Who is a necromancer? We see this word quite often in fantasy literature, films and even on the pages of newspapers. Most often, the necromancer is found in fantasy works. As a rule, he is depicted as an old, creepy sorcerer in dark, shabby clothes. However, a characteristic feature of a necromancer is manipulation of the dead.

Many believe that necromancers are mystical creatures that are mentioned only in ancient legends. But that's not true. In some historically reliable documents you can find information about people who practiced necromancy. Perhaps the most famous personalities are Dr. Johann Georg Faust (a real person, and not the hero of Goethe’s tragedy), Cagliostro, etc. What else is there. It is quite possible that there are still people among us in modern society who possess such mystical knowledge.

So who is a necromancer? What magical powers does he have and where does he get them from? You can find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

Necromancy - what is it?

The theme of death is often seen in various religions. Interest in it gave rise to a whole area of ​​mysticism called necromancy. What it is? You can find out the answer to this question by reading this article.

The first mentions of necromancy and necromancers were noticed back in the days of ancient Greece. Adepts, being in a state of trance, called spirits straight to the sanctuaries of Persephone and Hades. Such structures were built, as a rule, closer to the underground world (gorges, caves, or places near which there were hot springs). If you believe ancient legends, this was done in order to ensure a stronger connection with the souls of the dead.

Among other things, necromancy is even mentioned in the Bible. The necromancer in the person of the Endor sorceress, at the request of King Saul, summoned the spirit of the biblical prophet Samuel.

Since the Renaissance, necromancy has often been associated with demonology and black magic. But do the adherents of this teaching really serve the forces of evil?

Necromancer - good or evil?

There is a widespread belief among people that the magic of necromancers takes its origins from dark forces. But is this really so?

Necromancers are not followers of Satan. After all, they do not serve evil forces and do not use their spells solely to cause harm. But at the same time, adepts of necromancy cannot be called adherents of Light. This is due to the fact that they use creepy and forbidden magic, which can cause a lot of trouble. So who is a necromancer? You will find out the answer to this question below.

A necromancer or necromagus is a gray wizard who is a “bridge” between the world of the living and the dead. Moreover, he has a certain power over both the first and the second. Obtaining vital energy is the main goal of necromagi. Energy for them is the same means of existence as food for an ordinary person. It is thanks to life force that necromancers can raise the dead from their graves. Here a completely logical question arises - “Where do the followers of necromancy get this vital energy from?” The answer is quite obvious - from other creatures. Thanks to his rituals, the necromagus can take away the powers of any living creature. Including in humans. Therefore, a necromancer can well be called an energy vampire.

It is a fairly common misconception that necromages use their spells exclusively for evil deeds. Gray mages use their powers for various purposes. They can both destroy, kill, and heal, give life. Often, necromancers use magic for their own purposes. However, sometimes, being in good health, they can condescend to ordinary people and help them in their endeavors (for example, predict the future, protect them from damage, etc.). However, sometimes a necromagus can charge a huge fee for his help.

Perhaps another characteristic feature of a necromagus is the ability to cause damage or the evil eye. With enough energy, a gray magician can destroy a person in a matter of seconds. It is for this reason that the necromancer's curse is considered very dangerous. But, fortunately, followers of necromancy rarely use their powers on ordinary people. After all, necromages are unlikely to want to use their hard-earned life force on ordinary mortals.


Since necromages practice very complex and dangerous magic, they cannot do without equipment. Each necromancer must have a special ritual knife made of iron, bronze or copper. It can be used to collect special herbs, ingredients for potions, etc. Also, another important attribute for a gray magician is candles consisting of animal fat. They are used in most necromantic rituals. Also, necromages often carry incense with them, which can be useful in one or another ritual.

Sometimes the gray magician cannot use his magic for protection. In such cases, you have to use physical force. It is for this reason that necromages carry edged weapons with them, for example, a sword. The necromancer's sword is made of iron or silver. As a rule, various protective runes and symbols are engraved on it.

Necromancers in modern culture

One of the most popular mystical images is the necromancer. Fantasy works especially often use this motif. Just remember the universe of the mega-successful game World of Warcraft. The world of WoW is home to thousands of amazing creatures - from gnomes and dwarves to majestic dragons. Necromagi, in turn, fit perfectly into the overall setting of the game due to their mystical roots. You don’t have to look far for examples from the world of literature either. One can immediately name such works as “Necromagic”, “Faust” and a line of novels about the adventures of Anita Blake. In all of the above works, the theme of necromancy is revealed in great detail.

Gloomy dungeons, stinking zombies with sewn-on hands, rotting flesh and a soul sold to the Ideal Lords, what could be better for a real Necromancer. With this mod you will have the opportunity to create and improve not-quite-living companions on a special Altar. Creating dead servants is not easy and you need a lot of details and knowledge. There is also a separate Necromancy skill that determines which creatures you can reanimate.

List of creatures:

Skeleton- the simplest servant that can be revived even by a novice of Necromancy. First you need to find suitable material - this is either a whole skeleton or the corpse of any person. In the second case, you need to bring the corpse to the Altar, but keep in mind that most residents will not approve of this act, plus the body itself weighs an indecent amount. Once the corpse is on the Altar, you need to cut off all excess flesh. Next, you can begin to revive, this requires bone meal, nightshade and void salt (the latter can be replaced with a filled black soul stone). However, before reviving the skeleton, it can be strengthened using strips of leather and scrap metal. A strengthened skeleton has greater health and has a chance of being revived again after death. Thus, the reanimated skeleton will be with you for the rest of its life. The skeleton cannot use magic or wear clothing other than rings and amulets. The skeleton's skills are the same as he had during life.

Zombie- can be reanimated by a student of Necromancy. The process of revival is the same as for a skeleton, only without removing the flesh. Zombies use melee attacks and cannot wear clothing or use magic, but can wear a ring and an amulet. In addition, all zombies become infected with diseases and, upon any contact, infect another person, even the player. Reanimation requires Namira's Rot, Nightshade and Void Salt. A dead zombie can be reanimated by using a special catgut thread to stitch up damaged tissue.

Ghost- available for adherents of Necromancy. He is completely immune to normal weapons and only takes damage from magic, silver, Daedric, or enchanted weapons. In battle, she uses cold magic and a special curse that reduces the regeneration of magic and stamina. The ritual of revival requires nightshade, glow dust, and void salt. In order to keep a ghost, you must always keep the skull that was his during life.

Thrall- subject only to Necromancy experts. Thrall has all the combat and magical skills he possessed during life. The ritual of reanimation requires vampire ashes, nightshade and void salt.


When zombies or thralls die, their flesh condition decreases depending on their age. In order to reanimate them you will need strips of leather, scrap metal and catgut threads. However, the flesh's health will decrease slightly, depending on your Necromancy skill. If the health of the flesh is less than 0, then resuscitation is impossible, and the only way out is to remove the flesh and revive the skeleton.


Thralls can be mummified before resuscitation begins. To do this, you need to put the body in a salt bath for 30 days, then wrap the body in linen cloth. The process requires 5 salt and 5 linen cloth. Mummification is available only to Necromancy experts, and gives +15% to all attributes of the thrall. Mummified thralls are also more aggressive, confident, and have a distinct fighting style.

-Desecration of the soul

By interacting with black soul stones and practicing necromancy, there is a chance to desecrate your soul. A player with a corrupted soul is more vulnerable to disease, and health and stamina regeneration, the effectiveness of melee weapons, and speech are also reduced. Adepts of Necromancy are less susceptible to corruption.


The mod does not add any perks, but changes one. The "Dark Souls" perk gives a health bonus to all reanimated creatures. In addition, if you are a master of Necromancy, they gain +20% magic resistance.

-Reaction to Necromancy

Most residents of villages and cities have a negative attitude towards manifestations of necromancy. In particular, people don't like it when you carry a corpse and are followed by reanimated servants. Members of the College of Winterhold and the Dark Brotherhood, companions and other people with low morals will not pay any attention. After 1 day, the attitude towards you will be the same as before.

-Ruins of the Heavenly Temple

In a location north of Winterhold there is an altar, if you place a great soul stone there and use the soul capture spell, a black soul stone will appear. This can be done once every eight days.


After you raise your first dead, Arkay's blessing will no longer be available.

-Necromancer at the College

A new character who sells supplies needed for rituals. Usually found in the Arcaneum.

---Known bugs:

Unique thralls and mummies (For example: Astrid) will increase their level along with the player. But all the bonuses from mummification will not work.
Unique mummies (Ulfric, Hadvar, etc.) have the “gray face” bug.
Skeletons can only use certain shields: iron (not heavy) and domain shields (Whiterun, Stormcloaks, etc.).
Sometimes a corpse placed on the Altar can take funny poses and make sounds of death.
Sometimes, for reasons that are not clear, companions may fight with each other.

Incompatible with any mod that adds or changes the soul capture spell, changing scrolls/staffs of revival. Other minor incompatibilities include draugr dialogue and Arkay's sanctuary.

Skyre - you need to disable the "Alternative perk" option in the MSM menu.


The necromancer's lair is located under the College of Winterhold, in the Midden - Darkness location. You have two options: follow the path of the necromancer and sell your soul to the Ideal Lords, or report to Tolfdir about the lair and complete the quest to find the necromancer.

"About the Necromancer."


There are many varieties, or, as Mages like to say, styles of Magic. But rightfully the darkest, most terrible and one of the most ancient styles is Necromancy - Death Magic.

The capabilities of an ordinary Magician who does not even know the basics of this science extend only to the world of the living and to worlds inhabited by non-human entities. The necromancer is able to penetrate beyond the edge of death, which for him is practically no barrier. If a person dies without having time to tell something important, then it will not be very difficult for the Necromancer to raise the dead man and ask everything that he did not tell. It will take a simple Magician dozens of hours to complete such a ritual.

But the Necromancer has his drawbacks. For example, he does not have a working field, that is, a biofield, but he does have it, but the densest part of it is so small that the bioframe simply does not register it. Also, the Necromancer cannot go to other worlds (except for the Astral) without outside help, and uses a special Guide for this (see 6.5).

A necromancer (especially a Natural One) is quite dangerous in a magical duel, because... His magic can only be resisted by a strong Mage. For comparison: A second-level Necromancer can only be opposed to a third-level Mage (provided that I used the same seven-step “ladder” for them).

It is extremely rare for Natural Necromancers to come to our world. They are especially dangerous and require very careful monitoring and training, because, if left to their own devices, they can do such things that even the Border may not be able to withstand.

1.2 Natural born.

Natural-born are those whose gift has not been inherited, but at the same time it is so strong that even without knowing the basics of magic, they can perform “miracles.” Below I present some classic examples of Naturals. It is worth noting that if I describe, say, a Druid, this does not mean that all Druids possess the following qualities. You just need to understand that there is just a Druid, and there is a Natural Druid, and these are completely different creatures.

Born Necromancer - Death Mage. Carries the energy of cold and decay. Without meaning to, he can cause serious harm to others. Capable of setting corpses in motion, making them speak and even perform certain tasks, most often to eliminate a person. He is also capable of killing from a distance with one word or desire. Having reached certain heights, he can destroy crowds of people with one movement, extinguishing the spark of life in them and turning them into his slaves.

Nusferatu Terrano - Born Blood Mage. Having received a drop of human or animal blood at their disposal, they are able to do whatever they want with it, but more often than not, they turn the victim into their slave. With a certain skill, Nusferatu Terrano is able to force all the enemy’s blood to leave the body, or simply boil. To maintain vitality, he needs to occasionally drink a small amount of human blood.

Born Druid - Natural Mage. All plants and animals (with rare exceptions) obey him. If separated from the forest for a long time, it may die. In cities it has practically no power.

Born Magician- This is perhaps the worst thing that can happen. When a Born Magician comes into our world, our entire reality becomes completely dependent on his actions. To describe its capabilities, you need to imagine the Thunder God in the flesh. Introduced? Well, how would you like it if someone like this lived next door? The last Born Magician (if you believe the legends and leave the Messiahs alone) was Merlin - the court Magician of King Arthur.

Chapter 2.

"About the Dead".

There are several ancient sayings that are called the "Commandments of Necromancy." These “Commandments” are nothing more than the laws of Death Magic, which the Necromancer owns. Part one of this text is dedicated to the Dead:

They don't love, don't feel and don't know.

They have only their memory in their power.

They are able to convey their essence to others.

They are manageable once.

Only someone like them can rule over them.

They are powerless before the Lord by birthright.

They have no soul.

They don't like being pressed down by a force greater than the weight of a tombstone.

Their strength lies in the fear of them.

Their fear is on fire.

Their will is in the word of the Lord.

Chapter 3.


3.1. The concept of "Matrix".

The matrix is ​​an energy-informational structure that is created for the purpose of programming anything - from a living person to a spirit or just a clot of energy. In the latter case, the matrix is ​​created to cause harm. This case is called "Combat Matrix Simulation".

3.2. Creation of the Matrix.

Creating a matrix is ​​a rather labor-intensive process. I will give two methods (Ball and Ball):

Method 1: A regular energy ball of any color is created. After which, holding the ball, its color is eradicated until completely transparent. Next, they begin to stitch the ball and wrap it with threads, putting into each movement the SAME idea for the sake of which the matrix is ​​created. When you feel that you have in your hands not just a ball, but a concentrated IDEA, the finished matrix is ​​handed over to the right person with very slow movements.

Method 2: This method is called "Tangle". It is practically no different from the previous one, except that the ball is created directly from threads that are rolled up like a ball. And in each revolution the IDEA of the matrix must be embedded.

3.3. Transfer of the Matrix.

Excluded from the general version.

3.4. Combat Matrix Modeling.

Excluded from the general version.

3.5. Application of Matrices in Necromancy.

Of course, by raising a corpse, the Necromancer can simply declare his will, and the dead man will carry it out. But what if the Necromancer is just a beginner? Or even not a natural one, but practicing this type of Magic by choice? This is where matrices come to the rescue.

Having raised the victim, the Necromancer forms a matrix into which he puts an order and, declaring his will out loud, slaps this matrix into the victim’s forehead. For these purposes, it would be nice to use the Tangle, because The ball is a less dense structure, and therefore “digests” more slowly.

Chapter 4.

Graphics and Gestures in Necromancy.

This chapter is a brief overview of the graphical tools used in Necromancy. This includes:

Alphabets are special symbols used and still used in Magic.

Circles are powerful protective devices used for invocations and rituals.

Symbols are graphic images that have a certain power.

Gestures are special positions of the fingers and hands themselves to perform any magical actions.

4.1 Alphabets.

In Necromancy, magical alphabets are used for various purposes. Firstly, this is a way to record a spell while maintaining its maximum power. The invention of special alphabets for this was simply necessary, because a spell written in the normal alphabet loses its power. By the way, this is why spells are never cast “from a piece of paper.”

As an example, I will give two alphabets. The first one comes from the roots of Arab-Palestinian mythology:

Excluded from the general version.

The second alphabet is used much more often, due to its European roots, and is called “Witch” or “Witchcraft”:

Rice. 6. Witchcraft Runic alphabet (Grim. De Cikon).

4.2 Circles .

A circle is a line drawn on the ground in order to protect the person inside it from various external influences. Circles can be of many different types. You don’t have to look far for examples - just remember the works of Dr. Papus with his complex formulas for creating a circle. In the real life of the Necromancer, everything is somewhat simpler.

Firstly: the most basic part of the protective Circle was and remains the outer line, which is drawn using the Staff (see “Words of Death”). It is worth noting that in the process of drawing this outer line, it is advisable to be inside the future Circle, so that when entering it you do not damage the protective “field”. But then everyone is free to do whatever they want. For example: you can draw sealing symbols, write the names of God, Angels, Demons, etc., it is possible and even desirable to draw an equilateral cross in the center that does not intersect the contours of the outer circle, and so on.

Of course, all these actions will add protective properties to the Circle, but for the simplest cases, one outer line is enough.

4.3 Gestures.

Gestures in Magic are, without exaggeration, of great importance. The gestures used in Necromancy require especially precise execution.

Below are four examples of gestures borrowed from the Necronomics (these gestures were later used to great effect in Lovecraft's Necronomicon).

I don’t know what it was like there during the time of Al Hazred, but now these signs have meanings very similar to the above:

Vur - attracts all dark and unclean forces to itself or to the outer boundaries of the circle.

Kish - opens portals or channels through which either those who were summoned during the summoning or someone else come. In the latter case, the following sign is used.

Kof - kicks out those who came “uninvited” to where this someone came from. Its modifications are also used to carry out magical attacks.

The Elder Sign or ALGIZ (named after one of the Futhark runes) has excellent protective properties. Can be used as a seal to lock something, or as personal protection.

Chapter 5.

Creation of the simplest physically active performers.

5.1 The concept of a physically active performer.

A physically active performer (FAI) is a quasi-living material being brought to life by the will of the magician. These creatures include:

Homunculus - [alchem.] a small monster capable of eliminating competitors and bringing contentment to the owner. Also called a homunculus was an artificial person, which medieval alchemists allegedly managed to obtain in laboratory conditions.

Zombie - [voodoo] a person devoid of will and soul, a faithful slave of a sorcerer. This is precisely the case we are considering here.

Sometimes a zombie was a temporarily animated corpse that was given a specific program. When he performed it, he returned to the original corpse state.

Connecting rod - [Russian] tongue magic] a dead man raised with the purpose of killing all living things. It dies itself after a few days, when the decomposition process goes far enough.

Conductor or "Monster" [modern. power magic] - a person whom the magician, having previously prepared accordingly, keeps with him in order to use him as a constantly operating node of energy channels.


Manufacturing: Excluded from the general version.

Destruction: Can be killed with conventional weapons. Burn the remains. It is worth taking into account that, according to Paracelsus, homunculi are extremely durable.

5.3 Zombie from a living person.

There are several methods of zombification. Many of them are kept deeply secret by those who own them, many have nothing to do with magic, because... are purely technological in nature. We consider those methods that are most accessible.

Manufacturing: Excluded from the general version.

Destruction: Zombies created in this way can be killed using conventional weapons. The only thing you shouldn’t forget is that they are not sensitive to pain and are quite tenacious. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately hit them in the head.

Connecting rod.

Manufacturing: Excluded from the general version.


1. Destroy the connecting rod It’s easiest for the one who brought him.

If the one who caused the connecting rod does not want to correct himself, then you need to find a grave with the body, bring a priest there and “re-bury” the unfortunate person, and consecrate the victim’s house by sprinkling it with holy water. But this method may not work.

2. Witchcraft to stake everything and make it comethe person who caused harm.

Take the heart of a dead animal, without any sign of life, place it on a clean plate, and, having prepared nine hawthorn thorns, proceed to the next spell - stick one of the thorns into the heart, saying: “Abibaga, Sabaoth, contra ratout prisons prerunt fini unixio parade gossum " As you insert the next two thorns, say: “Qui, fussum mediator agros gaviol volax.”

The next two: “Landa zozar voloi sator saluxio parade gossum.” Two more “Mortus cum fice sunt et per flaglationem Domini nostri Jesu Christi.” Finally, thrusting the last two thorns, say: Avirsunt devant vos paracietur strator verbonum offizum sidando.” Then continue: “I call on the one or the one who caused Missel Abel to act. Coward, you have been hurt, so that you come to us now, across sea or land, through all obstacles, without delay and without excuses.” With these last words, pierce the heart with a nail. (If you cannot get hawthorn thorns, you can replace them with new nails.) Place the heart pierced in this way in a bag and hang it in a pipe. The next day, take it out of the bag, put it on a plate and, pulling out the first thorn you planted, stick it in another place, saying the above words. Then take out the next two and stick them in again, saying the appropriate phrase. You should do the same with all the other thorns, being careful not to stick them into a place that has already been pierced. This experience continues for nine days.

However, if you do not want to give the criminal a rest, you can perform this nine-day operation in one day. Then they proceed as follows: having driven a nail into the heart and pronouncing the above words, it is necessary to

start the fire, place the heart on the grill and fry it over high heat. Then the sorcerer will come to ask for mercy.

If it is impossible for him to appear at the time you have appointed, then in this way you will force him to die. (Grim. Honor).


Monster is a slang term used by Necromancers of the Tarka school when communicating with each other. More often this creature is called the Guide, because. it is a kind of open gate for transition to other worlds, and also an almost inexhaustible source of power. Basically, it is Necromancers who use Guides, because... It is very difficult for them to work with living energy without destroying it.

The conductor is an unstable creature, i.e. a person who is used for this purpose can be returned to his original state. The transition will only affect his psyche, and how badly it will be damaged depends only on the person’s personal qualities.

Manufacturing: A girl (not necessarily a virgin, but the latter is better) from 14-16 to 20-22 years old inclusive is best suited for these purposes.

Before the ceremony begins, the Necromancer must compose a “Body Fluid”*. You will need a little liquid - about five “cubes”. Afterwards, mix it all in a bowl and read the “Words of the Portal”* over it.

The victim is euthanized using special herbal infusions or modern medications. After which it is completely exposed and laid on the work table and the body is given the shape of a star, i.e. arms and legs are directed along the rays of a pentagram previously drawn on the surface of the table. After which the text “Dive into Darkness”* is read, with the help of which consciousness and soul are temporarily expelled from the body. Here you should pay attention to ensure that the spirit does not leave the body along with the soul, otherwise the victim will simply die. While reading the text, the Necromancer's assistant captures the soul with the Soul Catcher (northern shamanic technology) and holds it in it.

Meanwhile, the Necromancer begins preparing the body. First, all chakras, centers of the feet and palms are lubricated with Body Fluid. After this, “Activation”* is read. And finally, when all the power points on the body are activated, the Necromancer subjugates the body with his power.

When the ritual is completed, the assistant releases the soul by opening the Soul Catcher.

* - see "Words of Death" ( Excluded from the general version.) .



1. Demons.

Sometimes it is useful for a Necromancer to seek advice or help from the Forces of Darkness or the Forces of Light. It is worth noting that the Forces of Darkness communicate with him much more willingly. It is for this purpose that below is a table of demons from the Keys of Solomon.

Rice. 9. Table of Demons (LEMEGETON)

2. Table of planetary hours.


























3. Table of Archangels, Angels, days of the week,

metals and colors belonging to the planets.







The hours indicated in this table are calculated as follows: daytime - hours from sunrise to sunset, night - from sunset to sunrise. The time obtained by calculating the duration of the day or night hours is divided by 12, thus you will get the knowledge of the duration of the magic hour, which will differ depending on whether it is night or day hours. For example, the first night hour of Tuesday belonging to Mars is called Beron, the angel ruling this hour is Zamael, the archangel is Khamael, the metal is iron, the color is red, and so on.

In the original Skyrim, I was excited about the Ritual Stone ability and tried to use its power to storm a Thalmor prison with the help of the dead... It turned out that necromancy wasn't that good in the vanilla game, so as soon as the Creation Kit came out, I started working on improving it necromancy and other dark arts. This mod adds the following features to Skyrim:

All original Necromancy spells and abilities (including Ritual Stone) have received increased duration and buffs. They still cannot be used on summoned creatures and dragons, but you can use any other creatures as slaves permanently, without time limits.
-New ingredients (soul stone powder, human fat, etc.) added to the game
-You can grind bones into powder
-The powerful grimoire of necromancy (Necronomicon) has been added to the game*. If you find and study it, you will unlock "additional" features of the game.
-All Daedric artifacts added by this mod are prohibited by the empire and most cities, so they will be confiscated by the guards if you are caught with them... And Vigil will not like it if he finds them on you!
- (Advanced) You can dismember any NPC with a dagger to get ingredients and body parts (skulls, hearts, fat, etc.)
- (Advanced) You will be able to take control of the dead (including your zombies and slaves) to take control of them (if they are hostile), equip and improve them (using special Daedric artifacts), make them wait or follow, and even destroy them !
- (Advanced) You will be able to learn how to create powerful Daedric artifacts to enhance your undead and turn them into killing machines.
- (Advanced) Resurrect a large army of the dead using the "army of the dead" spell
- (Advanced) Sell the souls of your enemies, risking losing your own to the Daedra Lords, receiving Daedric coins using the "Daedric Bargain" spell
- (Advanced) Resurrect your enemies at the risk of your own life force.
- (Advanced) Create Akaviri Soul Vials and collect dragon souls in them... and maybe you'll turn them into powerful artifacts or black infused soul stones!
- (Advanced) Craft a still and take it into your hands if you want to create distilled blood or powerful potions and poisons.
- (Advanced) Create Mimir, take it into your hands and use the knowledge of the dead to create magical artifacts with many different enchantments.

And, in addition to the above, I also made it so that some of the ingredients of the original game can be crafted. For those who couldn't get their hands on the original Necronomicon, I created a fake copy of it. This copy is meant to be imbued by the player with the help of the Lords of Daejoa and the souls of departed necromancers.

The book can be created at a tanning machine and requires the player to:

Enchantment 50+
summoning 50+
summoning the dremora lord - spell

The book itself requires 1 corrupted book, 1 Daedra heart and 13 filled black soul stones.

*Necronomicom can be found in Helgen or in a location near Riverwood (where the witch is), but overall it is advisable if you start a new game to fully experience this mod.

Soul essence capture has been made more realistic by prohibiting it from being collected more than once from a single victim. A new magic called "extract soul essence" has been added, allowing you to extract specific essences from non-NPC victims. Although the requirements for this spell are less strict, it can only be used once and only to obtain one type of essence. Added 9 elemental essences as ingredients and are associated with specific attributes or skills that they greatly improve. Moreover, if you pick up a distiller and you have at least 1 spirit essence in your inventory, you will find a fair amount of parameters or skills that you can permanently increase by 1 point.

This magic will not work on dragon corpses for one simple reason: dragon corpses are not true corpses and are not connected to the original creature, so the spell will not be able to recognize it as a corpse. Upgrading stats via "catch soul" and "extract soul essence" is now more useful due to the change from setAV to ModAV, so changing stats is now permanent and affects the base value. The Daedric Box can now be used to trade one of the nine soul essences for any other, 1 to 1. I solved the problem with the improvements of Sangin and Namira. Now they will work as they should.

Original mod page
Published with the written permission of the author -AghnaarMareth
Also thank you for the tip on this user mod - Kenofix
Copy the files from the archive to the DATA directory located in the game directory and activate the esp file of the mod in the launcher.


Create a revival spell
And protect fabrics from decay,
To raise not an old decrepit corpse,
And a new, clean product,

Instill in him a simple thought,
What he wants to tear, chew, moo,
And getting out with him into freedom,
To save your life from melancholy,

He did not study at the institute,
And according to the old manuals,
Where is the necromancy of science,
They were given in very long text,
Of long-forgotten languages,
Free yourself from shackles
Freedom, the will to breathe,
I dreamed and continued to read,

He could concentrate
Pouring Mana into actions,
Reached fabulous heights
Ancient evil sorcery,

Over the years of practice I have achieved,
What I was afraid to dream about,
Death itself is subject to him,
He married her with his heart,

Melancholy accumulated for grievances,
His persecution by people
He was just studying
But people couldn't think

In the cave there are sacraments, rituals,
Created summons of demons,
And now it's time to go out,
He repeated to himself with a grin,
"You people are just stupid sheep,
There is no forgiveness for your sadness,
Resentment asks the heart to beat,
Death is coming to you, and I am going with it."

Demidchenko Pavel Petrovich

Unlike light or dark magicians, who clearly delineate their belonging to one of the eternally opposing and opposite sides - Light and Darkness, necromancers give preference to the Force that unites these eternal fighters. The name of this Power is Death.

It is worth noting that “necromancer” is not a title or title of a magician, and this definition has little to do with lifestyle, it is such a unique way of looking at the world, it is a special train of thought, it is a different Essence.

This is similar to how one can live as a beggar without actually being one, but it is impossible to be called and be a necromancer without actually being one. The necromancer is constantly on the border between the living and the dead world, and for this reason can have power over both. Therefore, the necromancer is often confused with a representative of the classic undead - the lich. A lich is the same vampire, only with the difference that a lich can, by drinking the power of life from a living person, transfer part of it to a dead person, that is, he is able to raise a dead person. Often he may have the ability to turn into an animal, and he is a hunter, only his prey is somewhat unique - this is the life energy of people and non-humans.

By the way, fortunately for everyone around him, even possessing enormous power, a necromancer may not seek to enslave the world. To be more precise, it cannot, due to a number of reasons. And he doesn't need power. Strange, isn't it? But it is so. The necromancer has his own goal, which is not clear to others. And there are always many who want to compete for power.

Necromancers are quite rare guests on this earth, unlike werewolves, or, say, vampires.

You cannot learn to become a necromancer, just as you can learn ordinary magic; an outsider will be given only a small fraction of the knowledge of necromancers.

Necromancers are born, or rather are born into this world, in the form of a child who has partially lost his memory of the past (more details about the birth of a necromancer are described in the chapter “The Legend of the Misfits, or - The Story of a Necromancer”).

Naturally, a necromancer can learn any other arts, but most of what they are able to learn in their entire life is already within each of them. This unique storehouse of knowledge, huge and terrifying, thanks to the forces of its hidden until now dead knowledge, is called the “Sorcerous Book of Necromancers”, and it is located inside every necromancer from birth; all that is required is the ability to use this book correctly.

In magical duels, even the most powerful creatures try to escape a fight with a necromancer. You cannot find a more stupid act than trying to kill someone who walks through Life with one foot, and the other walks through Death. After all, even if you defeat a necromancer, even the youngest and most inexperienced one, the enemy can be hit by a very strong energy explosion of that very internal “Book of the Necromancer”, which the enemy may not be able to withstand. The fact is that this explosion is expressed in the terrible power of the black curse of the “Lord of the Dead,” which not many can remove. For this reason, most living beings try by any means to avoid meeting a necromancer.

I will note one interesting point - although the magic of necromancers is based on Death, at the same time, it does not always entail Death. Magic directed by the owner can also provide healing, but if done carelessly, it will exact an unaffordable price.

Dead magic is the magic of necromancers, it allows you to control dead matter and dead energy. But how can energy become dead? Death can happen to everything, but sometimes the word “death” does not fit all cases. After all, even gods are mortal, death overtakes them when they are forgotten by people who believe in them, and pray and worship them.

Are there limits to necromancy? After all, necromancy can be used both to commit murder and to revive, with necromancy you can bless, or you can curse, you can cause any harm, both to a dead and living creature, with the help of necromancy you can control the mind.

For a necromancer, Death is like an endless source... Using necromancy, you can create and destroy, but the only thing that is inaccessible to this black magic is the granting of life. You can only take away death. Because it is impossible to create life without mastering death.

The necromancer receives his power anywhere in the world.

After all, at any moment of time, even the shortest, on earth someone suffers, someone experiences fear, someone panics, sees a terrible nightmare in a dream, worries, hates, dies, etc.

All these emotions and experiences generate and send to the astral energy that the necromancer feeds on - this is the energy of vice and horror, terrible and merciless.

Only necromancers use it, it is not subject to other magicians, only a few, and only the most powerful, are able to control it, and then only in exceptional cases.

Dead magic is a terrible art, and no one can boast of the ability to control it better than a necromancer, and there are very few people who want to master it, and it’s not a matter of fear of losing life, but of fear of losing the opportunity to die.

After all, the shortest way for this is to try to master necromancy. After all, necromancy can take away not only the physical body, necromancy can also destroy the spirit, and everyone is afraid of this.

It would seem, where does the terrible and colossally powerful energy come from from experiences, suffering, or panic? But consider the following example:

Hatred has colossal power, with its help you can accomplish great and terrible things, but if hatred is not controlled, it can simply burn you. Don't use it too often. Hate, unlike love, will never appear out of nowhere. This is a very strong fire that constantly requires feeding, but you need to be very careful, because the wood for this fire is your mind. If your entire mind is burned by hatred, there will be emptiness, and there is no more evil and dangerous enemy.

The appearance of necromancers, by the way, is not too repulsive, as it might seem at first glance. How are they strikingly different from their brothers in the craft of necromancy?

Simon Green described other such creatures:

"They commit murders to prolong their lives, and exist only to kill again. They look like people, but they have aged terribly. Their bodies were dry, twisted and wrinkled. To such an unimaginable extent that in places there were through holes in their bodies - there was simply no living flesh there anymore. The skin was gray, like tissue paper, and cracked at the slightest movement. The faces had long since crumbled into dust, and the yellowish eyes were terribly watering with blood, blood mixed with yellow. saliva dripped from the rotting fangs, onto the cracking and tearing skin. These terrible creatures were called Brimstomb demons, humanoid creatures, half dead, half alive. They exuded the smell of decay around them, and their eyes were always bloodshot. space. There are only two of them, but they are also the most dangerous..."

There are practically no living necromancers, as far as the concept “living” can be applied to them. In the early centuries, the terrible bloody rituals of the necromancers gave them a bad reputation throughout the world, and caused fear, hatred and the desire to kill. Although the necromancers, when carrying out these rituals, did not set themselves the goal of stupidly shedding human blood, but directed them to help the same Others, only that time the principle of choosing the lesser of two evils was applied...