© Satanovsky E., 2015

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2015

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“The town... lived off its labor... they were specialists... They were hard workers! With us... they won’t even give you a life... because they oppressed you, they oppressed you on purpose...”

O. Belova, V. Petrukhin. “Slavs and Jews: practice and mythology of neighborhood”

“Each of us is a criminal: Jewish blood falls on our heads.”

J.-P. Sartre. "Reflections on the Jewish Question"

"The problem is not that We we remember everything. The problem is that You All have forgotten"

V. Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress

From the author
About the Holocaust and the USSR

Everyone pays their price in this life. If he deems it necessary, of course. How many people live in this world who want only one thing - to be left behind? They would give me the opportunity to sit out in the bearish corner. Or, on the contrary, to be a plug in every barrel, crow on every fence and feel like a citizen of the world. In the end, it still won’t work out, but how many people understand this? For example, you live in a country that defeated Nazism. And at such a price that her bosses didn’t seriously mention it for decades. Or a million dead. Or ten million. Or twenty-five. The archives are closed. Who counted these war victims...

To this day no one knows how many there actually were. How he doesn’t know where they all lie. Vysotsky was right: they don’t put crosses on mass graves. And how they died is mostly unknown to anyone. Something about someone. Moreover, the Soviet Union no longer exists, and few people are interested in what actually happened in that war. Whether this country that has passed into history was good or bad, it was what it was. In any case, Auschwitz was taken not by the Americans or the British, but by the Red Army. Roosevelt and Churchill did not have enough ammunition to bomb the access roads to the death camps. Although it was quite enough to raze German cities with civilian populations to the ground. Dresden is there. Hamburg.

Was Stalin the executioner and the criminal or the Generalissimo and the General Secretary? Who will understand it? Actually, it's both. A global political leader who, in an updated form, revived the Russian Empire, which became a superpower. A bloody tyrant, cruel and cunning in an oriental way... Did the country have options? There were no options. If not this one, then another one. But Berlin was taken precisely under the “father of nations.” And it was under him that one of the author’s grandfathers died in the war, and the other became a colonel. I would have become an admiral if I had not been a Jew. Just at the time when it was time to change his “two lumens, three stars” to the corresponding regalia, the “Doctors’ Plot” arrived and the campaign against cosmopolitans arrived. Although, on the other hand, engineer-colonel Lev Wagner was not shot, like his pre-war Far Eastern commander Vasily Blucher. And when such an era is around, what else do you want from life, except life itself?

But, we repeat, everyone pays their price. And the author is no exception. That war ended seventy years ago. A new redistribution of Europe is taking place before our eyes. Again there are battles in Ukraine - there are new times and new national heroes. Now these are Petliurists and UPA - Bandera, pogromists and executioners. The Nazis are marching again in the Baltics. It’s not that the Russian nationalists who stood in their way greatly pleased the author as allies and harbingers of a bright future. However, others are not yet visible. The West, as it turned out, is for the Nazis. All, from the United States to the European Union. They are considered democrats there. Although among the intellectuals there both Hitler and Mussolini were democrats. The liberal Western intelligentsia is accustomed to carrying dictators in their arms - they loved both Stalin and the Nazis...

Domestic democratic internationalists, it seems, did not expect such a turn at all. Their traditions were well-established: in the Kremlin there was a corrupt KGB, in the White House there were bright banners of progress and brotherly love for humanity. Again, Boris Nemtsov was shot dead right next to this Kremlin - it is clear that if not Putin himself, then on his orders, these same ones who are indicated above. Who else can?! And now? If you think about it a little? Head? When Washington and Brussels, despite the strong exaggeration of domestic propaganda about NATO, to which Russian television shows excessive respect, considering this disabled union of military pensioners to be the main external enemy of Russia, demonstrably demonstrate what exactly the classics of Marxism meant by the bestial grin of imperialism?

Compared to them, not only Putin or Nazarbayev, who are honored and praised for their restraint, which has no chance of mutual gratitude, but Belarusian Lukashenko also looks like a lesser evil. At least from a Jewish point of view. Although, of course, two Jews - three opinions. The Russian-Ukrainian turmoil stirred up such a storm in Jewish heads that humanity had not seen since the First World War. And the Jews who are tearing their throats and textiles on their chests for “Ridna Nenko Ukraine” against “Putin’s quilted jackets and Colorados” exist in large numbers in the world. And those who believe that they are completely bruised, since the heroic defenders of Kyiv with their tridents strongly remind of the pogrom specificity of Ukrainian nationalism - it does not have another and never has had one. He who is not a Makhnovist is a Petliurist...

However, among the different Jewish points of view, there is one inherent in the author. This point of view is Jewish, because the author has no other one by definition. Reader! Take this as a warning against possible damage to your conciliarity and spirituality, if you are particularly vulnerable or have been bruised by these objects since childhood. This is exactly a Jewish book. More precisely, it was written by a Russian Jew from a Russian-Jewish point of view. Because the author is a classic Jew of the empire. Whatever you call it: the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union or Russia.

His, the author’s, biography could begin in Ukraine, where his parents, wife, as well as a lot of friends and relatives are from. But it just so happened that he was born and lived all his life in Moscow. He speaks and writes in Russian, which is his only native language. He was brought up, like all normal Soviet people, as an atheist. And he considers his homeland to be the country where he grew up, that is, the USSR. Since I have never been to Belovezhskaya Pushcha and did not vote for the division of the Union.

Recognizing the inevitability and irreversibility of historical processes as such, the author saw in his grave attempts to impose on him idiotic optimism about this event, characteristic of the elite of all fifteen countries carved out of the former superpower. There is nothing fun for him here. Well, they didn’t kill everyone in the country in a nuclear war - thanks to the respected former members of the Politburo. The former general secretary was not shot or imprisoned - this is generally his personal problem. However, since the author, according to the newfangled vocabulary, began life as a “scoop,” he, with the permission of the reading public, will end it that way. Why don’t you at all need to run to rallies with red flags and subscribe to the newspaper “Zavtra”, which, like its pretentious and eloquent creator, the author, to be honest, makes him pretty sick.

Just as the author was a Jew in the Soviet Union, he remains one. In all its former, current and future guises. Schoolboy and student. Komsomol activist. Member of the leadership of the Jewish underground of the USSR - MASHKA. Design engineer and hot shop worker at the Hammer and Sickle plant. The President of a metallurgical corporation or the Russian Jewish Congress. Freelance employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and commissar of the Moscow City headquarters of operational detachments. And also the head of the Middle East Institute. Which meant both in those days when the CPSU Central Committee was located on Old Square, and after, when it was replaced by the Presidential Administration, several simple truths, like a tram sleeper. Including the following.

There are Jewish people and a Jewish state in the world. In both, to be honest, both the author himself and all other Jews were and are interested for the most part in friends and relatives. In particular, the right to freely communicate with them is sacred. Jews are a quiet people, but family-oriented to the point of massacre. For the opportunity to go to your mother’s or mother-in-law’s anniversary, to call a friend from your youth and find out the latest news about how they are all doing, with the obligatory display of photographs of children and grandchildren, any walls will be torn down. If the entire Soviet government did not stop them in their desire to implement this national habit at a time when Andropov personally was installed as the head of the KGB...

And so, if you don’t try to knock out what is originally Jewish from them, then you’re welcome. And for a feat of labor. And to the front. And with your chest on the embrasure. And into reconnaissance. And to the damn middle of nowhere. In the Arctic, in the mountains and desert, in the jungle and taiga, in the ocean, on a long hike or in Antarctica for the winter. Which of the current bosses would need it... But that’s a different story. However, exit visas have been abolished in present-day Russia, and Israel has a generally visa-free regime. So the main problems in relations between Jews and the official authorities of the country have been resolved.

Again, religious freedoms - I don’t want to pray. The rabbis are received in the Kremlin, and the president allows himself to look into the big Jewish holiday in the synagogue. The same can be said about the highest military-political leadership of the State of Israel - they travel to Russia and receive domestic leaders more often than not. Yes, and freedom of business in the country, despite all the justification of claims about prohibitive bureaucracy and corruption, has a place to be. Anyone who doesn’t like Russia in this regard can start their own business in Turkmenistan and compare the results.

Freedom of information in our country is complete – which, by the way, is also a big deal. With all the understanding of what impudent rubbish creeps out of all the cracks within its framework. What kind of swindlers and swindlers begin to churn out their versions of history, what kind of confusion they cause on the reading public and a shadow on the fence on state television - fortunately, this category of people earns a lot from their “creativity”. But the author remembers very well the times when everything Jewish around was absent as a class, although Jews were a dime a dozen in the country. There was zero. Full. About history and culture. Religion and language. National literature and, which was completely out of the question, national cuisine. And nothing about the Holocaust.

And this is in the USSR, where the Nazis killed more Jews than in any other country in the world. Where the genocide was the most cruel and bloody in Europe, and in every Jewish family someone died at the front, in the ghetto, in the execution ditch or in concentration camps. Nothing. Monuments to victims - exclusively “Soviet citizens”. There are a few books about atrocities in concentration camps - with an emphasis on the heroism of Soviet prisoners of war. Stories from elders - who told anything at all. For the most part they were all silent. They mentioned it in passing, without details. As far as the author understands now, not even because they were afraid - in the 70s there was nothing to be afraid of. But why bother? such?

Tearing your soul? To traumatize children, driving into them a lifelong fear of their neighbors - during the war, for the most part, it was up to the neighbor whether they would be rescued or extradited? No one could help anyone anyway. The dead died. The survivors survived. And by the way, those who survived it didn’t talk much about the war. It was too scary a time. At the front, either you kill or you are killed. In the rear... What funny things can you tell about him? About hard labor, about hunger, about what it’s like when your bread cards are stolen? The parents spoke half a word at a time - a phrase here, half a phrase there. Then guess for yourself.

On the other hand, as they say, we've passed. Well, let's go. All. Fascism is defeated and will never return. For this, our troops are stationed throughout Eastern Europe, and socialism is sweeping the planet. Again, communism will be built by 1980. The party said, the Komsomol answered “yes.” Glory to the heroes of war, glory to the heroes of labor! And monuments, monuments, monuments... Hero cities on the stream. "Small Land". Although - “Hot Snow”, and “In the Trenches of Stalingrad”, and some people have “The Gulag Archipelago” in samizdat... And suddenly it turned out that this was also a terrible thing that happened during the war.

The whole world knew about the Holocaust. The catastrophe of European Jewry. Shoah - in Hebrew. Only we didn’t even have such a word. Maybe because the words were very non-Russian. Or maybe because the Nazis killed and killed. But the Jews. And because they are Jews. With all possible support and warm sympathy of a huge number of the surrounding non-Jewish population. Which, as it was, after the war again turned out to be Soviet citizens. And now what, these Jews, who were already dead anyway, were to prick his eyes? The memory of the fallen, historical truth and other abstract matters are, of course, wonderful. But political expediency demanded something else. This other thing triumphed for the time being.

Veterans began to break the existing system. Like Efim Gokhberg - an old, stocky, long-nosed and bald as a knee Jewish colonel, his chest covered in orders, who cringed when he heard about the Jews “who fought in Tashkent.” Or he looked at photographs in military encyclopedias, under which “politically correct” authors wrote the sterile-neutral “execution of a partisan.” Although everyone who was obliged to know this was well aware that this was not an unknown Soviet heroine, but a more specific Jewish Masha Bruskina.

It was difficult to deal with the veterans - it was cheaper to let them all go to Israel. But just then the exit was closed. They all ended up in denial and started a guerrilla war there. As they would say now, against “falsification of history.” And absolutely, according to all Soviet canons, using legal methods. Although theoretically they could, despite their age and state of health, start something like this... But it’s a non-Jewish thing to fight against the Motherland. No matter how bastard she was, no matter how she mocked and plastered. Whatever it is is still its own. The country is not responsible for the state. And especially not responsible for those who lead it. They climbed up there - you can’t get rid of them with dust. Although among them there are people like people.

So, party officials tried to scare the veterans. Found someone! As they say, scare the hedgehog with a naked aphedron. And there the younger generation caught up. Jewish informal “hikers” of the 80s walked not to places of military glory, but to places of mass executions. They found abandoned graves containing thousands and tens of thousands. They chased away looters who were looking for “Jewish gold.” They demanded that local administrations remove stadiums and vegetable gardens, public toilets and other obscenities from the execution ditches, which, from the authorities’ point of view, belonged on Jewish bones. What a time it was, these were the people in charge...

And then the country was turned upside down, shaken up, and it split. It turned out that it is possible to be a Jew. You can emigrate. And live your own Jewish life, such as it is. You can build a Memorial Synagogue in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill, where there is a church and a mosque. The world did not turn upside down when Boris Yeltsin, the President of Russia, came to its opening in 1998, bowing his head in memory of the dead Jews.

Although, by the way, American President Bill Clinton, who was present in Moscow at that time, did not want to come. For what reasons, it doesn’t matter at all. But the first to visit the Russian synagogue was his successor, George Bush, five years later in St. Petersburg. And when someone then tells the author about America, the main ally and guarantor of the survival of Jews and the Jewish state... You don’t need enemies when you have such allies.

From the author
About the Holocaust and Russia

The above-mentioned Memorial Synagogue and the Jewish Museum, located in the same building, were built by Vladimir Gusinsky, the first president of the Russian Jewish Congress, banker and media tycoon, creator of the Most Group and NTV. He built it with the possible help of Yuri Luzhkov, the bearer of the historical cap, the husband of his wife and the first real mayor of post-Soviet Moscow. Who was never a Jew. His opponents had a lot of complaints against Luzhkov, and there were countless enemies. However, he did more for Moscow and its residents than all the others who led the city. And before him. And so far after. Moreover, both he and, by the way, Gusinsky had their own style - let’s pay tribute to the fallen greatness.

The last remark refers to the fact that the oligarch and member of the “seven bankers” of the 90s V.G. did not agree on the life and future of the country with his eternal competitor and sworn enemy Boris Berezovsky, and then with the second/fourth president of the country Vladimir Putin to such an extent that he no longer lives in Russia. He served just a little bit, rather as a warning, and the business was bought back from him. And not cheap. Although not for the price he himself wanted to set. Well, it’s not harmful to want, but in comparison with other oligarchs-refuseniks, the same B.B. who died in London exile or Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who, by the way, the author believes was the main interest and beneficiary of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, he got off with a rarity easy.

As for the mayor of Moscow, he did not get along so well with Dmitry Medvedev, who replaced Putin and preceded him as president, that he was immediately removed from business by the latter. The one-time locum tenens of the Russian throne was quick and tough to deal with regional satraps. Moreover, this was done as voluntarily as it was irrevocable. As the top management is accustomed to doing, obviously compensating with demonstrative decisiveness for helplessness in real affairs - including governing the country as prime minister. Although the said bosses quickly sent the new mayor to Moscow for feeding and not without pleasure - for themselves. With a much more restrained reaction from the capital's residents.

After that, a fair part of the Moscow region was attached to Moscow, turning it on the map from an elegant oval into the semblance of a comet with a truncated tail, and they stopped selling honey at every turn (Luzhkov was a passionate beekeeper). Almost all the trading kiosks were demolished before Christmas, ruining, according to the most approximate estimates, 70 thousand small and medium-sized businessmen and who knows how many of their employees (evil tongues claimed that this operation was lobbied by the owners of retail chains, who decided to put an end to their competitors with the help of the new authorities). True, those who entered under the “roof” (I wonder whose?), indicated by the characteristic cladding of the remaining trading and catering places in the city with gray-red metal plates, reminiscent of the scenery for the old “Star Wars”, survived for the time being.

Plus, they began to cut hospitals and “merge” schools - due to the obvious prospects for filling the pockets of the city’s fathers with paid medicine and education compared to free education and medicine. We started, giving up halfway, replacing the asphalt with clinker - as the townspeople joked, assessing the quality of this coating, “disposable.” They announced an urgent need for the population to build “churches within walking distance” and to erect a mega-monument to Prince Vladimir, the baptizer of Rus', on the Lenin Hills, where nothing heavy can be built due to the unsuitable geological foundation. Along the way, they ruined the construction complex that was the basis of Mayor Luzhkov’s empire and recruited God knows who from God knows where instead of Moscow builders.

In addition, the new capital authorities have improved (and increased the cost of visitors many times more) city parks and introduced mass cycling around Moscow on bicycles (without laying European-style bicycle paths), while simultaneously banning the carriage of bicycles in the metro. They distributed paid parking throughout the city for private vehicles of residents and planned several new metro stations, the quality of construction of which will remain silent. The curbs bordering the lawns were uprooted and the soil on the same lawns was replaced with utter dirt, half of which, in the absence of curbs, remained on city sidewalks. After protests from residents, some of the curbs were returned, but the dirt remained.

Under the pretext of clearing the city of foreign migrant workers, the services responsible for the cleanliness of courtyards and streets, including snow removal, were dismantled. Those who remained, instead of traditional means for melting ice, were given incredibly toxic chemicals that immediately destroy not only leather shoes, but also tires. Let us keep silent about the paws of unfortunate pets belonging to Muscovites. Ultimately, it became clear to the townspeople that the joke, widespread under the previous administration, that one should steal from profit, had become a thing of the past completely and irrevocably, along with the practice that gave rise to it. This is where the transformation of the Russian capital into a European city ended.

The synagogue on Poklonnaya, we note for the objectivity of the picture, no one touched it. And they didn’t interfere with her work. Neither under the aforementioned V.V. Putin, nor under D.A. Medvedev, who inherited the post of autocrat of All Rus' after him, did any of the powers that be attempt to have the Jews tear off the memorial plaque from its building, which spoke of the role of Goose in its construction (as his inner circle called V.G. in a friendly and familiar manner). That is, during modern fights between Russian lords, their Jewish claps’ forelocks stopped cracking. Let us note this to the honor of Vladimir Vladimirovich, for those who want to kill the Jews, so that their Jewish spirit will not exist, and before him there was nowhere in the domestic authorities, and under him there were also enough of them. But they were not given freedom.

The synagogue did not initially have a permanent rabbi, since services there were held only on Jewish holidays. It was planned that they would be led in turn by representatives of all branches of Judaism, regardless of their relationship with each other. That the rabbis successfully buried everything together. From some point on, the intelligent slob Zinovy ​​Kogan and his reformists, who was friends with both the authorities and the Orthodox hierarchs, became entrenched on Poklonnaya. And so that life would not seem like butter, a local madman, former boatswain of the river fleet Timofey, was constantly trying to get him out of there, demanding that the memorial and museum be given to the Fili-Davydkovo community. At the same time, there was more harm from him than from all anti-Semites combined.

However, there is no harm in wanting – and boatswain Timofey felt this to the fullest. Since the director of the Museum of the Holocaust and Jewish Heritage (that’s what it was called) was in charge of the complex on Poklonnaya, Olga Sokolova, a respectable, experienced and tough-tempered lady. One of the best specialists in Russia, whose exhibitions can be found in the country's largest museums. At her initiative, a stream of visitors came to the memorial, including excursions from Moscow and provincial schools. Which for the first time opened one of the most tragic pages of Russian history for the vast majority of its inhabitants. Moreover, the museum’s exposition made a deafening impression on non-Jewish visitors - there was nothing like it in the country at that time.

Gusinsky, with the support of Luzhkov, built the Holocaust Memorial, “registering” it in official Russian history. The author, as chairman of the board of directors, third president, and then vice-president of the Russian Jewish Congress, spent a lot of time and effort on maintaining this building in order. Moreover, it was distinguished by the latest architecture and fantastic decoration design - the work of the famous Frank Meisler - and was the first synagogue in Russia after the revolution, built not as a temporary structure, which was the same historical wooden Chabad hut in Maryina Roshcha. Those interested can visit and admire - the synagogue on Poklonnaya Hill is open to the public.

In addition, over the course of several decades of his Jewish biography, the author, to the best of his ability, helped in the publication of books about the Holocaust by the Gesharim publishing house of Mikhail Grinberg, better than whom no one in the world has published Jewish literature in Russian and does not print to this day. He supported the research of Ilya Altman, a major scientist with a difficult character, whose field research and work in archives served as the basis for the creation of the encyclopedia “The Holocaust on the Territory of the USSR.” However, the events that took place during the extermination of Jews by the Nazis in Eastern Europe received worldwide recognition largely thanks to Vyacheslav Kantor.

Why the dollar billionaire, the “king of fertilizers” (a gigantic business, by the way, was and remains), the owner of one of the world’s best collections of Russian avant-garde and horse breeder, needed the post of fifth president of the Russian Jewish Congress is more or less clear. Why he wanted to become the first person from Russia to head the European Jewish Congress is all the more understandable. Even why he founded and headed the Luxembourg Forum to Prevent Nuclear Catastrophe can be somehow calculated. But out of such a fright Kantor came up with the idea, put him on his hump and dragged the international forum “Life for My People,” dedicated to perpetuating the memory of the victims of the Holocaust, cannot be explained based on formal logic.

Externally and after the fact – when everything worked out, it’s clear! 2005 – event in Polish Krakow and Auschwitz. Guests: the entire world elite. Presidents in assortment, from American to Russian. More precisely, from Russian to American. The second – 2006, Kyiv – Babi Yar. Guests: President Yushchenko plus many others. Third – 2008, Strasbourg and Brussels. European Parliament - anniversary of Kristallnacht. Powerful, bright, with the typical Cantor scope. And it was precisely when the Europeans began to “sweep the topic under the rug.” And, strictly speaking, if it weren’t for V.K., she would have been swept there. What is the Holocaust? Well, the Jews had something in the 20th century... But what do we have to do with it?

Starting with Poland, continuing with Ukraine and ending with Western Europe, cold and politically correct, vile, he punched through it all like a matador’s bull in a bullfight - and punched through. With a high degree of probability, if it were not for the summit he organized in Auschwitz, the largest Nazi death camp would have been successfully pushed to the margins of the Polish political calendar. They began to do this with the ingenuous straightforwardness inherent in modern Poland. In which memorials at the sites of Nazi concentration camps from the early 90s were perceived not as a legacy of genocide, organized with the sympathy and support of a huge part of the local population, but as birthmarks of socialism. That is, they might not have decided to demolish them so simply, but they have already begun to schedule mourning events for Jewish holidays so that the Israelis, at least the believers, would not be able to come.

As for Ukraine, communication with the administration of President Yushchenko, who before his victory in the elections liked to mention on occasion how his father was in concentration camps (who would have thought to ask him in what capacity he was there), is a special song. Having responded to the persistent recommendation of the Americans to award the title of Hero of Ukraine to Major Shapiro, who opened the gates of Auschwitz, Kyiv could not help but win back its own. At the same time, Roman Shukhevych was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine, famous for the fact that for Jews and Poles this instructor at the Abwehr sabotage school and Hauptmann of the Nachtigal battalion was the executioner of executioners. Well, what can this be compared to? With a slap? With a spit in the face? However, it was just that the secret of the then official Kyiv burst through. Today everything is worse there. Much worse.

And Europe - at least Germany, including the local Jewish community... “It’s not worth disturbing”, “it’s not a good time to remember the past” - the least that was said. The Jewish leaders of Munich and Berlin were convincing: an international forum dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust was not expected in these cities on the seventieth anniversary of the pogroms that started it. Obviously fearing the consequences - and, judging by everything that is currently happening in Western Europe, where the real exodus of Jews began, they were right. Why was the Kristallnacht event held where it was: the French and Belgians did not mind once again reminding the Germans of who they are - or who they were in the 30s.

The “European politician” (with emphasis on at least the second syllable - if it is a person, at least on the last one - if it is a process), as Aleksey Tolstoy and Valentin Pikul described him, is the most vile brute. So there was no way to earn social status and recognition from the European Union elite by preserving the memory of the victims among the descendants of their executioners or dispassionate observers of the crimes of the Nazis and local collaborators. This is not to criticize Israel while flirting with voters from among the new Europeans of African and Middle Eastern origin! The question is, what did Kantor and his team get from all the above-described works of the righteous, except a headache? Who's to say?

According to the author, he knows the people he writes about well enough; he had nothing to gain from it except a simple maxim: he wanted it that way. The man said it, the man did it. Kantor followed the principle and achieved his goal, no matter who tried to stop him. Moreover, with many people in Poland, for example, because of this, he seriously spoiled relations. But Jews are generally a lively people. In their hearts and with a hot hand they can conquer a country, found a world religion, twist aggressive neighbors into a ram’s horn, and make an atomic bomb literally on their knees... Jews can do a lot of things. It's cheaper to get them. But if you got it, there’s no point in being offended. When they are not allowed to do something, they, the Jews, will definitely do it. Which applies to all the persons mentioned. And by the way, to the author himself.

As for the book that the reader holds in his hands, it was born by chance. The same way books are usually born. And children. Once upon a time there was a magazine called “Expert” (it still exists). And they asked the author for a special issue on genocides (not the most pleasant topic) to write what this magazine could publish on the Holocaust. Why exactly the author - God knows. He fought honestly and recommended highly qualified specialists to the magazine. But ultimately, writing was necessary. The source material, in a highly condensed form, amounted to several dozen pages. For "Expert" it had to be pressed, pressed and pressed. And in the end, compress it ten times. But the material remained.

This is what forms the basis of this book. Fortunately, events in the historical homeland of the author and his family - Ukraine - demonstrated that Ecclesiastes was right. “What was, is what will be. What has been done is done. Some will come and say: this is new. But all this already happened in the centuries that came before us.” Well said the biblical prophet. Capacious. And there is nowhere to go - even if you crack, humanity does not become better, more decent, or smarter. It doesn't happen in any country. Not under any sauce. Not for any religion. Not in any socio-political system. Including, scary to say, even Western-style democracy...

Evgeny Yanovich Satanovsky

Once upon a time there lived a people... A Guide to Surviving Genocide

“The town... lived off its labor... they were specialists... They were hard workers! With us... they won’t even give you a life... because they oppressed you, they oppressed you on purpose...”

O. Belova, V. Petrukhin. “Slavs and Jews: practice and mythology of neighborhood”

“Each of us is a criminal: Jewish blood falls on our heads.”

J.-P. Sartre. "Reflections on the Jewish Question"

"The problem is not that We we remember everything. The problem is that You All have forgotten"

V. Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress

About the Holocaust and the USSR

Everyone pays their price in this life. If he deems it necessary, of course. How many people live in this world who want only one thing - to be left behind? They would give me the opportunity to sit out in the bearish corner. Or, on the contrary, to be a plug in every barrel, crow on every fence and feel like a citizen of the world. In the end, it still won’t work out, but how many people understand this? For example, you live in a country that defeated Nazism. And at such a price that her bosses didn’t seriously mention it for decades. Or a million dead. Or ten million. Or twenty-five. The archives are closed. Who counted these war victims...

To this day no one knows how many there actually were. How he doesn’t know where they all lie. Vysotsky was right: they don’t put crosses on mass graves. And how they died is mostly unknown to anyone. Something about someone. Moreover, the Soviet Union no longer exists, and few people are interested in what actually happened in that war. Whether this country that has passed into history was good or bad, it was what it was. In any case, Auschwitz was taken not by the Americans or the British, but by the Red Army. Roosevelt and Churchill did not have enough ammunition to bomb the access roads to the death camps. Although it was quite enough to raze German cities with civilian populations to the ground. Dresden is there. Hamburg.

Was Stalin the executioner and the criminal or the Generalissimo and the General Secretary? Who will understand it? Actually, it's both. A global political leader who, in an updated form, revived the Russian Empire, which became a superpower. A bloody tyrant, cruel and cunning in an oriental way... Did the country have options? There were no options. If not this one, then another one. But Berlin was taken precisely under the “father of nations.” And it was under him that one of the author’s grandfathers died in the war, and the other became a colonel. I would have become an admiral if I had not been a Jew. Just at the time when it was time to change his “two lumens, three stars” to the corresponding regalia, the “Doctors’ Plot” arrived and the campaign against cosmopolitans arrived. Although, on the other hand, engineer-colonel Lev Wagner was not shot, like his pre-war Far Eastern commander Vasily Blucher. And when such an era is around, what else do you want from life, except life itself?

But, we repeat, everyone pays their price. And the author is no exception. That war ended seventy years ago. A new redistribution of Europe is taking place before our eyes. Again there are battles in Ukraine - there are new times and new national heroes. Now these are Petliurists and UPA - Bandera, pogromists and executioners. The Nazis are marching again in the Baltics. It’s not that the Russian nationalists who stood in their way greatly pleased the author as allies and harbingers of a bright future. However, others are not yet visible. The West, as it turned out, is for the Nazis. All, from the United States to the European Union. They are considered democrats there. Although among the intellectuals there both Hitler and Mussolini were democrats. The liberal Western intelligentsia is accustomed to carrying dictators in their arms - they loved both Stalin and the Nazis...

Domestic democratic internationalists, it seems, did not expect such a turn at all. Their traditions were well-established: in the Kremlin there was a corrupt KGB, in the White House there were bright banners of progress and brotherly love for humanity. Again, Boris Nemtsov was shot dead right next to this Kremlin - it is clear that if not Putin himself, then on his orders, these same ones who are indicated above. Who else can?! And now? If you think about it a little? Head? When Washington and Brussels, despite the strong exaggeration of domestic propaganda about NATO, to which Russian television shows excessive respect, considering this disabled union of military pensioners to be the main external enemy of Russia, demonstrably demonstrate what exactly the classics of Marxism meant by the bestial grin of imperialism?

Compared to them, not only Putin or Nazarbayev, who are honored and praised for their restraint, which has no chance of mutual gratitude, but Belarusian Lukashenko also looks like a lesser evil. At least from a Jewish point of view. Although, of course, two Jews - three opinions. The Russian-Ukrainian turmoil stirred up such a storm in Jewish heads that humanity had not seen since the First World War. And the Jews who are tearing their throats and textiles on their chests for “Ridna Nenko Ukraine” against “Putin’s quilted jackets and Colorados” exist in large numbers in the world. And those who believe that they are completely bruised, since the heroic defenders of Kyiv with their tridents strongly remind of the pogrom specificity of Ukrainian nationalism - it does not have another and never has had one. He who is not a Makhnovist is a Petliurist...

However, among the different Jewish points of view, there is one inherent in the author. This point of view is Jewish, because the author has no other one by definition. Reader! Take this as a warning against possible damage to your conciliarity and spirituality, if you are particularly vulnerable or have been bruised by these objects since childhood. This is exactly a Jewish book. More precisely, it was written by a Russian Jew from a Russian-Jewish point of view. Because the author is a classic Jew of the empire. Whatever you call it: the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union or Russia.

His, the author’s, biography could begin in Ukraine, where his parents, wife, as well as a lot of friends and relatives are from. But it just so happened that he was born and lived all his life in Moscow. He speaks and writes in Russian, which is his only native language. He was brought up, like all normal Soviet people, as an atheist. And he considers his homeland to be the country where he grew up, that is, the USSR. Since I have never been to Belovezhskaya Pushcha and did not vote for the division of the Union.

Recognizing the inevitability and irreversibility of historical processes as such, the author saw in his grave attempts to impose on him idiotic optimism about this event, characteristic of the elite of all fifteen countries carved out of the former superpower. There is nothing fun for him here. Well, they didn’t kill everyone in the country in a nuclear war - thanks to the respected former members of the Politburo. The former general secretary was not shot or imprisoned - this is generally his personal problem. However, since the author, according to the newfangled vocabulary, began life as a “scoop,” he, with the permission of the reading public, will end it that way. Why don’t you at all need to run to rallies with red flags and subscribe to the newspaper “Zavtra”, which, like its pretentious and eloquent creator, the author, to be honest, makes him pretty sick.

Just as the author was a Jew in the Soviet Union, he remains one. In all its former, current and future guises. Schoolboy and student. Komsomol activist. Member of the leadership of the Jewish underground of the USSR - MASHKA. Design engineer and hot shop worker at the Hammer and Sickle plant. The President of a metallurgical corporation or the Russian Jewish Congress. Freelance employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and commissar of the Moscow City headquarters of operational detachments. And also the head of the Middle East Institute. Which meant both in those days when the CPSU Central Committee was located on Old Square, and after, when it was replaced by the Presidential Administration, several simple truths, like a tram sleeper. Including the following.

There are Jewish people and a Jewish state in the world. In both, to be honest, both the author himself and all other Jews were and are interested for the most part in friends and relatives. In particular, the right to freely communicate with them is sacred. Jews are a quiet people, but family-oriented to the point of massacre. For the opportunity to go to your mother’s or mother-in-law’s anniversary, to call a friend from your youth and find out the latest news about how they are all doing, with the obligatory display of photographs of children and grandchildren, any walls will be torn down. If the entire Soviet government did not stop them in their desire to implement this national habit at a time when Andropov personally was installed as the head of the KGB...

And so, if you don’t try to knock out what is originally Jewish from them, then you’re welcome. And for a feat of labor. And to the front. And with your chest on the embrasure. And into reconnaissance. And to the damn middle of nowhere. In the Arctic, in the mountains and desert, in the jungle and taiga, in the ocean, on a long hike or in Antarctica for the winter. Which of the current bosses would need it... But that’s a different story. However, exit visas have been abolished in present-day Russia, and Israel has a generally visa-free regime. So the main problems in relations between Jews and the official authorities of the country have been resolved.

Critics will say that this is not a book about the Holocaust as it is usually written about. And they will be absolutely right. The author is not one of those people who are reverently devoted to the canonical tradition, just as he is not one of the Jews who, for the sake of ostentatious objectivity, are ready to vilify the Jewish people and commit outrageous meanness against the Jewish state. And moreover, he considers it extremely useful for the future of humanity in general, and Jews in particular, to hang such Jews on strong, well-oiled ropes on the branches of the first oak tree that comes along. As they used to say in the good old days of good old Britain, “high and short.”

This contradicts the tradition of “a Jew does not kill a Jew,” but it is fully consistent with his, the author’s, universal perception of the world. Including in relation to the genetic freaks from modern Ukraine, who did not find anything better during the chaos taking place there than to call themselves “Jewish Banderaites” and advocate for the OUN and UPA. Although, in principle, it is not necessary to hang him: you can also impale him - from an educational point of view, this is even better. The names are known... Although every nation has the right to its swindlers, swindlers and political ghouls. Some people even love them like that. Moms, anyway.

This has already happened too. There were Judenrats and Judenratmans who believed that they would be the last to die. Some of them lived to the end of the war and were saved. There were Jewish policemen who believed that by carrying out selection and sending their neighbors to death, they were saving their loved ones. Normal logic. In the USSR, known from the Gulag, “you die today, and I die tomorrow.” And in the concentration camps of the Nazi reality it was not uncommon. This is exactly how capo criminals lived. And in the Jewish ghettos there were those who made money by buying up valuables from the doomed, reselling them to the guards. All the same, these were people doomed to destruction. There were a lot of rumors about the start of George Soros's business career.

Over the decades of his Jewish social activism, the author has a lot to boil over regarding the Holocaust. Including regarding organizations and individuals who have monopolized this topic in the Jewish world - not without their own benefit. Politicians who were silent and politicians who spoke - especially the Palestinian lobby. Jewish Orthodox and Israeli leftists - especially about them. Domestic dubai and imported politically correct scoundrels - how many of them there were and how many still walk around this world...

But let's leave it at that. Because there once lived such a people: the Jews of Europe. Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Italian Jews, Crimeans. A special civilization. An amazing world that no longer exists. Their ancestors were resettled there by the Roman Caesars - and many came themselves, along trade routes. They remembered Antiquity and the Middle Ages, the Vikings and Arabs of the Caliphate, the Carolingians and Merovingians, the Ottoman Porte and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Habsburgs and Hohenzollerns, Catherine the Great and Napoleon Bonaparte, Queen Victoria and Giuseppe Garibaldi. In most European countries they appeared long before those who founded the European states, including those on the map today, came there. This book is dedicated to them – the dead and the survivors. A Genocide Survival Guide...


Much has been and is being written about the Holocaust – the Catastrophe of European Jewry. So much so that in today's Europe it has become good practice to avoid the topic. In fact, how much can we talk about tragedies that happened more than sixty years ago? Isn't it time to leave the past alone? And why is it that the genocide of the Jews, whom the Nazis and their “support group” exterminated no more brutally (although much more technologically and methodically) than the Turks did against the Armenians three decades earlier, deserves such attention?

The idea that hypocrisy, meanness and double standards, fully demonstrated by the Western and the world community as a whole not only in the case related to the Armenian genocide, does not mean for this community an eternal indulgence saving it from the unpleasant truth, did not spend the night there . The reality for politicians and popular media journalists is generally quite sad. If reality does not correspond to theory, so much the worse for reality.

This was fully demonstrated in the struggle of Jews for world recognition of the Holocaust. And if the post-war United States and the Soviet Union had not been faced with the task of strangling Germany and putting in front of it a mirror in which the guilt of the German people would forever be reflected, what kind of memorials would there be in the concentration camps? What reparations are paid to prisoners of ghettos and concentration camps? What is Germany's special relationship with Israel? What Holocaust museums? And also books, films and lessons in schools...

Regarding the destruction of the Armenians by the Turks, no one faced such a task. More precisely, it was only owned by the Armenians themselves. Who, at the beginning of the “enlightened” twentieth century, lost from 1.5 to 2 million people under the nose of Europe and did not see anything comforting in the fact that the Ottoman Porte soon after ceased to exist as a state. Moreover, as a reliable counterweight to the Soviet Union in Asia Minor, a “right-flank” NATO, a major trading partner, supplier of guest workers and buyer of weapons, as well as an eternal candidate for accession to the European Union, it was more than suitable for Europeans and Americans. And the struggle for recognition of the Armenian genocide for them meant, first of all, tense relations with Ankara. Well, who was it – and in many ways still remains – necessary?

The latter fully applied to the gypsies. Which the Germans killed no less actively and successfully than the Jews. Despite the fact that the only real Aryans of Europe were them - the “Roma people”, and not the Fuhrer’s comrades. But gypsies were not loved in Europe - and still are not loved even more than Jews. Including in Western Europe. Which, faced with the resettlement of Bulgarian and Romanian camps to “Old Europe” after the sudden accession of the former CMEA members to the EU and NATO, showed itself as it was during the time of Hitler: racist to the extreme and helpless to amazement. A reserve of aggressive internally and externally politically correct impotence...

However, there will be time and place to talk about this in this book. Having paid a debt to the memory of both the victims and the executioners, and even more so - those who stood on the sidelines, since his chalet, villa or apartment in the central Arrondissement was on the edge. Where it continues to remain to this day. Fortunately, from the point of view of well-educated Brussels, the capital of the European Union, the Jews and their Holocaust have annoyed everyone, and there is nothing to be afraid of them. Shame is not smoke, it will not eat your eyes away. Unlike the new European Muslims, they will not organize pogroms or terrorist attacks. As, by the way, are the Armenians and the Gypsies. Well, what else do they need? Always remember about their dead, or what?

Holocaust, Holocaust... Germany, which after the war was given almost all the blame for the extermination of more than 6 million Jews in Europe, has long been a respected member of the European community and one of the pillars of the modern world order. The German people, represented by their leadership, admitted their collective guilt and repented. The Jewish community in the territory of the former Third Reich has been revived - thanks to emigrants from the republics of the former USSR and, at least at the time of writing, is thriving. Although not without questions regarding local Islamists.

In fact, judging by what is happening with the positioning of current Berlin in the European economy, its growing influence on Eastern Europe and the role of Angela Merkel in the escalation of the crisis in relations between Europe and Russia under the pretext of the situation in Ukraine, the Fourth Reich is being built there. At the head of which, however, is not the Reichsführer, but certainly not the Bundeschancellor. Because the “chancellor” (a strange word, but for European feminists the only acceptable one for this case) is pursuing a course towards Moscow that resembles the Eastern policy of Willy Brandt and Helmut Kohl in much the same way that a forest boar resembles Piglet from Winnie the Pooh. And you can’t tell whether she’s the Bundesführer or the Reich Chancellor. With all the resulting sad circumstances for the future of Russia, Germany and Europe as a whole.

Once upon a time there lived a people... A Guide to Surviving Genocide Evgeniy Satanovsky

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Title: Once upon a time there lived a people... A guide to surviving genocide

About the book “Once upon a time there was a people... A guide to surviving genocide” Evgeniy Satanovsky

– Holocaust: origins, stages, organizers and results

– Armenian genocide – murder without punishment

– Those who were close to the Jews – gypsies and others

– What is friendship with the American president worth?

– Allies and heirs of the Third Reich

– Post-war genocides in Asia and Africa

– “Zhidobanderites” and the new Ukraine

– Europe: parades of SS veterans and “new Muslims”

– Rules for surviving genocide

When the war ended, the soldiers who opened the gates of Auschwitz, took Treblinka, saw the survivors of Babi Yar, were confident that this would not happen again. Fascism has been defeated, and no one, ever, anywhere will be able to kill people because of their nationality or faith. But 70 years have passed since the capture of Berlin, 100 years since the Armenian genocide, and so what? Weren't millions killed in Africa and Asia after World War II? Isn't there a genocide of Christians and Yazidis in the Middle East? Is it not being revived in Europe, including in Ukraine, where most of the Jews who died in the war were destroyed by their neighbors, fascism? Nazism was condemned, but most of the executioners survived. Europe is increasingly reminiscent of the Fourth Reich. And just in case, we need to teach children to survive genocide...

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read online the book “Once upon a time there was a people... A Guide to Surviving Genocide” by Evgeniy Satanovsky in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

© Satanovsky E., 2015

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* * *

“The town... lived off its labor... they were specialists... They were hard workers! With us... they won’t even give you a life... because they oppressed you, they oppressed you on purpose...”

O. Belova, V. Petrukhin. “Slavs and Jews: practice and mythology of neighborhood”

“Each of us is a criminal: Jewish blood falls on our heads.”

J.-P. Sartre. "Reflections on the Jewish Question"

"The problem is not that We we remember everything. The problem is that You All have forgotten"

V. Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress

From the author
About the Holocaust and the USSR

Everyone pays their price in this life. If he deems it necessary, of course. How many people live in this world who want only one thing - to be left behind? They would give me the opportunity to sit out in the bearish corner. Or, on the contrary, to be a plug in every barrel, crow on every fence and feel like a citizen of the world. In the end, it still won’t work out, but how many people understand this? For example, you live in a country that defeated Nazism. And at such a price that her bosses didn’t seriously mention it for decades. Or a million dead. Or ten million. Or twenty-five. The archives are closed. Who counted these war victims...

To this day no one knows how many there actually were. How he doesn’t know where they all lie. Vysotsky was right: they don’t put crosses on mass graves. And how they died is mostly unknown to anyone. Something about someone. Moreover, the Soviet Union no longer exists, and few people are interested in what actually happened in that war. Whether this country that has passed into history was good or bad, it was what it was. In any case, Auschwitz was taken not by the Americans or the British, but by the Red Army. Roosevelt and Churchill did not have enough ammunition to bomb the access roads to the death camps. Although it was quite enough to raze German cities with civilian populations to the ground. Dresden is there. Hamburg.

Was Stalin the executioner and the criminal or the Generalissimo and the General Secretary? Who will understand it? Actually, it's both. A global political leader who, in an updated form, revived the Russian Empire, which became a superpower. A bloody tyrant, cruel and cunning in an oriental way... Did the country have options? There were no options. If not this one, then another one. But Berlin was taken precisely under the “father of nations.” And it was under him that one of the author’s grandfathers died in the war, and the other became a colonel. I would have become an admiral if I had not been a Jew. Just at the time when it was time to change his “two lumens, three stars” to the corresponding regalia, the “Doctors’ Plot” arrived and the campaign against cosmopolitans arrived.

Although, on the other hand, engineer-colonel Lev Wagner was not shot, like his pre-war Far Eastern commander Vasily Blucher. And when such an era is around, what else do you want from life, except life itself?

But, we repeat, everyone pays their price. And the author is no exception. That war ended seventy years ago. A new redistribution of Europe is taking place before our eyes. Again there are battles in Ukraine - there are new times and new national heroes. Now these are Petliurists and UPA - Bandera, pogromists and executioners. The Nazis are marching again in the Baltics. It’s not that the Russian nationalists who stood in their way greatly pleased the author as allies and harbingers of a bright future. However, others are not yet visible. The West, as it turned out, is for the Nazis. All, from the United States to the European Union. They are considered democrats there. Although among the intellectuals there both Hitler and Mussolini were democrats. The liberal Western intelligentsia is accustomed to carrying dictators in their arms - they loved both Stalin and the Nazis...

Domestic democratic internationalists, it seems, did not expect such a turn at all. Their traditions were well-established: in the Kremlin there was a corrupt KGB, in the White House there were bright banners of progress and brotherly love for humanity. Again, Boris Nemtsov was shot dead right next to this Kremlin - it is clear that if not Putin himself, then on his orders, these same ones who are indicated above. Who else can?! And now? If you think about it a little? Head? When Washington and Brussels, despite the strong exaggeration of domestic propaganda about NATO, to which Russian television shows excessive respect, considering this disabled union of military pensioners to be the main external enemy of Russia, demonstrably demonstrate what exactly the classics of Marxism meant by the bestial grin of imperialism?

Compared to them, not only Putin or Nazarbayev, who are honored and praised for their restraint, which has no chance of mutual gratitude, but Belarusian Lukashenko also looks like a lesser evil. At least from a Jewish point of view. Although, of course, two Jews - three opinions. The Russian-Ukrainian turmoil stirred up such a storm in Jewish heads that humanity had not seen since the First World War. And the Jews who are tearing their throats and textiles on their chests for “Ridna Nenko Ukraine” against “Putin’s quilted jackets and Colorados” exist in large numbers in the world. And those who believe that they are completely bruised, since the heroic defenders of Kyiv with their tridents strongly remind of the pogrom specificity of Ukrainian nationalism - it does not have another and never has had one. He who is not a Makhnovist is a Petliurist...

However, among the different Jewish points of view, there is one inherent in the author. This point of view is Jewish, because the author has no other one by definition. Reader! Take this as a warning against possible damage to your conciliarity and spirituality, if you are particularly vulnerable or have been bruised by these objects since childhood. This is exactly a Jewish book. More precisely, it was written by a Russian Jew from a Russian-Jewish point of view. Because the author is a classic Jew of the empire. Whatever you call it: the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union or Russia.

His, the author’s, biography could begin in Ukraine, where his parents, wife, as well as a lot of friends and relatives are from. But it just so happened that he was born and lived all his life in Moscow. He speaks and writes in Russian, which is his only native language. He was brought up, like all normal Soviet people, as an atheist. And he considers his homeland to be the country where he grew up, that is, the USSR. Since I have never been to Belovezhskaya Pushcha and did not vote for the division of the Union.

Recognizing the inevitability and irreversibility of historical processes as such, the author saw in his grave attempts to impose on him idiotic optimism about this event, characteristic of the elite of all fifteen countries carved out of the former superpower. There is nothing fun for him here. Well, they didn’t kill everyone in the country in a nuclear war - thanks to the respected former members of the Politburo. The former general secretary was not shot or imprisoned - this is generally his personal problem. However, since the author, according to the newfangled vocabulary, began life as a “scoop,” he, with the permission of the reading public, will end it that way. Why don’t you at all need to run to rallies with red flags and subscribe to the newspaper “Zavtra”, which, like its pretentious and eloquent creator, the author, to be honest, makes him pretty sick.

Just as the author was a Jew in the Soviet Union, he remains one. In all its former, current and future guises. Schoolboy and student. Komsomol activist. Member of the leadership of the Jewish underground of the USSR - MASHKA. Design engineer and hot shop worker at the Hammer and Sickle plant. The President of a metallurgical corporation or the Russian Jewish Congress. Freelance employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and commissar of the Moscow City headquarters of operational detachments. And also the head of the Middle East Institute. Which meant both in those days when the CPSU Central Committee was located on Old Square, and after, when it was replaced by the Presidential Administration, several simple truths, like a tram sleeper. Including the following.

There are Jewish people and a Jewish state in the world. In both, to be honest, both the author himself and all other Jews were and are interested for the most part in friends and relatives. In particular, the right to freely communicate with them is sacred. Jews are a quiet people, but family-oriented to the point of massacre. For the opportunity to go to your mother’s or mother-in-law’s anniversary, to call a friend from your youth and find out the latest news about how they are all doing, with the obligatory display of photographs of children and grandchildren, any walls will be torn down. If the entire Soviet government did not stop them in their desire to implement this national habit at a time when Andropov personally was installed as the head of the KGB...

And so, if you don’t try to knock out what is originally Jewish from them, then you’re welcome. And for a feat of labor. And to the front. And with your chest on the embrasure. And into reconnaissance. And to the damn middle of nowhere. In the Arctic, in the mountains and desert, in the jungle and taiga, in the ocean, on a long hike or in Antarctica for the winter. Which of the current bosses would need it... But that’s a different story. However, exit visas have been abolished in present-day Russia, and Israel has a generally visa-free regime. So the main problems in relations between Jews and the official authorities of the country have been resolved.

Again, religious freedoms - I don’t want to pray. The rabbis are received in the Kremlin, and the president allows himself to look into the big Jewish holiday in the synagogue. The same can be said about the highest military-political leadership of the State of Israel - they travel to Russia and receive domestic leaders more often than not. Yes, and freedom of business in the country, despite all the justification of claims about prohibitive bureaucracy and corruption, has a place to be. Anyone who doesn’t like Russia in this regard can start their own business in Turkmenistan and compare the results.

Freedom of information in our country is complete – which, by the way, is also a big deal. With all the understanding of what impudent rubbish creeps out of all the cracks within its framework. What kind of swindlers and swindlers begin to churn out their versions of history, what kind of confusion they cause on the reading public and a shadow on the fence on state television - fortunately, this category of people earns a lot from their “creativity”. But the author remembers very well the times when everything Jewish around was absent as a class, although Jews were a dime a dozen in the country. There was zero. Full. About history and culture. Religion and language. National literature and, which was completely out of the question, national cuisine. And nothing about the Holocaust.

And this is in the USSR, where the Nazis killed more Jews than in any other country in the world. Where the genocide was the most cruel and bloody in Europe, and in every Jewish family someone died at the front, in the ghetto, in the execution ditch or in concentration camps. Nothing. Monuments to victims - exclusively “Soviet citizens”. There are a few books about atrocities in concentration camps - with an emphasis on the heroism of Soviet prisoners of war. Stories from elders - who told anything at all. For the most part they were all silent. They mentioned it in passing, without details. As far as the author understands now, not even because they were afraid - in the 70s there was nothing to be afraid of. But why bother? such?

Tearing your soul? To traumatize children, driving into them a lifelong fear of their neighbors - during the war, for the most part, it was up to the neighbor whether they would be rescued or extradited? No one could help anyone anyway. The dead died. The survivors survived. And by the way, those who survived it didn’t talk much about the war. It was too scary a time. At the front, either you kill or you are killed. In the rear... What funny things can you tell about him? About hard labor, about hunger, about what it’s like when your bread cards are stolen? The parents spoke half a word at a time - a phrase here, half a phrase there. Then guess for yourself.

On the other hand, as they say, we've passed. Well, let's go. All. Fascism is defeated and will never return. For this, our troops are stationed throughout Eastern Europe, and socialism is sweeping the planet. Again, communism will be built by 1980. The party said, the Komsomol answered “yes.” Glory to the heroes of war, glory to the heroes of labor! And monuments, monuments, monuments... Hero cities on the stream. "Small Land". Although - “Hot Snow”, and “In the Trenches of Stalingrad”, and some people have “The Gulag Archipelago” in samizdat... And suddenly it turned out that this was also a terrible thing that happened during the war.

The whole world knew about the Holocaust. The catastrophe of European Jewry. Shoah - in Hebrew. Only we didn’t even have such a word. Maybe because the words were very non-Russian. Or maybe because the Nazis killed and killed. But the Jews. And because they are Jews. With all possible support and warm sympathy of a huge number of the surrounding non-Jewish population. Which, as it was, after the war again turned out to be Soviet citizens. And now what, these Jews, who were already dead anyway, were to prick his eyes? The memory of the fallen, historical truth and other abstract matters are, of course, wonderful. But political expediency demanded something else. This other thing triumphed for the time being.

Veterans began to break the existing system. Like Efim Gokhberg - an old, stocky, long-nosed and bald as a knee Jewish colonel, his chest covered in orders, who cringed when he heard about the Jews “who fought in Tashkent.” Or he looked at photographs in military encyclopedias, under which “politically correct” authors wrote the sterile-neutral “execution of a partisan.” Although everyone who was obliged to know this was well aware that this was not an unknown Soviet heroine, but a more specific Jewish Masha Bruskina.

It was difficult to deal with the veterans - it was cheaper to let them all go to Israel. But just then the exit was closed. They all ended up in denial and started a guerrilla war there. As they would say now, against “falsification of history.” And absolutely, according to all Soviet canons, using legal methods. Although theoretically they could, despite their age and state of health, start something like this... But it’s a non-Jewish thing to fight against the Motherland. No matter how bastard she was, no matter how she mocked and plastered. Whatever it is is still its own. The country is not responsible for the state. And especially not responsible for those who lead it. They climbed up there - you can’t get rid of them with dust. Although among them there are people like people.

So, party officials tried to scare the veterans. Found someone! As they say, scare the hedgehog with a naked aphedron. And there the younger generation caught up. Jewish informal “hikers” of the 80s walked not to places of military glory, but to places of mass executions. They found abandoned graves containing thousands and tens of thousands. They chased away looters who were looking for “Jewish gold.” They demanded that local administrations remove stadiums and vegetable gardens, public toilets and other obscenities from the execution ditches, which, from the authorities’ point of view, belonged on Jewish bones. What a time it was, these were the people in charge...

And then the country was turned upside down, shaken up, and it split. It turned out that it is possible to be a Jew. You can emigrate. And live your own Jewish life, such as it is. You can build a Memorial Synagogue in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill, where there is a church and a mosque. The world did not turn upside down when Boris Yeltsin, the President of Russia, came to its opening in 1998, bowing his head in memory of the dead Jews.

Although, by the way, American President Bill Clinton, who was present in Moscow at that time, did not want to come. For what reasons, it doesn’t matter at all. But the first to visit the Russian synagogue was his successor, George Bush, five years later in St. Petersburg. And when someone then tells the author about America, the main ally and guarantor of the survival of Jews and the Jewish state... You don’t need enemies when you have such allies.

From the author
About the Holocaust and Russia

The above-mentioned Memorial Synagogue and the Jewish Museum, located in the same building, were built by Vladimir Gusinsky, the first president of the Russian Jewish Congress, banker and media tycoon, creator of the Most Group and NTV. He built it with the possible help of Yuri Luzhkov, the bearer of the historical cap, the husband of his wife and the first real mayor of post-Soviet Moscow. Who was never a Jew. His opponents had a lot of complaints against Luzhkov, and there were countless enemies. However, he did more for Moscow and its residents than all the others who led the city. And before him. And so far after. Moreover, both he and, by the way, Gusinsky had their own style - let’s pay tribute to the fallen greatness.

The last remark refers to the fact that the oligarch and member of the “seven bankers” of the 90s V.G. did not agree on the life and future of the country with his eternal competitor and sworn enemy Boris Berezovsky, and then with the second/fourth president of the country Vladimir Putin to such an extent that he no longer lives in Russia. He served just a little bit, rather as a warning, and the business was bought back from him. And not cheap. Although not for the price he himself wanted to set. Well, it’s not harmful to want, but in comparison with other oligarchs-refuseniks, the same B.B. who died in London exile or Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who, by the way, the author believes was the main interest and beneficiary of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, he got off with a rarity easy.

As for the mayor of Moscow, he did not get along so well with Dmitry Medvedev, who replaced Putin and preceded him as president, that he was immediately removed from business by the latter. The one-time locum tenens of the Russian throne was quick and tough to deal with regional satraps. Moreover, this was done as voluntarily as it was irrevocable. As the top management is accustomed to doing, obviously compensating with demonstrative decisiveness for helplessness in real affairs - including governing the country as prime minister. Although the said bosses quickly sent the new mayor to Moscow for feeding and not without pleasure - for themselves. With a much more restrained reaction from the capital's residents.

After that, a fair part of the Moscow region was attached to Moscow, turning it on the map from an elegant oval into the semblance of a comet with a truncated tail, and they stopped selling honey at every turn (Luzhkov was a passionate beekeeper). Almost all the trading kiosks were demolished before Christmas, ruining, according to the most approximate estimates, 70 thousand small and medium-sized businessmen and who knows how many of their employees (evil tongues claimed that this operation was lobbied by the owners of retail chains, who decided to put an end to their competitors with the help of the new authorities). True, those who entered under the “roof” (I wonder whose?), indicated by the characteristic cladding of the remaining trading and catering places in the city with gray-red metal plates, reminiscent of the scenery for the old “Star Wars”, survived for the time being.

Plus, they began to cut hospitals and “merge” schools - due to the obvious prospects for filling the pockets of the city’s fathers with paid medicine and education compared to free education and medicine. We started, giving up halfway, replacing the asphalt with clinker - as the townspeople joked, assessing the quality of this coating, “disposable.” They announced an urgent need for the population to build “churches within walking distance” and to erect a mega-monument to Prince Vladimir, the baptizer of Rus', on the Lenin Hills, where nothing heavy can be built due to the unsuitable geological foundation. Along the way, they ruined the construction complex that was the basis of Mayor Luzhkov’s empire and recruited God knows who from God knows where instead of Moscow builders.

In addition, the new capital authorities have improved (and increased the cost of visitors many times more) city parks and introduced mass cycling around Moscow on bicycles (without laying European-style bicycle paths), while simultaneously banning the carriage of bicycles in the metro. They distributed paid parking throughout the city for private vehicles of residents and planned several new metro stations, the quality of construction of which will remain silent. The curbs bordering the lawns were uprooted and the soil on the same lawns was replaced with utter dirt, half of which, in the absence of curbs, remained on city sidewalks. After protests from residents, some of the curbs were returned, but the dirt remained.

Under the pretext of clearing the city of foreign migrant workers, the services responsible for the cleanliness of courtyards and streets, including snow removal, were dismantled. Those who remained, instead of traditional means for melting ice, were given incredibly toxic chemicals that immediately destroy not only leather shoes, but also tires. Let us keep silent about the paws of unfortunate pets belonging to Muscovites. Ultimately, it became clear to the townspeople that the joke, widespread under the previous administration, that one should steal from profit, had become a thing of the past completely and irrevocably, along with the practice that gave rise to it. This is where the transformation of the Russian capital into a European city ended.

The synagogue on Poklonnaya, we note for the objectivity of the picture, no one touched it. And they didn’t interfere with her work. Neither under the aforementioned V.V. Putin, nor under D.A. Medvedev, who inherited the post of autocrat of All Rus' after him, did any of the powers that be attempt to have the Jews tear off the memorial plaque from its building, which spoke of the role of Goose in its construction (as his inner circle called V.G. in a friendly and familiar manner). That is, during modern fights between Russian lords, their Jewish claps’ forelocks stopped cracking. Let us note this to the honor of Vladimir Vladimirovich, for those who want to kill the Jews, so that their Jewish spirit will not exist, and before him there was nowhere in the domestic authorities, and under him there were also enough of them. But they were not given freedom.