When asked about strong people, what comes to mind are large, brutal men with big muscles and a determined look. But is this real strength? Is it possible to determine how strong people are by their appearance? Is it true that such people have a certain power of vision? Is it possible to develop this skill, or is it inherent from birth? In general, how do they gain strength? Next there will be strong advice for everyone who wants to become strong.

Who are strong people?

Strong people are those who have inner strength and determination. The key word is “internal”. A person’s strength is determined by the core that shapes his behavior. We are all familiar with situations when a less impressive, but more “spiritual” opponent won the conflict. Why is that? Yes, because appearance never reflects essence. Two-meter height and “slant fathoms in the shoulders” can be inherited by a coward, but a short, thin guy can have a real “lion’s heart.”

How to understand which of them is stronger? Most likely, if you need to move a sofa, the first one will be stronger, and if you stand back to back, defending yourself from hooligans, then the second one. Although, there are nuances - hooligans, most often, are also cowardly, so they can be impressed by two meters in height, and the conflict simply will not begin. But this is not so important, because street fights are only a small percentage of those life situations where the strength of people is manifested.

How to define a strong person?

Inner strength has specific manifestations that are easy to detect in its owner:

  • Decisiveness in achieving goals;
  • Active life position;
  • The ability to say “no”;
  • Philosophical attitude towards failures;
  • Confidence in your strength;
  • Ability to take responsibility;
  • Life principles;
  • Self-love and self-respect;
  • Honesty towards yourself and others;
  • The ability to overcome your fears.

Perhaps this list does not convey all the qualities of strong people, but it helps to form basic ideas about them. The strength of a person is not only the strength of his gaze, the decisiveness in his voice or bravado. Strong people become so thanks to a number of their moral qualities.

What does the power of gaze give?

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with this statement. What we have inside is reflected in our eyes. The power of the gaze is manifested not only in confrontation. Girls are familiar with the power of the gaze of some men to arouse interest or attraction.

The power of a gaze can be calming, reassuring, attractive or even hypnotizing. But what is behind this power? Inner harmony and self-confidence. Is it possible to train the power of your gaze?, without deep work on yourself? I guess, yes. Many people know how to pretend to be stronger or more successful, but in reality they turn out to be ordinary liars. You don’t have to go far, just visit any nightclub and pay attention to the abundance of “alpha males” who have set up networks in the hope of seducing the next girl. In the morning, it’s difficult to even call many of them males, but in the evening their power of gaze is simply disarming.

There are several ways to develop the power of your gaze. First of all, increase your ability to make eye contact. What is needed for this? If you feel that you cannot “drill” someone with your gaze for a long time, but you don’t want to look away, you can look at the bridge of your interlocutor’s nose. Visually, it is almost imperceptible, but the duration of eye contact increases.

Secondly, it would be nice master self-hypnosis. For example, some guy is walking along a dark alley, and a drunk company meets him. If he had been a master of sports in boxing, perhaps this would not have bothered him. And so, the threat of getting punched is quite real. His only chance is to prevent a fight. If he “draws” his head into his shoulders or timidly looks at his feet, then the chances of being pestered will increase. What to do? Straighten your shoulders, imagine yourself as a master of all possible martial arts and walk as if you have a TT in your pocket, and a company of soldiers behind your back. The main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise it will be like in the joke when a passerby took in air, visually enlarging his chest. Having passed two big men, he exhaled with relief and heard two similar exhalations from behind.

How to become a strong person?

In order for the power of the gaze to be not feigned, but real, you need to be confident in your own abilities and match your self-esteem. Otherwise, disappointment will become a calling card. But how can you become strong? It is worth paying attention to developing your character and willpower. Develop principles and stick to them.

Learn to say no people around you and not change your mind. Also, it is important to be active and proactive, and not be afraid of responsibility. It is advisable to devote time to your physical training. You don't have to become a professional athlete, but everyone can do it to be fit. No less important is appearance, grooming, and cleanliness.

Also, for most adults, the main measure of success is their work achievements. To become more self-confident, they need to develop professionally. That is, everyone chooses for themselves what to be strong in.

Not less important attitude towards fear, especially before failures. Strong people do not give up, but draw conclusions from their mistakes and move on. They are more afraid of not trying than of failing.

The strength of the gaze depends on the inner strength. Strong people do not necessarily have impressive dimensions or a menacing appearance. Their power is contained in their “iron” character and rich inner world. There is no point in developing a “withering look” without real confidence in your abilities. And for it to appear, you need to work on yourself, engage in self-improvement, and develop strong-willed qualities.

The Indian revolutionary Mahatma Gandhi wrote the following words: “The ability to forgive is a property of the strong. The weak never forgive."

Dividing people into strong and weak may seem inappropriate. After all, it is impossible to determine exactly what the evaluation criterion is. However, there is one assumption.

A weak person is one who is not capable of being. He is full of fears, avoids responsibility and lives by the mistakes of the past. This is not typical for the strong. He wants only one thing - to fill life with happiness for himself and his loved ones.

These two groups have little in common, but many differences. Most of them involve attitudes to life and actions that a weak personality is not capable of. This is what I will talk about today.

1. Apology

Asking for forgiveness is awkward. When we do this, we have to admit that we are wrong, and this hits our pride. But those who do, find peace and fortitude. And that's why.

The pain that a person causes does not disappear without a trace. This is true for both sides, although weak people are sure of the opposite. They hit home, leave, but begin to suffer from neuroses: “Why did I do this? Why didn’t you fix anything?” And in the end, more of those who were offended suffer.

Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness.

This makes us more humane in the eyes of others and brings mutual peace of mind. But you shouldn’t rush to find those with whom you have offended. To begin with, it is enough to directly admit to yourself that you could be wrong about something.

2. Ask for help

Asking for help is just as difficult as apologizing. These points are inextricably linked. The request forces the person to admit that he does not know how to deal with the problem. However, if we have done something wrong, it is worth asking for help from those who can guide us.

It's all a matter of who to contact with a question. If you want to get pragmatic advice, contact a professional. But if you're just having doubts, talk to a loved one who will listen to your story. Perhaps together you will find.

Asking for help means not being afraid of your shortcomings. Therefore, if you don’t know what to do, ask. You don’t have to follow every piece of advice, just look at the problem through someone else’s eyes.

3. Optimism

“Gray roads, gray skies, gray faces” - this is how my friends describe city landscapes. And it’s not often that you meet people there with a sincere smile - simply because they want to please others, and not because they received a salary.

Optimism doesn't come easy. That is why only strong people adhere to this view of life.

Their secret lies in the supports of a good mood: thoughts, objects, people that can raise morale at any second. To create such supports, it is worth regularly asking the question: “What makes me happy?”

And so that these supports are not washed away by a wave of despondency, you need to turn less to the main sources of all worries - the past and the future. After all, both are just thoughts in the present. This means that if you look for a source of inspiration in, the past and future will always be happy.

Unfortunately, this does not guarantee that you will no longer suffer. But this is the main difference between a strong personality and a weak one: a strong person always has hope.

4. Sincerity

“I am a firefighter by profession, and I am afraid that the day will come when I will not be as brave as I should be.”

You will be surprised to learn how many problems can be avoided if you decide to be sincere in time.

5. Freedom and responsibility

This is what Konstantin Raikin once said about freedom:

“External freedom implies a lot of “don’ts” inside: you can’t steal, you can’t be rude. And not because someone forbade it, but because you yourself decided so.”

Only a strong personality can be free, because freedom also implies obligations. You need to constantly remind yourself of what you can and cannot do. I agree, this is paradoxical, but is it possible to be free, for example, from civil or parental responsibility?

If you want to be free, decide what obligations you follow, what your principles are, what values ​​you adhere to. Weak individuals do not do this; they succumb to the influence of the outside world and call freedom what they chose for them.

In other words, to become free, you must obey your values.


The qualities and actions that I have listed have one thing in common - acquiring or performing them requires effort. To apologize, you need to overcome your ego. To remain optimistic, resist external stimuli. To be free, you must strictly follow your convictions.

This confirms the idea that we get everything worthwhile in life for a reason. For this you have to fight and sacrifice something. But if you are ready to work on yourself, the result will not be long in coming.

People dream of a successful and prosperous life and try to do everything to get it. But not everyone is able to cope with the difficulties on this fascinating but winding path. And first of all, a weak-willed person gives up. This person has no willpower at all. How does this happen? Is it possible to fight this “shortcoming” or to suffer all my life?

What does "weak character" mean?

The problem must be solved with open eyes. And this means that you need to deal with the phenomenon that prevents you from developing in your personal life, business and other areas.

It is believed that a weak character is:

  • timid;
  • indecisive;
  • modest;
  • fearful.

In fact, this is not entirely true. Even timid, quiet individuals are capable of action. And what a one! A quiet husband, for example, is able to fight for his betrothed with any rival, showing miracles of perseverance and perseverance. Weakness lies in the inability to develop one's own opinion and follow it. Probably the best synonym for this word is the term “slave”. And this allows you to look at the problem from a different perspective.

Signs of a weak character

Unfortunately, lack of will does not depend on gender, age or race. Men and women can have this characteristic equally. Signs of weakness include the following:

  1. Inability to make decisions.
  2. Uncontrollability of emotions.
  3. Inability to hold the interlocutor's attention.
  4. Timidity.
  5. Tendency to complain.
  6. Envy.
  7. Lack of personal opinion on important issues.
  8. Blind imitation of authority.

We have provided only the most superficial characteristics. Moreover, a man more often masks an internal problem with external brutality. For example, he is rude if a wave of shyness rises inside. A woman tends to accept her shortcomings as they are.

The inner meaning of weakness

So far we have determined how this quality manifests itself in society. But for the development of personality, it is more important why a person behaves in this particular way. If a weak will had a positive impact on life, no one would wonder how to strengthen it and strengthen character. To find a way to solve a problem, you need to understand what is happening in a person’s soul.

  • Weakness is often congenital. A person is born with a predetermined set of qualities. They are given to the individual for development. For example, every newborn is not capable of counting, writing, driving, or preparing food for her husband and children. This needs to be learned. This is how a citizen develops. Along with learning skills and rules of behavior, we simultaneously develop the soul. That is, we improve an innate set of qualities.
  • Some people are given talent, it should be identified and developed. Others receive from the Lord (the Higher Powers or the Universe) the ability to teach, draw batik, build sand castles, and so on. And each of us must understand where to move and then begin to develop. Moreover, the more problems along this path, the stronger the personality becomes, if it does not break, of course.
  • In this sense, weak character is a huge gift. Its presence means that a person is endowed with great potential for development. There is also bad news for such people: you cannot leave the problem without a solution. Otherwise you will never understand the true meaning of happiness.
  • The task of a weak-willed person is to overcome the problem and become strong. By the way, if a lady has a weak husband, she needs to help him. After all, a man’s condition depends on female energy. But the opposite is not true. The husband is not able to cope with the weak will of his wife. She will have to work on her own.

How to overcome yourself?

At first it will seem that it is impossible to get rid of timidity, envy and other qualities listed above. If you limit yourself to one or two days, then really nothing will come of it.

You should be prepared to work for a long time. And first of all, understand that no one will do it for you. The husband or wife in this case is not a support. Relatives can only provide moral encouragement at the first stage.

There are several points to pay attention to. Weakness is a special quality. It does not always manifest itself in the manner described above. Its most important characteristics:

  1. lack of opinion;
  2. statement.

These qualities manifest themselves in various ways. For example, if the husband suggests going on a hike and describes the delights of hiking, the wife happily agrees. She simply does not understand what difficulties lie ahead. She can’t decide whether she wants to walk in the mountains. But this is not weak character yet. Now, if the husband cools down, when the girl has already purchased equipment and chosen the route, comes up with a different plan, and she again follows his lead - it’s worth thinking about. This is a clear manifestation of a lack of personal opinion.

Developing a plan

It is proposed to work in stages:

  • The first step is the most important one. It is necessary to analyze your reactions, then write down manifestations of a weak character. You can focus on the above signs. However, it should be understood that manifestations are not limited to them.
  • The second stage is more difficult. It's a good idea to ask your friends to tell you how they perceive your personality. At this step it is worth relying on loved ones. A woman should listen to what her husband thinks about this and vice versa. Based on the results of your work, adjust the list of manifestations.
  • The third stage is the actual development of an action plan. Each shortcoming will have to be dealt with separately. Below are the methods recommended by psychologists, as well as those suggested by the experience of people involved in solving such problems.
  • The last stage is work. Don't limit your time. Also, don't stress. Do “exercises” by playing like children. Take failures and successes lightly. Know that every person came into this world to be happy. This applies to the weak-willed too. Decide to develop, put happiness at the forefront. Willpower will come if you don't give up. It is important to understand that a woman is also given a husband for internal work on creating happiness. If his will is at zero, he needs to be encouraged and guided. But the husband is not able to help his wife.

Sample list of exercises

  1. Own opinion. It doesn't just appear. It needs to be developed. To do this, it is recommended to constantly express your attitude towards the phenomenon or image that has aroused interest. You can start alone with yourself. Just say what comes into your head. Then, analyze your words. Later, try not to remain silent in public.
    For married women, their husband will help them develop confidence. Constantly tell him everything that is in your head. It is important not to be afraid that the thought will seem stupid or uninteresting to others. She's yours! And if your husband criticizes such a change in behavior, laugh it off. A sense of humor is found only in the strong. Let your husband understand this too.
  2. The easiest way to get rid of the desire to imitate is. Look at those around you and discover their uniqueness. Try to see something beautiful in everyone you meet. For example, does your friend’s husband grumble all the time about sparing her money on jewelry? What a business man! Try to think in this direction constantly.
  3. Unlearn how to complain. Understand that what you are talking about happens in life. If lamentations constantly come from your lips, your angels take them as orders. They organize everything as ordered. In any situation, look for a reason to be happy. Did the cup break? There was a chance to get a new one. Does your beloved husband not pay attention? So take the initiative yourself!
  4. Learning to hold the attention of other people and being an interesting person is also easy. You need to be passionate about something. For example, read books, cross-stitch, study the features of Japanese butterflies. It is important that the activity is truly engaging. After a while, you will forget about your weakness of character, as these little things will leave your head. This is where the love for the hobby takes root.
    Secret: People listen not with their ears, but with their souls. They are attracted by the energy of their interlocutor. And she is pumped up with positive emotions that her own hobby gives.
  5. Shyness is more difficult to deal with. If a guy experiences discomfort when communicating with young ladies, it is difficult for him to concentrate on the conversation. A weak-willed woman experiences the same thing. The attention of these people is directed to their problem, which is why communication suffers. The advice is this: during the meeting, try to record the external characteristics of the person. Directly write yourself a list of tasks and follow it.
    For example, make it a rule to distract yourself from your state and record the color of the new interlocutor’s eyes, the appearance of his fingers, hands, nostrils, and the like. It is important to distract yourself and stop focusing on shyness. As a rule, after a certain time (21 days) a skill is developed. It consists of a person focusing attention on another person. And this leads to a decrease in the level of shyness.

Psychological, intellectual and emotional strength is the ability to perceive reality as it really is, and then manage the emotions that arise from the observations and respond in a healthy and productive way.

Psychic strength is revealed in what we do, as well as in what we don't do.

14 Signs of a Mentally Strong Personality

A clear and strong sense of self-worth. Such people are not dependent, not manipulative, not possessive, and not obsessed with control. They know how to solve their problems.

They are not afraid to be alone, but they are not afraid of people either. They don't want others to save them, but they also don't try to save or radically change others.

They do not allow others to control their emotions, and they do not “discharge” their emotions onto others.

Sometimes high, healthy self-esteem is confused with narcissism(status symbol: fake self-confidence, disrespectful behavior, emphasis on appearance, money, power, fame, ability to manipulate others).

A mentally strong person is neither falsely confident nor timid.

You recognize and accept your strengths and weaknesses. You have learned to define your self-worth so that you are not dependent on the praise of others and are not devastated by rejection.

You accept that you are responsible for your own life. If there is a problem, you can weigh your choices and make a decision.

In comparison, a passive person typically feels overwhelmed or disconnected to the extent that they feel paralyzed and incapacitated to take any action. Likewise, a reactive person simply automatically reacts to things and makes decisions without conscious awareness.

Passive or reactive people are rarely aware that they are making decisions in their lives. Proactive people remember their emotions, thoughts and motives. They love to live their life, even if it is difficult.

See reality as it is. You perceive reality meaningfully using reason, logic, observation and common sense. In comparison, irrational people, even if they are quite logical, may come up with conclusions or connections that make sense primarily to them, but they lack objectivity and are not forward-thinking.

You will be able to maintain a high degree of awareness when you accept a situation, or deceive yourself by being unable to regulate your emotions.

It is important to be in the present moment, without being stuck in the past or dwelling in the future.

You are in touch with your emotions. You are able to recognize exactly what you feel, why, and what it means in relation to your existence.

You will take time to look back and reflect on what is happening in your inner and outer world. You think about what has happened in your life and what is happening, and actively make decisions about your behavior and actions based on your true emotions and reality.

You are effectively processing your past traumas and growing as a person.

Psychologically strong people have a strong sense of self-compassion and develop empathy for others. Empathy does not necessarily mean that you agree with other people or their actions, but that you understand how others feel, think and act, and why.

Another way to develop your own empathy is compassion. Because you understand how you feel, and because you understand how others may feel, you have compassion.

Adaptability is one of the most useful character traits. Strong people are able to quickly adapt to change and remain aware in a problematic or unexpected situation.

You have confidence that you will be okay because you are adaptable; you think about the situation, but you don't obsess or worry about it because you know you can handle it when it happens.

You understand that there are many things that are beyond our control. The desire to control everything is a classic sign of chronic anxiety and existential uncertainty.

You can differentiate between what you can control and what you cannot. Shifting your attention away from things that are out of your control allows you to feel better, opening up new possibilities and the possibility of being happy.

Instead of focusing on what you can't control or on achieving grandiose or anxious goals, you simply live your life as healthy and conscious as possible.

You don't play social games.

You do not follow ideologies or be swayed by social, political and philosophical narratives. You don't try to change everyone around you to suit your tastes. You don't worry about what your neighbor thinks or might be doing wrong.

You create a better life for yourself, one that is not aggressive towards others, towards yourself and your immediate environment.

You acknowledge that no one owes you anything.

If you want something, then you must take the initiative to get it. You also accept the fact that sometimes life isn't fair. This, however, does not mean that you should be unfair to others.

Essentially, everyone is responsible for their own life. By default, we do not owe anything to anyone, just as others do not owe us anything.

Strong people are considerate and helpful. However, giving and helping others is an act of kindness, not an obligation.

You are helpful and caring, but you do not feel responsible for the well-being of other people, just as no one is responsible for you. You can be helpful and generous without guilt or obligation.

The foundation of a healthy relationship is borders .

You treat others fairly, which means you love and respect those who are worthy and do not waste your resources (time, money, energy) on toxic people or tolerate their abusive and harassing behavior.

If you encounter something that seems toxic or unhealthy, you make a decision about what to do rather than reacting emotionally or passively accepting it. You regularly review your relationships with other people and come to conclusions that will help maintain your boundaries.

The truth is that no matter who you are or what you do, there will be people who don't like you. You don't like everyone either, so it's natural that not everyone will like you either.

Psychologically strong people are not aggressive towards others, but they also recognize that social rejection is inevitable - and that's okay.

Strong people know when to say no. They know where their emotional responsibility ends and the other person begins, and vice versa.

They feel comfortable saying no to boundary violations, aggression, and unfair behavior, which ultimately benefits them. They do not feel shame or guilt for protecting their identity.

  • Are these points present in your life?
  • Is there anything you would like to add to this list?
  • What points would you like to work on?
  • What does a strong personality mean to you?

If you have questions or would like to schedule a consultation, you can contact me, by going to the contact page .
I will be glad to help you!

© www.thegentlecompany.com

When we meet people in books, in movies and in life who demonstrate the qualities of a strong personality, we often feel weak and weak-willed next to them. But that's not true! Strong people have certain qualities in their characters that make up their strength, and many of these qualities are common to you.

1. You don't yell and don't get angry easily.

Even under stress, you prefer to remain calm and try to gently control the situation. You feel that by raising your voice you are humiliating yourself.

2. You are open to feedback.

You are not afraid to express your own opinion. And don't be afraid to listen to the opinions or feedback of others, no matter whether they are positive or negative. You welcome them in every possible way because this is how you can learn.

3. You apologize when necessary.

You know when you've made a mistake and you apologize without worrying too much about losing face. You understand that by apologizing, you will become more significant.

4. You adapt to become better.

By being a mentally strong person you adapt to eventually change. You realize that change is good, no matter what your situation is.

5. You are not a superficial thinker.

You not only see things as they are, you study them deeply and understand everything thoroughly before drawing conclusions.

6. You don't expect anything from others.

If you do something good for someone, you don't expect anything in return. Because you have always been a selfless person.

7. You know how to set boundaries.

You do not allow others to cross the boundaries you set, and you make those boundaries known in a polite but firm manner.

8. You are open to help.

You are well aware of areas in which you are weak and are not afraid to ask others for help. You realize that by doing this, you are simply learning.

9. You are independent

You are not one to become emotionally attached to others in order to achieve a goal. By doing this, you maintain healthy personal and professional relationships.

10. You follow your instincts

You believe in learning from experience, so you learn to listen to your instincts when making judgments.

11. You forgive yourself

12. You understand your limits.

You have certain limits that you have set for yourself, and you accept them because you know well who you are.

13. You understand that resentment will not solve the problem.

You know that resentment has never been a solution to a problem and has never helped you achieve anything. So instead of getting offended, you think about how to solve the problem.

14. You don't procrastinate

You always complete the current task before moving on to the next one. And although postponing current affairs until later seems very attractive, it only creates problems in work.

15. You strive for complete awareness.

You do not make any assumptions unless you are fully aware of the situation. And you don't believe the various negative things they tell you. Don't believe for as long as you can.

16. You are responsible in financial matters

Overall, you are a wise person. Not only do you make informed decisions. Also, don't waste your money foolishly.

17. You know persistence pays off.

You have great willpower, which does not allow you to give up what you really want. And you continue to persist until you achieve success.

18. You overcome any obstacles

You keep trying and don't stop until you achieve your goal. Quitting is simply not for you, but you are not averse to looking for alternative solutions to the problem.

19. You are always looking for ways to improve.

You often feel that you can do something better and that there is always room for improvement because you accepted the truth that no one is perfect many years ago.

20. You care about your health

If you are not healthy, then you are not rich and not wise - this is your motto. So you try to eat, drink, sleep and breathe as correctly as possible.

21. You try new things outside of your “comfort zone.”

It's not that you get bored easily, but sitting still for long periods of time is not your thing, because you don't learn anything. So you step outside your comfort zone to have new experiences and have fun along the way.

22. You don’t blame external circumstances for everything.

You take everything into account and know that blaming your failure on something you can't control is useless and stupid.

23. You use your time wisely

Wasting time is completely unacceptable to you. So you always choose a productive pastime that will benefit not only you, but also those around you.

24. You let others “steer”

Sometimes you can sit back, fold your arms, relax and let others take the lead while you enjoy. And you give them full support if they need it.

25. You think calmly and soberly during a crisis.

A good result comes out of the blue if everything is done with a calm mind. So even in the most crisis situation, you try to do everything possible to remain calm.

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