Modern zealous supporters of the fashion for a healthy diet tirelessly repeat the dangers of excessive consumption of red meat and animal products in the diet. This is due, first of all, to the alarming increase in the death rate from cardiovascular diseases in the world and the mass movement for a healthy lifestyle, an integral part of which is the “right” food. It's no secret that you are what you eat. Therefore, it is not surprising that the modern food industry offers a large number of substitute products that help vegetarians enjoy their favorite sausage without the risk of spoiling their karma. The most common substitute of this kind in the world will be discussed.

What is soy?

Soya - cultivated annual plant, which has been grown in many parts of the world since time immemorial. Soy products were especially widely distributed in the countries of Southeast Asia long before the arrival of Europeans, where they are still an important part of the local national cuisine to this day. In the rest of the world, it became known only in the 17th century.

It is interesting to note that this plant is very often genetically engineered. So soy is "white mouse" flora for scientists. Nevertheless, in our time, soy products have rightfully won a leading position in the diet food market, mainly due to the increased content of proteins in their composition.

Beneficial features

Soy contains a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the human body. These are vitamins B1, B2, B6, trace elements (manganese, selenium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium), folic acid, isoflavones, phospholipids. The list of beneficial properties of soy products does not end there:

  • Soy meat is a complete replacement for red meat in products that have traditionally used raw materials of animal origin. This is not only meat, but also milk and flour (used as a substitute for chicken eggs). At the same time, their energy value is absolutely not inferior to animal counterparts. That is why soy meat, milk and flour make up a significant part of the diet of vegetarians, as well as people who are allergic to animal products.
  • The biggest benefit of eating soy is effective cholesterol lowering in the blood, which is especially important in diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and hypertension, as well as in recovery from a recent myocardial infarction. Plus, soy stabilizes the amount of fat in the liver.
  • Due to its cholesterol-lowering properties, soy is also recommended for people who are overweight, obese and want to lose weight.
  • Soy contains natural analogues of female hormones - isoflavones also called phytoestrogens. Although in their structure they repeat estrogens, they absolutely do not affect the sexual sphere. They help women during menopause to more easily endure the manifestations of menopause.
  • Soy is also indicated for diabetes, as it slows down the absorption of glucose from the blood. And because of the low content of sugars and carbohydrates, it can be a good addition to the diet of diabetics.

Harmful properties

Of course, every product has its downsides. However, in the case of soy protein-based products, it should be remembered that the harmful properties are quite serious and can further lead to a sharp deterioration in health.

  • Soya slows down the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland Therefore, it is contraindicated in young children. It has long been noted that excessive consumption of these products can lead to the development of goiter disease in children and problems with the endocrine system in general.
  • Very often, the presence of soy products in the diet of young children can lead to the development food allergies.
  • Soya absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women. It not only negatively affects the development of the brain in the embryo, but can also lead to miscarriage in the future.
  • Another big disadvantage is cerebrovascular accident and risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
  • It also speeds up the aging process of the body.
  • There is evidence that the frequent use of soy accelerates the sexual development of girls, but in boys, on the contrary, it slows it down.
  • Soy provokes significant women's risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Due to the presence of a large amount of phytoestrogens in its composition, in men who often eat soy milk (to gain muscle mass), the mammary glands increase.

soy products

At the moment, a large number of products are produced from soybeans:

  1. soy flour- is a complete replacement for eggs and is used, as a rule, as a dough thickener in vegetarian pastries.
  2. Soybean oil- used as a substitute for other vegetable oils.
  3. Soy sauce- A popular condiment for Asian cuisine.
  4. Soy milk- It is used as a substitute for cow's milk.
  5. Natto- fermented soybeans - the basis of the Japanese breakfast.
  6. Yuba- dried foam collected from soy milk.
  7. Tofu is a traditional Japanese cheese made from soy milk.


Many may wonder why, with such an impressive list of contraindications and harmful properties, Asians who eat food based on soybeans do not get these diseases?

Firstly, traditionally, the population of China, Japan, Korea and other countries of Southeast Asia does not eat soy meat and milk, but products based on fermented soybeans.

Secondly, these products are not the basis of their diet, but only serve as an addition to the main dishes or seasonings, as is the case with soy sauce.

These two points also apply to residents of the rest of the world. If you do not abuse soy, then you can extract the maximum beneficial properties from it without the risk of exposure to its negative factors.

Soy is definitely the most controversial food among scientists around the world. Many of them claim that soy is very useful for the human body. So, in 1999, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allowed manufacturers to label soy products as foods that are good for the health of the cardiovascular system. In addition, a study was conducted confirming that soybeans contain substances that can fight cancer cells.

However, this is only one "side of the coin": opponents of soy products also make very serious arguments, referring to the results of studies conducted by world-famous scientists.

We will present you the results of the most famous randomized and controlled trials on soy products so that you can be convinced that consuming fermented soy in the absence of contraindications and in moderation is not dangerous for health. However, as with any other food, moderation and a sound approach are important here.

The birthplace of soybeans is East Asia, but today soybeans are actively grown all over the world, and one of the largest soybean producers is the United States.

Soy is used in the preparation of a wide variety of foods. Here it should be noted that soybeans must be cooked, because. raw they are poisonous.

Soy is a component of tofu, soy milk, as well as a variety of milk and meat substitutes. It is also used in fermented foods (miso, natto, tempeh) which are very popular in Asian countries.

More than 90% of soy produced in the US is genetically modified. Almost the entire crop is treated with Roundup herbicide, which is known for its adverse effects on human health. This is evidenced by data from randomized controlled trials.

A huge part of the soybean crop is used to produce soybean oil. The soybean cake left after this process contains about 50% protein and is mainly used as feed for cattle and small livestock. Part of the cake goes to the production of soy protein.

Thus, we see that in the West (unlike Asian countries) soybeans are used in a processed form, whole soybeans are practically not eaten.

The effect of soy on the human body

Whole soybeans contain a huge amount of nutrients.

100 grams of mature, cooked, whole soybeans are high in manganese, selenium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamin B6, riboflavin (B2), thiamine (B1), and vitamin K.

This same serving of soybeans also contains 173 calories, 9 grams of fat, 10 grams of carbs (6 of which are fiber), and 17 grams of protein.

More or less significant amounts of soy products should be eaten with salt, because soybeans are quite high in salt. phytates(substances that bind minerals and reduce their absorption).

Note: soybeans are a pretty good source of protein. They are not as rich in protein as meat or eggs, but better than most other plant-based proteins. However, when soybeans are processed at high temperatures, some proteins may denature and this will significantly reduce their quality.

The fatty acids in soybeans are mainly omega-6 polyunsaturated fats. This is not the best news, because data from randomized trials suggests that too much omega-6 in the diet can lead to inflammation and all sorts of health problems. For this reason, it is very important to avoid eating soy oil (and other vegetable oils high in omega-6s) and processed foods that contain it.

It must be borne in mind that the nutritional composition of soy significantly depends on the type of food. Whole soybeans are highly nutritious, while refined soy derivatives such as soy protein and soybean oil are not nutritious at all.

Soy is a product so "controversial" that it is necessary to talk about its beneficial properties only by mentioning its harm to health.

A fairly large number of studies show that soy has an extremely beneficial effect on cholesterol levels (reduces it). But you need to keep in mind that lowering blood cholesterol levels by eating soy products is not yet a guarantee of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Observational studies on this subject show rather conflicting results. Some results tell us that there is progress in reducing the risk of heart disease, others that there is no such progress at all.

Another (and rather important) fact: soy contains a large amount of biologically active compounds called isoflavones, which function like phytoestrogens- plant compounds that, according to research, can activate estrogen receptors in the human body.

Frequent consumption of soy can result in decreased estrogen activity due to isoflavones blocking the normal activity of pre-existing, more potent estrogen, or may result in increased estrogen activity due to receptor-activating isoflavones. These conclusions were made after receiving relevant results from randomized, controlled trials.

Based on the foregoing, the question quite logically arises: how, in this case, the use of soy affects the male body?

Observations on laboratory rats have shown that an increase in soy in the diet of the mother leads to negative consequences in the development of male fetuses.

However, humans are not rats. In the case of observational studies conducted among men, the results are again inconsistent.

So, one study conducted in the infertility clinic showed that those men whose diet includes soy have a reduced sperm count.

Another study shows that 40 milligrams of soy isoflavones consumed by men for 4 months had no negative effect and did not affect sperm quality.

Since both sources do not cause mistrust, one involuntarily has to think: maybe it’s not soy at all?

Soy isoflavones also function as goitrogens(substances that can interfere with the normal functioning of the thyroid gland). They can inhibit the function of the enzyme peroxidase, which is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones.

A study in 37 Japanese adults found that eating 30 grams of soybeans for 3 months led to an increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), a marker of thyroid dysfunction.

Many subjects experienced symptoms of hypothyroidism, including general malaise, constipation, drowsiness, and an enlarged thyroid gland. These symptoms went away after they stopped consuming soybeans.

However, Western scientists believe that soy has no effect or only a very mild effect on thyroid function in humans, as there are other studies to support this view.

Important: in any case, people with impaired normal functioning of the thyroid gland are not recommended to get involved in the use of soy products.

Due to their estrogenic activity, isoflavones are often used as a natural alternative to estrogen drugs to relieve menopausal symptoms. In fact, isoflavones can reduce menopausal symptoms and also reduce the risk of bone loss in older women, much like estrogen replacement therapy.

This is good news. But, as we already know, every advantage of soy has a downside - a disadvantage. In this case, it is the fact that many scientists believe that soy foods increase the risk of breast cancer.

In one study, 48 women were divided into two groups. One group ate according to their usual scheme, others added 60 g of soy protein to the usual scheme.

After just 14 days, the soy protein group had a significant increase in the number of epithelial cells in their breasts (these are the same cells that can turn cancerous over time).

The indicators are rather unpleasant, but in this case it is important to understand that we are talking only about observational studies. Any result of observational studies that is not confirmed by clinical studies should be considered with a great deal of caution, because. observational studies cannot be 100% reliable.

Clinical studies show that soy isoflavones do not have any significant negative effect on the development of cancer cells. And even vice versa. A study conducted in Harbin on the effect of soy isoflavones on breast cancer recurrence and mortality in patients receiving adjuvant hormone therapy showed that the use of soy isoflavones in significant amounts reduces the risk of cancer recurrence in this category of patients.

Scientists around the world agree that using soy in baby food is a very bad idea.

In one study, it became clear that newborn girls who were fed a high soy formula had significantly more breast tissue by the age of two than those who were fed breast milk or cow's milk products.

Another study found that girls who were fed foods high in soy were much more likely to go through puberty at an earlier age.

There is also scientific evidence that soy consumption in infancy can lead to longer menstrual cycles and increased menstrual pain in adulthood.

There is no doubt that breast milk is by far the best food for babies. For women who cannot breastfeed, cow's milk formula is a much better option than soy formula, which should only be used as a last resort.


It is known for certain that many Asian peoples consumed soy without apparent problems.

In fact, these populations tend to be in much better health than Western populations, although they, too, have begun to suffer from "Western" diseases now that the Western diet has invaded their countries.

The fact is that Asian populations usually consume fermented soy products such as natto, miso and tempeh.

Fermented soy destroys phytic acid, although it is not free from isoflavones.

Natto (a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans) can be especially beneficial because it contains significant amounts of vitamin K2, which is important for cardiovascular and bone health.

The question of the use of soy products is primarily a matter of dosages. Phytoestrogens, consumed in small amounts, do not cause much harm.

If you are going to consume soy, choose fermented soy products and use them in small amounts. As for infants, pregnant and lactating women and people with diagnosed thyroid problems, the use of soy and its derivatives is highly undesirable for them.

Soy - the benefits and harms of this product have been discussed by doctors, nutritionists and the media for several decades. What opinion should a simple consumer adhere to? Consider the composition of soy, its positive and negative properties, as well as the ability to affect health.

The usefulness of soybeans was known in ancient China. It was from this country that the use of soy products spread throughout the world. A large number of nutrients and low calorie content attract people who monitor their health. Vegetable protein is needed by athletes, vegetarians, fasting people and those who are struggling with various diseases.

What are the health benefits of soy?

The benefits and harms of soy are not yet fully understood.

Every year the consumption of soy products is increasing. What is the reason for such popularity? Soy contains the following ingredients:

  • 38 - 42% protein. Soy protein is not much inferior to animal protein, but is more easily absorbed by the body.
  • 16 - 20% carbohydrates needed for energy.
  • 4 - 6% fiber, which has a cleansing effect.
  • Lecithin - contributes to the proper functioning of the brain and liver, weight loss.
  • Isoflavones, which can prevent the development of cancerous tumors and other female diseases.
  • Tocopherol, which slows down aging.
  • Phospholipids that cleanse the bile ducts.
  • Essential fatty acids necessary for metabolism and overall health.
  • Vitamins A and E, which have an antioxidant effect.
  • Micro and macro elements.

How diverse are soy products?

Soy products are eaten by the population of Russia in very large quantities. In addition to the conscious use by people who lead a healthy lifestyle, soy is found in many other ready-made meals that are sold in stores:

  • The meat has a specific flavor. For its correct preparation, preliminary soaking in water for swelling is necessary. You need to cook it for 15 minutes with the addition of seasonings, onions, garlic and carrots. Suitable as a side dish for second courses.
  • Minced meat, mixing with other ingredients, absorbs their smell and taste, gives the desired volume. It can be used as a main component or as an addition to minced meat.
  • Milk is added to coffee and soups.
  • Tofu cheese will help diversify the diet. Like any cheese product, it is rich in calcium, protein and fat. It should be consumed in moderation so as not to cause allergies or indigestion. Although to saturate it you need to eat more than cheese of animal origin.
  • The sauce is known for its interesting history. Allegedly, the Tibetan monk surprised his fellows with the unusual taste of the dish. At first, the monks did not even believe that the dish was lenten until they saw with their own eyes how it was prepared. The piquant taste of this sauce is able to diversify even the simplest food.
  • Sprouted sprouts are used to maintain the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body. Bean sprouts appear within 3 to 15 days (depending on the season). When they reach 4 - 5 cm, they are cut off, doused with boiling water for 30 seconds so that there is no poisoning. The cotyledons are then removed and the sprouts are added to salads and other dishes.
  • Soy is added to sausages, semi-finished products, confectionery, mayonnaise. Products may include soy, soy protein, vegetable analogue, additives E-479 or E-322.

Soy products - the health benefits and harms depend on their quantity on the menu.

The main thing is not to overeat. 2-3 servings of 80 grams per day are considered acceptable for vegetarians and up to 4 times a week for meat-eaters.

Features of taking kefir at night

Benefits of soy for heart disease

Soy is useful for some diseases and is chosen by adherents of a healthy diet as a variety of dishes:

  • Heart disease - treatment and prevention of occurrence is possible with 25 grams of this product per day. There is a decrease in bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Ovulation days increase to 4 per month. Due to this, the hormone estrogen is released into the blood less, which prevents the development of female diseases.
  • The effect of menopause is softened due to the presence of flavonoids, reminiscent of female estrogens.
  • Prevention of breast cancer is possible through the constant use of the product and exposure to isoflavone, which in large quantities prevents the reproduction of cancer cells.
  • The presence of fiber cleanses the intestines and prevents the development of cancer cells in it.
  • The dietary benefit of soy is due to lecithin, which inhibits the accumulation of fats in the liver. Also, lecithin promotes recovery from diseases of the gallbladder, diabetes, muscle dystrophy.
  • As an alternative to protein products of animal origin, it is recommended for vegetarians, athletes, people who monitor their weight and health.

What are the contraindications for use?

Soy consumption is prohibited for children under 3 years of age.

As with any other product, there are contraindications for certain groups of people:

  • It is forbidden to use soy flour for children under 3 years old, and other soy products are also not recommended. Young children may experience food allergies, developmental delay. With a lack of iodine, there is a disruption of the endocrine system, the growth of goiter. In boys under 12 years of age, physical development slows down, and in girls under 12 years of age, puberty is excessively accelerated.
  • An increased amount of isoflavones can lead to Alzheimer's disease.
  • Brain activity decreases when the allowable amount of phytoestrogens and isaflovones is exceeded.
  • Soy is dangerous for pregnant women. The hormone-like compounds flavonoids contained in this product have a bad effect on the condition of the pregnant woman and the development of the embryo.
  • If you have breast cancer or after suffering from this disease, you can use soy products only under the supervision of a doctor. Small doses of isoflavone promote the multiplication of cancer cells.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland arise due to the obstruction of the absorption of iodine and the content of strumagenic substances that disrupt the endocrine system.
  • Urolithiasis can be aggravated by oxalic acid, which is found in soy and contributes to the formation of kidney stones.
  • Phytates, which are present in large quantities, prevent the absorption of iodine, zinc, iron and calcium.

Soy absorbs harmful substances that have a bad effect on the body when eaten.

It has been scientifically proven that products modified at the genetic level disrupt the functioning of human, animal or plant cells. This fact can lead to any disease, including infertility.

I would like to hope that not all soybeans are genetically modified, but according to official data, most of them are still produced in this way. This is especially true for the Argentinean product. In Russia, soybeans are not grown, but imported from other countries.

From all the above facts, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Moderate consumption of soy would definitely be beneficial if it weren't genetically modified.
  2. Proper use of soy products in its pure form does not harm a healthy body.
  3. The extent of the harmful effects that soy has on people who have diseases, unhealthy habits, and the concomitance of other adverse factors is not fully understood by science.

The benefits of soy and the harm of soy are very relative, to understand what is more is possible only individually, in each individual case. If you are still not sure, consult with experts.

Some products contain soy. Considering soybeans to be healthier than meat, many try to replace our usual food with it, without thinking about the question - is soybean good for our body?

Soy is one of the oldest annual plants that belongs to the legume family. It is also called the "miracle plant". Soybeans were first grown in China. Then soybean moved to Korea, to Japan, and this crop came to Europe in 1740. The French were the first to eat it.

After the study of soybean by the Americans in 1804, the mass and purposeful cultivation of this plant began. Expedition of V. Poyarkov in 1643 - 1646 visited the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, where they saw soybean crops from the Manchu-Tungus people. But the Russian people did not show much interest in this culture. Only after the World Exhibition was held in Vienna in 1873 did practitioners become interested in soybeans.

Soy composition

Soybeans are rich in substances useful for human life. They are not only very nutritious, but also medicinal. For example, soy contains isoflavones, which prevent the formation and development of certain forms of cancer. And genestein stops the disease of the cardiovascular system in the early stages. Also, soy is rich in lecithin, choline and other substances that play a role in the treatment of many serious diseases, fibers, group vitamins - B, C and E, omega - 3. Soy contains the entire set of amino acids, which means that its usefulness is ahead of pork and beef.

Benefits of soy

Soy is rich in vegetable protein, which is more in it than in eggs, fish and meat. Soy protein is very important for the proper functioning of the body. Vegetable proteins are absorbed by 90%. Soy products contain substances that positively affect the balance of trace elements in the body. Lecithin is the most useful in soy. It is very important for the brain, for its work. Lecithin helps cells recover, monitors blood cholesterol levels, fights Parkinson's disease, atherosclerosis and other human diseases. Also, the presence of lecithin slows down aging, so soy is very famous among the elderly.

Soy lecithin helps produce energy, nourishes the growing body, and this is especially important in childhood.

The composition of soy includes the entire set of amino acids, which means that its usefulness is ahead of pork and beef.

Recently, Americans have increasingly begun to add soy to their diet. Studies have shown that eating soy products has a positive effect on human health. You need to know that only soy in its pure form is beneficial. In no way does this apply to those products in which soy is only an additive.

American researchers are unanimous that if you include 25 to 50 grams of soy protein in your diet throughout the day, you can reduce the level of "bad cholesterol". And, as you know, such cholesterol clogs blood vessels, which leads to heart disease.

Positive dynamics in the use of soy was noticed in women during the onset of menopause. With age, the process of estrogen production in women slows down, and soy can make up for their lack.

Harm of soy

In a documentary study of 3,734 older men, it was found that those who ate soy for 50% of their lives had a greater risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Other studies by Asian researchers have shown that men who eat soy twice a week in their diet are more prone to mental impairment than those who never eat it at all.

Some believe that eating soy leads to infertility and obesity.

Also, soy is useful for people of all ages. The isoflavones present in soybeans are very similar in composition to the female hormone estrogen, and frequent consumption of soy can upset the balance of hormones in the body. And this can be dangerous for women who are preparing to conceive, planning a pregnancy, but especially for pregnant women.

Scientists - pediatricians at Cornell University are confident that a deficiency of thyroid hormones can occur precisely from the frequent use of soy products. There is excess weight, constipation, overwork. All this leads to general apathy.

The presence of soy, according to some researchers, leads to brain volume and weight loss.

Numerous studies have shown that soybeans contain both nutrients that are good for the body and anti-nutrients that can harm health. The anticoagulant properties, pronounced in raw soy, neutralize vitamin K, which provides a level of coagulation, and also participates in the process of calcium absorption. Unlimited consumption of soy can lead to mineral deficiencies, pancreatic hypertrophy.

Soybeans contain lectins that stick together blood cells, which leads to the suppression of their growth. And this is fraught with consequences for the body.


Until today, in the world of science, they cannot come to a consensus on the benefits and harms of soybeans.

If soy is not included in the category of a genetically modified product, but is grown naturally, then its beneficial properties significantly exceed the harmful ones.

From the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself that whether or not to use soy products should be decided by each person independently, regardless of the opinion of the other.

Soy, Soy products — Video

© sorrapongs —

    Soybean is a herbaceous crop high in vitamins, minerals and other substances that bring great health benefits to women and men. Soybeans can be boiled or stewed and eaten sprouted.

    Soy is a unique ingredient from which many other soy products are made: milk, cereals, butter, flour, meat, pasta, sauces, asparagus, tofu, edamame, yubu. All this is included in the diet and, and therefore is appreciated by people who are trying to keep themselves in shape. At the same time, it is worth knowing what harm soybeans and products from them can cause and what are the contraindications to their use. You will learn about all this and much more from our article.

    Soy calories

    The calorie content of soybeans can vary. This has to do with how the product was processed. Beans can be boiled, fried or stewed with other ingredients such as meat and vegetables. There is a difference in the number of calories of boiled, fresh, fried beans. In some cases, this difference is significant.

    © aki -

    The table provides data on the total number of calories per 100 g and the nutritional value of soybeans of different types.

    The most high-calorie fried beans: they have almost three times more calories than boiled beans, four times more than sprouted soybeans, and a little over 100 more than fresh ones. That is, the calorie content of soy will directly depend on the form in which it is planned to be consumed.

    Products made from soy are often included in the diet due to their low calorie content. However, there are those in which there are a lot of calories. To know which products will not add weight, and which, on the contrary, will negatively affect the figure, we will provide you with a table with indicators.

    Soy products are a good substitute for milk, meat, flour, and pasta. For example, soy flour has 291 calories, while wheat has 342, soy paste has 197 calories, and wheat has 344. Consider the calorie content of fresh, boiled, and roasted beans.

    Chemical composition and useful properties

    The beneficial properties of soy are related to its chemical composition. The product has a beneficial effect on human health due to the fact that the plant contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients. Each substance affects a particular system or organ, and in combination they become the basis for health and well-being.

    So, what is soy rich in?

    vitaminsA, E, K, C, D, PP, B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12), beta-, gamma-, delta-tocopherol, biotin, alpha-, beta-carotene, lycopene,
    Macronutrientspotassium, silicon, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine
    trace elementsaluminum, boron, barium, bromine, iron, germanium, vanadium, iodine, lithium, cobalt, molybdenum, manganese, copper, tin, nickel, selenium, lead, titanium, fluorine, chromium, zinc, zirconium
    Essential amino acidshistidine, tryptophan, theonine, phenylalanine
    Non-essential amino acids, proline, serine,
    unsaturated fatty acidspalmitoleic, linoleic, linolenic, oleic, stearidonic, gadoleic, arachidonic, erucic, eicosapentaenoic, clupanodonic, revonic, docosahexaenoic
    Saturated fatty acidslauric, stearic, myristic, pentadecanoic, palmitic, arachidic, behenic, lignoceric
    Sterolsphytosterol, campesterol, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, delta-5-avenasterol
    Carbohydratesmono- and disaccharides, glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, lactose, starch, maltose, pectin

    © Keddy —

    Soybeans do contain many substances, the benefits of which for the human body are simply enormous. Vitamin, amino acid, protein and other compounds, as mentioned earlier, affect all systems. Let's consider this question in more detail:

  1. B group vitamins. They have an active effect on the nervous and immune systems. These substances improve brain function, affect metabolism and metabolic processes. It is the B vitamins that have a complex effect on the body. They energize, stimulate physical activity. A positive effect on immunity is also the merit of B vitamins.
  2. Vitamins A and C. Fight viral and infectious diseases. These substances are natural antioxidants. Vitamin A also affects the organs of vision: it relieves tension and fatigue.
  3. Tocopherol. It joins vitamins A and C, showing its antioxidant properties, slows down cell aging, while reducing the activity of free radicals.
  4. Lecithin. Easily digested, thanks to which the metabolism is accelerated and, as a result, excess weight is lost. The combination of lecithin and choline rids the body of bad cholesterol. That is, soybeans are a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Copper and iron. They prevent the development of anemia, take part in the work of the circulatory system, bring it back to normal.
  6. Vitamin E and K. Beneficial effect on the circulatory system. These substances improve blood clotting and promote vasodilation. Vitamin E has anti-aging properties, that is, the skin becomes more elastic, beautiful and tender, and wrinkles are smoothed out. Doctors note the beneficial effects of vitamin E on reproductive function.
  7. Amino acids. Responsible for many functions. One of the most important is the removal of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. Purification of such harmful substances is of great importance for people who live in regions with adverse environmental conditions. In addition, it is a building material for body cells.
  8. Alimentary fiber. Responsible for the removal of waste and toxins. Thanks to this, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. The processes in the pancreas, stomach, intestines are stabilized. Dietary fiber solves problems such as flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

These are the beneficial properties of soy that affect the health of both men and women. And now let's dwell on the benefits of soybeans exclusively for the beautiful half of humanity.

As for women, soy contains natural isoflavones that have a positive effect on hormones. Thanks to these substances, all processes associated with the hormonal system are regulated and restored. Side effects are completely absent. So, the benefits of soy for the female body are as follows:

  • eating soybeans reduces the risk of developing malignant oncological diseases, such as breast cancer;
  • fats in the female body are not deposited due to lecithin, which is present in soy, and the resulting fat cells are burned, which leads to weight loss;
  • products made from soy facilitate menopause, the painful symptoms of which are caused by a lack of estrogen. The hot flashes disappear, the risk of developing osteoporosis decreases.

Separately, we focus on the benefits of sprouted soybeans. Sprouts are rich in healthy protein. In addition, they are rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other biologically active substances. At the same time, the calorie content of sprouts is quite low. Thanks to the use of germinated soy, the intestines are cleansed of toxins and carcinogens. Coarse fibers swell, absorb all harmful substances and rid the body of them. It is noteworthy that soy sprouts have 30% more fiber than wheat.

Harm and contraindications for use

There are no ideal products in nature. All one way or another can harm the body, and for some categories of people there are strict contraindications for use. Soy is no exception. Its use in excess is fraught with negative consequences. What exactly?

  1. Soybeans contain substances that can disrupt the thyroid gland and the endocrine system. In this case, there is a high risk of developing goiter, thyroiditis and similar diseases.
  2. Beans contain oxalic acid, which in excess leads to the development of urolithiasis.
  3. The assimilation of some macro- and microelements (zinc, calcium, iron, iodine) slows down due to the enzymes that are part of soy.
  4. Excess consumption of soy products causes hypertrophy of the pancreas, as a result of which its normal functioning is disrupted. Accordingly, this leads to pain and disturbances in other systems and organs.
  5. The progression of Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia is also accelerated due to the substances contained in soy.
  6. Soy phytoestrogens are useful, but in excess they disrupt the functioning of the reproductive system in women, contribute to malfunctions in the menstrual cycle, acute pain during its course, and complicate the process of childbearing. Girls develop faster because of these substances, while boys, on the contrary, slower. An excess of phytoestrogens can cause miscarriage during pregnancy, as well as lead to fetal developmental defects.
  7. For men, soy isoflavones are also unsafe, because they reduce testosterone production, weaken potency, and weight problems appear.

Based on this, you can make a list of people for whom soy and soy products are contraindicated. So, it is recommended to completely exclude the product from the diet or use it in a minimum amount:

  • pregnant women;
  • small children;
  • people with diseases of the endocrine system;
  • people with individual intolerance (allergy).

For those who have diabetes or overweight problems, the use of soy products is allowed, but only in small quantities. Do not forget that even a healthy person can eat no more than 150-200 g of soy per day. Be careful with genetically modified foods. GMO soybeans have been scientifically proven to cause allergic reactions and contribute to significant weight gain.

Soy will only benefit the body if you adhere to the daily norm of its use, follow the recommendations of your doctor and do not forget about contraindications for taking beans and products from them.

Soy for weight loss and sports nutrition

It has been proven that the use of soy fruits contributes to weight loss, in addition, the product contributes to the formation of relief muscles in athletes. Due to what is this happening? As mentioned earlier, soy is rich in vitamins E and group B, nonessential and essential amino acids (protein), minerals (potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus) and other useful substances. Thanks to this, soy products (soy milk, soy meat, tofu cheese, soy sauce) are easily digested. They contain a lot of vegetable protein and biologically active components.

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Useful substances in the composition of soybeans and sprouts reduce cholesterol levels, improve metabolic processes in the body. In combination with physical activity, these components help not only to get rid of excess weight, but at the same time not to lose muscle mass. There are a huge number of soy diets, thanks to which you can lose weight, tighten muscles, get rid of cellulite and eliminate swelling. Diet soy nutrition is the way to a healthy and beautiful body.

What is the essence of the soy diet?

The soy diet does not mean that you have to eat only soy. The main principle is to use analogues to conventional products. For example, ordinary cow's milk is replaced with soy, wheat flour with soy flour, beef, chicken, pork with soy meat. Regarding the latter, this is only optional, because some types of meat are also low-calorie when cooked properly.

There are many different soy diets, but in any case, the following principles should be followed:

  1. Eat often, but in small portions (200 g per meal). Should be 4-5 meals.
  2. It is necessary to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. In addition to water, it is allowed to drink green tea, but only without the addition of sugar.
  3. Salt is replaced by soy sauce.
  4. It is allowed to use olive oil, lemon juice or soy sauce to dress the dishes during their preparation. No animal fats and dressings based on them.
  5. Meals should only be steamed or baked in the oven. Boiling is allowed, but frying is strictly prohibited.
  6. Get out of the soy diet gradually to maintain the results.

The basis of the diet

The basis of the soy diet is beans, milk, tofu, soy meat. These soy products are allowed to be supplemented with other foods. During the soy diet, you should not give up:

Before you go on a soy diet, we recommend that you consult a specialist. It will help to develop the correct daily menu, determine the duration of the diet, depending on how many kilograms you need to lose. The specialist will explain how to get out of the soy diet and introduce animal products into the diet.

Soy products are valued by athletes because their use restores strength after heavy physical exertion, enriches the body with useful substances, gives a feeling of satiety with a minimum intake of calories. Soy will not harm the figure, but will contribute to recovery, weight loss and a toned appearance. This product must be introduced into the diet in the absence of contraindications.