
Electrical power and electrical engineering


In modern economic conditions, the energy complex is the most stable industry. Almost today there is no branch of human activity where electrical energy is not used. A large number of electrical power and electrical systems are life support systems for settlements, enterprises, all types of production, transport, etc. Problems of energy saving, both in large enterprises and in small and medium-sized businesses, with rising tariffs, become of utmost importance. In this regard, the need for energy specialists is increasing every year.

Any enterprise, organization, firm, even the smallest one, must resolve issues of its heat and electricity supply and have a specialist on staff who is capable of doing this. Such specialists are graduates of the direction “Electric power and electrical engineering". They are always in demand and are provided with high-paying jobs.

An electrical engineer is a specialist with a higher technical education in power supply systems, electrical installations, networks and systems. An electrical engineer works at energy and electrification enterprises, industrial, transport, agricultural enterprises, in design, engineering and scientific organizations.


Design, construction of the electrical part of industrial plants and equipment, power supply systems for cities, enterprises, etc., design of electrical machines and devices;

Development of technological processes for power supply,

Construction and operation of power and electrical equipment;

Installation, adjustment, testing and maintenance of electrical equipment;

Methods for monitoring the condition of the electrical parts of installations and equipment, power supply systems.


Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, electrical engineering and structural materials science, general energy, power substations, power systems and networks, relay protection and automation of power systems, high voltage technology, operation of power supply systems.


Energy companies,

Workers of power plants, thermal power plants, electricians of the housing and communal services complex,

Cable design in houses, new buildings.

Design of new engines, machines, electrical energy metering systems, design of transformers and transformer substations,

Non-traditional energy sources,

Energy management and energy audit.

About the direction:

Electric power industry is one of the leading branches of energy, which includes the sale, transmission and production of electricity. This branch of energy is considered important because it has great advantages relative to other types of energy, namely: distribution between consumers, it is easy to transport over long distances and convert into other energy (thermal, mechanical, light, chemical, etc.). A distinctive feature of electrical energy is its simultaneity in energy generation and consumption, since electric current travels through networks almost at the speed of light.

At this time, there are several types:

Thermal power engineering.

The principle is this: the combustion energy (thermal) of organic fuels is converted into electrical energy. The thermal power industry includes thermal power plants - condensing and district heating.

Nuclear energy.

It includes nuclear power plants. The principle of generating electricity is similar to energy generation at thermal power plants. The difference is that thermal energy is obtained by fission of atomic nuclei in a reactor, and not by burning fuel.


This type of energy generation includes hydroelectric power plants. Here, the energy of water flow (kinetic) is converted into electricity. With the help of dams, an artificial difference in surface levels on rivers is created. Under the influence of gravity, water from the upper pool flows through special channels into the lower compartment. There are water turbines in the ducts, their blades are spun by the water flow.

The direction “Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering” represents a part of science and technology, which includes a set of means, methods and methods of activity created for the use of electrical energy, control of its flows, direct and reverse conversion of other types of energy into electrical energy.

The objects of professional activity of a bachelor are:

  • electrical machines, electromechanical complexes and systems, including their control and regulation;
  • complexes and systems of electromechanical and electronic devices;
  • automatic devices and systems for controlling energy flows;
  • electrotechnological, electric welding and electrophysical installations and processes;
  • various types of electric transport and means of ensuring the optimal functioning of transport systems;
  • elements and systems of electrical equipment of cars and tractors;
  • electrical power systems;
  • electrical facilities of industrial enterprises;
  • all factory low-voltage and high-voltage electrical equipment, electrical installations, networks.

Graduates with a degree in Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering are always in demand specialists in the labor market. Upon completion of training, graduates of this profile successfully find application of their knowledge in energy companies, industrial, motor transport, agricultural enterprises, design and research organizations. They can work in the following positions: energy engineer, chief energy engineer, process engineer, site manager, industrial power engineer, city power grid engineer.

Everyone makes decisions in their life about who and where to work. Although when choosing a profession, personal preferences and desires are primarily taken into account, we must not forget about demand in the labor market. Analyzing information about vacancies, many come to the conclusion that the profession of electrical engineer is one of the most in demand. After all, now technological advances completely surround our lives. Sometimes we don’t think that all this equipment is the persistent and hard work of power engineers, and without them it would not be able to fully function.

Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering are part of science and technology with means, methods and methods of activity in the use, management and conversion of electrical energy.

Job Descriptions

An energy engineer is a specialist involved in equipping and maintaining energy systems. Its activities cover quite a lot of responsibilities and rights. What What are the responsibilities of this specialist?

This profession is considered very prestigious. Specialists in this field have high salaries. With increased skill, through hard work and innovation, income can increase.

Specialists in the field of electrical energy work:

Gradually, moving up the career ladder, an electrician will be able to reach the position of technical engineer. The electric power industry can do research work, working in laboratories, scientific institutes, doing research in the field of electrical engineering, creating autonomous sources, power plants powered by natural “accumulators” (wind, sun). Also, prospects are opening up for specialists to work abroad, leaving for developed countries.

Specialist training

The activities of electric power and electrical engineering require secondary specialized technical or higher vocational education, with a specific specialization. And many higher educational institutions are preparing a new generation of energy engineers.

Each specialty gives the right to work in the energy sector.

Objects of professional activity Bachelor's students are very diverse:

  1. Electrical machines, mechanisms, systems, their control and adjustment.
  2. Electromechanical, electrical power and electronic devices.
  3. Devices and systems for controlling the flow of electricity.
  4. Technological, welding, physical installations.
  5. Types of electric transport, means of ensuring optimal operation of systems.
  6. Items and equipment for cars and tractors.
  7. Electrical equipment of industrial enterprises.
  8. Low and high voltage plant equipment, installations and networks.

After graduation, the new young professional works in the field of electrical system maintenance, energy security, or as an engineer.

Requirements and professional skills

Those who have chosen the profession of electric power engineer must develop and improve such qualities as:

This profession is suitable for a person with a technician’s mentality, who is able to “make friends” with mathematics, conducting accurate logical and mathematical calculations, since the slightest inaccuracy and trifle in the work can be a disaster.

Attention and the ability to focus exclusively on the work process are also very important, since work is constantly underway with dangerous elements. They understand that sometimes people's lives and the integrity of the territory are in their hands.

People working in this field of activity must be able to make serious decisions and bear full responsibility for their consequences.

In the energy profession, you need to use an innovative approach, since you often have to modernize equipment and develop new technologies.

The specialist must have the abilities of an analyst, use technical thinking, have computer skills, and include drawing skills: compose, navigate them, understand engineering systems, and be able to draw up technical documentation.

The power engineer is also required to know operating rules energy devices, remember regulatory documents (SNiP, GOST), understand devices, understand the processes of their operation and communication of electrical equipment, know technological processes in all areas of energy.


This profile trains a new generation of power engineers who will be able to design and operate any electric power and thermal power plants, regardless of what energy resource they use: natural energy flows or unconventional electricity and heat generation schemes. Training in a specialty involves studying a large number of specialized subjects and several general disciplines, as well as research work. Among the required subjects: thermal engineering, electrical engineering materials science, fundamentals of energy, structural materials science, energy machines, theoretical foundations of mechanics, hydroaeromechanics, renewable energy sources, life safety.

Who to work with

Depending on the profile chosen by bachelors, they can find employment in energy-saving companies, at power plants of any type, in technology parks, at industrial enterprises (as energy specialists) or in scientific organizations. The competence of young specialists includes control over the transmission and distribution of energy, its use, production and transformation. After graduating from a university, a bachelor’s degree in energy and electricity often works as an electrical system maintenance specialist, energy safety specialist, or engineer. In the future, he can climb the career ladder and take the position of project manager or technical director. Those who are interested in research work can find employment in scientific laboratories and institutes and engage in innovative research in the field of electricity, the creation of autonomous energy sources and power plants powered by energy from natural flows (for example, from wind or sun).