Vaginal mucous secretion is one of the indicators of women's health. Changes in its color and other properties can serve as a signal of the onset of a pathological process, making it possible to diagnose and begin treatment of gynecological ailments at an early stage. Brown discharge a few days before menstruation was observed at least once in 90% of women. What do they indicate, are they a variant of the norm?

Signs of the onset of menstruation

The sensations that women experience before the onset of menstruation vary from person to person. Often the lower abdomen feels tight, appetite increases, and the mammary glands swell. Increased irritability and apathy are possible.

A woman before the onset of menstruation is most susceptible to stress. Sometimes there is a brown “smear” on your underwear before your period arrives.

Often several symptoms are observed at once:

Over the age of 40, such discharge may accompany menopause. In this case, hot flashes, mood swings and other associated symptoms may occur. Herbal medicines or hormonal agents will allow you to remove them. The same can happen in the postpartum period, when the cycle is restored. Spotting 3 days before the arrival of postpartum menstruation may be normal. However, they should go away after 2 similar cycles.

The probable cause of “spotting” after sex, which can be observed before menstruation or at any other period of the cycle, is microcracks in the vagina. Afterwards, it is recommended to use lube or practice longer foreplay. When discharge after sex is accompanied by a rise in body temperature, pain, and spasm in the lower abdomen, an inflammatory or infectious process can be suspected.

When brown discharge is regularly smeared a week before your period, you should get examined, especially if you experience pain or cramping. You should not delay your visit to the gynecologist in order to stop inflammation or diagnose a tumor in time.

Brown discharge as a symptom of a pathological process

Spotting before menstruation is often observed at the beginning of taking oral contraceptives, as well as when changing one drug to another. Pathological causes of brown discharge a week before menstruation:

  • Endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia. Inflammation of the endometrium is manifested by dark bloody discharge. With hyperplasia, menstruation is very difficult to stop, and uterine bleeding is often observed.
  • Uterine polyps. Benign formations also lead to spotting during menstruation. Vaginal discharge may be scanty brown or slightly scarlet. In this case, other symptoms may be observed - cycle disruptions, pain, prolonged heavy menstruation.
  • Cervical erosion. Systematic secretion of black and dark brown color often accompanies this pathology.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The discharge often has an unpleasant odor, and there is a burning sensation and rash in the intimate area. If left untreated, pathologies can lead to infertility.
  • Ovarian cysts. Accompanied by brown and red discharge of varying intensity. At the early stage, the discharge is scanty and bothers you for a couple of days. In advanced cases, the duration and volume of discharge increases. They can last a week or more.

Pathological brown discharge may be accompanied by the following sensations:

  • pain during sex;
  • itching of intimate organs;
  • pain when urinating;
  • nagging pain in the ovaries and lower back;
  • release of brown clots;
  • the duration of the daub is more than 5 days.

Hormonal imbalances are a serious cause of pathological discharge. Why do they happen? Possible causes range from stress to malfunction of the endocrine glands. If left untreated, such an imbalance will lead to benign tumors of the reproductive system, which will jeopardize the ability to have children.

Discharge before menstruation during pregnancy

If a pregnancy test gives a positive result and menstruation does not begin, and the expectant mother experiences brown spotting before her period at the right time, it is important to see a doctor. This is a dangerous symptom that indicates a decrease in the level of sex hormones, which can lead to the threat of miscarriage. The specialist will prescribe medications to preserve the fetus.

Brown “spot” is observed every day with an ectopic pregnancy. The volume of discharge gradually increases, its color changes to red.

The nature of discharge before menstruation

The following female discharge is considered normal in gynecology:

  • before ovulation – transparent, abundant, odorless;
  • after ovulation – scanty, thick;
  • 3-4 days before the arrival of menstruation – increasing in volume;
  • on the first day of the new cycle - a scarlet “daub”, which gradually intensifies.

Changes in the volume and consistency of secretions are associated with regular natural fluctuations in hormonal levels. The nature of the discharge largely depends on age, intensity of sexual activity, quality of nutrition, the presence of chronic illnesses, medication use, incl. contraceptive hormonal drugs. Taking these factors into account, we can say that the norm for each woman is individual. For this reason, any deviations should be a reason for medical consultation.

Standard options

Is spotting brown discharge before menstruation considered normal? If they appear the day before the start of a new cycle and are scarlet or dark red (almost brown) in color, this is a normal variant. The same discharge may accompany the end of menstruation. Transparent discharge in the middle of the cycle is a symptom of ovulation. At the same time, the woman experiences emotional uplift, sexual arousal, and gets more pleasure from her intimate life.

Symptoms of pathology

Behind spotting or insignificant discharge lie pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system, infections, and endometrial diseases. Any disease requires treatment, since the loss of women's health negatively affects self-esteem and leads to problems in their personal lives.

Diagnostic methods to identify the causes of discharge

For any abnormalities in the menstrual cycle that recur repeatedly in the absence of pregnancy, it is important to visit a gynecologist. It is advisable to make an appointment just before your period, when discharge is observed. The doctor can evaluate their color and consistency, take a smear for analysis, and conduct a gynecological examination. Additionally, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and hormone tests (estrogen, progestron, other sex hormones) may be prescribed.

Data from tests and examinations allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and correctly select therapy. It happens that a woman is healthy and the discharge is physiological in nature. If there are problems, they should be resolved urgently.

During any discharge during pregnancy, it is important to consult a doctor. He will prescribe an ultrasound, tests for STIs, and other necessary studies to identify the problem.

Features of treatment depending on the causes of the symptom

Treatment for pathological discharge before menstruation is aimed at eliminating the disease that caused this symptom. Perhaps, in addition to a gynecologist, a woman will need to consult a nutritionist, infectious disease specialist, immunologist, or psychologist. After diagnosis, the following measures are indicated:

  • Infectious diseases are treated with antimicrobial tablets. These are Terzhinan, Trichopolum, Flagyl. It is possible to prescribe douching with a solution of Furacilin, Chlorhexidine.
  • For endometritis and other inflammatory processes, suppositories Mikozhinax and Hexicon are additionally indicated. At the same time, immunomodulators, antibacterial drugs, and probiotics are prescribed.
  • For ectopic pregnancy, surgery is performed and antibacterial and hormonal therapy is prescribed. After the recovery period, a new pregnancy is planned.

  • In case of hormonal disorders, progesterone and estrogen are corrected. For this purpose, Utrozhestan, Duphaston and other drugs are prescribed.
  • Polyposis and cystic formations are corrected with hormonal drugs. If there is no effect after 3-6 months, laparoscopy is indicated.
  • Myomas and fibromyomas are treated with hormonal medications. In case of abnormal growth of benign formations, surgical removal or embolization of the uterine arteries is performed. After bleeding caused by a tumor, taking iron and vitamin supplements is indicated.
  • Cervical erosion is treated by cauterization, chemical coagulation, cryodestruction, and the use of pills and suppositories. At the same time, hormonal levels are corrected and the immune system is strengthened.
  • STDs are treated with antibiotics, probiotics, and multienzyme drugs. Sexual rest is necessary; the therapy process is long and quite unpleasant.

Self-medication for any abnormal discharge is unacceptable. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor who prescribes the most appropriate medications taking into account the health status, age, and characteristics of the woman’s body. Control examinations are required, based on the results of which conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of therapy.

Preventive measures will help you avoid gynecological problems. Among them are a healthy lifestyle, lack of stress, and compliance with personal hygiene rules. Regular sex life, physical activity and proper nutrition will help avoid hormonal imbalances. Regular scheduled examinations by a gynecologist are required.

Many women complain that they have brown discharge before their period. This symptom serves as a signal that disturbances are occurring in the female body.

Purpose of natural secretions

Natural vaginal discharge plays an important role in the functioning of the reproductive system of a healthy female body. Discharge is a secretory fluid produced in sufficient quantities by glands located in the cervix and vagina. The secretions actively help the body protect against various infectious diseases. Also, with the help of secretions, pathogens and dead cells are cleansed and removed from the genital tract.

The natural color of vaginal discharge or leucorrhoea changes throughout the menstrual cycle. It comes in light colors - milky, beige, white, transparent. This is a completely normal physiological manifestation and there should be no cause for concern.

However, very often the color of the discharge changes and differs significantly from the norm. Drops of blood give the dark color to natural secretions. A similar phenomenon is usually observed from 10 to 16 days of the menstrual cycle. It is explained by the fact that a mature egg is sent to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. This is typical for women whose progesterone levels are noticeably low. An insufficient amount of this hormone provokes weakening of the endometrium - the mucous membrane in the female genital organs.

Brown discharge before menstruation

Brown discharge varies depending on the timing of its appearance. They go before menstruation, during them, after menstruation, instead of them.

If dark brown discharge appears no earlier than 1 day before the onset of menstruation, it is a natural and normal process. If the discharge begins 2 days or more in advance, this indicates a disruption in the functioning of the genital organs.

The following factors lead to changes in the functioning of the reproductive system:

  1. Genital tract infections – endometritis.
  2. Hormonal disorders.
  3. Presence of polyps.
  4. Adenomyosis, endometriosis.

Many patients experience slight spotting before menstruation. Very often their provocateurs are hormonal drugs. This situation is allowed and explained by the individual reaction of the female body. But there are situations when the discharge does not stop for the required 3 months. This may indicate that this drug is not suitable for the body. In such cases, it is recommended to change the drug or completely eliminate the use of hormones. Sometimes the withdrawal of hormonal drugs leads to temporary irregularities in the menstrual cycle. As a result, problems arise in the woman's reproductive function.

Read also: Symptoms and treatment of yeast fungus in women

The presence of an intrauterine device can also cause brown discharge. Gynecologists do not recommend using IUDs for women who have not yet given birth.

The most dangerous cause of discharge before menstruation is intrauterine bleeding. The discharge is accompanied by cramping pain. Such symptoms may indicate a serious illness such as ovarian rupture.

Dark brown discharge before menstruation has the same number of reasons that are typical for light brown discharge. The difference in color is due to the higher blood content present in the discharge.

Causes of brown discharge

Endometritis. This disease develops as a result of an inflammatory process in the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium. The reason for the development is the penetration of infectious pathogens into the uterus under certain conditions. In addition to brown discharge, this disease causes fever, attacks of pain in the lower abdomen, and painful urination. The main method of treatment is the use of antibacterial drugs.

Hormonal disorders. They also cause discharge. Disturbances can occur due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, due to abortion, stress, or hereditary predisposition. Accompanied by symptoms such as discomfort during sexual intercourse, dryness of the vaginal mucosa, headaches, insomnia, chronic fatigue. Treated with hormonal therapy.

Polyps are benign tumors that occur:

  • against the background of hormonal disorders;
  • in inflammatory processes;
  • with cervical erosion.

The main treatment is surgery.

Adenomyosis. This disease is associated with inflammatory processes that occur as a result of improper activity of glands in a woman’s body. Brown spotting before menstruation is accompanied by symptoms: pain before menstruation, during it, and for several days after menstruation. The menstrual cycle also shortens. For adenomyosis, the following treatment methods are used: hormonal drugs, surgery.

Endometriosis. Endometriosis can occur due to late or difficult labor, abortion, or cesarean section. In addition to discharge, this disease is characterized by pain in the pelvic area, pain during sexual intercourse, and constipation. The disease is treated with drug therapy using immune and hormonal agents.

Why is there brown discharge before menstruation, what does it mean, which leucorrhoea is considered normal and which is pathology, as well as what diseases brown spotting on the eve of menstruation can be a sign of - we’ll talk in the article.

Brown leucorrhoea before menstruation: normal or pathological

The appearance of brown discharge a few days before menstruation is observed in many women. Gradually the leucorrhoea intensifies and turns into menstruation. This is a normal condition that does not require special treatment.

A doctor can determine the nature and exact cause of brown vaginal discharge before menstruation after a gynecological examination and a series of laboratory and instrumental studies.

If brown vaginal discharge occurs a week before menstruation, this may be a manifestation of inflammation of the genitourinary organs. Also, pathological discharge can be triggered by hormonal disorders, taking oral contraceptives, using an intrauterine device or ring, frequent stress, and sudden changes in weight.

A qualified doctor can determine the cause and nature of vaginal discharge, as well as select an appropriate treatment regimen (if necessary), after a series of clinical studies.

Light brown discharge before menstruation with endometriosis

The appearance of brown leucorrhoea on the eve of menstruation may be a manifestation of uterine endometriosis. In this case, vaginal discharge is accompanied by the following pathological symptoms:

  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen. Their intensity and severity depend on the severity of the disease.
  • Pain in the pelvic area. Before the onset of menstruation they intensify, and after completion they weaken. In the interval between menstruation, pain in the pelvis is not pronounced.
  • Changing the shade of the discharge. With endometriosis, they can be black, light or brown.

Endometriosis can be triggered by the consequences of abortion, trauma, and surgical interventions on the uterus.

Leucorrhoea brown in infectious pathologies

Infectious inflammation of the uterine cavity (endometritis) can cause the appearance of dark brown premenstrual whiteness. Pathology develops after abortion or complicated labor.

With endometritis, brown leucorrhoea is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Unpleasant odor of menstrual bleeding;
  • Constant pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacrum or lower back;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Compaction and enlargement of the uterus, which is determined during a gynecological examination;
  • Apathetic mood;
  • Loss of strength (especially at the beginning of menstruation).

Another reason for spotting brown discharge is genital infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts, etc.) and inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs.

Brown leucorrhoea before menstruation due to tumor neoplasms

Premenstrual brown discharge may occur due to endometrial hyperplasia. This pathology develops after a serious psycho-emotional shock, heavy physical exertion and as a result of hormonal disorders.

Brown discharge with hyperplasia is accompanied by irregular menstrual function, the appearance of spotting in the middle of the cycle and cramping pain in the pelvis.

Another tumor pathology that manifests itself as premenstrual brown discharge is uterine fibroids. Malignant neoplasms of the reproductive organs lead to the appearance of black and dark brown vaginal discharge.

Other factors causing premenstrual brown discharge

The most common cause of brown leucorrhoea is the use of hormonal contraception, which leads to hormonal changes. The appearance of brown discharge is a consequence of the body’s adaptation to new changes. Leucorrhoea caused by hormonal drugs usually goes away after 3 months. In another case, you need to consult a doctor who will select a safer contraceptive drug.

In addition to hormonal contraceptives, the intrauterine device can lead to the appearance of brown leucorrhoea. The hormones in its composition affect the regularity of the cycle and the shade of the discharge. Also, spotting before menstruation can be observed during the initial stages of menopause or perimenopause.

Can brown discharge before period be a sign of pregnancy?

Immediately after fertilization, vaginal discharge changes color and consistency. The leucorrhoea begins to take on a brown tint.

Brown discharge is a sign of implantation bleeding, which occurs on the 12th day after conception, when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus. The activity of the embryo provokes an increase in the volume of mucus; it becomes creamy and may have a yellowish or light brown tint.

Implantation bleeding occurs on the days of expected menstruation, so many women confuse them. However, the difference between them is significant. When the embryo is implanted into the uterus, light-colored discharge is observed if fertilization has occurred. And when vaginal discharge resembles menstrual bleeding, you need to see a doctor. The appearance of such leucorrhoea may be a sign of a threatened miscarriage, improper attachment of the embryo, frozen or ectopic pregnancy, and other pathologies of pregnancy.

What to do if premenstrual discharge appears

If brown leucorrhoea occurs a few days before menstruation and turns into full-blown bleeding, this phenomenon does not require special treatment. If the discharge has an unpleasant odor or is accompanied by painful sensations, consult a gynecologist.

Before selecting treatment, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive examination, which will determine the cause and nature of vaginal discharge. Having studied the results obtained, the gynecologist will develop therapeutic tactics. For the treatment of infectious pathologies, antimicrobial drugs (douching solutions, vaginal ointments, suppositories) are prescribed. Inflammation of the genitourinary organs is treated with anti-inflammatory tablets and suppositories. To restore reproductive function, hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Inaction in such cases is dangerous for the development of infertility, the formation of tumors and subsequent removal of the affected organs. Early diagnosis will make it possible to detect the disease at preclinical stages and take appropriate measures.

Every adult representative of the fair sex knows about monthly bleeding from the genital tract. And, of course, it is no secret to anyone what color the blood should be on critical days. In many ways, the gynecological health of each individual woman can be judged by how menstruation proceeds. Black discharge before, during, or after menstruation can be either normal or a sign of a pathological process.

Dark discharge before menstruation - what is it and when should you not worry?

You shouldn’t always panic and rush to see a gynecologist when you see a brown spot on a pad.

Situations when such a phenomenon does not require treatment:

  1. Formation of the cycle. Each body is individual, and menarche (first menstrual bleeding). As a rule, a normal menstrual cycle is established within 1.5-2 years after this. During this time, the discharge may have a blackish tint, be smeared, linger, or even disappear for 1-2 months (if you haven’t had your period for more than 3 months, you need to contact). None of the above is a cause for concern.
  2. Use of combined oral contraceptives (COCs). When a woman uses a hormonal contraceptive for therapeutic purposes or to protect against an unwanted pregnancy, at the very beginning of taking the pills, her body needs some time to get used to the changes. Adaptation, the appearance of dark discharge before and after it, and sometimes in the middle of the cycle. Typically, such a side effect is prescribed in the instructions for the drug and is a variant of the norm.
  3. . No matter how simple modern morals may be, for many girls the first sexual experience in their life is a real event. Even if a girl loves her partner dearly, she experiences significant stress one way or another. And stress is known to affect hormonal levels. For this reason, the next period after the first night of love may change slightly, come earlier and appear as dark spotting discharge.
  4. Sex. If a woman was not sufficiently aroused during intercourse and did not produce the required amount of lubricant, minor damage to the vaginal mucosa occurs. It is clear that the dark blood that appears in this case has nothing to do with menstruation and appears immediately after sex.
  5. Recent genital surgery. After surgery, the body will need some time to recover. The appearance of black discharge instead of menstruation during the first 2-3 cycles is not a pathology. Due to damage to the epithelium of the genital organs, clots accumulate in the uterine cavity, which come out during contractions of the muscular organ.
  6. Climate change. If you are flying from a hot summer to a harsh winter, or vice versa, you should not be surprised at a disruption in the menstrual cycle. After 1-2 months, your periods should return to normal.
  7. . In women who do not breastfeed, the uterus again begins to reject the endometrium approximately 1.5-2 months after delivery, and in nursing women - after 6-12 months. Although usually the first menstruation is characterized by profuseness, it can be quite the opposite - scanty dark, odorless discharge will remain on the pad, which can develop into a full-fledged menstruation, or end before it has really begun. However, if the spotting continues for more than 3 months, this is a reason to consult a specialist.
  8. Pregnancy. Approximately a week after successful conception, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. As a result, discharge may appear on the laundry, the color of which can vary from pink to dark brown. Do not be alarmed; the appearance of such discharge is a fairly clear sign of pregnancy. However, be careful, too much bleeding may indicate a threat of miscarriage or detachment.

In addition to the above phenomena, the appearance of dark discharge for some women (spotting is a harbinger of discharge and indicates that full menstruation will soon begin), or within 1-2 days after it (with a light cycle, the uterus secretes the remains of menstrual blood).

When is dark discharge a warning sign?

It is very important not to miss the pathological process and begin its treatment on time. Our body is cleverly designed and often signals that something is going wrong. The main thing is to pay attention to changes in your condition and not miss important signals.

Dark discharge occurs with the following pathologies:

  1. Neoplasms of the internal genital organs. Despite the fact that the appearance of brownish discharge 2-3 days before menstruation is usually the norm, such a seemingly harmless symptom can indicate the presence of both benign and malignant tumors. That is why it is very important to visit a gynecologist’s office at least once a year.
  2. Uterine fibroids. Myoma is a benign neoplasm that appears in the muscle layer of the uterus. This is a fairly common pathology. Approximately 20% of gynecological diseases fall under this diagnosis. Small fibroids, as a rule, do not manifest themselves in any way and are discovered by chance during an ultrasound or gynecological examination. But if the nodes reach a size of more than 10 cm, intermenstrual bleeding and thick dark red discharge may appear a couple of days before the arrival of the critical days.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy. As mentioned earlier, slight bleeding after implantation of the egg into the uterine wall is absolutely normal. In addition to the appearance of discharge (it can be either black or light scarlet), symptoms of improper attachment of the fertilized egg are pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, dizziness, and fainting.
  4. Cervical erosion is damage to the epithelium of the cervix. In simple terms, a non-healing wound appears on the neck. Erosion is very clearly visible when examined in mirrors, and therefore it will not be difficult for a doctor to make this diagnosis. At the same time, spotting may appear regardless of the day of the cycle: after sexual intercourse, gynecological examination, etc.
  5. Endometriosis. The diagnosis suggests that the endometrium (tissue lining the inner cavity of the uterus) has spread beyond this organ. Vivid symptoms of endometriosis are the appearance of dark discharge before menstruation, an increase in the volume of lost blood, pain in the lower abdomen, and painful urination.
  6. Endometrial hyperplasia is excessive growth of the inner lining of the uterus. Spotting dark discharge after menstruation or before it begins may indicate this disease.
  7. Endometritis is inflammation of the endometrium. Dark discharge with this pathology has an unpleasant odor and appears on the first day of menstruation, as well as at the end of menstruation. Sometimes brown mucus is released in the middle of the cycle and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.
  8. Severe inflammation. During the inflammatory process, black discharge is often mixed with pus and has an unpleasant odor. In addition, the woman is bothered by pain in the lower abdomen, weakness, nausea, etc.
  9. Sexually transmitted diseases. Having unprotected sexual intercourse or frequently changing sexual partners can trigger the occurrence of infectious diseases. In this case, the discharge often has an unpleasant odor; it can be either light or very dark, and appear regardless of the phase of the cycle.
  10. Dramatic weight loss. For beauties who want to lose weight extremely quickly, approaching the canons of modern fashion, nutritionists advise restraining their desires and getting rid of excess weight gradually. Otherwise, there is too great a risk of hormonal imbalance. And, as a result, brownish spotting appears or there is no menstruation at all.
  11. Premature. Ovarian atrophy occurs and their direct function ceases. This condition is not the norm, because it affects women under 45, for whom it is too early to enter menopause. Among other unpleasant symptoms, such as sweating, hot flashes, frequent mood swings, etc., there is the presence of extremely scanty dark discharge instead of menstruation with its subsequent complete disappearance (amenorrhea).
  12. Cervical cancer. At first, while the malignant tumor is too small, there may be no symptoms. Subsequently, the main sign of the oncological process is vaginal bleeding (discharge can be white, watery, dark brown, or mixed with blood, greenish). It appears after sexual intercourse, physical activity, etc.
  13. Polyps in the uterus and cervix. All polyps must be removed surgically, because a small growth is quite likely to become malignant. As a rule, degeneration is typical for adenomatous polyps of the cervix. Bloody discharge appears regardless of the day of the cycle due to damage to the blood vessels. And if the polyp blocks the cervical canal, then menstrual blood does not have the opportunity to freely exit and accumulates. Due to the obstructed outflow, dark blood with an odor (due to stagnation) will come out a little over time.

If you suddenly have dark discharge after your period, before it starts, or in the middle of your cycle, don’t wait for trouble, contact a specialist. Many diseases in the initial stages occur without pain, and they are quite difficult to notice. Timely treatment can not only prevent the development of the disease, but in some cases, save your life.

Hello. My periods always went like clockwork, day after day. Last month everything went as usual, and after 7 days dark discharge appeared. During menstruation everything was normal, I didn’t notice any dark clots. What should I do? (Lilia, 32 years old)

Hello, Lilia. A symptom such as dark discharge a week after menstruation may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, endometritis, endometriosis, the presence of a polyp, endometrial hyperplasia and much more. The best option for you is to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible for an examination.


There are many reasons why a woman experiences dark vaginal discharge. To understand the nature of their appearance, the doctor prescribes a number of examinations to the patient:

  • examination on a chair in the mirrors, taking smears from the vagina;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • colposcopy or hysteroscopy (if necessary);
  • blood test for tumor markers;
  • blood test for sex hormones.

Do not self-diagnose without visiting a doctor, and do not try to self-medicate. Such negligence, at best, will not help in any way, and at worst, it will only aggravate an already not rosy condition.

Hello. Please tell me what to do. 2 weeks ago I had my periods, quite heavy. I was still wondering why they didn’t end (it took 6 days). Then they stopped, and today they started again, only in clumps, very dark. This has never happened before, what does this mean? (Lana, 23 years old)

Hello Lana. Long, heavy periods, as well as the appearance of blood in the middle of the cycle, clearly cannot be regarded as normal. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you why exactly this happened. You need to visit a doctor as soon as possible and undergo the necessary tests.

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The presence of discharge from a woman's genital tract is normal. They can have different intensity and color depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, but must meet two criteria: the absence of an unpleasant odor and discomfort in the genital tract.

The menstrual cycle begins from the moment menstruation begins (this is the first phase - follicular). On the first day, the bleeding is not so abundant and has a dark color; its peak intensity occurs on the second or third day, when the bleeding noticeably intensifies and becomes bright in color, including blood clots and mucus. Over the next few days, the discharge gradually fades away, turning into a dark smear. And on the fifth or seventh day they end completely. The next week of the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle may be marked by minor symptoms.

The ovulation period is the middle of the cycle and occurs two weeks after the start of menstruation. During this period, a mature egg leaves the ovary and moves through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. This period is characterized by abundant transparent, mucous discharge. This is also due to the fact that the time of ovulation is the most favorable period for conception, and nature does everything possible to make it happen. Increased hydration of the vagina during this period is one of these manifestations.

In the middle of the cycle, some representatives of the fair sex note the short-term appearance of pink or light brown discharge. Any shade of brown in the discharge, including this one, indicates the presence of blood. During ovulation, this is a sign of hemorrhage during follicle rupture and is considered a normal variant.

The next period of the cycle is the luteal phase, which lasts for the next two weeks, until new bleeding begins. At this time, the discharge becomes milky white, but still remains rare. The closer to the onset of menstruation, the thicker they become, taking on a pasty consistency and may acquire a yellowish tint.