Hello, dear readers of the site “Note to the Family”! Of course, you all know the phrase: “eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy.” Whether to listen to this advice or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But in any case, no matter what your breakfast is - dense and satisfying, or light - it is important to know that not all foods can be safely eaten in the morning. What and why can’t you eat on an empty stomach? Let's look at the main foods that are unhealthy for our body, which are best not consumed on an empty stomach.

Let me immediately give you a list of foods that you should not eat on an empty stomach:

  • yeast
  • sugar
  • citrus
  • coffee
  • garlic
  • pears
  • persimmon
  • cold drinks
  • yogurt

I think this list surprised many of you. How can this be, you probably thought, because we love to drink coffee in the morning and give our children yogurt for breakfast. Let's now figure out in order why these foods are undesirable to eat on an empty stomach, and what their negative impact on our body may be.

Why you shouldn’t eat foods containing yeast on an empty stomach

When we eat foods containing yeast, our body begins to produce gastric gases, which leads to “bloating” of the stomach. Not a very pleasant feeling, right? That is why it is better not to consume any yeast baked goods on an empty stomach.

How harmful is sugar on an empty stomach?

When we talk about sugar, we mean not only pure sugar, but also any sweets, and even sweet fruits, such as bananas.

Once in an empty stomach, sugar is quickly absorbed by the body and begins to irritate the pancreas, which in turn begins to produce insulin. As a result, blood sugar levels drop sharply, resulting in fatigue and apathy. But the day is just beginning, and our body should be vigorous and full of strength.

And speaking specifically about bananas, then in addition to sugar they also contain a large amount of magnesium, which, as is known, plays an important role in the activity of the cardiovascular system. Eating bananas on an empty stomach can provoke an imbalance in the calcium-magnesium balance, and as a result, the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, despite the fact that bananas are very healthy foods, they should be consumed with caution in the morning on an empty stomach.

About the beneficial properties of bananas you can read in the article where I told you how to cook. By the way, a very simple recipe!

Why you can’t eat citrus fruits on an empty stomach

Well, about citrus fruits, I think you can guess for yourself. The thing is that they contain a large amount of acid, and if the stomach is still empty, then this acid begins to corrode the gastric mucosa. This is how you can get gastritis.

Those who already have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and especially those with gastritis with high stomach acidity, need to be especially careful with citrus fruits.

You should not immediately eat citrus fruits or drink fresh juice on an empty stomach. But if you have already eaten oatmeal for breakfast, for example, then you can drink a glass of orange juice later.

Why you shouldn't drink coffee on an empty stomach

This will probably be one of the most popular questions. I know that some people prefer to just have a cup of coffee instead of breakfast. In the morning they still don’t want to eat anything, but coffee helps them wake up.

Let's see what happens if you drink coffee on an empty stomach. Caffeine enters the empty stomach and begins to irritate its mucous membrane. In response to this, gastric juice begins to be produced. If no other food enters the stomach, then this gastric juice begins to “eat away” the mucous membrane. If you perform such an execution on your stomach every morning, then gastritis will not take long to occur.

And besides the stomach, caffeine also irritates the gallbladder. As a result, it contracts and releases a portion of bile, which is needed to digest food. But there is no food! And this bile simply wanders around the body without use.

Someone is reading now and thinking: “Well, this all applies to those who drink black coffee, but I drink coffee with milk, this is probably not so scary.” Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. Another ambush awaits us here. It turns out that coffee and tea contain astringents that, when bound with milk proteins, form almost insoluble compounds. And this is fraught with kidney stones.

Scared? Or is it not so scary? Well, I think you understand that the main thing is not to drink only coffee in the morning, eat something else!

All of you, of course, have heard about what a useful product garlic is.

To refresh your memory about the beneficial properties of garlic, I recommend reading, in which I tell you how to prepare a cheese salad. By the way, in this article you will also find information about other salads with a very interesting, original and beautiful presentation.

So, garlic is certainly a healthy product, but not on an empty stomach! And why? The answer is similar to the case of coffee. The effect of garlic on a hungry body will be similar to the effect of caffeine: it will irritate the gastric mucosa and gall bladder. I wrote above what this entails.

By the way, not only garlic is dangerous on an empty stomach. All other hot spices have a similar effect!

Why you can't eat pears on an empty stomach

Why can't you eat pears on an empty stomach? The thing is that they contain a large amount of coarse fiber. This fiber irritates and injures the delicate mucous membrane of the small intestine. This may even cause pain. The greatest danger in this regard are pears with a very dense texture, since their fiber content is particularly high.

And for older people, it is better not to eat hard pears at all, but to use only soft and juicy fruits for food.

In general, pears are very healthy and are a real healing agent, but you need to eat them between meals, at least half an hour after the last meal.

Why you can’t eat persimmon on an empty stomach

I think persimmons are not a popular food that is eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. But let's see what they say about this.

Persimmon slows down the motility of the stomach and intestines because it contains a large amount of indigestible fiber. This phenomenon is often referred to as “the stomach is standing.” The highly astringent persimmon is especially dangerous in this regard.

Persimmons contain large amounts of pectin and tannic acid. As a result of their interaction with gastric juice, a substance with a gel-like consistency is formed, which can contribute to intestinal obstruction.

In addition, eating persimmon on an empty stomach can cause heartburn.

Why you shouldn't drink cold drinks on an empty stomach

During the cold season, it is unlikely that anyone will want to drink some cold drink in the morning. But in the summer, I think there will be many people interested. Why shouldn't you do this?

The fact is that any cold drinks constrict the blood vessels of the stomach. What follows from this? The blood circulation of the stomach is disrupted, as a result of which the entire process of food digestion is disrupted.

Therefore, remember that you should not drink any cold drinks either on an empty stomach or immediately after a meal! It is best to do this in between meals, when the active stage of digestion ends.

I left the information about yogurt on an empty stomach for last, because yogurt on an empty stomach is not a harmful product, it will simply be useless. But we want to benefit from yogurt, right? And don't just fill your stomach with useless food.

Let's look at what yogurt consists of and what are its benefits?

Yogurt is known to contain beneficial bacteria that are designed to help digest food.

Now look: if all these beneficial bacteria enter an empty stomach, then they are simply absorbed by aggressive gastric juice, and as a result, our body does not receive any benefit from yogurt.

Therefore, to reap the benefits of yogurt, you should eat it only after meals!

Until recently, I myself didn’t know that you can’t eat certain foods on an empty stomach, which in themselves are very healthy. Now, when preparing breakfast for my family, I try to take this information into account. I decided that you, dear readers of the “Note to the Family” website, might find this information useful.

What do you think about this? Did you know that some foods should not be eaten on an empty stomach? Do you follow these rules? I'd be glad to hear your opinion in the comments!

And, of course, I look forward to seeing you on the pages of my site again!

A hungry person is not too picky about food, so usually whatever is at hand is used. However, it is not recommended to eat some foods on an empty stomach. Which one? Here are 10 representatives of this controversial way to eat.

Due to the high magnesium content, eating bananas on an empty stomach can lead to an imbalance in the magnesium-calcium balance in the human body. This is fraught with the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Your stomach may become full of gases and acid.

Cold drinks
They irritate the stomach and intestines. As a result, enzymatic reactions may be disrupted, causing the appearance of certain diseases. Women may experience irregular menstrual cycles

The high content of organic, tartaric, oil and citric acids in hawthorn promotes the production of gastric juice. As a result, the stomach becomes full of gases and acid.

When consumed on an empty stomach, yogurt loses a significant part of its beneficial properties. It is recommended to consume it 2 hours after meals or before bedtime. In this case, it really helps digestion.

Sweet potato
Tannic acid and pectin promote the secretion of gastric juice, causing a person to experience severe discomfort.

Persimmon contains a large amount of pectin and tannic acid, which, when interacting with gastric juice, are converted into a gelaborase substance. As a result, gastric stones may form.

They are characterized by the same side effects as persimmons.

Sugar is very easy to digest. When sugar enters an empty stomach, the human body cannot secrete enough insulin to maintain normal levels in the blood. This is fraught with the occurrence of eye diseases. Moreover, sugar is an acid-forming food that can disrupt the acid-base balance.

The allicin it contains irritates the walls of the stomach and intestines. This is fraught with the occurrence of gastrospasm.

Even if you are very hungry, do not rush to eat anything. Remember that not all food is suitable for eating on an empty stomach. If you do not want to deal with gastrointestinal disorders, it is better to give preference to desserts and flour products.

In this article we provide a list of foods that, when consumed on an “empty” stomach in the morning or before bed, are harmful to your health.

What foods should you not eat on an empty stomach?

  • A sausage sandwich
    It is one of the worst options because it supplies the body with a large amount of fat and calories. There is practically nothing healthy in the sandwich. If you are accustomed to sandwiches and do not want to give them up, then you need to make the sandwich healthy and nutritious by replacing the loaf with whole grain bread, and the sausage with cheese and other low-calorie fillings.
  • Meat products - sausages, frankfurters, smoked meats, bacon, pate
    This year, the World Health Organization compared the health risks posed by eating processed meat to those posed by smoking cigarettes. Experts noted that processed meat significantly increases the risk of intestinal cancer and recommended limiting the consumption of such products to 50 grams per day. If you do not want to develop psoriasis or eczema, then it is better to choose something healthier for breakfast than sausages.
  • Oranges
    Taking on an empty stomach can cause allergies and gastritis. If you prefer to drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning, have oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Bananas
    Eating bananas on an empty stomach increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Bananas contain a lot of magnesium, and when taken on an empty stomach, it can disrupt the calcium-magnesium balance in the body.
  • Raw vegetables
    Vegetables such as cucumbers, cabbage, and paprika can cause irritation to the gastric mucosa due to their acid content. It can also lead to ulcers and gastritis.
  • Cold drinks
    They complicate the start of digestion in the morning, it is better to drink slightly warm ones.
  • Sweets
    After waking up, the pancreas is not able to produce the required amount of insulin to break down sugar. This provokes an increase in blood sugar. Sugar is also an acid-forming product that can disrupt the acid-base balance.
  • Coffee
    Those who like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning on an empty stomach should think about replacing their morning “ritual.” Coffee on an empty stomach irritates the gastric mucosa, thereby promoting the production of excess gastric juice, which leads to gastritis.
  • Garlic, canned food and smoked meats
    It is also worth mentioning the dangers of eating garlic on an empty stomach; it causes gastrospasm. As well as all kinds of canned and smoked foods that should not be consumed at all, and not just for breakfast.

TOP 10 breakfast foods

  • Water
    During the night, a person loses up to 1 liter of water through breathing, sweating and going to the toilet. The body definitely needs to replenish its reserves of water, which is vital for metabolism. So don't start your morning without one or two glasses of water. Within 15 minutes you will feel a boost of energy and appetite, this is how the body signals that it has received what it needs and is ready for breakfast.
  • Eggs
    A source of protein, as well as vitamin A and iron. The protein in eggs helps you feel full and allows you to eat fewer calories throughout the day. At the same time, eggs are an inexpensive product that can be easily prepared.
  • Porridge
    The main source of carbohydrates, they contain a significant amount of microelements and useful organic acids. Porridges are easily digestible and relieve hunger for a long time. Complex carbohydrates contained in cereals, when eaten separately, provide the necessary amount of energy and at the same time do not have a bad effect on the figure (even the opposite).
  • Whole grain bread (rye)
    Rye bread, like cereals, contains a large amount of carbohydrates; it also helps you stay full longer. Unlike a loaf, rye bread contains a lot of vitamins and microelements.
  • Cheese. Contains protein and calcium. Goes well with sour fruits, tomatoes, and vegetables. Many breakfast dishes include cheese.
  • Yogurt, kefir
    Contains protein and calcium. Helps normalize digestion, improve immunity, and resistance to stress.
  • Chicken meat
    Source of protein. At the same time, it contains practically no fats and carbohydrates. Eating boiled chicken will make your breakfast filling and safe for your figure.
  • Honey
    Perhaps everyone knows about the benefits of honey for the body. Honey is often found in breakfast recipes in combination with cottage cheese, muesli, porridge, toast, and pancakes. Fructose contained in honey supplies carbohydrates (energy), antiseptics help fight viruses and bacteria.

Water for breakfast

Before breakfast on an empty stomach, it is useful to drink pure water or herbal tea. Drinking water before meals should become a healthy habit. This applies not only to breakfast, but to all meals. Start your daily fluid intake in the morning: drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach. Try to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day. Drink a glass of water before meals, and try not to drink during and after meals, as this promotes fat deposition.

What not to eat at night

First, a few words about why it is not recommended to eat it at night. At night, during sleep, the digestion process slows down, so food that enters the stomach shortly before sleep remains there almost undigested until the morning, simply rotting there. In the morning, the stomach must digest all this, but doing this after waking up is not easy for it.

As a result, toxins are formed that are absorbed into the blood. This results in lethargy, weakened immunity, and excess weight.

What foods are especially harmful at night?

  • Snacks
    Chips, popcorn, crackers, cereals - they contain a high content of chemicals and are high in calories. And as we already know, a large amount of calories at night is contraindicated.
  • Meat, fish and other protein foods
    Protein products of animal origin fill you up very quickly, even in small doses. Although such food at night will not affect your excess weight, it will take a long time to digest; even in wakefulness, this process takes about 4 hours. Therefore, if you go to bed without having time to digest it, it will lie as a dead weight in your stomach and decompose.
  • Bakery and flour products
    These products are quickly digested and do not linger in the stomach. But they cause a sharp jump in blood sugar and the release of insulin into the blood. And since at this moment your activity is at a minimum level, all the calories you eat will be stored as fat.
  • Chocolate
    Eating chocolate at night has the same effect as eating flour products; the excess is deposited on your problem areas.
  • Nuts and dried fruits
    They are undoubtedly very useful. But at the same time, nuts are very high in calories, and dried fruits contain fructose, essentially the same sugar. Will you be able to stop in time once you start eating them?
  • Coffee
    We believe that many people understand that drinking coffee before bed is unacceptable. Even small amounts of caffeine cause sleep disturbances. You should avoid drinking coffee a few hours before bed.
  • Alcohol
    Perhaps it can help someone fall asleep. But the quality of sleep will be low. Frequent awakenings, headaches, nightmares.

What should I do?

What should you do now, you ask, if you can’t eat, but really want to? There is no need to go from one extreme to another. After all, long pauses of fasting give a signal to the body to deposit reserves, and sleeping on an empty stomach is fraught with insomnia.

A light dinner three hours before bedtime will save you. Vegetable salads with low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of milk, a piece of cracker or cheese.

But what if you want to eat something shortly before bed? There is a solution, choose foods with negative calories:

  • Apples
    They contain fibers that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce cholesterol levels, and promote weight loss. But if you have stomach problems, they can cause gas formation.
  • Citrus
    No more than one orange or tangerine is recommended. They contain a lot of vitamin C and fiber, which are responsible for good digestion. Also contraindicated for stomach diseases.
  • Celery
    Low-calorie product, contains a lot of fiber. Can be consumed as a salad with carrots or as fresh juice. But celery is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, varicose veins and stomach diseases.
  • Flounder
    Quickly and easily absorbed due to the protein content with a well-balanced amino acid composition. Few calories, lots of vitamins and other useful elements.
  • Kefir
    An easily digestible product has a beneficial effect on the intestines. Contains a lot of calcium, this microelement is well absorbed in the dark, at night during sleep. Kefir has a calming effect and can be drunk as a mild preventative against insomnia. Do not overuse if you have high stomach acidity.
  • Beet
    Low calorie product. Recommended to be taken as a salad with vegetable oil. It burns fat and does not allow the fat cell to become overgrown with blood vessels, which means it does not allow it to live. It also regulates intestinal motility, normalizes intestinal flora, and cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Contraindications: kidney disease, acute inflammatory processes in the stomach.
  • Banana
    You can take no more than one before bed, it will help you fall asleep. Thanks to the amino acid tryptophan contained in bananas, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Contraindicated in case of high blood sugar. Unripe bananas cause gas.

You can also have chicken breast, bread, oatmeal with water, one baked potato, and a handful of dried fruits in small quantities. Warm milk and honey will give you a good sleep, and a cup of green tea with milk will satisfy your hunger.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It helps saturate the body with energy, prevents overeating during the day and starts metabolic processes.

You can't ignore breakfast if you're looking after your figure and health. But not all food is healthy in the morning on an empty stomach. Some products, which in principle are considered healthy, are categorically not recommended for morning intake on an empty stomach. Their list is as follows:

Yeast. They contribute to irritation of the walls of an empty stomach, causing increased gas formation and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Therefore, a bun with your morning coffee is not the best idea.

Please note that yeast is added to almost any bread, not just baked goods. If you can’t imagine a morning without flour, try buying yeast-free bread or making it yourself.

Yogurt. Yogurt and other fermented milk drinks on an empty stomach are not only harmful, but rather useless. They contain beneficial bacteria that help improve digestion.

If they enter an empty stomach, they are simply absorbed by aggressive stomach juices and do not perform any tasks. To get the most benefits, consume yogurt after meals.

Coffee. Coffee in the morning is a classic. But it should be an addition to breakfast, not a replacement. If you drink coffee on an empty stomach, then, penetrating the digestive tract, it irritates the mucous membrane, which provokes the production of gastric juice. If no other food enters the body, then this juice “corrodes” the mucous membrane.

Regular consumption of coffee on an empty stomach can lead to gastritis. In addition to the stomach, the gallbladder is also irritated. It begins to release bile, which is required for digestion. And if there is no food, then it will simply wander throughout the body. If you drink coffee with milk, this does not help the situation, since the astringent components in the drink combine with milk proteins and form compounds that are practically insoluble. The consequence of this may be kidney stones.

Citrus. Everything is simple here: they contain a lot of acid, and if the stomach is empty, it will corrode its mucous membrane. And this is fraught with gastritis. Caution with these fruits is especially important for those who have gastrointestinal pathologies, especially gastritis with high acidity.

Persimmon. This is also not the best option for breakfast. The fruit tends to slow down the motility of the gastrointestinal tract because it contains a lot of indigestible fiber. This is especially true for highly astringent persimmons. The fruits contain a lot of tannic acid and pectins. Interacting with stomach juice, they form a gel-like substance, which can cause intestinal obstruction. Also, persimmons on an empty stomach can provoke heartburn.

Pear. The fruit itself is very healthy, but eating it on an empty stomach is strictly not recommended. Pears contain a lot of fiber, and if it enters an empty stomach, it can irritate and injure the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. The consequence of this may be pain in the abdomen.

. We are not just talking about pure sugar, but also about sweets and sweet fruits such as bananas.

When it enters an empty stomach, sugar is immediately absorbed and provokes irritation of the pancreas, which begins to actively produce insulin. Because of this, blood sugar drops sharply, which can lead to weakness and fatigue.

Garlic. This is an incredibly useful product. But consuming it on an empty stomach is clearly not the best idea.

Hello dear readers, in this article we will talk about what you need to eat on an empty stomach in order to lose weight and feel good.

I will tell you about the importance of the first meal for the human body. At the end of the article you will find a list of healthy breakfast foods and those that are best not eaten on an empty stomach.

A cup of coffee and a sandwich to follow up is how most people start their day. It is worth thinking about how you start your first meal, because your health, general well-being, mood, performance, stamina and, of course, your weight depend on this.

Let's immediately understand the correct understanding of the state on an empty stomach. So that you understand what state of the body we are talking about and not confuse it with the concept " on empty stomach"You need to understand that on an empty stomach and on an empty stomach these are two different concepts.

The state of the body when you woke up in the morning and still haven’t eaten or drunk anything, but no later than about 10 o’clock in the morning, we will call on an empty stomach. But if you haven’t eaten after 10 o’clock, we’ll call this condition on empty stomach.

The importance of the morning meal.

Eating properly in the morning can provide the body with the necessary nutrients, calories, a boost of energy and help with weight loss.
It is the first meal that helps you stick to your diet and lose weight.. Isn't that interesting?

The fact is that the product consumed on an empty stomach raises the sugar level in the body. A surge in sugar, in turn, provokes the production of insulin by the pancreas.
Here's how it works with an example.

A carbohydrate breakfast with fast carbohydrates (this includes buns, sandwiches, coffee, instant oatmeal in bags, juices, chocolate) sharply increases blood sugar levels (above normal).
In response, the pancreas produces insulin to lower sugar levels to normal. Excess sugar leads to “carbohydrate hunger.”
Therefore, a person again urgently needs simple, that is, fast carbohydrates.

And only a proper breakfast prevents “carbohydrate hunger.” Proper food helps get rid of the addiction to flour and sweets, keeps blood sugar levels within normal limits, controls appetite throughout the day and helps you lose weight!

“Carbohydrate hunger” provokes:

  1. Constant desire to snack.
  2. Headache and feeling of hunger, and hunger in turn causes irritation. A person cannot concentrate and thinks only about food.
  3. Sadness and mood swings, which eventually lead to depression.
  4. Constant craving for sweets, which over time leads to food addiction and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive system and metabolic processes.

Everything you need to know about carbohydrates, see very well popular article - Simple and complex carbohydrates.

Now you understand that the first breakfast is of great importance for the human body. Not only your physical condition, but also your psychological health depends on it.

What should you eat in the morning on an empty stomach?

In the morning, after waking up on an empty stomach, I drink a glass of warm, clean still water, and have breakfast 30 minutes later. It is very important to drink warm water at about 25-40 degrees to get the healing effect.

Why is water at this particular temperature useful? Warm water is also called “fast water”. It is absorbed in the large intestine and not in the stomach. Along the edge of the stomach there is a groove for direct passage into the intestines, and warm water passes without delay. Cold water is retained in the stomach and is not passed through directly because the stomach warms it up before passing it into the intestines.

It is very important to maintain a pause between drinking water and eating food, otherwise you will not get any benefit from warm water.

Benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach:

  • Starts the gastrointestinal tract to work;
  • Cleanses the body of toxins and waste;
  • Water on an empty stomach has a laxative effect;
  • Restores fluid balance in the body;
  • Helps to lose weight;
  • Speeds up metabolism.

Numerous studies confirm that drinking water on an empty stomach triggers metabolic processes in the body and has a strengthening effect on the body, and also helps in the treatment of many chronic diseases.

Whether or not to drink warm water on an empty stomach is up to you. For me, the decision to drink warm water was made a long time ago, and it became one of the most important habits.

Let's return to the list of products that can be used while losing weight on an empty stomach and preparing your morning diet breakfast.

1 Porridge– buckwheat, oatmeal, brown rice without adding oil. White rice has a high glycemic index and is not advisable to eat on an empty stomach. Wheat, pearl barley, millet - these cereals are heavy food for the first meal.

2 Dairy products– low-fat cottage cheese (5-9%) is suitable to start your morning. But kefir 0-1% and low-fat yogurt contain fermented lactic bacteria, sweeteners, stabilizers and various additives; they are not needed by a hungry stomach, but they can be added in small quantities to cottage cheese. If possible, make your own yogurt. /Recipe for making yogurt/.

3 Eggs boiled or steamed, such as omelette. Here's a couple of recipes for Omelette with mushrooms or Vegetable omelet in a slow cooker.

4 Meat products from low-fat meats or fish in small quantities as an addition to porridge. They must be steamed or baked. This is how you can have a hearty breakfast before a long journey, or if lunch is postponed for some reason.

I present to your attention Healthy Breakfasts, these are ready-made recipes with calculated calorie content.

Let's look at foods that are harmful on an empty stomach.

1 Black coffee and tea some of my favorite drinks. Caffeine irritates the stomach lining, causing the production of gastric juice and a feeling of hunger. Coffee on an empty stomach provokes various diseases, such as gastritis and stomach ulcers.

2 Raw fruits and vegetables have a high content of various acids that irritate the walls of the stomach, which over time leads to various diseases of the digestive system. This is especially true for citrus fruits.

3 Various baked goods, especially hot. It contains tremors, which contribute to increased gas formation.

4 Sweets, candies, chocolates and others. Feeding yourself sweets on an empty stomach is deadly.

I will not list unhealthy foods, such as, for example, various smoked and salted foods, canned food, stewed meats and sweet carbonated drinks. Everyone, young and old, knows about the harmful effects of these products on the human body.

I just want to summarize the above.

Sweet, sour, spicy, salty and smoked foods are strictly forbidden on an empty stomach. As well as coffee, strong tea, sweet carbonated drinks and cold water.
Eat properly on an empty stomach, including slow carbohydrates and protein foods in your breakfast and you will look great, feel great and lose weight easily.

Be healthy and happy.