' gave birth to a daughter. The celebrity prefers to hide the name and face of the girl from the public, but promised to do so after the christening of the child. Who is the father of the girl is also unknown: Elena is not officially married. However, in February, the actress told in the program "" that the new one, but so far she has not told him the cherished "yes". Yesterday Zakharova shared a happy event in her family and declassified the date of birth of her daughter - the baby was one year old. The artist announced this on Instagram, posting a touching picture.

Elena Zakharova celebrated her daughter's first birthday

“We are a year old today!!! Lord Thank you for the most important Happiness in my life!!! Thank God for everything!!!,” Elena wrote (the spelling and punctuation of the author are given hereinafter unchanged. – Note. ed.). Friends, colleagues and subscribers of the actress congratulated her and the baby with warm words. “Health and prosperity to you and your daughter!!!”, “Congratulations, Lenochka!!! Health and endless happiness!!!”, “Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! May the Angel keep!!!”, they left comments on the picture.

Recall that the one-year-old baby is the second child of Elena Zakharova. The first girl Anna Maria, who was born in February 2011, tragically died 8 months after birth from a serious infectious disease - meningococcus. The doctors, who initially diagnosed the child with a common cold, could not help. Masha died a week later.

Elena Zakharova in the program "The Fate of a Man"

Immediately after that, Elena's husband is a businessman Sergey Mamotov, left her, accusing the actress of trying to promote her daughter's death. Already 11 days after the tragedy, the entrepreneur told his wife to take the child's things from the apartment and leave. “I think I was in a lot of shock and stress. And in this state, I also collected the child’s things in the apartment in order to move out. I don't wish what I went through on anyone. You wouldn't wish this on your enemy. God forbid...,” Zakharova said, adding that she is now sincerely happy for her ex-husband, who has remarried.

After the death of Anna-Maria, Elena Zakharova did not appear in public for a year, and she was able to talk about the tragedy only by 2015. However, now the actress is happy and looks great. So, after giving birth, Elena lost a lot of weight, although before that she did not suffer from overweight problems. “I don’t do any fitness, I just don’t have time to eat. Plus, I’m still breastfeeding my baby, so, apparently, I’ve lost weight, ”the celebrity shared the secret of harmony.

Elena Zakharova

Elena Zakharova

Elena Zakharova and her chosen one Sergey Mamontov were looking forward to the addition. The actress tolerated the pregnancy perfectly: she regularly went out, demonstrating her rounded tummy and beaming with happiness. In February, the actress gave her chosen one a daughter, Anna-Maria. The newly minted parents, together with the baby, even starred for a famous magazine. Elena and Sergey shared their happiness with the public, talked about plans for the future, which, they were sure, was waiting for them.


However, Anna-Maria died in the fall. Almost immediately after the terrible tragedy, Elena Zakharova and Sergey Mamontov broke up. Since then, almost nothing is known about the personal life of the actress. The actress also prefers not to talk about the death of her only daughter. However, Zakharova made an exception for the Spas TV channel.

The actress, barely holding back the welling tears, spoke about what saved her from despair and depression during that difficult period. "Faith. It was faith that saved me then! Still relatives and friends helped, of course. I was saved by the hope that we would all be together someday, that I would see my daughter," Elena explained.

Zakharova said that after a terrible loss, she began to attend church more often, take communion and confess. And the actress returned to the cinema, began to play in the theater. She did everything to switch, to forget about the irreparable trouble.

Elena became interested in helping charitable organizations aimed at caring for children. "Children should see that you bring them positive. Once I held a New Year's event at the center for children with cancer. It was very difficult. In front of them, I tried not to cry, but before the performance and after the tears themselves welled up. I want such sick kids to be as little as possible," Elena Zakharova expressed her hope.

A few years ago, a tragedy happened in the life of the actress: her little daughter died. Recall that in February 2011, the artist first became a mother. The baby's father was her common-law husband, businessman Sergei Mamotov, who was much older than his wife. Literally until the last months of pregnancy, the actress acted in films and appeared at social events, showing stylish outfits and a rounded tummy. The newborn baby was named Anna-Maria.


However, in October the child became seriously ill: Anna-Maria's temperature rose sharply, and worried parents called an ambulance for a fee, but the doctors could not make a diagnosis. Then a second ambulance was called, but precious time was wasted. The girl was admitted to the infectious diseases hospital, she spent five days in intensive care, but the baby could not be saved. Zakharova went headlong into work and ignored all social events where she used to be a regular.

Despite the great grief, the actress was able to survive it. “Exactly three years since Masha passed away. I was in the service and again spoke with the priest. He says - you can’t ask “For what ?!”, you have to think why this test was given. Me, Mashenka's father, and maybe our whole family. I understand that only faith gave me the strength to endure everything, to accept. If I didn't believe it, I'd go crazy. And what could be worse?" - Starhit quotes Zakharova, barely holding back tears.

Elena managed not to despair, she continues to enjoy life and enjoy her favorite work, which helped not to give up. Despite everything, Elena Zakharova believes in love, that she will definitely have a family and children. She said: “I need to love, admire ... Everything is in my head. As you set yourself up, it will be so. I don't think. I think happiness is possible at any age".

Earlier in an interview, Zakharova admitted that "a woman without a family is sad and wrong": "I really do not like the state of loneliness. I like it when the house is full of people, children, dogs. It creates coziness. Well, what is theater? It's not all life, it's still an illusion. When I was married, I ran the house, cooked, I think that a woman, even though she is an actress, must definitely take care of her husband and cook herself, even if there is an au pair in the house. Personally, I like smart, charismatic, independent men, but not from actors. I am fixated on myself, but I want more male in my partner. Business people, bright, large-scale personalities, are more interesting to me, if only because they have different knowledge, they studied at other institutes. "

Elena Zakharova carefully hides her personal life. But more recently, she frankly spoke about her tragedy, which she hid for 6 years. This divided her life into before and after ...

Elena Zakharova experienced what you wouldn’t wish on your enemy, the actress lost her child. Her 8-month-old daughter Anna-Maria died suddenly from a viral infection. Only faith in God helped the actress survive what happened.

It all started with a simple temperature, which rose sharply in the baby. Zakharova immediately called a doctor from a paid clinic, although her mother advised calling a doctor for free. Perhaps this was the fatal mistake of the actress ...

The emergency room doctor misdiagnosed. It all started with this, it was a starting point.

All night I called the doctors, told them what was happening, the temperature did not drop, the situation did not improve. They told me: "Don't worry, everything is fine." - to share the secret of Zakharov.

The girl got worse and worse. The worried mother called an ambulance, the child was urgently hospitalized. Doctors for a long time could not understand what virus struck the baby. They put her in an artificial coma, from which Anna-Maria could not get out.

I am not a doctor and cannot judge, but I do not understand how this could happen in the 21st century. I don’t understand why they didn’t let me into the ward, I don’t understand, ”Elena said with tears in her eyes.

After the tragedy, Elena continued to act in films and play in performances. Only work could numb the pain of loss. The actress broke up with her husband Sergei Mamontov. The couple could not cope with the death of their daughter.

In addition to work, Zakharova was saved by faith, she often attended church. Only this did not allow her to go crazy.

Faith. It was faith that saved me then! Family and friends also helped, of course. I was saved by the hope that we will all be together again someday, that I will see my daughter, - Elena said.

Now Zakharova is completely immersed in work, while paying a lot of attention to charity. The actress visits hospitals and orphanages, which is given to her with great difficulty.

Children need to see that you bring them positive. Once I held a New Year's event at a center for children with cancer. It was very difficult. With them, I tried not to cry, but before the performance and after the tears themselves welled up. I would like there to be as few such sick babies as possible, ”recalls Elena.

Only in the temple does Zakharova feel happy. Elena does not talk about whether she wants to become a mother again. But the answer seems to be obvious...

A few months ago, Elena Zakharova had a daughter. It is difficult to imagine what this event means for the artist, whose first child, daughter Anna-Maria, died at the age of eight months. “This is such happiness, I can’t speak, I’m sorry,” Zakharova said with tears.


“The first few days I couldn’t believe it, I went to this for so long. I asked the priests to pray for me, I went to church myself and was sure that everything would be fine. Every day I thank God,” the actress admitted.

Elena said that she first felt the signs of pregnancy when she was abroad. “I was in Cyprus, I fell asleep all the time and thought that I was feeling strange, but I didn’t attach any importance to it. I returned to Moscow and took a test. The most interesting thing is that at first there was one strip, I was even upset, and then, after a while, a second appeared "It was on the night of the Annunciation. At first there was euphoria, I hid it for a long time and told it only to those closest to me," Elena said.

The actress also spoke about the death of her first child. “I cried into a pillow for several years, but I didn’t do it in public, I worked. I went to work ten days after Masha’s death. They supported me on the site, everyone wanted to warm me up somehow. separated me from that family. I don’t know, maybe she saved me, maybe something could have happened to me if it wasn’t for Masha," Zakharova noted philosophically.

Not much time passed after the death of the baby, as the chosen one left Elena. “Sergey’s mother accused me of trying to promote my daughter’s death. I have never heard anything more terrible and stupider in my life. Less than 40 days later, I was asked to take Masha’s things from the apartment, as his family was going to immediately start renting apartment to other tenants," the actress said.

Elena admitted that she wants to give birth again. “I hope that the childbearing age can be up to 50. Of course, I didn’t want to drag it out like that, but God willing, I’ll be happy. They made me a marriage proposal, but for now I’m thinking,” Elena Zakharova announced.