The desire to look fashionable and stylish is one of your main life priorities. Your clothes are always unconventional and correspond to the “latest trends.” However, one should not completely ignore the well-known truth that says: “It is better to be half a step behind fashion than one step ahead.” Clothing should first of all correspond to the moment and emphasize your advantages, and not create them. Again, they are guided by the mind, and a flashy appearance does not in any way indicate its presence.

Compatibility of the name Simon, manifestation of love

Simon, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first for you, and you will choose a partner based mainly on how well he can correspond to your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, determination and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, should one happen, you will first of all value in your partner the ability to empathize with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.

The origin and meaning of a name can significantly affect the character and life path of each person.

That is why, when deciding what to name their child, parents should have a good understanding of the energy that the chosen option carries. In this article you will find out what the meaning of the name Simon is and what role it plays in a man’s life.

Simon is a beautiful biblical male name. It characterizes its owner as a bright and purposeful personality. The origin of the name is Hebrew, and it means “heard”, sometimes interpreted as “listening”.

Other forms of the name are Sim, Sima, Simeon. Shimon is also synonymous. Simon's name day according to the Orthodox calendar falls on the dates of February 16, March 13, May 23, July 25, August 18 and 25, October 23, November 17, December 7 and January 10.

Temperament and life path

Simon's whole life is filled with bright events and colors. The owner of this name is not used to being bored while sitting still. He is constantly on the move and looking for new adventures. Such a man always radiates positive energy and love for life.

The name Simon gives its owner a soft, kind character. Such a man is completely selfless and ready to help anyone who needs it free of charge.

Despite his gentle nature, Simon is characterized by cunning and the gift of persuasion, and sometimes he is even able to subjugate people to his will. However, he never abuses human trust and always uses this quality within reasonable limits.

Simon has high intellectual abilities and strives for self-development all his life. Such a man is very diplomatic in relations with others, which helps him win their respect and even admiration.

The owner of this name has many different talents that he can use both in work and in everyday life. Thanks to his abilities, a man very rarely fails in his endeavors.

At the same time, Simon understands that it is impossible to achieve anything without perseverance and determination. He is never lazy and always makes every effort to achieve what he wants.

All these strengths of his personality help a man to constantly remain confident. Simon never doubts his capabilities, and always firmly and courageously continues his life path.

Achievements in career and love

Possessing high performance, Simon can reach heights in any endeavor. The positive qualities that characterize him as a good employee are his high intelligence, firmness, organization and ability to communicate with people.

As a rule, the owner of this sonorous name is a true connoisseur of beauty. It is this quality that often leads Simon to creative professions. A man is capable of achieving stunning success in the field of design, cinema, and fashion. He can also become an excellent artist or writer.

Other areas where Simon is able to successfully realize himself are most often medicine, teaching or trade. The man also has all the necessary qualities and abilities to become a successful entrepreneur.

Simon's love life is quite eventful. His masculine energy attracts women, so from a young age he never stops seeing fans. In youth, the owner of this name is often given the nickname “Don Juan” or “Lovelace.”

Sexual relationships are very important to Simon. He appreciates variety and is a very sensual partner. Such a man is able to please a woman without forgetting about himself.

Despite his active bachelor life, having found his only companion, Simon stops. Friends and acquaintances observe with surprise the transformation of the Don Juan into a monogamous and exemplary family man. He will remain faithful to his chosen one and will never betray her.

As a life partner, a man will choose only someone who is the same emotional and sensual nature as himself. It is very important for him to feel needed and loved. Betrayal by a woman dear to his heart can be a real blow for a man.

Until his old age, Simon maintains a romantic relationship with his wife. The owner of this name never abuses alcohol. It is better to entrust the financial side of marriage to him, since the man knows how to manage money wisely.

Simon is a wonderful owner and caring father. He always helps his wife around the house, and is not lazy in cooking and cleaning. Such a man spends a lot of time with his children.

Name talismans:

  • Patronizing planet is the Moon.
  • Lucky colors are white and yellow.
  • The luckiest day of the week is Monday.
  • Metals that bring happiness are silver and gold.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign – .

So, what impact does the name Simon have on a man’s life? As a rule, its owner achieves enormous success in life and career. He is an amazing family man and a wonderful friend. Author: Maria Shcherbakova

What does the name Simon mean:
Literally translated from ancient Greek, this is the listener.

Origin of the name Simon:
This is definitely an ancient Greek name.

Character conveyed by the name Simon:
He is always an incredibly energetic and extremely confident person. As a rule, he has a lot of different talents; by the way, all of them were given to him, simply, from birth. And this is probably why, as he goes through life, he never gets bored, and often leads a rather eventful and most interesting life. In addition, Simon is usually able to achieve a quite significant position in modern society, as well as really great success in his profession, and of course this happens thanks to his incredibly strong will and powerful hard work. However, for all his strong and definitely positive qualities, he is a very gentle, sympathetic and incredibly kind person who will almost always provide support to any other person in a truly difficult moment. And what is important, of course, is that he does this completely disinterestedly. And since he is unusually patient and organized, he is able to achieve the greatest success in such complex professions as a journalist, doctor, or teacher, as well as in almost all areas that will be related to art, or medicine, perhaps literature, or entrepreneurship.

In addition, he can easily convince people, and this character trait is probably his greatest gift. He tends to have intelligence well above average. Which, of course, speaks of well-developed mental as well as intellectual abilities.

He always loves intimate relationships, but at first he will almost always show some selfish tendencies in this regard, often thinking only about himself, but in the end he still draws the correct conclusions that in such a serious matter only equality should reign. It is always simply vital for him to feel that everyone loves him, that they are extremely concerned about him and are very worried. He absolutely cannot stand betrayal, and it is incredibly difficult for him to cope with betrayal, and indeed any deception in general. As a rule, for him all this can be the strongest blow.

When Simon finally gets married, having had his fill of fun, he becomes simply a wonderful family man. He always helps his wife around the house, and simply adores his children. He is ready to play with them always and as much as they need. He has absolutely no affection for all alcoholic drinks. And, of course, if you decide to entrust him with managing the family budget, then not a single penny will ever be spent on anything unimportant or unnecessary; he monitors the family finances extremely carefully. In addition, he can easily succumb to someone’s spiritual persuasion, since he always very easily falls under some other person’s influence, and of course, because of this, he can even change a lot, and sometimes even change his taste or habits.

The male name Simon is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of the name when translated into Russian sounds like “heard by God.” It sounds differently in different countries.

Character traits

The name Simon belongs to a person who lives a bright, interesting life, full of events and variety. Possessing cunning and intelligence, diplomacy and innate intelligence, this man skillfully takes advantage of the weaknesses of those around him, and especially women who fall for him like flies to honey. He is very passionate at heart, and he realizes this passion for “spiciness” in life most often in the sexual sphere.

The secret of the name Simon hides a person with amazing self-confidence and a huge amount of innate talent. They are the ones who help a guy go with the flow of life without any problems, achieving success in all his endeavors. But we need to give him his due - this man is not lacking in hard work and stubbornness, determination and will. In addition, the owner of this name knows how to be patient and organized, has an excellent oratorical gift and the ability to persuade people to his point of view. However, such a powerful strong-willed principle in him is difficult to discern even the fifth time, since in life he is very gentle, kind, sympathetic and absolutely selfless.

Hobby and profession

To be honest, Simon would make an ideal “ladies man” or stripper, but he prefers to give himself to women just like that. The magnificent, simply God-given gift of persuasion and patience, as well as the richest intimate experience, together with a vivid imagination, allow him to become an organizer of pickup seminars, a sexologist and sex therapist, a teacher, and a journalist.

Fine mental organization and an innate sense of beauty, making Simon a true esthete, help him realize himself in areas related to art. For example, he can become a designer or art critic, restorer or film critic, fashion historian, poet, artist, or host some column in a magazine or television show dedicated to this field of activity.

Love and family

Simon is a true esthete in the sexual sphere who does not tolerate boredom and monotony in bed. He strives to “walk up” before committing himself to family obligations. But being in a happy marriage, she refuses a short-term romance or casual intimate relationship and never independently seeks love on the side.

He likes sex, and he is ready to have it anywhere, anytime and with anyone, and not just with his girlfriend in bed. This is a truly wonderful, even sophisticated lover, capable of withstanding a multi-hour “marathon” or several contacts per day.

In sex, the owner of the name satisfies his partner in all respects, but does not forget about himself. He wants to receive not only physical satisfaction. Such a person vitally needs the feeling that he is loved, that they are worried about him, that someone needs him. Betrayal, as well as other deception, becomes a blow for him, although Simon himself does not hesitate to enter into relationships with several women at the same time.

He does not remain a confirmed bachelor. This man finds a woman who becomes his mother and lover at the same time. And once a womanizer and a womanizer, Simon turns into an excellent family man, a helper around the house, an amazing father, ready to play for hours with his children. He can be entrusted with any work and even responsibility for the family budget - his honesty, negative attitude towards alcohol, love for his wife and children make the bearer of the name an excellent family “treasurer”, husband and father.