Probably, all housewives have long been aware that store-bought smoked meats have long ceased to be prepared using the traditional smoking method. Most often, liquid smoke and other synthetic components are used - flavor enhancers, stabilizers, dyes, preservatives and numerous additives labeled “E”. Few people know what substances are “hidden” under these “Es,” but most people continue to buy such products because they have no choice. But this recipe will prove to you that there is still a choice, because you can cook delicious pork belly at home. And it is not at all necessary to be the happy owner of your own smokehouse. Now I will tell you how to prepare delicious boiled-smoked brisket at home. Having learned how simple it is, all my friends have long given up store-bought smoked meats.


- pork belly – 1 kg;
- fresh garlic – 2-3 cloves;
- black peppercorns – 3-4 pcs.;
- allspice peas – 3-4 pcs.;
- clove buds – 2-3 pcs.;
- table salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
- granulated sugar – 1 tsp;
- water for brine – 1 l.

1. You will also need a disposable or reusable smoker or liquid smoke to cook brisket. I had skinless brisket with large layers of meat and a small amount of lard. But you can cook any other cut of brisket to suit your taste. Prepare the brisket - wash it thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels.

2. Peel the garlic and cut into slices 2-3 mm thick.

3. Stuff the pork with garlic. To do this, make shallow punctures in the meat with a knife and insert a piece of garlic into them. Such punctures should be made over the entire surface of the brisket, on all sides, so that the pork is evenly saturated with the taste and aroma of garlic.

4. In the same way, season the brisket with allspice.

5. And black peppercorns, evenly distributing it throughout the meat.

6. Don’t forget to add a few buds of cloves; it will give the snack a subtle piquant aroma. But it’s important not to overdo it with cloves, otherwise it will overwhelm the other odors.

7. Place the prepared brisket in a thick-bottomed pan and fill with a liter of clean (filtered) water.

8. Add salt.

9. Put some sugar. Place the pan over medium heat and bring to a boil. Then slightly reduce the heat intensity and cook the brisket until half cooked for 30-35 minutes. A grayish foam will form on the surface of the broth, which will need to be skimmed off with a slotted spoon. Remove the half-boiled brisket from the brine and dry it, cool slightly.

And here is another proven recipe - it turns out juicy and tender, with an appetizing golden color.

10. Now move on to the second part of cooking - smoking. I smoked the cooked brisket in a disposable smoker, which you can buy in large supermarkets. The set includes a large bag of thick, heat-resistant aluminum foil for baking, thin perforated foil and wood chips for smoking. The chips can be from different types of trees, the final result depends on this, that is, the shade of smoky aroma. I had cherry chips, and the home-cooked smoked brisket turned out very tasty. I haven’t tried it with other types yet, but I recommend this one. Using this smokehouse, you can cook smoked meat, fish or poultry in a gas or electric oven or on the grill.

11. If you managed to purchase such a set, then pour the wood chips into thin perforated foil, rolling it up into a bag. Place it in a large foil package and place the brisket on top. Roll the edges tightly to prevent fragrant smoke from escaping during cooking and place on the bottom of the oven. Cook at 180 degrees for 90-120 minutes.
Also, for the final stage of preparing boiled-smoked pork, you can use reusable (stationary or portable) home smokehouses.
Another option is to include liquid smoke in the recipe. It is added to the remaining ingredients in the brine before cooking the brisket. you will need about 4-5 tbsp. l. product.

12. Cool the finished brisket, and you can try it right away. Fans of spicy savory dishes can additionally rub the appetizer with garlic passed through a press.
Cut the brisket into thin slices and serve as a cold appetizer.

I also suggest you try cooking

A detailed description of the technology for home smoking pork belly.

Previously, a recipe for smoking lard was published on our website; it became quite popular among visitors, as each stage was described in great detail by the author and photographed. I hope you also like the new recipe for homemade smoked pork belly.

Today we will smoke about 2.5 kg. pork belly or so-called layers. After going through many, I chose the most suitable one for myself.

It consists of preparing brine in the following proportions: for 1 liter of water you need 100 grams. salt. Without a scale, the amount of salt can be determined as follows: in one glass filled to the top edge, 320 grams are placed. salt. This means that for 1 glass of salt you need to take 3 liters of 200 ml. water. For this amount of water, you also took 3 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of barbecue seasoning (only spices without glucomate), 3 - 4 bay leaves, 10 black peppercorns.

Pour 3.2 liters of water into a saucepan, add salt, spices, garlic (peel the clove and cut into two parts), bay leaf and pepper. Bring the brine to a boil, boil for 3 minutes and turn off. You need to wait until the brine for home smoking has cooled to room temperature.

At this time, the pork belly should be cut as shown in the first photo. We wash the layers and place them in a pan with chilled brine. The pieces should be completely immersed in the brine. Place the pan in the refrigerator for 4 - 5 days. During this time, the brisket will be completely salted.

Remove the pieces from the brine. they need to be tied with twine or thick thread. And hang to drain for 3 hours. I didn’t wait and wiped the pieces with a dry towel, speeding up the process of preparing the product for home smoking. Next we will need alder sawdust; we put about two handfuls of them on the bottom of the smokehouse.

We hang the tied layers on the beams of the holder. We lay the asbestos cord and close the smokehouse lid. We tighten the handle all the way to prevent smoke from escaping into the room. We place the smokehouse on the kitchen stove, in our case an electric one, and turn it on to maximum heat. After 10 minutes, reduce the heat (fire) to moderate.

No matter how hermetically sealed the home smokehouse is, the smell of smoking will still spread throughout the kitchen. So the windows need to be opened. After 2.5 hours of smoking, remove the smokehouse from the stove and take it out into the fresh air. We unscrew the lid and see this wonderful picture.

Surprisingly, boiled-smoked brisket is easy and simple to make at home. If you learn to prepare such products yourself, you will no longer need to purchase deli meats in the store. Moreover, you will be absolutely sure that they do not contain any dyes or preservatives.

Homemade smoked brisket

There are several options for creating such a delicacy. We will look at the simplest and fastest one. For it we will need:

  • pork belly - 1.8 kg;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaves and allspice - use to taste;
  • table salt - 4 large spoons;
  • black tea leaves - 2 large spoons;
  • ground black and red pepper - use to taste;
  • liquid smoke - a couple of large spoons;
  • onion peel - from 4 large heads;
  • honey - dessert spoon;
  • parsley - approximately 100 g;
  • smoked sausage - about 60 g;
  • mustard (grain), coriander, paprika (mixture) - 2 dessert spoons.

Processing of the main ingredient

Cooked-smoked brisket at home does not take very long to make. You should start preparing such a product by processing the meat. The pork belly should be thoroughly rinsed with cold water and then dried with paper towels.

Heat treatment of the product

To make boiled-smoked brisket at home tasty and aromatic, you should definitely use various spices and seasonings during its preparation.

After processing the meat, you need to peel the garlic cloves, then cut them into slices and stuff them into the brisket. Next, you need to rinse thoroughly and put it in a pan. To it you should add chopped fresh parsley, bay leaf, tea leaves and peppercorns. After this, you need to place a piece of processed meat in the dish, skin side up.

At the end, you need to add the ingredients cut into rings and pour boiled water over everything. In this case, the liquid should cover the meat product by 2 centimeters. Place a heavy plate on top of the brisket to prevent it from floating during cooking. Next, you need to close the pan with a lid and bring the mixture to a boil. After this, you need to add honey, table salt to the bowl and mix everything thoroughly. Cook the ingredients over low heat for about 1.4 hours.

Preparing the coating

To make boiled smoked brisket at home with liquid smoke and tea more aromatic and piquant, it is recommended to coat the boiled meat product with a special sauce. To do this, you need to crush a clove of garlic, and then add mustard, paprika, coriander and a mixture of peppers to it. All ingredients should be thoroughly ground with a mortar.

After the pork is completely cooked and acquires a pleasant golden hue, it must be carefully transferred to a dry and thick towel, and then thoroughly wet and rubbed with the previously prepared coating. The brisket should still be hot.

Final stage

As you can see, boiled-smoked brisket at home with liquid smoke is quite easy to make. After the meat is coated with the spicy mixture, it should be tightly wrapped in thick gauze and then in foil. In this form, the product must be placed under pressure (under a full 3-liter jar).

When the meat has cooled, it must be put in the refrigerator for exactly 20 hours. After the specified time has passed, the brisket can be safely used for serving at the dinner table.

How should the delicacy be presented to the table?

Boiled smoked brisket is an excellent cold appetizer that will serve as an excellent decoration for the holiday table. What is especially valuable is that it is prepared exclusively at home.

After the pork meat has been infused in the refrigerator and saturated with all the spices, it should be removed from the foil and gauze, and then cut into thin slices and served to invited guests as a cold dish.

Anyone who tries the prepared delicacy at least once will never forget its amazing taste and pleasant aroma. You can serve ketchup or mustard as a sauce for this appetizer. Enjoy your meal!

For a recipe to turn out really good, it is important not only to smoke correctly, but also to choose the right meat. If it is stale or unsuitable in texture, then the smoked pork belly will not please you with its taste. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the pulp. It should be pink, elastic and odorless. As for lard, only white color is allowed - yellow indicates that the product is spoiled. There should be approximately equal amounts of meat and lard in the piece.

The pulp should be pink, elastic and odorless.

When the pork is purchased, it needs to be cut: medium-sized pieces are more convenient to smoke than large ones. To make the taste more intense, you should prepare a marinade. Meat must be placed in it before smoking in a cold or hot smoker.

Marinade with honey and onion skins

The marinade recipe for cold or hot smoking will not be difficult to prepare. It is this that will give boiled-smoked pork a special spicy aroma and taste.


  • meat - 1 kg;
  • honey - teaspoon;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • onion peel - 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • parsley - 80 g;
  • salt, pepper and spices to taste.

All ingredients, except the brisket, should be mixed and poured with about two liters of water. The recipe requires one to boil all the ingredients and then place the sliced ​​brisket into the liquid. You need to cook it for about an hour and a half, then take it out and coat it with spices, mustard and coriander.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly

Now the product needs to be wrapped in foil and a press placed on top. In this form, put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours, then let it dry on its own for several hours in the fresh air.

After this, the pork can be smoked using hot and cold methods.

Hot smoking at home Smoked brisket at home can be cooked not only on the street, but also on a gas stove. This method is suitable for those who do not have their own yard or cottage. For such a dish you will need a smokehouse. If you don’t have a special one, you can make it from scrap materials. A regular saucepan or metal bucket with a lid will do.

An important nuance: the container must be unpainted. Smoking brisket on a gas stove is done as follows. Place a container on the burner, inside which sawdust and grates are placed. Place the pork on top so that the pieces do not touch each other. Now you can turn on the stove and cover the smokehouse with a lid. About once every 15-30 minutes you need to release the smoke and check the readiness of the dish. It can be prepared on average in one and a half to two hours. This recipe for boiled smoked pork includes calorie content of the product is 494 kcal per 100 g.

Can be stored in the refrigerator and freezer.

Smoking brisket outside

It is good to use for cooking meat, including cold meat, in the territory of a summer house or private farmstead. It is convenient to cook in a smokehouse on the street, and the owner only needs to monitor the cooking process. Let's look at a hot-smoked recipe that makes smoked brisket at home very tasty. First you need to prepare a device, it can be a specially purchased or homemade container. In the second case, you can use a bucket or large pan, always with a lid. You should arrange a place for a fire: prepare firewood, place bricks around the fire.

Place fruit chips inside the container and place a wire rack on top. Now all that remains is to light the fire, place the meat on the rods, cover the container with a lid - and make sure that everything is cooked correctly. From time to time you need to lift the lid and release the smoke, otherwise the product will turn out bitter. The smoked pork belly will be ready in about 2-3 hours. But after treatment with smoke, it is advisable to leave the product in the fresh air for some time. After this, you need to either cut the meat for the table or put it in the refrigerator for further storage.

Cold smoked pork belly

Dishes prepared using the cold smoking method are stored for a long time. This method is great if you don't want to use all the pork at once. It is worth noting that the cooking process will take at least two days, and the smoke temperature should be 25°C, no higher. The meat will need to be left in a room with good ventilation for about a month. Therefore, if you want to quickly cook boiled-smoked brisket, this option will not work.

First, the meat must be marinated or salted using spices. Afterwards it will need to be placed in the smokehouse. A certain temperature should be maintained - 20-25 °C. For the cold method you will have to spend from 2 days to 4 days. In this case, the meat needs to be checked a couple of times a day.

After smoke treatment, the product should be hung outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. You will have to leave it there for several weeks, or better yet, a month. It is important that there is no draft, otherwise the top part of the meat will be too dry.

When the specified period expires, you can remove the product and use it for consumption. It is better to store in the refrigerator or freezer to keep it suitable for longer. If everything was done correctly, the taste will be excellent.

The calorie content of cold smoked brisket will be 309 kcal per 100 g. It is not recommended to consume brisket regularly and in large quantities; the portion per person should be about 100 g per day.

What dishes can be prepared from smoked brisket?

Boiled smoked brisket can be used as an appetizer or main course. It can be served with a side dish, such as boiled or fried potatoes, fresh vegetables or pasta. If you want, you can add meat as an ingredient to other dishes. For example, make sandwiches or pizza with it.

Pea soup with smoked brisket

A great option is to put boiled smoked brisket in pea soup, borscht or solyanka. It will provide a piquant taste, and the whole family will certainly enjoy this recipe. Pork is also added to salads. It will harmonize well with boiled potatoes, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, corn and other ingredients.

There is always a use for brisket, so making it in your smokehouse is a smart decision. If the meat is cooked correctly, both family and guests will appreciate it.

If you have a smokehouse, then it’s simply a sin not to smoke brisket in it, which will be an excellent replacement for sausages.

How to choose meat

You need to start by choosing your brisket.

The best option would be the brisket of a young pig - with a white layer of fat, pink meat and a soft thin skin. Also, the brisket should not have any bones and should not be frozen or it will not taste as good.

If you have homemade meat, then know that this option is the best. But if there is no homemade meat, then you will have to look hard for a suitable brisket.

You can buy it at the market or in a specialized butcher shop, but keep in mind that in stores, pork meat is always delivered from farms and can be stuffed with various growth hormones and vitamins that spoil the taste of the meat. Therefore, it is better to look for brisket at the market in the meat department, where pork is sold by private individuals who often raise pigs themselves or buy them in villages, which makes the likelihood of running into chemicals clearly less.

How to smoke brisket in a hot smoker

Once we choose the right brisket, we can start cooking.

  1. When choosing meat, carefully look at its color - the flesh itself should be pink, and the fat should be exclusively white. This is what the meat of a young pig looks like.
  2. You can leave the bones in the brisket if you don’t want to cut them out so they can sit around later, but in this case you need to smoke a little more and place them bone-side down.
  3. For a more pleasant taste, you can add a little sugar and aromatic herbs to the marinade.
  4. You can also add mustard seeds to the marinade, and if you like it spicier, you can use ready-made mustard in the marinade, the main thing is not to overdo it and before smoking, remove the excess with a knife, then pour over the remaining liquid part of the marinade.
  5. You can add a few slices of lemon to the marinade or squeeze the juice of half the fruit into it to make the taste more interesting, but this is not for everyone. However, you should not replace lemon juice with vinegar - it will ruin the taste.

The video shows a simple way to prepare hot smoked brisket: