A lot of articles have been written about what irritates the stronger half of humanity in women. This could be makeup, clothes, style, behavior. In short, men certainly know what they don’t like. But even women have a couple of nuances that spoil their opinion of the opposite sex, irritate and even repel. It is about them that we decided to talk.

According to statistics, women are more accommodating than men. Therefore, they are largely willing to put up with the shortcomings of their lover or potential life partner. However, psychologists have identified several “masculine sides” that can significantly spoil the impression of their owner. So, What is it about men that irritates women the most??

One of the main disadvantages, according to the fair sex, is inability to keep one's promises. Despite all the independence of modern women and trends in relationships, most girls still want their betrothed to be responsible for his words. After all, everyone knows the expression: a man said - a man did! If such a life principle is absent, the woman gradually ceases to trust her boyfriend, expecting another excuse from him.

Another drawback that the fair half of humanity does not like at all is excessive demands on women. Modern men want their significant other to have the appearance of a model, to be a housewife, smart and an athlete. At the same time, many representatives of the stronger sex do not correspond to this image next to them. So it turns out that a man sometimes demands the impossible from a woman. Moreover, having met a smart and pretty girl, he still manages to find some disadvantages in her.

Everyone knows that in matters of appearance, women are less demanding of men than vice versa. Still, there is one feature that can repel - this sloppiness. Many men not only do not take care of themselves, but also “let themselves go.” Unironed or, even worse, unwashed clothes, four-day stubble, dirty nails, smell - all this does not attract, only the opposite. And we must pay tribute to the woman who is still able to discern a worthy male representative behind such an appearance.

Today, very few men can say that they truly do not drink or smoke. Most people indulge in these bad habits. But good things should always be in moderation. Alcohol and tobacco abuse, constant partying with friends, a beer belly and the smell of alcohol on the breath are also repulsive factors for women.

The so-called male vices, according to women, include greed and arrogance. The fair half feels even greater antipathy towards men who are lazy and love to chat tirelessly. Dependence on the opinions of friends and other people around you, according to the lovely ladies, will also not please you.

Poor physical shape

No matter how much we try to get rid of our complexes about appearance, men pay attention first of all to it. They perfectly notice the excess fat on the waist and flabby muscles... If a potential suitor sees that a lady clearly prefers sweet buns and does not know which way the gym is, he mentally gives her a minus, no matter how smart and handy she is. was.

Inability to dress or carelessness in dressing

You don't have to be dressed in expensive boutique clothes, but if you don't pay attention to your "outfit" at all, then most men won't pay attention to you either. Even if they are cheap things, they should emphasize your strengths and be in harmony with each other. Men do not forgive lack of taste and femininity. Women who like to dress in dull clothes also lose. Alas, bright colors attract attention first of all!

Excessive talkativeness

The woman chirps sweetly, and the man thinks: “When will she shut up?!” Of course, no one forces you to be silent like a fish during a date, but you need to know when to stop talking. Men love it when you look into their mouth and hang on every word. Therefore, let him talk about himself and ask questions from time to time to maintain the dialogue.

Low cultural level

When asked about literary and film tastes, do you start telling something about women's novels and television series? Be prepared in advance for the fact that the next date will not happen. The fact that men love fools more is just a myth. And the content of soap operas is not interesting even for a mechanic with a secondary specialized education. If you want to find common topics for conversation, then it’s better to read articles about science or politics on the Internet.

Lack of femininity in behavior

Are you too emancipated to make eyes or smile at a man? Do you expect your inner strengths to be appreciated anyway? Will not! In order for a man to pay attention to you, you need to hook him with something. Otherwise, how will he even see you? Urgently learn techniques from the arsenal of seduction!

Mistrust of men

If you behave too cautiously and distrustfully, in your soul considering all men to be assholes, then the man with whom fate has collided will certainly feel this. And who wants to become the next in the line of “goats” who met this woman’s path? Therefore, in such a situation, it is easier for a man to retreat than to build a relationship with a touchy person.

Inability to negotiate

You are sulking because the man did not meet some of your expectations - for example, he did not wash the dishes after dinner or bought the wrong gift. If such situations with your resentment are repeated more and more often, this may cause separation. To prevent this from happening, learn to tell a man frankly what you want from him, don’t wait for him to realize your desire!

Lack of habit of self-control, hysteria

Having flared up, you say a bunch of nasty things to your man, sometimes insulting his manhood. He may be patient for a while, but it is possible that sooner or later his patience will burst, and then the man will simply leave you. So keep yourself in check!


If you like to spend time on the couch or at the computer and don’t think about doing any work on yourself - say, playing sports or improving your cultural level, if you neglect cleaning and laundry, and buy ready-made hamburgers at McDonald’s for lunch, then don’t expect the man to stay by your side for a long time. The vast majority of the stronger sex like active girls who try to pay attention to both the housework and themselves.

Of course, every man has his own preferences for women, but the shortcomings that push men away from women are usually the same. Therefore, draw conclusions and take care of yourself!

In one of our previous articles, we wrote about things that drive men crazy. But men are not angels: they also have their shortcomings. Women are ready to put up with some of them, but not with some. Which male flaws irritate the fair sex?

Male flaws: selfishness

Male egoism can manifest itself in different ways, but one of its most common manifestations is self-adoration. Looking in the mirror, a woman sees her shortcomings, and a man sees his strengths. Many men are confident in their intelligence and their irresistibility, and do not want to notice that in fact they are not geniuses or supermen at all, and do not want to improve. But at the same time, they demand that their woman look her best.

There are also other manifestations of male egoism. Let's say, when in a company he is the king, the center of attention, and you are left with the modest role of the retinue, which must remain silent (occasionally nodding and assenting) and catch every word of your king. Often male egoism manifests itself in bed, when you do only what he likes, and the man is not interested in your desires and needs.

Male flaws: untidiness and disorganization

Untidyness and disorganization are quite common male flaws.. How often do women complain that their significant other throws clothes in a heap where they undress, forgets to shave, leaves a mountain of unwashed dishes in the sink, and then also makes women to blame for not being able to find clean socks and a shirt. This also includes the indifference of some men to their own appearance.

And men’s disorganization often becomes the cause of complaints from women. It is usually believed that women tend to take a long time to get ready and are constantly late, but there are also a lot of “hoarders” among men. The problem is that shortly before leaving they can find some super important business- for example, an unsolved crossword puzzle - and dive into it headlong. Also, male disorganization may include the habit of forgetting about his promises.

Male flaws: jealousy

Both female and male shortcomings include this “monster with green eyes,” as one of William Shakespeare’s heroes once dubbed jealousy. Jealousy itself is a completely normal feeling., unless you give him free rein. But paranoid jealousy, not supported by real reasons and evidence of betrayal, can become a serious problem in a relationship.

Unreasonable jealousy is not a manifestation of love, but a feeling of possessiveness, distrust of a partner and lack of self-confidence. The main problem is that women's jealousy manifests itself in scandals and hysterics, and a man, thanks to his strength, can, in a fit of jealousy, raise his hand against a woman. Of course, this applies to completely “clinical” cases, but it happens.

Male weaknesses: greed

Sooner or later, the candy-bouquet period with trips to restaurants ends, and the man becomes less generous. Of course, not everyone can afford to give roses to their beloved woman every day and take her to a restaurant, this is natural. But when the normal desire to spend money wisely turns into stinginess and greed, this is unlikely to make a woman happy.

But this list of male shortcomings is not limited to this list - we can continue for a long time. But does this mean that men are so bad? Of course not. Firstly, it is rare for any man to have all the male shortcomings “in a complex”. Secondly, these shortcomings do not always reach their extreme manifestations. It's usually not as scary as it may seem.

Is it worth trying to correct male shortcomings? Remember that there are no ideal people, so you definitely won’t be able to “create” a man without any flaws. Therefore, do this: divide all the shortcomings of men into those that you can put up with and those that you are not going to put up with.

In the future, when assessing a man as a potential partner, do not expect that he will have any shortcomings at all, just make sure he doesn't have any shortcomings that you can't put up with.

If he wants it for you later, great! And if not - well, you yourself are not perfect, just accept it and learn to compromise in relationships.

Physical disabilities

Any woman, even the most beautiful one, always looks for and finds various flaws in herself. Flaws in appearance worry a woman even more than flaws in her character as a whole. But figure flaws are still easier to correct or at least hide. And the character needs to be changed, but this is a long process.

A woman usually considers small breasts, too wide hips, a long nose or chin to be a disadvantage of her appearance. For a man, all these “shortcomings” are not so important. After all, there are so many people, so many tastes. Maybe your man is a lover of women with small breasts and a proudly raised nose. In this regard, it is better to find a man who will love and appreciate you with exactly the figure that you have.

It’s another matter when a woman doesn’t take care of herself, accumulates excess fat and has completely forgotten the way to the gym. A woman in a man’s eyes may not have the perfect shape, but she must have a toned figure. The disadvantage in this case for men will be the general “negligence” of the woman: excess fat on the waist, on the arms, lack of muscle mass and extra centimeters where they should not be.

Character Flaws

The vision of women's character flaws from a man's and a woman's point of view is also completely different. A woman may consider her main shortcomings to be gullibility, excessive kindness towards those who do not deserve it, sacrifice, and others. Men find completely different female shortcomings: excessive talkativeness, laziness, lack of at least minimal logic, low level of culture, shopaholism, obsession, lack of femininity in habits and behavior, hysteria or simply excessive emotionality, arrogance, inability to behave in male society, too provocative behavior in public and much more.

Men look at women's shortcomings from a slightly different angle. What women consider minor flaws are major ones for men and vice versa. There are some shortcomings that many men even like and touch. Among them are:

  1. Excess weight. Many men like women and girls “in body”, despite the deep imposition by the media of a completely different type of woman. Of course, we are not talking about being completely overweight, the lack of sports in a woman’s life and flabby muscles. No one will like this.
  2. Petty feminine whims and weaknesses. Most men also like these “disadvantages”, unless, of course, they go beyond the bounds of reason. Any female weakness makes a man feel like a real hero - strong and self-confident, and also prove himself.
  3. A little lazy. If a woman is completely lazy, then this, of course, is unacceptable. But a little laziness has its place, because a woman who does cleaning, cooking, and shopping even on weekends is a real punishment for men.
  4. Manifestation of overt sexual fantasies. Many women believe that expressing sexual desire is too much, that a man may not understand it, and that sexual liberation is a disadvantage. But in fact, many men like it when their woman shows initiative in bed and resourcefulness. For them, this is a real gift.
  5. Having a small belly. Many women try to get rid of even the slightest hint of a belly, but as it turns out, they are in vain. Many men like women's small bellies; they do not like flat women at all. Moreover, the presence of such a tummy is natural, and everything that is natural cannot be ugly or ugly.

Disadvantages of wives

Very often, men, having already chosen this or that woman as their wife and agreed to put up with her feminine shortcomings, still find something that, although it seems like a trifle, can significantly spoil family relationships. Such minor shortcomings of wives include the following:

  • the habit of constantly reminding oneself of oneself or controlling a man through phone calls (those who simply require additional attention remind oneself of oneself, and control is often carried out by powerful women who have the habit of keeping their finger on the pulse);
  • long telephone conversations with friends, sisters, mother (and it doesn’t matter that at these moments a woman can redo things around the house);
  • long gatherings with friends, especially nights with unmarried friends;
  • the habit of teasing her husband and making various comments to him in front of strangers (this is humiliating for any man);
  • the desire to take your husband with you shopping, and then make him wait;
  • not to take into account her husband’s opinion on this or that issue, and also not to listen to his valuable advice, thereby proving that she is the one who is right and will do it the way she wants it;
  • too much emotionality and hysteria, especially over small things and in public, for example, because of a broken nail;
  • reluctance to speak directly about what a woman would like, constant hints are very disliked by men and are one of the most “unloved” shortcomings.

In general, a woman who has received the status of a wife should try to look at herself from her husband’s side, through his eyes, and then she will be able to say exactly what her shortcomings are. All that remains is to eliminate them.

Psychological aspects

It is very important for a woman to understand herself, to determine her real strengths and weaknesses. The main thing is to separate what the woman herself considers a flaw, and what the man considers her to be a flaw.

Conduct a simple experiment. Ask your male friends (married and single for comparison) to think and honestly tell you what they see as a flaw in your character and appearance. You can bet your opinions will differ. For example, a woman believes that it is very good when she works, moves up the career ladder, receives a good salary and can provide for herself, but for many men such financial independence is the first step towards suppressing his own male “ego”. This is simply a denial of him as a strong male and breadwinner. The same may be true with all other “shortcomings”, because what you consider a virtue may not please a man at all. And vice versa. For example, a woman is sure that she has a long nose, which spoils her appearance, she is embarrassed by it, and is secretly considering plastic surgery, but it is this nose that makes her who she is. It is this nose that a man likes so much.

Most women look in the mirror and see them. Disadvantages that seem monstrous and ruin your life. In today's rating, we will analyze the ten most popular women's complaints about their own appearance and at the same time write what men actually think about it. It turns out that some women’s “flaws” seem trivial to them or even, on the contrary, sexy. But, unfortunately, there are also disadvantages that can really scare men.

Wrinkles and gray hair

Men think:

“If these kilograms are, however, only a couple, then this is never a problem. Especially if they are deposited in the right places :) An increase of 20-30 kg, you see, is difficult not to notice, but I still don’t dare say about it directly. I think girls will always be unhappy with their figure. Especially those who are really good at it. In my opinion, the whining “I’m fat” is the main drawback that we need to fight.”


The ominous “orange peel” on the butt is a reason to give up going to the beach and lie down for a massage instead. Women are afraid of the magical word “cellulite” like fire. Moreover, to hear it addressed to you from a man.

Men think:

“Freckles are definitely cool! And tanned redheads sometimes look like carrots. So it's better for them to remain white-skinned. A solarium is only good in moderation – that’s for sure. Otherwise, the woman looks like a grilled chicken. Moles can be erotic. I don’t understand why we should get rid of them.”

Bad hair and makeup

Disadvantage of a spontaneous nature. In the morning everything falls out of hand, the dress does not fit as it should, the hairstyle is terrible, drawing the arrows straight is a circus trick. And the strangest thing is that you try to apologize for your appearance, but he doesn’t even listen!

Men think:

“No, this is too subtle a matter :) I seriously don’t see the difference between what a woman considers “normal” and “look, what a tin instead of a hairstyle.” It seems to me that it depends more on the mood. What was good yesterday is deplorable today. And it’s not about the hairstyle.”

Crooked legs

Choosing shorts in a store turns into torture. And it seems that literally everyone can see the squiggle legs.

Men think:

“There are a lot of ways to hide figure flaws with the right clothes. This is the case if your legs are crooked. But more often than not it happens not. Yes, it always happens that no! To be nervous about this is complete nonsense.”

Need to wear glasses

It also seems that everyone is doing nothing but coming up with more offensive nicknames. It’s better to have 10 pairs of lenses at the same time, just don’t be “glasses-wearing”! Meanwhile, glasses are an excellent fashion accessory.

Men think:

“Of course, everyone will notice the glasses. Most likely, that’s how they’ll remember it: the one who wore glasses. Another question is how to approach this. I like women with glasses. It’s stylish and even mysterious.”

Small breasts

But here it seems like nothing. And no riddles. If there is no breast, then there is no breast. You can cry and wear push ups, you can love yourself as you are, you can even decide to have an operation.

Men think:

“No, there are probably lovers of small breasts somewhere. But that's not me. And I don’t know anyone like that. So small breasts can really become a problem. As well as being too big or artificial.”

Lack of manicure and pedicure

Mess! But should you worry so much if, for example, you didn’t have a nail file or a pocket manicurist with you on your trip?

Men think:

"Pedicure? I'm not sure all my friends know what it is. Although, maybe it’s just us from another planet. Manicure – yes, it would be nice to have one. I will notice chewed nails.”