Snow (drifts) in a dream is a rather ambiguous concept, therefore, in order to understand why snowdrifts of white snow are dreamed of, you should carefully recall your dream and analyze it with the help of a dream book based on events and circumstances occurring in real life.

In most dream books, such a picture is a sign of purification, inner peace, moral satisfaction, surprise and pleasant surprise. Also, this image can be interpreted as a sign of imminent changes in the life of a sleeping person, and also symbolizes a cooling relationship with a loved one.

Miller's dream book interprets snow and snowdrifts as a favorable period in which troubles and misfortunes will pass by without affecting the dreamer. If a person is overtaken by a snowstorm in a dream, it means that in reality the dreamer will experience confusion and grief over failed affairs. Watching snowfall and snow drifts through glass means an unpleasant disagreement with a person dear to your heart, which will be aggravated by financial problems.

If a young girl dreams of snowdrifts in a dream, it means, according to the dream book, the young lady should prepare for a difficult conversation with her lover. Perhaps for some period we should expect a cooling of the relationship between lovers, which will not go unnoticed by others. The dreamer needs to pass this life test with dignity and not succumb to various provocations from people she knows.

The opportunity to improve your material and financial well-being, as well as influence the opinions of others, is what dreams of a lot of snow (drifts) mean. Melting snow drifts represent the fear of a sleeping person, which will soon turn into joy. Dirty snow drifts in a dream foreshadow in the dream book the pacification of one’s own pride; the dreamer will have to reconcile with a person who clearly treats him with contempt and arrogance.

Actions of a sleeping person

To find out in more detail why you dream about snowdrifts, you should analyze your vision and remember your own actions in the dream.

Seeing drifts of snow in a dream, but not approaching them, indicates a person’s caution, which will soon help to avoid unnecessary financial expenses. For a young girl, the dream book indicates excessive suspicion of the guy, which can cause dissatisfaction with the chosen one.

Falling or getting stuck in a snow drift is a sign indicating a period in life when little depends on the dreamer. The dreamer is completely dependent on the opinions and actions of the people around him and will not be able to find a way out of the current situation. If in a dream a person managed to get out of a snowdrift, then, according to the dream book, in real life there will be an opportunity to get out of a situation that seemed hopeless and hopeless.

Why do you dream about big snowdrifts? Such a picture portends joy, serenity and well-being in the dream book. Easily moving through high snow fields denotes happiness and financial success. Falling on fluffy snow means trust and enjoyment of your own wealth. In this case, the size of the snow piles is proportional to the level of a person’s monetary income.

For a girl to play snowballs in a dream, the dream book foretells unpleasant family battles and scandals that can quarrel among household members for a long time. For businessmen, such a vision portends deception and the collapse of plans and goals. Making snowballs yourself means that the blame for losses and troubles lies entirely with the dreamer.

It’s useful to know why you dream of walking with your significant other through snowdrifts. This picture personifies goodness, love and purity of relationships between lovers. If the snow feather bed in the dream is dirty, then young people will soon have to go through difficult days that will be full of disagreements and mutual misunderstanding. Only patience and true love can overcome these trials.

Why do you dream about snowdrifts? It looks like something will happen in reality that will literally shock you. Moreover, this event will most likely be pleasant. Popular dream books will tell you what this image in a dream means and how to interpret it correctly.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Did you happen to see snowdrifts in a dream? If the picture has caused unpleasant associations, then things will decline. Moreover, you will get bogged down in sad thoughts. If the winter weather is pleasant, then something good will happen.

Why do you dream that you were having fun jumping in the snowdrifts? You are guaranteed excellent health and incredible luck. The dream book is sure that now you can take on any business - even troubles will turn into success.

Interpretation according to the White Magician's dream book

Why do you dream about snowdrifts? If you're walking through deep snow and dressed for the season, things will slow down a little, but then things will get back to normal.

Did you dream that you found yourself in summer clothes in the middle of a deep snowdrift? You often pay attention to the fact that this world is not perfect and, realizing this, you fall into melancholy and sadness.

The dream book suspects that you are an idealist who is trying to change everything and everyone. Most often, however, efforts are wasted, only depleting your reserves of vital energy. Stop tilting at windmills and improve only what you can really do, but no more.

Interpretation according to the dream book for the whole family

Why do you dream about snowdrifts? If the image appeared on Monday night, then get ready for serious changes for the better. If on Wednesday night you dreamed that you were mired in a snowdrift and could not get out of it, then changes will be unpleasant, but inevitable.

Walking through snowdrifts, and even against the wind, in a dream on Friday night means that your life is full of barriers and obstacles, but you are coping to the best of your ability.

Did you dream that you fell into a snowdrift? Soon you will have a love affair with big consequences. If in a dream you walked through snowdrifts against the wind, then you will find it difficult to establish relationships with some person.

Opinion of Aesop's dream book

In a dream, smooth snowdrifts completely without traces act as a symbol of deception or surprise. Why do you dream about them most often? Your future is undefined and therefore unpredictable. Moreover, you should not wait for signs from above; you will have to act, relying solely on yourself and your own intuition.

Why do you dream of big, deep, white, dirty snowdrifts?

Did you dream of big snowdrifts on a clear winter day? Changes for the better will soon occur. Seeing snow-covered trees among large snowdrifts in a dream means that luck will turn its face to you and help you solve long-standing problems. Sometimes snow-white snowdrifts reflect the need to cool an overly hot heart or head.

White and fluffy snowdrifts in a dream promise peace and peace of mind. Dirty deposits warn of coldness in relationships or conflict. Did you happen to see a melting snowdrift? Organize your thoughts and feelings and only then take action.

Dreamed of snowdrifts in winter, summer

Why do you dream of snowdrifts in winter? If they are illuminated by the sun, then luck is on your side, if the winter day is gloomy and gloomy, then the period of bad luck will drag on. Did you dream that there were deep snowdrifts in late autumn? Things will go well, and you will know true happiness.

Melted snowdrifts in the spring in a dream warn that suspicions or fears are groundless. If snowdrifts appear in the hot summer, then something out of the ordinary will happen.

What does it mean to walk through snowdrifts?

If this event caused joy in a dream, then you will experience great happiness. This is a sign of good health and overall success. Did you dream that you had difficulty moving through snowdrifts? Get ready for a streak of bad luck. If you are completely lost in the snow, then the bad period will drag on for a long time.

Why do you dream that you were walking in the snow and experiencing excessively joyful sensations? You clearly have an excess of emotions and energy. Try to let off some steam. Longingly wandering through the snow barefoot, and even late in the evening in the cold, is bad. This is a sign of impending poverty.

Snowdrifts in a dream - examples of dreams

When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the snowdrifts, the quality of the snow, your own feelings and other most memorable factors.

  • dirty snowdrift - gossip
  • melting - perspective
  • white, deep - happiness
  • it’s hard to wander through the snowdrifts - trouble
  • easy - you will overcome difficulties
  • skiing - for a picnic, hike
  • barefoot - good health
  • in old shoes - poverty, many troubles
  • in new boots - prospects
  • fall waist deep - trouble with friends
  • falling into it is an obstacle
  • snowdrifts in the field - arrogance, pride
  • in the forest - difficulties in business
  • in the city - problems in love
  • raking a snowdrift - you have to make an effort

If you dreamed that you were sleeping right in the snowdrifts, then rest assured: you will live a long and relatively happy life with your soul mate.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Getting stuck in the snow or falling into it in a dream means that you are in a position where nothing depends on you. You are too tied up with some people and you have no chance in the near future to find a way out of this situation. But if in a dream you manage to get out of deep snow safely, then in life you will be able to find a way out of a situation that seemed hopeless. Getting lost in the snow in a dream is a harbinger of disaster. Snowfall in a dream means obstacles in business and troubles. If you dream that you see snowfall on Epiphany, then such a dream predicts an imminent separation from your lover.

Seeing large drifts of fluffy snow in a dream or moving among them is a sign of great happiness and wealth. Moving easily along them is a sign of great success in a difficult task. Falling into such a snowdrift in a dream is a sure sign that you will enjoy your wealth. The size of the snowdrifts and the whiteness of the snow are indicators of the size of your well-being and wealth. But being stuck in snowdrifts in a dream indicates that you are in a hopeless situation and you should come to terms with it.

Snowy mountain peaks in a dream indicate your ambitions and desire to become famous. Such a dream suggests that your claims are unfounded and you should be more modest and not indulge yourself with empty hopes in order to avoid disappointments and disappointments in the future. Soft snow in a dream foreshadows pleasant meetings or news. Snow sparkling in the sun in a dream is a harbinger of happy changes in your destiny. Seeing a snowman in a dream means receiving quick news from a loved one.

Seeing a lot of snow in a dream means good profits and health. Wet, prickly snow in a dream indicates future pleasures, humiliation and shame. Dirty snow in a dream warns you of the danger of scandal or betrayal. Melting snow in a dream is a harbinger of slow and small changes for the better.

A snowstorm in a dream is a harbinger of big changes in your situation for the worse. Playing snowballs in a dream means deception and the collapse of hopes for repayment of a monetary debt. Making snowballs in a dream means that you yourself will be to blame if your company suffers losses. Throwing snow at someone in a dream foreshadows empty quarrels or useless proceedings. Rolling down a snowy mountain in a dream is a sign warning you of danger due to the fact that you will get involved in a risky business. See ice, winter, avalanche, ice.

Why do you dream of snow according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

Walking in the snow in a dream:
Walking in the snow in a dream is a sign that the time has come to repent of your sins before the Lord God. Go to church, light a candle to your saint and start a righteous life.

If you dreamed of dirty, loose snow:
Seeing dirty, loose snow in a dream means difficult trials. Such a dream suggests that you will soon be faced with the betrayal of a person close to you, as a result of which your honor will seriously suffer. Be careful when communicating with other people, because it is safe to trust your secrets only to God’s messengers on Earth.

If you dreamed of pure snow:
If you dreamed of pure, sparkling snow, then in real life you are living the life of a righteous man. The Lord is with you because all your deeds and actions are in accordance with his teachings.

If you dreamed of heavy snowfall:
If in a dream you are caught in very heavy snow, then such a dream is a prophecy of a happy, prosperous life. You are about to make a profitable deal, as a result of which untold riches await you. But do not under any circumstances use the material benefits sent to you for personal gain, because otherwise you will lose everything in an instant.

Wandering through snowdrifts in a dream:
Wandering through huge snowdrifts in a dream means difficult life problems. Sometimes it will seem to you that there will be no enlightenment in life and that God does not notice your suffering, but this is far from the case, for, despite the fact that each person has his own destiny, everyone goes through both bad and good. Be patient and hope, and the Lord will see your torment.

Sculpting figures from snow in a dream:
Sculpting various figures from snow in a dream is evidence that you should not try to embellish your achievements in this life in front of your neighbors. The truth will come out sooner or later anyway, then you will find out how a person feels who has not kept his promises and lied to his friends.

Why do you dream of snow according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of heavy snowfall, big changes are coming. If you dreamed of snow with a strong wind, this portends obstacles in love. If you dreamed of huge snowdrifts, this means happiness and successful progress of affairs. Walking on freshly fallen snow means you can easily overcome any obstacles. Having difficulty making your way through deep snow is an accident with friends. Falling into the snow means unexpected difficulties. Skiing in the snow means you will have a pleasant vacation in the company of close friends. Melted spring snow - everything will turn out just fine. If you dreamed of dirty snow, this foreshadows family troubles. If you dreamed of snow in the summer, it is a harbinger of incredible and unpredictable events.

Why do you dream of snowdrifts? The dream book explains: ahead is successful overcoming of difficulties, prosperity, good luck, harmony in relationships with loved ones. But sometimes the plot in a dream warns of difficulties, trials and even a hopeless situation.

Prosperity ahead, informed decisions to be made

Dreaming of heaps of sparkling snow around foreshadows happiness and prosperity for the dreamer. He will be able to adequately provide for his family.

Lush drifts of pure snow in a dream that you admire mean: you are calm and internally balanced, you can make thoughtful decisions.

Prepare to overcome challenges

Why do you dream of loose, dirty piles of snow? The dream book warns of great trials. Perhaps someone close to you will betray you. You shouldn't trust everyone with your secrets.

Did you dream of falling there? The vision foreshadows difficult trials that can change the sleeper’s outlook on life.

Obstacles, deterioration of health

Seeing a lot of snow drifts blocking your way in a dream foreshadows, according to the dream book: obstacles will arise that will slow down the progress of your business.

If winter has left a lot of snowdrifts near your house, the health of one of the household members will worsen.

Did you dream about a lot of huge ones, among which you got lost? Receive shocking news that can unsettle you.

Luck will smile, there will be mutual understanding with relatives

Why dream of having fun and jumping over big snowdrifts? The dream book indicates: good luck will accompany you. Even troubles can end happily.

Seeing large drifts of pure white color in a dream promises positive events that will pleasantly surprise you.

Lying on a white snowdrift, feeling peace - you will be satisfied with your material well-being, your wealth will increase.

Did you dream of standing next to a huge white fluffy snowdrift? The dream book promises: there will be mutual understanding and harmony with loved ones.

Receive a gift, change will begin

Did you see them in your dreams in the summer? Soon you will receive an unexpected gift that will greatly delight you.

Snowdrifts in summer indicate: the dreamer’s health and well-being will be excellent.

Why do you dream of snow drifts in the fall? The dream book suggests: changes for the better are coming. Perhaps they will not happen immediately or will not be too clearly expressed, but they will influence fate.

In a dream, were you able to easily overcome high snowdrifts? This means: problems will soon begin, from which you will successfully emerge without harm to yourself.

You're missing love

Did you dream of running over them in your socks? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: in reality the sleeping person lacks support, love, and understanding.

Have you ever drowned there and can’t get out? The dream book says: you cannot cope with difficulties alone, you will have to ask for help.

Dream details

Remember what you happened to do among the snowdrifts:

  • get stuck - be careful: there is a hopeless situation ahead;
  • to fall - material well-being, enjoyment of wealth;
  • drowning - a period will begin when little will depend on you;
  • to fail means problems at work.

Miller's Dream Book: failures are coming

Why do you dream that because of snowdrifts you cannot get out and are already lost? The dream warns of a long series of failures.

Profit, happiness in personal life

Did you dream of easily making your way through snowdrifts? In reality, your business will bring the planned profit, and new ideas will be successfully implemented.

Freud's Dream Book

Snow- is a symbol of ejaculation and fertilization.

General dream book

Seeing snow in a dream- to a love adventure that will not have any consequences for you.

If you dreamed that you were shoveling snow- you have to spend a lot of effort to get your beloved (beloved) to pay attention to you, but nothing good will come of it.

Sleeping in the snow- to a long and pleasant life with your beloved (beloved).

In a dream, you watched someone shovel snow- one of your loved ones has found a new lover (sweetheart), but his love will remain unrequited.

There is snow in a dream- for a date in an intimate setting.

You dreamed that you were selling snow- you will reject the love of a person who is unpleasant to you.

I dreamed about melting snow- this is a warning that soon your beloved (beloved) will be disappointed in you.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Snow- This is a sign of purity and purification. It's time for a new start and a new outlook on life. A new world opens up around the corner.

Snow may also- symbolize frozen emotions.

blizzard- can symbolize complete confusion of emotions.

Snow could be a sign- deception. Is someone deceiving you? Or are you lying?

snow avalanche- can symbolize incredible experiences or frozen emotions.

Is there any area of ​​your life where you feel overwhelmed?- to overcome this feeling, break your problem into parts and try to solve each of them separately. Start with the most important aspects, and then move on to all the others one by one.

Dream book of the 21st century

If you dream of snow in winter- such a dream does not mean anything.

At any other time of the year, snow in a dream- to an obstacle, loss, loss, litigation.

Seeing in a dream how the snow glitters and shimmers in the sun- means that news or a pleasant surprise awaits you.

Seeing snow falling in a dream- to receive good news, melting snow- to revive hopes and feelings.

Walking in a dream in the snow with your betrothed- means that your chosen one will give you kindness and affection. It’s a good dream to see that a snowstorm caught you and scared you. This means that fate has prepared a difficult test for you, but you will cope with everything perfectly and overcome adversity.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

See the snow- to joy.

Italian dream book

Snow- a symbol of purity, coldness, rigidity, sexual impotence, frigidity.

Image of falling snow- symbolizes a person’s faith in his own chastity or indicates fear that a person is not as honest and good as he should be.

Image of a man walking on untouched snow- a reflection of his desire for sexual contact.

Image of dirty snow- symbolizes a feeling of sexual guilt, attributing negative qualities to one’s partner. And also a hidden desire to be more flexible, resourceful, and inventive.

Image of melting snow- symbolizes the unconscious desire to be more sexually involved, more natural, to lose control of oneself (melt).

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Snow- means surprise and deception.

Seeing in a dream a smooth sheet of snow without any traces- you will not be able to achieve your plans, everything is against you.

Seeing that it snowed heavily in the summer- you will be pleasantly surprised.

Sculpting a figure out of snow in a dream- you do not have enough time and opportunity to achieve what you want.

Lunar dream book

Snow- to fertility.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Holding ice/snow in your hands/standing barefoot, although you feel cold, and freezing, although nothing external prevents you from leaving - a symbolic manifestation of internal fear, depression and apathy.

In a dream, hold ice or snow in your hands/stand with bare feet- reflection of internal processes. External illnesses of cold weaken a person’s will, and the loss of internal control over oneself causes a dream image of ice and snow, on which the dreamer stands and voluntarily freezes. The dream cannot be called completely unfavorable: one’s own body, still having the willpower to resist, warns the dreamer that lack of control over one’s emotions opens the door to kidney disease with already weakened lungs. The decline of internal strength also leads to disorder in business, and then depression will become an element threatening to freeze life. But it's not too late...

Get out of the cold, out of the snow- start to fight, look for a way out of a deadlock situation. Chopping ice, melting ice/snow and drinking water is a symbol of the beginning of a way out of a psychological impasse: the manifestation of internal forces, restoration of the balance between heat and cold, the resumption of proper blood circulation in the channels of the heart (warmth) and kidneys (cold).

Suck ice and snow to satisfy the need for water- a weakened body does not have enough strength to break the pathological physically and psychologically running in a circle. The body tries to get an influx of fresh energy at any cost and loses its last warmth. The dream foreshadows failure or illness and advises that to prevent this from happening, rest, gain strength and check the choice of goal and means of achieving it.

Enjoy the cold in a dream, experience an exaggerated need for it in a dream/walk barefoot in the snow/cover yourself with snow- all this means a dangerous excess of emotions, the fire of which they are trying to extinguish with cold from the outside. The dreamer's internal capabilities (and he knows this) exceed the external possibilities of implementation.

External cold- is a symbol of adequacy, sobriety, calmness, a comparison of the desired and the possible. The cold will freeze excess self-confidence that threatens self-confidence, which will allow you to draw up an action plan adequate to reality. Sleep is favorable: the body has the strength not only to restore internal balance, but also to prevent its possible disruption, adequacy is a guarantee of success and health. But still, the dreamer should be more restrained and avoid Napoleonic plans.

Look at the expanses of ice and snow with peace and pleasure- favorable: this corresponds to the rhythms of the body with the winter season and healthy kidneys.

Watch with fear, despondency and longing, especially at dusk- unfavorable: weakened body, inconsistency of one’s own rhythms with the winter season, weak kidneys and lungs.

Chinese dream book

Frost is falling, it is snowing- in business, do not expect a successful completion.

Snowing- soon there will be great luck and benefit.

The snow falls on you- there will be success in all matters.

Snow covers your house and yard- foreshadows mourning.

Snow falls without touching your body- foreshadows mourning for older family members.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Snow- the desire to forget. Emotionally cold, frigid.

However, white color- also symbolizes purity, innocence, intuitive knowledge.

At latitudes where snow lies most of the year- the emotional context depends on the type of snow, which varies depending on temperature, humidity, and time of year.

Someone standing in the snow- someone treats me coldly.

Peaks covered with snow- loneliness, self-focus.

Dirty snow- feeling of sexual guilt.

Snow melting- the desire to be more free, to lose control over oneself, to become spontaneous.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Snow and ice to see in winter- does not foreshadow anything; but at any other time of the year such a dream for the villager- portends a good and abundant harvest; merchant and civil officials- portends a stop in their affairs; this dream for military people- promises victory over the enemy.

Collect it- means litigation; eat it- marks momentary pleasure.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

It is snowing- joy; date; walk through snowdrifts- difficulties.

Modern universal dream book

No matter how beautiful and mesmerizing the snow is, when there is too much of it- it can become a natural disaster.

Snow also symbolizes- individuality, since there are no two identical snowflakes. The dream may be reminding you that you are unique.

Dream book of a gypsy

Light snowfall- a symbol of contentment.

Heavy snowfall- warning: exercise caution.

See tree branches drooping under the weight of snow- you are under someone's pressure.

Children playing in the snow- you will be fairly rewarded.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Snow- cooling in relationships / temporary mental damage.

Snow barely covered the ground- don’t pay attention to the difficult time, it will soon pass.

walk along it- feast.

Walk through deep snow- survive the cooling of people.

Falling- good news.

Melting snow- revival of hopes and feelings.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Snow- laughter, work, profit, surprise, love date, for good / end of love; not at the right time- futile deeds, failure; walk in the snow- pleasant surprise, feast / death in the village; gather- litigation; wash your face- fulfillment of the desired; throw snowballs- empty quarrel; snow on the mountains- good news; on the trees- benefit.

Esoteric dream book

Snow white, clean- to the hospital, you will end up in a hospital due to illness; if other people are present in the dream, then someone’s illness will affect you indirectly.

Gray, dirty, melting- to recovery from minor illnesses: allergies, colds, sprains.

Play snowballs, build with snow- pulmonary diseases, colds, sore throat.

Snowfall- sadness, illness of loved ones.

Ukrainian dream book

They say they dream about snow- it will be some kind of laughter from someone.

If you dream about winter, snow- they say that someone has already stopped loving someone.

If you dream of a person walking barefoot in the snow- this is a sign that he will fall into great poverty.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Snow- love date; walk in the snow- pleasant surprise; white, snow white- wealth, prosperity; blizzard- difficult cases with an unexpected ending; snow on the mountains- good news; on the trees- benefits; wash with snow, rub- fulfillment of all desires.

Collection of dream books

Snow- cleansing. Purity. Virginity. Clean start; a new view of the world; new beginnings.

Snow sparkling in the sun- new love; run barefoot in the snow- experience a lack of attention and love; falls- financial difficulties; filthy- humiliation.

Snow- to quick joy.

Snow- someone close to you would like to distance themselves from you, try to find out the reasons for this coldness.

Falling snow- a symbol of future life changes; walk through deep and loose snow- a sign of a possible threat to life and injury, as well as a conflict, stressful situation; walk barefoot in the snow- you lack closeness to nature, the body needs hardening as a means of increasing resistance to disease; see the melting snow- to a favorable development of life situation.

Snow- conflict situations.

Seeing snow falling in large flakes in a dream- to sadness.

Snow and ice- portend a bountiful harvest.

If you dreamed that you were shoveling snow- a lawsuit awaits you
Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.