How to choose a school program and what to expect from school is a very relevant topic, especially before the first of September.

Let's look at the programs that Ekaterinburg schools use and identify the nuances in order to better understand what to prepare for.

All primary school curricula operate according to the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) and are approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

However, the programs are very different from each other: both in the presentation of material and in the organization of the educational process.

Program “School of Russia” (edited by A. Pleshakov)

The main idea of ​​the program: it is created in Russia and for Russia. A combination of innovative approaches with the traditions of domestic education.

Learning Objectives:

1) creating conditions for the development of the personality of a junior schoolchild, the realization of his abilities, support for individuality;
2) primary schoolchildren’s mastery of a system of knowledge, general educational and subject skills;
3) developing a child’s interest in learning and the ability to learn;
4) formation of health-saving skills, training in the basics of safe life;
Many schools in Yekaterinburg operate under this program.

Reviews from parents

(Stylists, syntax and puttuation preserved)

  • The Russian school is most similar to the program we studied under during the USSR. In my opinion, a simple, sane program.
  • Our School of Russia is easy for my son. Simple and understandable, in my opinion, there is only one drawback - constant jumping from topic to topic, without emphasis on consolidating the material.
  • A very simple, logical program; as a primary school teacher, I enrolled my child in it.

Program “Primary School of the XXI Century” (edited by N. Vinogradova)

The main goal of the program is to teach the child to learn. The program is designed to meet the needs of children in cognition, communication, and various productive activities. The authors of the program paid special attention to the adaptation period of a first-grader. Priority for search and research activities. The structure of the teaching aids uses tasks “Find errors”, “Test yourself”.

Reviews from parents

  • We are working on this program. The program is not ice! The recipes are really terrible! The lines are wide, the slope is impossible to maintain. The world around us is also composed in a stupid way - the topics in notebooks and textbooks do not match.
  • The 21st century program is a nightmare!!! With errors in textbooks, “raw” textbooks.
  • In the textbook “Russian Language” the rules are spread out throughout the text, they are not noticeable, and it is difficult for a child to find them and highlight them for memorization.
  • I'm shocked!!! How can you ask a first grader this? The cat, dog and parrot are 9 years old together. The cat and the dog are 6 years old together, and the cat and the parrot are 7 years old together. How old are the cat, dog and parrot?

Program "Primary Promising School".

The emphasis is on logic and the development of analytical thinking. The principle of taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of schoolchildren. Learning activities are organized in such a way that the child finds himself in various learning situations, either in the role of a learner, or in the role of a teacher, or in the role of an organizer of a learning situation. Work in pairs and small groups.

Textbooks “The world around us” for grades 1-4 Fedotova O.N. and others were excluded from the list by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 28, 2015 N 1529.

Reviews from parents

  • We are going to 2nd grade using this program. There are, of course, some advantages, but mostly I see only disadvantages. Mathematics problems are sometimes written in such a way, out of the blue, that after the 15th try you figure out what you need to do. There are no rules or description of the topic; you have to go online to remember it yourself and explain it to your child. The reading texts and poems, most of them quiet horror, are written in heavy language. You can't remember it yourself. There is no ease. You constantly stumble over your next word. We have so many wonderful authors and poets from the classics, where everything is easy to read and learn.
  • The program is terrible!!! Both the child and the parents suffer! When we first saw a first-grade Russian textbook, we were shocked... It was all solid text, it was unclear where the paragraphs ended and began, some frightening drawings, bats and everything like that, the colors were almost black and white. Just imagine A4 format - full text on the entire page! What's this? A textbook for first grade?
  • In general, the program is not bad, but, in my opinion, there is not enough mathematics (too simple) and it is difficult in Russian.
  • I really like PNS. Amazing reading (children's eyes light up), meaningful Russian language, an accessible world around them (based on children's life experiences) and mathematics, where they teach you to think and not cram, where one thing logically follows from the other. It's a pity that many people don't see this. And black and white drawings allow children to color the boring into bright and create their own world of knowledge.

Primary school program "Perspective"

The textbooks systematically build theoretical material, which includes practical, research and creative tasks. The educational material is structured in such a way that the student develops an interest in studying subsequent material.

Reviews from parents

  • Russian, literary reading and the surrounding perspective are an illogical horror and a mess. They jump from topic to topic. I don’t understand why the hell in the first grade they spent a quarter on writing out the elements of printed letters, then during the quarter they galloped through the copybooks and all hello to the usual notebooks and texts. We also went over the same sounds superficially and switched to the rules. Second grade has begun, and again acquaintance with sounds, not repetition, but acquaintance.
  • The environment is generally a mishmash of everything, jumping from topic to topic.
  • In Perspective, all the study went at a gallop across Europe, nothing remained in the memory.
  • Why don’t modern school primers and copybooks teach basic writing and reading skills, why is everything done topsy-turvy in them (contrary to the laws of the psychophysiological laws of the formation of both writing and reading skills).
  • “Technology” according to the Perspective program is a masterpiece!!! What level of preparation is the program designed for? Children cannot do this craft alone!!! We do it with the whole family. For several hours!!!

Planet of Knowledge

The main distinctive feature of the program is the integrity and unity of the structure of textbooks and workbooks in all subjects. The formation of universal educational activities is a purposeful, systematic process that is implemented through all subject areas of the “Planet of Knowledge” program and extracurricular activities.

Reviews from parents

  • I like the textbook on mathematics and literary reading. But in 1st grade I was clutching my head, how to teach reading? The primer is designed for children who read, but what to do with the rest? Until I downloaded syllabic tables from the Internet, the process did not start. And the readers were bored. The Russian language textbook for first grade is again difficult for children who do not read. Polysyllabic words were chosen for the letter. We would like to learn how to write “Mom washed the frame” without mistakes.
  • The Planet of Knowledge textbooks have beautiful, kind drawings. I didn’t notice any goblins or frighteningly aggressive texts. But the rules are not highlighted in the Russian language textbook. Even an adult's eyes widen. This program is simpler.
  • The program is ugly, the assignments in the copybooks baffled even me. Here's a math problem: Matroskin skimmed 3 liters of cream and put 7 liters on sour milk. From the rest of the milk I made butter. Question: How many liters of milk went into butter?
  • The child has a task in the workbook for the primer “Draw Fusya and Krakuzyabra” about which NOTHING is known.
  • There is little classical Russian literature, good old fairy tales... Instead, “pretzel-mendel-sausage” and other consumer goods.
  • The printed notebook on literature says "Goldfish" an Indian folk tale.

Elkonin-Davydov program

Training under this program is considered developmental. The system is also called “markless assessment”; the student works not for the result (grade), but for his personal growth and achievement of high results in education. Great attention is paid to logical thinking and theoretical knowledge.

A rather rare program in schools in Yekaterinburg, for example, school 69 and gymnasium 40 operate according to it.

One of the main distinguishing features of the modern Russian education system from the Soviet one is the wide variety of primary school education programs. If in Soviet schools all children studied using the same textbooks (and accordingly, the same curriculum), today teachers and parents can choose for themselves exactly how the student will receive the necessary knowledge.

One of the main distinguishing features of the modern Russian education system from the Soviet one is the great diversity primary school education programs. If in Soviet schools all children studied using the same textbooks (and accordingly, the same curriculum), today teachers and parents can choose for themselves exactly how the student will receive the necessary knowledge. Therefore, parents of future first-graders will have a difficult choice not only of the most suitable school for their child, but also of the best, in their opinion, educational program.

And the choice will indeed not be easy, since today different educational and methodological complexes (EMC) are used even within the same educational institution. In other words, all primary classes in the same school may work on completely different curriculums. To make your choice at least a little easier, we suggest you familiarize yourself with an overview of the main primary school educational programs existing today.

Traditional and developmental primary school programs

All modern primary school programs can be divided into traditional and developmental. Please note that it was not by chance that we used the word “conditionally”. Despite the fact that each of the programs has its own characteristics, they are all based on a developmental-active approach to teaching a child, and the traditional program is just as concerned with the development of the child’s personality as the developmental one. Naturally, you may have a reasonable question: “Why then is it necessary to classify training programs if they all solve the same problem?”

The fact is that the concept of “developmental education program” appeared in those days when all schools received education according to the same program. According to some experts, this program did not fully correspond to the age and psychological characteristics of children. Therefore, they developed their own educational systems, designed not only to provide basic knowledge, but also to develop imagination, thinking and memory in schoolchildren. As a result, all educational systems alternative to the classical program received the general name “developmental”.

At the same time, other specialists focused their efforts on updating the traditional program in accordance with modern requirements and trends. Thus, the traditional programs currently presented in Russian schools are practically no different from developmental ones, and in some cases even surpass them. It should be noted that both traditional and developmental primary school programs fully meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

So, what are the main teaching materials presented in Russian primary schools today?

Program "School of Russia"

The National Education Program is the same program according to which all schoolchildren during the USSR studied, albeit with minor changes. The main idea of ​​the program is to create a school of spiritual and moral development. This educational complex is based on problem-search and personality-oriented approaches, and the program module involves, first of all, the education of citizens. The program is aimed at developing interest in the history of one’s country and its significance on a global scale. The most important component of this training program is the development of an environmentally friendly “sense of home” in the child, as well as environmental ethics aimed at the moral and spiritual self-development of the student. It is designed for an intermediate level, so almost every child can master it.

Program "Primary school of the 21st century"

One of the most popular educational programs, which is used in most regions of Russia. Popularity programs Primary school of the 21st century This is largely due to the fact that the team of its developers was awarded the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation. The main distinctive feature of this educational complex was the construction of a system of targeted pedagogical diagnostics for primary school students, which allows not only to determine the child’s readiness for school, but also to note the strength of assimilation of the acquired knowledge. The teaching principle of this program is built in accordance with the needs of children, as well as taking into account their individual characteristics and level of socialization. It is designed for an intermediate level, so almost every child can master it.

Program "Harmony"

A training program in which the authors combined basic traditional and developmental teaching methods. The main goal of this educational complex is the comprehensive development of the student and his preparation for further education. The program is aimed at developing the skills of analysis, comparison, classification and generalization of acquired knowledge, therefore in the classes a large number of problematic developmental tasks are given that form the student’s ability to think and the ability to draw independent conclusions. Designed for an above-average level, so most children can master it.

Program "School 2100"

Primary school program School 2100 is a personality-oriented system aimed at the comprehensive disclosure of a child’s personal qualities. The educational complex is designed in such a way that children have the opportunity to master material of varying levels of complexity. The program's educational materials contain a large amount of additional information that the child can study at his own discretion. The main advantage of "School 2100" is continuity and continuity of education. In other words, the program covers all levels of school education, from primary school to graduation. It is designed for a high level, so not all children can master it.

One of the main distinguishing features of the modern Russian education system from the Soviet one is the wide variety of primary school education programs. If in Soviet schools all children studied using the same textbooks (and accordingly, the same curriculum), today teachers and parents can choose for themselves exactly how the student will receive the necessary knowledge.

One of the main distinguishing features of the modern Russian education system from the Soviet one is the great diversity primary school education programs. If in Soviet schools all children studied using the same textbooks (and accordingly, the same curriculum), today teachers and parents can choose for themselves exactly how the student will receive the necessary knowledge. Therefore, parents of future first-graders will have a difficult choice not only of the most suitable school for their child, but also of the best, in their opinion, educational program.

And the choice will indeed not be easy, since today different educational and methodological complexes (EMC) are used even within the same educational institution. In other words, all primary classes in the same school may work on completely different curriculums. To make your choice at least a little easier, we suggest you familiarize yourself with an overview of the main primary school educational programs existing today.

Traditional and developmental primary school programs

All modern primary school programs can be divided into traditional and developmental. Please note that it was not by chance that we used the word “conditionally”. Despite the fact that each of the programs has its own characteristics, they are all based on a developmental-active approach to teaching a child, and the traditional program is just as concerned with the development of the child’s personality as the developmental one. Naturally, you may have a reasonable question: “Why then is it necessary to classify training programs if they all solve the same problem?”

The fact is that the concept of “developmental education program” appeared in those days when all schools received education according to the same program. According to some experts, this program did not fully correspond to the age and psychological characteristics of children. Therefore, they developed their own educational systems, designed not only to provide basic knowledge, but also to develop imagination, thinking and memory in schoolchildren. As a result, all educational systems alternative to the classical program received the general name “developmental”.

At the same time, other specialists focused their efforts on updating the traditional program in accordance with modern requirements and trends. Thus, the traditional programs currently presented in Russian schools are practically no different from developmental ones, and in some cases even surpass them. It should be noted that both traditional and developmental primary school programs fully meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

So, what are the main teaching materials presented in Russian primary schools today?

Program "School of Russia"

The National Education Program is the same program according to which all schoolchildren during the USSR studied, albeit with minor changes. The main idea of ​​the program is to create a school of spiritual and moral development. This educational complex is based on problem-search and personality-oriented approaches, and the program module involves, first of all, the education of citizens. The program is aimed at developing interest in the history of one’s country and its significance on a global scale. The most important component of this training program is the development of an environmentally friendly “sense of home” in the child, as well as environmental ethics aimed at the moral and spiritual self-development of the student. It is designed for an intermediate level, so almost every child can master it.

Program "Primary school of the 21st century"

One of the most popular educational programs, which is used in most regions of Russia. Popularity programs Primary school of the 21st century This is largely due to the fact that the team of its developers was awarded the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation. The main distinctive feature of this educational complex was the construction of a system of targeted pedagogical diagnostics for primary school students, which allows not only to determine the child’s readiness for school, but also to note the strength of assimilation of the acquired knowledge. The teaching principle of this program is built in accordance with the needs of children, as well as taking into account their individual characteristics and level of socialization. It is designed for an intermediate level, so almost every child can master it.

Program "Harmony"

A training program in which the authors combined basic traditional and developmental teaching methods. The main goal of this educational complex is the comprehensive development of the student and his preparation for further education. The program is aimed at developing the skills of analysis, comparison, classification and generalization of acquired knowledge, therefore in the classes a large number of problematic developmental tasks are given that form the student’s ability to think and the ability to draw independent conclusions. Designed for an above-average level, so most children can master it.

Program "School 2100"

Primary school program School 2100 is a personality-oriented system aimed at the comprehensive disclosure of a child’s personal qualities. The educational complex is designed in such a way that children have the opportunity to master material of varying levels of complexity. The program's educational materials contain a large amount of additional information that the child can study at his own discretion. The main advantage of "School 2100" is continuity and continuity of education. In other words, the program covers all levels of school education, from primary school to graduation. It is designed for a high level, so not all children can master it.

Dedicated to the parents of future first-graders...

You often hear: “We study according to Vinogradova...”, “But in our class they teach according to Zankov.” Unfortunately, most parents can only name the author of the curriculum, others will say “we were praised for it,” and still others, perhaps, will talk about specific pros and cons. But in general, the average parent has difficulty understanding how all these programs differ. And no wonder. It is really difficult to get through the scientific style and terminology of pedagogical texts.

So let's figure it out together and try to understand.

Firstly, there is a pedagogical system and a pedagogical program.

There are only three systems: Zankov system(developmental), Elkonin-Davydov system(developmental) and traditional(see Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2004 N 93).

There are much more programs. In addition to the officially recognized ones, there are many experimental systems, as well as proprietary, in-school ones, which we will not consider in this article.

Schematically it will look something like this:

All systems and programs approved by the Ministry of Education meet the main requirement: they allow the student to acquire the required minimum knowledge. Authorship is manifested in the ways of presenting material, additional information, and organizing educational activities.

Each system and program has its own author, so to speak, an ideological inspirer. But this does not mean that all textbooks in all subjects were written by him alone. Of course, a whole team worked on compiling the educational and methodological kit! Therefore, the names on your children’s textbooks will naturally be different. But, despite the “collective creativity”, all textbooks within one program have the same:

  • Goal (i.e. the result that should be obtained, the qualities that graduates who have studied in a particular program should ultimately have)
  • Objectives (i.e. those steps by which the goal is achieved)
  • Principles (i.e., features of the organization of training, presentation of material, choice of methods that distinguish one program from another).
  • Content (essentially the same educational material that the child will learn during the learning process. For example, the content of education in philology, mathematics, social studies and natural science. In this part of the program, they differ in that some are limited to the state standard minimum, others include various additional knowledge, concepts, literature, as well as the order of presentation of educational material, which is inextricably linked with the principles.)

There are no bad or good programs. All programs discussed in the article are approved by the Ministry of Education. And the developmental system is no better or worse than the traditional one. In fact, each system is designed for a certain mindset, or, in other words, a way of perceiving and mentally processing information. And these processes are individual for each child. Like metabolism, or say, hair color. Therefore, in the description of each program, we have introduced a section “Features that will allow a child to study successfully in this program,” where we will describe those qualities that it is desirable for a child to have in order to show good results without overexerting himself.

Below we will sometimes give examples of schools that teach one program or another, but in fact, different classes of the same school can study according to different programs, especially where the choice of program is made by the teachers themselves. And that's even good. Different programs and systems require children to have different initial knowledge and skills, and it largely depends on the personal qualities of the teacher whether he can implement the program in full. Therefore, the teacher chooses a program that will allow him to work in the current situation with this particular team.

Zankov's education system

In 1995 - 1996 L.V. Zankov’s system is recognized as a parallel state system of primary education.

Target: the general development of students, which is understood as the development of mind, will, schoolchildren and as a reliable basis for their acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Tasks: One of the most important tasks is to instill in a primary school student an attitude towards himself as a value. Training should be focused not so much on the entire class as a whole, but on each individual student. In this case, the goal is not to “bring up” weak students to the level of strong ones, but to reveal the individuality and optimally develop each student, regardless of whether he is considered “strong” or “weak” in the class.

Principles: student independence, creative comprehension of the material. The teacher does not give schoolchildren the truth, but forces them to “get to the bottom” themselves. The scheme is the opposite of the traditional one: first examples are given, and students themselves must draw theoretical conclusions. The learned material is also reinforced with practical assignments. The new didactic principles of this system are rapid mastery of the material, a high level of difficulty, and the leading role of theoretical knowledge. Comprehension of concepts must occur in the understanding of systemic relationships.

Systematic work is being carried out on the general development of all students, including both strong and weak. It is important for schoolchildren to become aware of their learning process.

Features that will allow a child to successfully study in this program: willingness to work at a high pace, the ability to reflect, independently search for and assimilate information, and the willingness to show a creative approach when solving a given task.

  • - the system is clearly and fully described, you couldn’t say it better

Elkonin-Davydov education system

If Zankov teaches at high speed, then Davydov follows the saying “if you go more quietly, you will go further.”

Educational system D. B. Elkonina-V.V. Davydov has a history of existence of more than 40 years: first in the form of developments and experiments, and in 1996, by the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Elkonin-Davydov educational system was recognized as one of three state systems, along with the traditional system and the L. V. Zankova.

Target: formation of a system of scientific concepts, educational independence and initiative. Development in a child of the ability to think unusually and deeply


  1. to form in primary school graduates the ability to reflect, which at primary school age reveals itself through:
  • knowledge of one's ignorance, the ability to distinguish the known from the unknown;
  • the ability, in an underdetermined situation, to indicate what knowledge and skills are missing for successful action;
  • the ability to consider and evaluate one’s own thoughts and actions “from the outside,” without considering one’s point of view to be the only possible one;
  • the ability to critically, but not categorically, evaluate the thoughts and actions of other people, turning to their reasons.
  • develop abilities for meaningful analysis and meaningful planning.

  • The maturity of these abilities is revealed if:

    • students can identify a system of problems of the same class that have a single principle of their construction, but differ in the external features of the conditions (content analysis);
    • Students can mentally construct a chain of actions, and then carry them out smoothly and without error.
    • develop the student's creative potential and imagination.


    1. The main principle of this system is to teach children to obtain knowledge, to seek it on their own, and not to memorize school truths.
    2. The subject of assimilation is general methods of action - ways of solving a class of problems. This is where learning the subject begins. In the future, the general method of action is specified in relation to particular cases. The program is designed in such a way that in each subsequent section the already mastered method of action is concretized and developed.
    3. Mastering the general method begins with objective-practical action.
    4. Student work is structured as a search and testing of means to solve a problem. Therefore, a student’s judgment, which differs from the generally accepted one, is considered not as an error, but as a test of thought.

    The features that will allow a child to successfully study in this program are the same as those described for the Zankov program. Exception: it is unlikely that you will have to work at a fast pace. Rather, thoroughness, attention to detail, and the ability to generalize will come in handy.

    School 2100 (School 2000, Peterson program)

    The program is aimed primarily at developing and improving the traditional content of education.

    Target: ensure natural and effective integration of the child into society.


    • develop readiness for productive work
    • to form readiness for further education and, more broadly, for lifelong education in general.
    • to develop a natural-scientific and general humanitarian worldview.
    • ensure a certain level of general cultural development. An example would be the formation (cultivation) of a student’s skills of adequate artistic perception of at least literature
    • to form certain personal properties that ensure his successful socio-psychological adaptation in society, successful social activity and successful social and personal development
    • provide maximum opportunities for developing in the student an attitude towards creative activity and creative activity skills
    • to form knowledge, attitudes and basic skills of pedagogical activity.


    The principle of adaptability. The school strives, on the one hand, to adapt as much as possible to students with their individual characteristics, and on the other hand, to respond as flexibly as possible to socio-cultural changes in the environment.

    Development principle. The main task of the school is the development of the student, and first of all, the holistic development of his personality and the readiness of the individual for further development.

    The principle of psychological comfort. This includes, firstly, the removal of all stress-forming factors of the educational process. Secondly, this principle presupposes the creation in the educational process of an uninhibited, stimulating creative activity of the student.

    The principle of the image of the world. The student’s idea of ​​the objective and social world should be unified and holistic. As a result of the teaching, he should develop a kind of scheme of the world order, the universe, in which specific, subject knowledge takes its specific place.

    The principle of integrity of educational content. In other words, all “objects” are interconnected.

    The principle of systematicity. Education must be systematic, correspond to the patterns of personal and intellectual development of a child and adolescent, and be part of the general system of lifelong education.

    The principle of a semantic relationship to the world. The image of the world for a child is not abstract, cold knowledge about it. This is not knowledge for me, but this is my knowledge. This is not the world around me: this is the world of which I am a part and which I somehow experience and comprehend for myself.

    The principle of the orienting function of knowledge. The task of general education is to help the student develop an indicative framework that he can and should use in various types of his cognitive and productive activities.

    Features that will allow a child to successfully study in this program: Since the program, as conceived by the authors, has something in common with the Elkonin-Davydov system, all the qualities that were described above will be useful. But since this is still a traditional program designed for the “average student,” almost any child can study successfully using it.

    “School of Russia” (Pleshakov)

    This is the elementary school kit we all learned from, with a few modifications.

    Target: education of schoolchildren as citizens of Russia. The Russian school should become a school of spiritual and moral development.

    Tasks. The main purpose of elementary school, according to the authors, is educational. Hence the tasks:

    • development in a child of human qualities that correspond to ideas about true humanity: kindness, tolerance, responsibility, the ability to empathize, readiness to help others
    • teaching the child conscious reading, writing and arithmetic, correct speech, instilling certain work and health-saving skills, teaching the basics of safe life
    • formation of natural learning motivation

    Principles: fundamentality, reliability, stability, openness to new things.

    Problem-search approach. It involves creating problem situations, making assumptions, searching for evidence, formulating conclusions, and comparing results with a standard.

    Features that will allow a child to successfully study in this program: No special qualities are required from the child. Of course, the more abilities a child has, the better. For example, the ability to self-esteem and willingness to work in problematic situations will come in handy. But even the most unprepared children for school learn well in this program.

    “Harmony” edited by N. B. Istomina

    This system correlates with the basic ideas of developmental education and, in particular, with the Zankov system, in which Natalya Borisovna Istomina herself worked for a very long time.

    Target: multilateral development of the child, comfortable learning, prepares the child’s thinking apparatus for further learning. Overcoming the differences between traditional and developmental training schemes.

    Tasks: ensure the child’s understanding of the issues being studied, create conditions for harmonious relationships between the teacher and the student and children with each other, and create situations for each student to succeed in cognitive activity.

    Principles: organization of students' educational activities related to the formulation of an educational task, its solution, self-control and self-esteem; organizing productive communication, which is a necessary condition for the formation of educational activities; the formation of concepts that provide, at a level accessible to primary school age, an awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies.

    Features that will allow a child to successfully study in this program: the requirements for the features of the child’s thought process arise from the connection with the Zankov system stated by the author. But like any traditional system, this program softens the requirements placed on the student by the Zankov program.

    “Elementary school of the 21st century” (Vinogradova)

    Target: organizing the educational activities of primary schoolchildren in such a way as to provide comfortable conditions for the child’s development in the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities.


    • the formation of the main components of educational activity (if we discuss the student’s position, then this is the answer to the questions “why am I studying”, “what should I do to solve this educational task”, “in what way do I carry out the educational task and how do I do it”, “ what are my successes and what am I failing at?
    • organizing the educational process in such a way as to ensure a situation of success for each student and the opportunity to learn at an individual pace.

    Principles: The main principle of education is that primary school should be nature-appropriate, that is, meet the needs of children of this age (in cognition, communication, various productive activities), take into account the typological and individual characteristics of their cognitive activity and level of socialization. The student is not just a “spectator”, “listener”, but a “researcher”.

    Content: In accordance with the main principle (conformity to nature), the authors paid special attention to the implementation of the function of “soft” adaptation of children to new activities. A system for using role-playing games in teaching has been developed, which makes it possible to develop various facets of role-playing behavior, and therefore the student’s imagination and creativity. All textbooks provide additional educational content, giving everyone the opportunity to work in accordance with their abilities (for example, introducing interesting texts from the very beginning of training in the textbook on the material of the complete alphabet for children who read well).

    Features that will allow a child to successfully study in this program: based on the principles, it can be assumed that this program will be comfortable for children who require a gentle adaptation to everything new to them, be it a group or a type of activity. All courses have a long preparatory period.

    The choice is ours. I hope that you and I were able to at least roughly understand “what kind of beast this is” - the program. And now we can consciously approach the choice of school, class, teacher. We can roughly imagine what questions to ask in order to assess whether a given teacher in a given school will be able to fully implement the principles of the chosen program... We will be able to properly prepare the child for the start of school, taking into account, if possible, the inclinations and character of our small but personalities.


    By the way, we are now studying in a 21st century school. My daughter really likes it, everything is written correctly. Was it difficult? No, the tasks are structured in such a way that each child is given depending on their level of preparation.

    Above. It made it possible to teach and raise a child who approached secondary school fully armed.

    In the early 90s, the relevant services began to pay special attention to programs. As a result, many options for teaching first-graders were born. Currently, about ten basic programs are offered to help children develop their inclinations. At least that's what it looks like on paper.

    According to the Education Law, each school has the right to independently choose one or another program. Parents have the opportunity to choose a training option based on the child’s abilities and level of learning, since there are complex programs, and there are simpler ones.

    "School of Russia"

    The most traditional school program is the “School of Russia”. It was taught in Soviet times. It is designed for almost all students. Naturally, it was modernized and new knowledge was added to develop logic. At the same time, it is easily digestible. Probably, it is the “School of Russia” that acts as the most universal and best program for the majority of children.

    Zankov development program

    This program is designed to give the child maximum theory, then at a certain moment he will have a boost in development. The material is given as quickly as possible, in almost all areas of life.

    There are no major or minor subjects here. Each lesson is built in the form of a dialogue, there are search and creative tasks. The program is harder than the “School of Russia”. Students must be developed and prepared. If a child has not attended kindergarten, it will be difficult for him to master this version of the program.

    Elkonin-Davydov development program

    A very complex program aimed at developing theoretical thinking in children. The student is taught to change independently, putting forward simple hypotheses, while looking for evidence and arguments. This is good for memory. Suitable for children who are slightly ahead of their peers in development.


    Teachers believe that this program is designed to teach learning. Many tasks are given that develop logic and intelligence. Many problems are presented in ready-made printed form so that the student can complete them by entering the necessary icons or numbers into the cells.

    The system is interesting because it is multi-level, that is, tasks are given separately for strong and lagging children. This approach allows us to take into account the development of each student individually.

    "Primary school of the 21st century"

    It is a gentle program with a long adaptive period. The authors believe that children adapt to school life only by the end of first grade. Curricula develop thinking and imagination. However, some items can be combined into one. For example, “Gramota” includes Russian language and literature. The program can be suitable for any child.

    This program is one of the most painless for children to adapt to school.


    Very similar to Zankov’s program, but a little simpler. The program is designed to develop the child in many ways - logic, intelligence, artistic creativity, emotional abilities. The role of the teacher is to create a comfortable relationship among students in all respects.

    "Promising Primary School"

    The program focuses on supra-subject competencies, but not on skills, knowledge and logic. For example, mathematics develops logic and intelligence.

    The student will not cram theorems and all kinds of axioms. But children will be encouraged to engage in extracurricular activities. For example, first-graders will also be involved in drawing 10 hours a year, just like music and sports. The program is designed for ordinary children and is suitable for most first-graders.

    It is impossible to definitely single out the best program, since everything depends on the child’s developmental characteristics and predispositions. To make the right choice, it is better to talk with teachers who will give recommendations. You should not think that by studying according to Zankov’s program, a child will be smarter than the one who chose School 2100. Everything depends on himself and his innate talents and predispositions.

    The end of a child's preschool period is another reason for parents to worry. Yesterday's baby goes to school, and in connection with this a huge number of questions arise. Which school to send to, how to enroll in this particular class, which program to choose?.. It was 20 years ago that everyone studied according to the same scheme, textbooks written by the same authors. Today the situation has changed dramatically: schools offer several training programs to choose from. And the task of parents is to correctly determine what exactly suits their child.


    Take a closer look at your child. In order to choose the right training system for him, you need to understand what he has a pronounced interest in. If you are adherents of the traditional education system, then there are two programs for you to choose from: “School 2000” and “School of Russia”. Of course, small changes affected them too. But in general, these programs are exactly what the parents themselves taught.

    The purpose of these programs is to socialize the child and raise children to be true patriots of their country. According to experts, these training programs work successfully even when the child is not yet very well prepared for. This is due to the fact that they both require fairly long periods of adaptation at the beginning of each course.

    Among the advantages of these programs, you can highlight the fact that children can learn a systematic and fundamental approach to learning. Teachers develop children’s abilities so that they are able to find a way out of difficult situations, learn to think and make independent responsible decisions in a given case. Of no small importance in these programs is teamwork, which teaches the child to interact with other people.

    If you are a lover of innovation and believe that there is no one better than your child, then your best choice is Zankov’s educational program. It is aimed at making the child realize his own value. This teaching principle is suitable for children who do not know how to think and work in a team, since the program is more aimed at personal work with each student. And it is practically not designed to work with the class as a whole.

    Another popular program among modern schoolchildren is Elkonina-Davydova. It works “if you drive more quietly, you will go further.” The purpose of this program is not to teach a child to simply memorize certain school postulates that will be forgotten over time, but to show how to search for and analyze knowledge on their own.

    Working with this program requires the child to be independent. It is designed for young children due to their characteristics. The teaching principle is based on the fact that first-graders have a more developed sense of curiosity, have a love for building cause-and-effect relationships, and lack categorical judgments. This helps the child’s brain respond more flexibly to learning and more effectively develop the creative abilities of a younger student.

    Istomina’s “Harmony” program involves the comprehensive development of a child. The main goal of this project is comfortable learning for the student, which helps the student to gently prepare himself to perceive new educational information. The tasks of a teacher working in this program include the mandatory establishment of harmonious relationships with the student - after all, only in this way can the teacher show the child how to act in a given situation.

    Study all the programs offered at schools and choose the one that suits you. After which you can safely enroll in the school or class where the teacher works according to the system of your choice.

    Video on the topic

    Helpful advice

    Remember that all proposed programs are approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and have passed the necessary tests. Their main goal is to provide a mandatory minimum of knowledge, adding the author’s presentation of material and organization of educational activities.


    • How to choose a curriculum in elementary school

    Tip 3: Which program is best for elementary school?

    Currently, there are more than a hundred programs for primary general education. Each of them can be divided into two categories: traditional and developmental.


    Program Zankova L.V. is educational and is designed to give every child a holistic picture of the world. This happens through the use of literature, art, and science. The strength of this program is its emphasis on learning mathematical fundamentals. Teachers who work in this program try to pay attention to the development of logic and thinking. The child’s desire for self-development is very important. Kids who do not have the desire to read a lot are unlikely to appreciate this program. The program fully provides children with universal learning activities that they can use at the next stage of education.

    “School 2100” is one of the most popular traditional programs. Its main advantage lies in maintaining continuity of education. The system is designed so that a child can continue studying from nursery until entering university. The authors of the program took into account all the age characteristics of children, their leading activities at each stage and, of course, sensitive periods for the formation of certain skills and abilities. The program does not divide children into weak and strong. Each student is offered the full scope of the educational program, and the child chooses for himself how many and which of the tasks he can solve. The program is aimed at developing the child’s adequate self-esteem and the ability to regulate their activities without the help of an adult.

    The RHYTHM program is aimed at the individual development of each child. Its main advantages are the inclusion of problematic tasks and situations in the learning process. The child learns to think logically, developing his thinking. While solving practical problems, children not only acquire dry theoretical knowledge, but also begin to understand the essence of the learning process and its benefits in real life. The basis of this program was created based on the works of the great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky. The disadvantage of the program is the lack of a smooth transition of textbooks to the level of basic general education.

    The Rainbow program is a symbiosis of developmental and traditional orientation. Its main advantage is the emphasis on the creative development of the child. Teachers who use this program try to avoid meaningless memorization of theoretical principles. Much attention is paid to the development of the child’s imagination and speech. The program provides various forms of presenting material: dramatization, film viewing, excursions, round tables.


    • Primary school programs