. The owner of the apartment was in the hospital from 02/04/2020 and died on 02/16/2020. She kept track of receipts and payments. I am a lodger, and I paid the meter in February, and now in March I have a debt of 6,300 rubles on the receipt (This is calculated by cubic capacity). After checking the meter, if it is in good working order, can we recalculate the payment according to the readings?

18.1. No, within the framework of the law, this period will remain without the work of a certified meter, and at the same time, the procedure for determining the amount of payment for the supplied resource is completely different, without the participation of meter readings.

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19. We have the following question. A cooperative was created. Gas, electricity and water were provided through contributions. Everyone signed everything. They even partially paid, but there is a category of debtors. They wait three years. How to collect debts from them. (water and gas supplied to each plot and plots of property)

19.1. Go to court and collect debts from them. If you need help with legal work, please contact us.

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20. They cut off the gas in a private house for non-renewal of the service contract for gas equipment. There are no debts, they cut it off without warning (they didn’t live in the house while renovations were being done there). As a result, over the winter everything got wet from the dampness, the repairs were ruined and the heating pipes and toilet burst. How to proceed?

20.1. Write them a competent claim, hand it over and wait for a response.

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20.2. The RF Armed Forces prohibited disconnecting consumers from utilities. The actions of the gas company are clearly unlawful. To submit an objective complaint to them. Record the fact of disconnection from gas networks by drawing up an act with the participation of the chairman and members of the SNT (if the house is on the territory of the SNT), with the participation of the chairman of the street committee and members of the board (if the private sector). Be sure to photograph both the shutdown point and the shortcomings that arose in the house as a result of the gas shutdown. Order and conduct an examination to determine the cause of the damage caused to you and its amount. Submit a written claim to the gas company, attaching copies of these documents and establishing a deadline for voluntary compensation. If your demands are ignored, go to court.

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21. If I want to pay the debt for consumed gas under a bilateral agreement to the cash desk of a service provider organization, does this organization have the right to refuse to accept payment to the cash desk and offer a third party to transfer the payment? Or send me to the bank for a transfer, knowing that the bank will also charge me a commission?

21.1. 1. If the supplier has an agreement with the RCC for processing and accepting payments from the public - it has.
2. You can also pay for housing and communal services without commission through Internet banking.
Good luck.

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22. The gas was turned off on April 27, 2019 for non-payment, the debt was 6898-42, there were no warnings for turning off, no one gave, I tried to resolve the conflict peacefully (to pay off the debt in the next 3 days), the gas service employees behaved defiantly, no proper actions were taken When we paid the debt, they called us and said that we need to pay a total of 7120 for disconnection and connection.

22.1. Marina! Yes, charging fees for disconnection and connection by RSO employees is legal.
The fact that the gas service workers did not behave correctly is a separate issue for investigation.

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23. What is the procedure for turning off gas for debts in an apartment building in 2020? Do you have to warn twice?

23.1. You don't have to do it twice. Must notify in writing at least 20 days in advance.
The provision of services is suspended if there is a debt of more than two months.

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24. The gas was turned off for debts, the debts were paid and the connection to the gas was paid for, when the gas workers connected the gas valve to the gas pipeline, they left it closed and sealed it, accordingly they unauthorizedly moved the seal and opened the valve (starting the gas). Now the gas supplier issues a fine of 10 times the amount for 3 months. How legitimate is his fine if there is a metering device after the inlet valve, no damage was caused to the gas line and the metering device, there is a gas supply agreement.

24.1. Nikolay, the demands of the gas workers should be appealed to the court.

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25. She cut off our gas because of the debts of the previous owners of the apartment. Should we connect it back?

25.1. Yes, it costs money to connect. Apply for a gas connection.

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