
Glycine can be prescribed to patients of any age. Unfortunately, they even often require treatment. In case of increased excitability and some other problems, neurologists try to start therapy with mild medications with a minimum of side effects, which include glycine. The convenience of using this medicine lies in the fact that you do not need to crush the tablet and pour it into the baby’s mouth (which should not be done in principle). The drug can be taken breastfeeding by the mother. Since glycine penetrates well into all fluids and tissues of the body, a therapeutic dose of the drug will also be found in milk. This will not harm a nursing mother, and on the contrary, it will be beneficial. Unless in case of individual intolerance to the drug you should not resort to this advice. The dosage of the medicine for a nursing mother should be selected by a doctor, but usually one dose three times a day is enough to produce an effect in the baby.

If the baby is bottle-fed or the mother has an individual intolerance to glycine, the drug is prescribed directly to the child. no medicine needed.

For older children, the drug is prescribed for poor sleep or to alleviate the psychological state when adapting to various life situations. A baby whom a working mother leaves with a nanny will be very worried at first. Also, many children have a hard time adapting to a nursery or kindergarten. Parental divorce usually has a negative impact on the child. In all these and similar cases, neurologists recommend taking glycine one tablet three times a day. Young children are advised to take a crushed form of the drug. For older people, you can offer to dissolve the tablet by placing it under the tongue.

Glycine is prescribed to primary schoolchildren and adolescents to improve performance at the end of the school term and during exams. 1-2 tablets of the drug three times a day help cope with any mental stress.

Glycine is an amino acid that is involved in the formation of proteins and enzymes in the body, its cleansing and to enhance mental activity.

When ingested into the body (including into the body of a newborn child), this amino acid improves the course of neurological diseases and relieves; helps speed up recovery and stabilize the situation.

From a biological point of view, it is a neurotransmitter that reduces and regulates the release of fluids that excite the nervous system in the body.

Why do babies need the drug?

A neurologist prescribes glycine to newborn children if:

  • they suffered birth trauma,
  • During their birth, hypoxia (lack of oxygen) occurred.

If the dose of the drug recommended by the doctor is followed, it copes well with neurological disorders (for example, with) and improves its neurological condition, including the removal of limbs, and corrects behavior.

The child will not be at risk if the exact recommended doses are used if Glycine is prescribed for a good reason, and not simply for the prevention of nervous disorders.

Dosages and use: doctors' opinion

For newborn infants, the usual method of oral administration or dissolving Glycine tablets under the tongue is not suitable; there are other options for using the medicine:

  1. Grinded part of the tablet put in a small amount of water and stir. The child drinks an aqueous solution from a spoon or pipette.
  2. A solution also formed by crushing the required amount of medicine(in this case tablets). Next, the resulting mixture (rather an aqueous solution) is poured into a bottle, if the practice of artificial feeding is used and the child is not afraid of this method of introducing liquid inside (unlike those babies who are accustomed to breastfeeding).
  3. Can dip the tip of the pacifier nipple into the powder, crushed from a tablet, and give it to the child, performing the action as a usual and familiar gesture (ritual) for a small child.

The dose for newborns is from a quarter (0.25 mg) to a half tablet (0.5 ml). Glycine is taken two or three times a day for one month.

According to pediatricians, in the absence of sensitivity to the drug, its use does not pose any threat to the child’s health.

The main thing is to monitor the baby’s condition after the first and second doses. If an allergic reaction occurs, stop using the drug immediately.

But for those children who tolerate the medicine well, it is possible (according to the latest data) to increase the current portion as needed and, of course, as prescribed by the doctor, in some cases up to two or three times.

The truth should be sought in parental reviews

Reviews from mothers who are already using Glycine to improve the condition of their newborn babies.

My son was prescribed a course of taking Glycine, one fourth of a tablet at a time. We drank twice a day. After about a month, I noticed changes in my child’s behavior - he stopped constantly clenching his fists. The doctor said that the child's hyper-reaction had decreased. Now we have a break in treatment, and after a while, if it becomes necessary, they will prescribe another course. We are pleased with the result.

Sveta, Moscow

I recently gave birth. The son is healthy, but very loud. Everyone's ears get blocked when he yells, and he does this almost incessantly. The doctors say there is something wrong with the nerves and prescribe Glycine. I heard that it is not harmful, so I started giving it, mixing it with water.


Our family has developed a completely trusting attitude towards the drug. Some adult members use amino acids, so why not try giving Glycine to your baby?

Moreover, the neuropathologist assured me that the drug would help the child calm down and establish a healthy process of learning about the outside world. So I give it as prescribed by the doctor every day.

Alexandra, 29 years old

My baby is already nine months old. The doctor advised me to buy Glycine for my baby, as he was acting too excited. Although the child is generally calm, he recently fell during a walk and broke his leg.

That's why we often show up at the hospital, which is why he worries. After much deliberation, we finally decided to start using the drug. We took half a tablet twice a day: morning and evening. I noticed a slight change in the child’s condition.


We (me and my four-month-old baby) were prescribed Glycine, since my baby began to have very difficulty falling asleep, although there had been no such problems before. Even motion sickness did not help, no matter how long I rocked him.

The doctor reassured me: he said that at that age there could be similar problems when falling asleep. To begin with, I prescribed taking the pills for a week to evaluate their effect. It turned out that it helps, although not immediately. Consultation with a neurologist was beneficial! I advise - it may help your baby. But you must first go to the doctor, and then buy the medicine. Be healthy you and your baby!

Katya, 31 years old

Replacement with analogues

If necessary, Glycine can be replaced with analogues such as Glycised, Cytoflavin, Tenoten. In case of replacement, you need to repeat the steps that will protect you and your child from unpleasant surprises in the form of unwanted side effects.

This means a visit to the doctor, examination of the child and observation of him after the appointment.

What is better for newborns: Tenoten or Glycine? Both of these drugs officially act the same, but each child has their own tolerance (or intolerance). This is why it is difficult to recommend one thing to everyone.

Let's sum it up

General information about Glycine and tips for use. Remember, that:

  • the drug is not harmful to the baby if he does not have an allergy or other abnormal reaction to the active component of the drug;
  • This medicine can be used not only by sucking, it is also possible to dissolve it in water or dip the pacifier in powder, as well as using other methods.

The product will help if your child has:

  • developmental pathologies related to the nervous system;
  • overexcitability;
  • hyperactivity;
  • causeless moodiness;
  • increased psycho-emotional arousal;
  • birth injury;
  • poor sleep.

In addition to all of the above actions of the drug, Glycine is also the “first aid” in saving from toxins and their toxic effects on the body.

Tips for mothers of restless children:

  1. If you are breastfeeding your baby, you can take the drug yourself, and your offspring will receive it through milk.
  2. Course prescribed for use by children who have just been born, is at least a month or lasts until the unfavorable symptoms disappear (although most often it still reaches a month in duration). The course for mother may be the same or longer.

The main thing is to remember that if a child becomes restless, instead of the expected calm (although this is unlikely), you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor again, since in this case you are dealing with a rare individual intolerance to the drug.

Briefly about the main thing

Glycine, as an amino acid, is a neurotransmitter for both newborns and adults, so its intake improves processes in the nerve cells of a person of any age.

That is why when infants take the drug, they experience normalization of inhibition processes in the central nervous system.

Glycine, also called (according to its chemical composition) aminoacetic acid, is produced in the body of a healthy person in certain quantities. This drug has neurometabolic, neuroprojective, and antioxidant effects.

Despite the fact that the drug does not accumulate in the body and does not have a negative effect, only a neurologist can prescribe it, and it cannot be used for prevention or self-medication.

Glycine is one of the most well-known drugs, which is widely used in neurology to treat many diseases. They increase the neuropsychic capabilities of the body, improve the condition of the body, improve sleep, improve mood, and increase performance. Widely used by adults. But few people know that glycine also provides invaluable benefits for newborns.

The drug is distinguished by its versatility and wide spectrum of action. Its properties are due to the fact that it is an amino acid that is capable of being integrated into metabolic processes. This provides adaptation opportunities and has a positive effect on neurological processes and functional capabilities of the body, reduces irritability and depression. It is possible to restore the daily routine, normalize vascular tone, stabilize and balance the processes of inhibition and excitation.

Can glycine be given to newborns?

Glycine has long been used in pediatric practice and is prescribed to newborns from the first days of life. It normalizes the nervous system and mental processes. Used for delayed neuropsychological development. Prescribed to children who have suffered birth trauma or exposure to teratogenic factors. You can normalize mental processes, sleep, and stabilize the nervous system. Prescribed to children with increased excitability of the nervous system, in case of disruption of normal development.

Treatment is usually designed for a long period of time, so you should not count on quick results. Only one effect can be observed quickly - the child falls asleep easily and calmly, without anxiety and awakenings. Over time, you can notice an increase in attention, memory, and ability to perceive while reducing hyperactivity and excitability. The action can be described as a hypnotic, but it should not be confused with this group of drugs. It also cannot be classified as a sedative.

It has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. It is also not recommended to take it together with antidepressants, since their action mutually reduces activity. There are also virtually no side effects. The exception is allergic reactions and skin irritation.

ATX code

N06BX Other psychostimulants and nootropic drugs

Active ingredients

Pharmacological group

Nootropics (neurometabolic stimulants)

pharmachologic effect

Antihypoxic and antioxidant drugs

Neuroprotective drugs

Neurometabolic drugs

Indications for the use of glycine for a newborn

The drug should not be taken for prophylaxis. Despite the fact that it is natural and relatively safe, not all children can take it. It is prescribed only when indicated. Can be taken from birth. Usually prescribed by a neurologist in the first months of life. The indications are quite different from each other, but in general they are all related to the activity of the nervous system. Residues of the drug are easily excreted in the urine without causing harm to internal organs.

The drug must be given to children who have suffered birth trauma. Congenital encephalopathy and other functional pathologies are a direct indication for prescribing the drug.

Glycine for newborns with hypertension

Glycine is a proven remedy that has proven itself as an effective drug for the treatment of muscle hypertonicity. This problem quite often worries children of the newborn period. The newborn retains an instinct in which he bends his arms and legs under himself for a long time, placing himself in the fetal position. This is explained by excessive tone of the flexor muscles, which were constantly working in the prenatal period. As well as inactivity of extensor muscles that were not previously involved.

Normally, this condition gradually goes away after a month. If the muscles have not returned to normal within a month, help is required. In this case, glycine is often prescribed, which normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, relaxes the muscles and brings them to a normal state. Often prescribed in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures, especially massage and active-passive gymnastics. Usually this is enough to normalize the condition.

It is also necessary to prescribe glycine to children with tremor of the head, limbs and chin, which is observed both in a state of relaxation and rest, and in a state of nervous excitement, fear, and discomfort. In such a situation, glycine is used for 3-4 months. Promotes relaxation, falling asleep, and relieving excessive excitability. Hypertonicity must be treated as soon as it is diagnosed, because it can subsequently lead to complications, such as delayed mental and physical development, speech disorders, and coordination of movements.

Release form

Glycine is produced in the form of tablets, which are round in appearance and white in color. The package contains 25 and 50 tablets. Designed for absorption under the tongue.

The active ingredient glycine, which is an amino acid, is included in several drugs with different names. The Biotika company produces a drug under the same name glycine in packs of 50 tablets. The Evalar company produces "Glycine forte Evalar", which is additionally enriched with B vitamins, which promote better absorption of glycine and are also necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain. The package contains 20 lozenges. The Pharm company offers consumers the drug “Glycine Forte”. The package contains 50 tablets.


Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that is synthesized by the human body and performs important functions in the body, in particular, it takes part in the synthesis of proteins, which are the main structural components of the body, and affects brain receptors. Helps normalize metabolic processes in the cell, delivers oxygen and removes toxins and carbon dioxide from the body. Stabilizes the basic processes in the central nervous system.

It is a neurotransmitter that transmits nerve impulses and accelerates their processing. It can have both inhibitory and stimulating effects on receptors and neurons. Takes part in the detoxification of toxins and accelerates wound healing. It is part of almost all tissues, especially nervous tissue, the brain and spinal cord.

With insufficient synthesis of glycine in the body, metabolic processes are disrupted. Hormonal disruptions develop, metabolic processes slow down, protective functions and brain function deteriorate. This entails nervousness, irritability, anxiety, increased fatigue, and performance sharply decreases.

Changes gradually occur in other organs and systems, in particular, the state of the immune system is disrupted, hemoglobin levels drop, and protective functions deteriorate. Mental processes, in particular, attention, memory, thinking, are significantly reduced, and reaction speed slows down. The first effects of taking glycine are felt almost immediately after administration. A person’s mood noticeably improves, metabolic processes and sleep are normalized. A person sleeps better at night: he falls asleep easier, sleep becomes deeper, more balanced, and he wakes up easier. During the day there is enough energy for vigorous activity.

Otherwise, the effect of glycine is cumulative. In order to feel long-term effects, such as a sustained increase in performance, improvement and stabilization of nervous activity, mental processes, it is necessary to take the drug for a long time. It is necessary to strictly follow the treatment regimen. Failure to comply will result in no effect.

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Glycine is synthesized by the body and is a natural molecule for it, which is not perceived by the body as foreign. It is characteristic of both adults and children. The principle of its action is to introduce it into the metabolic processes of the body. Then it normalizes metabolic processes, first at the cellular, then at the tissue level.

Only after this the impact is carried out at the organ level. This leads to normalization of the nervous system, eliminates neurological problems and psychological disorders. Helps achieve a balance between the processes of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex.

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The drug is not used for prophylaxis; it can be used only if indicated. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to its components, a pronounced allergic reaction, skin irritation, redness of the mucous membrane during administration. Otherwise, the drug has no contraindications.

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Side effects of glycine for a newborn

Since the drug is a natural compound for the body, it has almost no side effects. But sometimes individual negative reactions are observed. For example, a child becomes too passive and inhibited, or, conversely, overexcited, capricious, and restless. Sometimes increased irritability, moodiness, nervousness may occur - all these are signs of individual intolerance. You need to tell your doctor as soon as possible. Allergy and intolerance are possible.

For prevention, a pediatric neurologist can prescribe medications that normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Glycine belongs to just such a group of drugs. For newborns (reviews confirm this) it is used quite often.

About the drug

Almost the entire adult population knows about this drug, since it is used for increased nervous excitability, during intense brain activity, and also in combination with long-term treatment of alcoholism. How can taking “Glycine” help children? Is it possible to take it independently without consulting a doctor? The instructions, which are mandatory for parents to study, will help answer this question.

This medication has a wide spectrum of action. It calms stress, thanks to it, the mental performance of the brain increases, and the condition of people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia and coronary artery disease improves.

Prescription of the drug for newborns

Healthy and calm babies without pathologies who are developing systematically do not require any medications.

Why is Glycine prescribed to newborns? It should not be used just because the action was positively appreciated by a colleague at work or a neighbor. Especially for newborn babies. Self-medication for children in the first year of life is strictly prohibited; this can only harm the baby. "Glycine" is given to infants only in cases recommended by a specialist - a neurologist or pediatrician.

Indications for taking "Glycine"

The instructions for use of the drug strictly define the indications for prescribing it for children:

  • Birth injury.
  • Congenital encephalopathy in children is also an indication for the complex use of the drug.
  • Use for a one-month-old child in case of a negative impact on his brain activity from intrauterine hypoxia.
  • Recommended for use if muscle hypertonicity is increased. After birth, hypertonicity is considered normal, but it should go away by a certain age. And in cases where this does not happen, the baby needs drug therapy, in the complex composition of which “Glycine” can be used.
  • When a child’s chin or arm tremor does not go away by three months, an amino acid can also help cope with this.
  • The medicine is used to treat children under one year of age with severe symptoms when the baby takes a long time and has difficulty falling asleep, is restless and often wakes up at night. In such situations, “Glycine” is necessary for a restless newborn. It is able to protect the baby’s nervous system from overstrain, as well as restore it during stress.

In all these cases, the drug "Glycine" can help.

Is specialist consultation necessary?

“Glycine” belongs to the group of drugs with natural ingredients that are easily excreted from the body. However, this does not mean that it can be given to a child under one year of age without examination by a neurologist.

Each child needs to select a specific treatment regimen to achieve a positive effect in restoring the child’s health. Parents should remember that the effect of “Glycine” does not appear immediately, but after a certain period of time of its use (this conclusion was made based on reviews of “Glycine” for newborns). If you give the drug occasionally, it will not have an effect on the baby’s body. And then the only improvement will be the quality of the baby’s sleep.

Mechanism of action

The body produces the amino acid glycine itself, that is, it is replaceable. Thanks to glycine, the body synthesizes protein, oxygen is delivered to cells, and the functioning of the central nervous system is normalized.

Glycine acts as a neurotransmitter, transmits nerve impulses, and has an exciting and inhibitory effect on neurons. Detoxification of toxins and healing of wounds occurs. This essential amino acid is found in all human tissues, primarily in the brain and spinal cord.

Prescription of the drug for children under 3 years of age

The instructions say that “Glycine” is recommended for use in children from 0 to 3 years old for problems with concentration and memory. The doctor should select the dosage based on the child's age. Positive reviews confirm the fact of the therapeutic effect of the drug on the body. If the dose is chosen correctly, then the general course of administration will normalize the neurological disorders that bother the baby.

How to give "Glycine"

In order not to harm the baby, you must always take into account the specifics of using all prescribed medications. Detailed consultation with a specialist and instructions will help with this. A specific dosage and duration of use of the drug is selected for the child, depending on the identified pathology and his age. The medication is produced in the form of small tablets that have a sweetish taste. Adults dissolve such tablets, place them under the tongue and wait for them to dissolve. But how to give “Glycine” to newborn babies?

Dosage and timing of taking “Glycine” for newborns

Newborns are prescribed Glycine tablets for a period of at least a month. And only when the period has expired will it be possible to evaluate the therapeutic effect of the drug. Usually, a baby is prescribed half a tablet in three doses per day. Children under one year old can be prescribed 1 tablet two to three times a day. A specific dose is selected in accordance with the identified disorders. In cases where Glycine has been recommended for sleep disorders, it should be given approximately 20 minutes before bedtime.

Side effects and contraindications

The instructions for use state that the drug has no clear contraindications for use. The body easily absorbs the amino acid and removes it just as quickly without accumulating it. Which contributes to minimal adverse reactions. However, we should not forget about individual intolerance, which occurs in extremely rare cases (according to reviews from mothers about the dosage of “Glycine” for children). Then allergies appear or anxiety increases. To record such signs, the drug is discontinued and another one is selected together with a neurologist. Glycine is considered safe from birth. This drug is often prescribed to pregnant women while breastfeeding. But you need to keep in mind that it works differently when taking antidepressants. The combined use of two groups of medications is selected specifically.

Last article updated: 04/26/2018

All parents ask themselves the question of whether or not to give this or that drug to their baby. Due to the rapid development of pharmaceuticals, there are many drugs on pharmacy shelves that have antioxidant, neuroprotective and neurometabolic effects. But which remedy will be the most harmless for your baby? After all, most of the medications presented cannot be given to children, let alone a baby who has just been born into this world. In our article we will talk about Glycine, the most commonly prescribed drug in pediatric practice. You will find out why, in what cases this medicine is prescribed and whether it can be given to infants.


First, let's define who a newborn is, how it differs from an infant, what “restructuring” occurs in its body.

A newborn is considered a child from the moment of birth until the twenty-eighth day of his life. Based on the stage of pregnancy at which the baby was born, infants are classified as full-term, premature or post-term.

A premature baby appears in this world before the 260th day of intrauterine life. In another way - before the thirty-seventh week. Such a child is characterized by low body weight and immaturity of internal structures. Initially, the underdevelopment of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and only then the nervous system is more important.

A post-term baby is born after the 42nd week of intrauterine life. Postmaturity is a serious condition that can harm not only the mother, but also the baby itself. After all, the bones of such a newborn are denser, and the fontanelles may be partially closed. This provokes increased pressure on the brain and can cause not only ischemic, but also hemorrhagic brain damage.

In addition, trauma to the cervical spine is likely, which after birth is manifested by weakness and lack of movement in the limbs. Currently, they are trying to deliver before the forty-second week.

In this article we will talk about full-term babies. They are distinguished by a loud cry, average weight and height, they move actively, willingly take their mother's breast or bottle and actively suck.

Changes in the baby's nervous system after birth

During the newborn period, the baby’s body adapts to our world. After cutting the umbilical cord, the supply of oxygen and nutrients from the mother is stopped. At the first cry, the baby's lungs expand and he begins to breathe on his own. There is a restructuring of the pathways through which the child’s organs and tissues will receive the substances necessary for his rapid growth and proper development.

During childbirth, the baby experiences enormous stress, especially on the brain, because the bones of the skull shift somewhat for a more successful passage through the birth path. The baby experiences severe pain, especially if the birth did not go quite smoothly. In addition, cases of appearance are not uncommon. This brings severe discomfort and pain, which becomes an additional reason for increased irritability and loudness of the newborn.

Initially, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems mature. The child’s nervous system at this moment is not sufficiently developed, and it is this system that changes the most over time.

It is necessary to understand that the number of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex is the same in both a newborn and an adult. The only difference is that in an adult, clear connections and interactions have been formed between the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex through processes. And in the brain of a newborn baby, neurons do not have developed axons and dendrites (this is the name given to the processes of nerve cells, due to which all studied and perceived information about the surrounding world is transmitted), strong connections have not yet been created between them.

A child, when born, goes through a difficult period. The stress level of the birth process, whether natural or induced (through surgery), is always high. During childbirth, the child may experience a lack of oxygen, be accompanied by severe pain, and the possibility of injury during various periods of labor cannot be ruled out.

A newborn experiences psychological stress when he finds himself in a completely unfamiliar environment. For proper adaptation and development of the brain, the baby often requires support in the form of taking various medications.

Glycine “through the eyes of a biochemist”

Glycine is a non-synthetic substance found in the body of every person. If you study this drug from the point of view of biochemistry, then you can definitely consider it essential, one of the twenty most important amino acids.

Glycine is involved in the creation of protein necessary for the human body, especially for a newly born baby. And it is irreplaceable because it is not produced in the body and must be supplied with food, in our case - through mixtures or by taking a drug.

If you adjust the diet of a nursing mother, you can add more lean varieties of meat and fish. And products such as nuts, soy products, marmalade, often need to be excluded for various reasons.

Now let's look at the wide range of Glycine's capabilities:

  1. Glycine helps nerve cells by adjusting their metabolism.
  2. The drug gently soothes the child, helping to calmly endure the pain experienced during passage through the mother’s birth canal and during hygiene procedures, for example, during the treatment of the umbilical cord.
  3. In case of sleep disturbances, Glycine for newborns facilitates the process of falling asleep, improves the quality of sleep, as anxiety and feelings of fear are reduced.
  4. Helps remove toxic substances from the body that could enter the baby's body.
  5. Reduces the severity of certain disorders in ischemic brain damage.
  6. Glycine, having nootropic properties, helps to establish connections between nerve cells, promoting faster adaptation to the environment.
  7. If there is a pronounced effect on the child’s muscular system from the spinal cord, glycine helps to reduce muscle tone and eliminates “violent” movements of the arms and legs, inhibiting the activity of motor neurons.
  8. Participates in the development of the baby's immunity.
  9. The drug is completely broken down in the body, which means it does not accumulate.
  10. Glycine is also called a “beautiful acid” for infants, because it promotes enhanced nutrition of the skin and hair follicles.

Despite all the positive aspects of the drug, loving parents should not independently prescribe medications to their children under one year of age. Yes, this drug has almost no side effects, but it should be taken only after being prescribed by a pediatric neurologist in compliance with the regimen, without increasing the recommended dosage on your own.

When is Glycine prescribed to newborns?

Now let's look at what changes a newborn can be prescribed Glycine.

  1. Birth injury.
  2. If the baby’s brain was left without oxygen for a long time, that is, it experienced hypoxia. For example, during prolonged labor, entanglement of the umbilical cord, or if the child has swallowed amniotic fluid.
  3. Congenital encephalopathy, combining several syndromes.
  4. A movement disorder characterized by an increase or decrease in muscle tone in the arms and legs of a newborn.
  5. Excessive neuropsychic excitability. The baby has trouble falling asleep, often wakes up for no external reason, and reacts violently to minor irritation.
  6. An increase that can lead to hydrocephalus.
  7. Excessively large fruit.
  8. If during pregnancy the mother suffered from infectious diseases and took medications, Glycine is used to better remove toxic substances from the newborn’s body.
  9. Glycine should help if the baby has tremors of the chin, arms and legs.

It is not recommended to give glycine on your own to prevent various disorders.

How to give a newborn Glycine tablet?

For adults and older children, Glycine is given under the tongue. This is how the drug slowly dissolves and is absorbed into the blood through the oral mucosa. This option is not suitable for newborns and infants, as there is a high probability that the baby will choke. Glycine has a sweetish taste, so it should not cause vomiting reactions or excessive salivation in the baby.

There are several ways to give glycine to a newborn:

  1. First, divide the Glycine tablet so as to obtain the required dosage of the drug. Then we grind it and get a powder from this part of the tablet (you can grind it in a spoon or on a sterile paper napkin). Now take a small amount of water (it should not be hot or cold) and dissolve the resulting powder in it. We pour the drug prepared in this way into the baby’s mouth.
  2. The second method differs in that you dip a wet pacifier, which the baby likes, into the already prepared glycine powder. In this case, the manipulation is repeated until the child “eats” the entire single dose. If your baby rejects pacifiers, you can place a previously washed, damp finger behind the baby’s cheeks and under the tongue, distributing the powder.

There are suggestions about the possibility of giving Glycine to a baby through its intake during breastfeeding. It is assumed that the mother takes the drug and it is partially excreted in breast milk. This method is scientifically unsubstantiated.

Glycine is prescribed to newborns for a period of at least 28 days. Usually the dose prescribed for the whole day is divided into two or three doses.

If Glycine is prescribed to a child due to a disorder in the sleep-wake cycle, due to frequent interruptions in sleep, then give the medicine about half an hour before the expected sleep. During this time, the drug will have time to be absorbed and begin to have its effect.

Individual intolerance

As mentioned above, the drug has almost no side effects. Cases of increased excitability of the nervous system in children have been described, which were more often associated with a dosage violation when taking the drug or its combination with other drugs without prior consultation with the attending physician.