Speaking of Farrell, you always want to chop the air with your hand and say: "Handsome!" In the studios of Madonna and Britney, in the Clipse and Slim Thug areas, in Japan and Norway, this man feels like a fish in water.

Need a hit for Gwen Stefani - here it is. Too pop production - "Yes, these backpackers don't know that I am the main backpacker in the world - I can repeat any Q-Tip text, even from B-sides," Williams sly-eyed answers them. Having given leadership to Timbaland for the last two years, Farrell did not leave the stage, but developed his clothing business, revived N.E.R.D. and continued to produce both emerging artists and first-rate stars. He spoke about this.

In 2005, you stated that N.E.R.D. ceased to exist due to disagreements with the Virgin label. Why is the group back?

In a good way, we never broke up, we continued to perform all the time. Then it was said because we did not want to work for a company with which we had a contract.

Have these problems been resolved?

Yes, we no longer work with them. The separation process took several years, but we finally figured it out, we can do what we want. Now is the time for us to come back with an album.

You always have a lot of projects running, why are you holding on to N.E.R.D. so much?

There is simply no better feeling than when you are standing on the stage and there is a crowd of listeners in front of you.

You're touring with Kanye and Lupe Fiasco, and we recently asked Lupe about your Child Rebel Soldier project. He says that all three of you want to record it, but there is no time for everyone to get together. Maybe you can do something on the tour?

Well, we are not going to tell anything about Child Rebel at all.

No hint?

I think Lupe has already made all the hints, leaked the info ( laughs).

Among other projects, you have worked on Madonna's new album, which is getting a lot of attention right now. Does this album deserve all the hype?

I must say, her album is very impressive.

Which track for “Hard Candy” are you most proud of?

I like everything. And I was very pleased with the opportunity to work with Tim again - with Timbaland. It's an honor for me.

Do you like the situation when there is a successful fellow countryman Timbo who forces you to be the best, and you, in turn, push him?

Quite right. He cheered me up with his tracks on Madonna's album, they are beautiful. I had to work hard, really hard.

What can we expect from your Star Trak label?

We have an incredible Chester French. Imagine Brian Wilson singing to Motown music.

What about Teyana Taylor and Fam-Lay?

Teyana has a lot of energy. And this is the energy of dance, it turns out very interesting. Fam is finishing their album. Robin Thicke is making a very cool album, we will release it.

Your solo album was well-received by the critics, and they certainly expected a failure from the solo album of a successful producer.

My album was more of a compilation. I didn’t even think about how you can perform it at concerts. Did a few shows and said to myself: "Good." The album is good, but then I realized that I might not be on some tracks, there was no point in this. Here's to singing in N.E.R.D. important to me, this is my world, my competence. And in those songs that I'm talking about, you had to call other performers and leave a verse or chorus from yourself.

In the video N.E.R.D. "Everybody Nose" is said to be Lindsay Lohan?

Yes, she and Kanye. Lindsey, according to the script, will try to get into the V.I.P. zone, and Chad plays the role of a guard who decides to let her through, and the plot is built on this.

In addition to music, you have other projects, for example, a jewelry line.

Yes, it was fun to work with Louis Vuitton and some of their other divisions. They treated me very respectfully. Imagine being paid to learn from the biggest and most prestigious company in the fashion industry.

You talked about furniture...

Yes, I designed several chairs, they will be shown in October in Paris.

And all these side projects come about because the music business is dying or do you like to echo in all areas?

It's all a godsend, man. Being able to do what you like is a gift from God, that's how I see it.

Do you see yourself without music, without a stage? Or will you always perform and compose music?

Whether with N.E.R.D. or with everything else, I never cared about being a non-public person.

So attention is not paramount for you?

Yes. At the beginning of my career, I was forced to shine everywhere so that people would notice us and offer us a joint job. And now I'm at such a level that there is no need to be everywhere. But I am very proud that we have achieved this. And our new album is called "Seeing Sounds" and it's coming out on the 10th of June and it's our best work.

Trout is a rather tasty and very healthy fish, which makes it very interesting both to catch it and to cook it. Trout lives in any water, both salty and fresh, and is found both in the seas, in rivers, and in the oceans, which depends on the variety of trout. Trout habitats have their own characteristics, and this is what we will talk about.

Trout belongs to the family of salmon species of fish and to the order of salmon-like fish.


The fish has an elongated body, compressed on the sides and covered with small scales with dark spots. The dorsal fin is short in size.

Trout is able to adapt and change its color, depending on the places where it constantly lives. Here she has some resemblance to the flounder. The back of the trout takes on a color from green to olive, the sides are from yellowish to greenish, and the belly is a gray-white color with a copper sheen.

The fins located on the belly are usually yellowish in color with a large number of dark dots. Trout can be darker or lighter, depending on the nature of the bottom of the reservoir, the shade of the water, the time of year and food habits.

If the trout lives in waters where the calcareous bottom prevails, then the color of the trout will be light, and if it is peaty soils or dark muddy bottom, then the color of the fish will be dark. Depending on nutrition, its color can be monophonic, and the number of dark spots is minimal. This happens when the trout is not limited in nutrition. During periods of breeding processes, the shade of the trout changes towards dark. When moving a fish from a reservoir to a reservoir, its shade also changes. An example is the movement of trout from a wild pond to a paid pond, etc.

How to distinguish a female from a male

Females are larger than males, but males have larger heads and more teeth. In adult males, an upward bend of the end of the lower jaw is observed.

As a rule, trout reaches a maximum of 1 meter and gains weight no more than 20 kilograms. The average trout has a length of no more than 30 cm and a weight of no more than 0.5 kg. Trout caviar reaches 4-5 mm in diameter.

There are such types of trout:

  • Lake trout.
  • Brook trout.
  • Rainbow trout.

What do trout eat

The diet of trout includes zooplankton, larvae of various insects and the insects themselves, as well as small fish.

spawning process

When a trout spawns, it lays its eggs in the recesses that it forms with its tail. After that, the male fertilizes the eggs, and the female buries the depression. After 5-6 weeks, if the conditions are favorable, trout fry appear from the eggs.

Trout traditional habitat

Each species of trout is characterized by its habitats. Regardless of the water body, trout prefer to stay in areas where the water is cool. In areas where the water is actively heated by the sun, you will not find trout, but in areas closed from direct sunlight, as well as at depth, it is found everywhere. The trout leads a flocking lifestyle and is distinguished by shyness and caution.

lake trout

This type of trout is found in Onega and Ladoga lakes, as well as in the lakes of Karelia and reservoirs of the Kola Peninsula. Some varieties of lake trout are found in the high mountain lakes of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, such as Lake Sevan and others.

Lake trout lives only in clean and cool water. It can be in flocks, at great depths, from fifty to one hundred meters. If the summer is cool, then trout is found in shallower places located closer to the coast.

This type of trout is considered an anadromous species, as it lives in both salt and fresh water. Despite this, there are varieties of brook trout that do not leave freshwater rivers and constantly live in the same places. Brown trout fish is considered a representative of the brook trout. She prefers to be in one particular place and does not leave them.

Adult specimens, after spawning, which takes place in autumn and winter, go to deep areas where there are clean springs that constantly bring clean, oxygenated water. Here they catch small fish and stay until the spring.

Particular habitats for trout include areas where there is an influx of clean, oxygenated water. These are places near waterfalls, places near steep banks, near whirlpools, etc., where the bottom of the reservoir is characterized as rocky. In such places, trout keeps in small flocks, constantly migrating from place to place.

Brook trout keeps to areas with a rapid current, as well as places near large stones (boulders), where you can always hide from direct sunlight.

This type of trout is found within the Pacific coast, near the North American continent, where there are reservoirs with fresh water. Rainbow trout is distinguished by tasty, and therefore valuable meat. Therefore, it was artificially moved to the waters near Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Africa and Madagascar, where it successfully took root.

Rainbow trout are successfully bred in artificial reservoirs in Europe. This is especially true today, when the number of paid reservoirs is constantly increasing. This type of trout prefers clean and cool water, with a temperature of 15 to 20 degrees. She does not like sunlight and tries to hide in snags and among stones. Rainbow trout are most active on cloudy days, including mornings and evenings.

Rainbow trout are not able to stay in water bodies that are covered with a layer of ice for the winter. This is due to the fact that she needs to rise hourly from the depth to the surface of the water in order to fill the swim bladder with fresh air.

Where is trout found in Russia?

Trout is found in various water bodies that are located closer to the north, as it prefers cool water. For example:

  • In Onega lake.
  • In Lake Ladoga.
  • In the lakes of Karelia.
  • In the reservoirs of the Kola Peninsula.
  • In the mountain lakes of the Caucasus.
  • In paid reservoirs, where it is bred artificially.

Breeding trout in fish farms

In artificially created conditions, the rainbow trout feels good, therefore, it is bred. All salmon are distinguished by tasty meat and the presence of a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Rainbow trout is no exception.

Trout meat is especially valuable, so it is bred along with carp and other fish. First, trout is born in special fish farms, where it is fed to such a size that it can be released into open water. In our reservoirs, it is kept and fed to the size when it is caught and sent to the trading network. Paid fishing, including trout, is organized on these reservoirs. Trout fishing is a very interesting activity, so both sports anglers and amateur fishermen come here. They not only fish, but also actively relax, for which all conditions are created here.

Artificial trout farming is widely developed in European countries such as Denmark, Italy, France, etc. Every year they grow up to 170 thousand centners of this delicious and healthy fish. As for Russia, here it began to be artificially grown quite recently. Also, fishing on paid reservoirs has recently begun to be practiced.

If you are seriously engaged in such a business, then from each hectare of the water surface it is realistic to get up to 300 centners of rainbow trout. Unfortunately, everything is not so simple and without observing the technology, nothing will work. Trout are very sensitive to the purity and transparency of the water, which will have to be maintained at the proper level.

Trout fishing features

Regardless of the conditions in which you have to fish for trout, you need to have certain skills. To catch this beautiful fish, you will have to demonstrate all your skill and ability.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the nature of the reservoir, learn about its features and the location of promising places. But the most important thing is the availability of suitable gear and catchy baits. If all the nuances are taken into account, then you can always count on the capture of this amazing fish.

Brook trout fishing

Brook trout fishing is more actively practiced by anglers, since fishing is carried out in natural conditions. When fishing, it should be remembered that this type of trout is quite shy and cautious. If we take into account that in the river where the trout is found, the water is quite clear, then it can easily notice the silhouette of the fisherman. In order not to frighten the fish once again, it is better to move along the river in the direction of the current. Fishing is interesting because it is quite difficult to catch brook trout. In addition, you have to move along the river, the banks of which are overgrown with vegetation, and this is another serious obstacle.

Fishing for rainbow trout

Rainbow trout are not as shy as brook trout, so catching them is not as difficult. It is especially not difficult to catch her on a paid reservoir, where she is mainly caught. For catching it, it is better to pick up brightly colored baits. As a rule, trout bite perfectly on wobblers or red or yellow flies. Rotating lures with bright petals, as well as widely used silicone lures that imitate the movements of various insects, are considered no less catchy.

Lake trout fishing

The lake trout is characterized by the constancy of its habitat. This type of trout is attached to the place where there is a sufficient amount of food. Here she can live throughout her life.

Anglers are aware of this circumstance and with great pleasure go to the lakes with the hope of catching lake trout, which in terms of taste is not much different from other types of trout.

Lake trout are actively caught on flies. The main thing is to determine which fly is catching fish at the moment. As many anglers testify, fishing for a larva or a dry fly in clear or running water is considered the ideal option. If the water is stagnant, then a wet fly should be preferred.

Lake trout lives in many water bodies of Russia. At the same time, you should always remember that trout can only be active in clear, clean water. When fishing in still water, it is better to use a wet fly.

When fishing in the summer, it is better to look for trout at a depth where it escapes from the summer heat. It is very important to know the moments when the fish are feeding, then the catch is guaranteed.

How to catch river trout

River trout prefer fast water. Such areas are characterized by cool and clean water, with the presence of a rapid current. In addition, such areas should have a rocky bottom or flooded trees.

What gear is needed?

Trout can be caught:

  • With the help of a float rod.
  • With spinning.
  • With the help of a fly.

It is very important to choose a place where productive fishing is possible. If fishing is carried out on a paid reservoir, then the places are known. If fishing is carried out on an unknown reservoir, then you will have to deal with the definition of productive places.

An equally important factor influencing the effectiveness of fishing is the fishing season, which begins from the moment when the ice disappears from the surface of water bodies.

With the advent of spring, it is better to look for trout in areas that can feed the fish. From the moment when the water level rises and the water loses its transparency, you can forget about productive fishing for trout.

Used lures

The main lures for trout fishing are:

  • Wobblers of various colors.
  • Flies, also bright colors.
  • The fly is mainly used as bait.

Nowadays, it is easiest to catch trout on a paid reservoir. As for natural conditions, everything is not so simple here, since many factors are included that affect the effectiveness of fishing.

The main choice always remains with the angler: to fish in nature or in a paid reservoir.

There are varieties of fish that can be called a true delicacy. River trout grown on fish farms can be somewhat inferior to their counterparts in taste. It is often less expensive. Under natural conditions, fish live in various water bodies. It can be found throughout Europe and Asia Minor. Certain species are also found on the west coast of the North American continent.

general description

Trout is a generalized name that is used in relation to many species and forms of fish in one large salmon kingdom. It is present in almost half of its genera:

  • Oncorhynchus - varieties found in the Pacific Ocean;
  • Salvelinus - otherwise called "loaches", found in Asia, America and Europe;
  • Salmo - Atlantic varieties.

You can not meet a trout of a huge size. As a specific distinguishing feature of this fish, one can cite laterally compressed with an elongated body.

The trout has a short muzzle. In her mouth, rows of strong teeth can be seen, about 3 rows of which are located on the back of the anterior triangular plate. On the palatine section there are two rows.

For many centuries, salmon representatives have been called "red fish". Although it is clear that the name is not associated with color. The color of the meat of different types of fish may vary. The word "red" emphasizes the high level of meaning, the unique beauty of these creatures.

Trout habitats

Trout is a unique class that is able to exist both in fresh and salt water, easily and quickly getting used to a new habitat. One of the important criteria for this aristocratic fish is the purity of the water.

The places where she lives are very beautiful. Trout lives in a huge number of lakes and mountain streams in ecologically safe regions of Russia. The best lake trout, according to connoisseurs, swims on the Kola Peninsula, on Ladoga, on Onega and in Karelian reservoirs.

Where else is trout found in Russia? Brown trout is a numerous type of fish, subspecies of which live in the basin of the Barents and White Seas. Where is trout found in Russia, in addition to the above seas:

  • Baltic;
  • Black;
  • Caspian.

Fish live in the basins of these seas, as well as in the north of the Atlantic Ocean. It lives up to the Cheshskaya Bay along the Belozersky and Barents coasts.

It is also possible to meet her in Luga, Neva, Narova and in the Gulf of Finland. Some forms of brown trout are also found in Tver, Kirov, Pskov, Perm, Samara, Kaliningrad, Novgorod, Vologda, Ulyanovsk and in the northern part of the Orenburg region.

Ciscaucasian, disappearing due to breeding problems, trout lives in the Caspian Sea basin. It is still possible to find it in the Samur and Terek rivers. Not so often, but so far there is a view of the Volga and the Urals. Previously, it was represented by a fairly large population in the territory from the Saratov region to the upper reaches of the Volga.

Unfortunately, the trout finally disappeared in Mordovia, Mari El, Saratov and Yaroslavl regions.

Species division

Trout is different. There are such types as lake, river, stream or mountain stream. Also There are the following varieties of trout:

  • Caucasian;
  • iridescent;
  • marble;
  • Adriatic;
  • flat-headed Turkish;
  • Amu Darya;
  • golden.

These are not all possible types. There is also Sevan, which belongs to the genus of noble salmon. How the members of the family look often depends on how the individuals feed. If they regularly receive food in large quantities, then their body is uniform and practically not covered with spots. In wild fish, color can change when moving from natural water sources to artificial ones. But the ventral fins almost always remain yellow.

Stands out among all freshwater trout. Such a fish is a prominent representative of salmon. Due to the proximity of varieties and good adaptation to water salinity, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish representatives of species from each other. In view of all this, river fish are often equated with the lake, and sometimes with the marine variety.

The fattest fish

Trout is definitely fatter than salmon. This feature is manifested during the defrosting of the fillet, when a very expressive aroma appears.

If you have liver disease or a diagnosis such as a stomach and / or duodenal ulcer, then you should not eat such oily fish in large quantities. In addition, it contains no carbohydrates.

Trout dishes are used in various cuisines of our planet. She has always been a favorite treat of the Russian nobility, without which not a single luxurious lordly feast could do. Professional chefs use recipes that have passed through the years, passed from mouth to mouth. Trout usually:

  • fry;
  • salt and smoke;
  • boil and steam (the most dietary way);
  • baked (most nutritious).

To give the fish a spicy taste, cooks recommend pre-marinating the fish. Foods such as lemon, ginger and fresh herbs go especially well with it. The meat of this exquisite fish will remain soft and juicy, no matter which cooking method you choose.

There are exquisite recipes. For example, you can cook trout in champagne. For this you need to take:

The fish must be marinated in a mixture of salt and pepper, and then transferred to a baking sheet pre-oiled. Sprinkle finely chopped shallots on top. After this, the fish is poured with champagne and covered with foil. Sent to the oven, heated to 190 degrees to bake for 15 minutes. The sauce is filtered, boiled, whipped butter and salt are added. Sprinkle a pinch of pepper. The fish is served with sauce and parsley.

Since trout contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and almost the entire list of amino acids, it is used in nutrition during the recovery period, as well as in a variety of diets. Also in this product are optimally balanced for the needs of the body iodine, selenium, iron and phosphorus.

All components that make up the trout have a positive effect on the functioning of organs and systems. They have a beneficial effect on the formation of red blood cells, the metabolism of proteins and fats, and the absorption of glucose. Also, these components normalize cholesterol levels. Perhaps, in the world you can no longer meet such a wonderful gift of nature, containing such substances useful to humans.

According to scientific works, people whose diet includes trout are much less likely to resort to the services of doctors for oncology and hypertension. These people have a good memory, are less prone to depression, and can even sunbathe with much less risk of sunburn.

Trout caviar

This product is one of the most delicious delicacies. It has always been considered an indicator of prosperity and success. Once this caviar was eaten literally with spoons!

It is recommended to use caviar with butter, cream cheese, because it is quite salty. Sometimes on the counter there is ungutted fish. If an experienced hostess or cook can distinguish the sex of an animal, then there is a chance to become the owner of a huge plate of caviar delicacy: caviar can be almost for nothing!

There are a great many options for salting caviar. You just need to choose a way to your liking and get a female. The female trout is inconspicuous in appearance, gray in color, with a blunt nose and a small head with smooth outlines.

Comparison of prices for trout and salmon

It is difficult for a person who does not have experience and knowledge to distinguish between these types of fish, as well as to understand which one is tastier. Both of them are salmon, very similar in appearance. As for the price, trout is usually more expensive than salmon.

With a retail purchase, the difference in price will be about 3-4 dollars, which is very noticeable with today's exchange rate. So which is preferable? Experts opt for trout because of its delicate taste, although this is a more expensive pleasure. How can you tell salmon and trout apart?

  • Salmon scales are larger.
  • There are no stripes on the sides of the salmon. The tail of a trout is round in appearance, and not triangular, like salmon.
  • The skin of the trout is lighter with pinkish barrels, and its meat has a rich color and a much brighter pattern.
  • The head of the trout is smaller and has a truncated shape, while the trout itself has a round body.

Problem of choice

The task of knowing the trout is very difficult. An unprepared buyer will not be able to choose trout among other representatives of salmon. Fish of different sexes get on sale, each of which is large and not very large (regardless of gender), so the size of the individual does not play any role here.

In order not to mistakenly spend money on a cheaper variety, experts carefully study every aspect. Alas, distinguishing trout by color is not an option. The fish can be very light, it can be quite dark, even almost black. In some cases, individuals of a silvery hue are also found, they also come across with dark spots against a background of light skin, you can even find rainbow colors.

The color of a trout is determined by its variety, as well as the place where it was caught. The marine variety is distinguished by its relatively large size and deep, scarlet hue of meat.

The color of the fillet varies from white to cherry. Here, a lot is decided by the class, distribution area and diet. The river variety always has paler meat. In calcareous environments, trout are silvery, while in muddy rivers they are darker.

As a rule, lake species are large, and river species are small. Its size strongly depends on temperament and living conditions. This fish needs to live in cold and fast water and sometimes hide in hard-to-reach places.

As a result, representatives of the salmon family can only rely on the conscience of the seller and supplier. Unfortunately, in our reality, these hopes may turn out to be false and empty.

In order to increase their profits, producers sometimes feed fish with various additives to accelerate growth. Such additives include antibiotics and growth hormones, sometimes dyes are also mixed in. The result is an enhanced color of the meat, a decrease in the benefits of the product, the appearance of many harmful substances in it. All this removes trout from the list of useful products.

Some manufacturers also like to sell counterfeit products. Those who sell this very fish to us are not sinless either. In an effort to preserve the brightness of the color of meat, merchants often resort to soaking fillets in dyes.

In no case do not buy fish with meat of an unnatural pink color - this is a direct indicator of the artificial conditions for the ripening of such fish.

It is important to pay attention to the veins in the fillet. If they are white, then the meat is probably not treated with coloring agents.

When buying a fillet, you need to look at the bones. A really good product will have specific marks due to the fact that the bones were pulled out by hand.

There are also norms for bone dissolution. This must be noted in the documents that come with the fish. Be careful when studying the packaging, do not miss the illegally used acids or “ripeners” in the production. To increase the weight, banned polyphosphates are used in the production.

The fillet with the use of polyphosphates is very shiny. When purchasing a frozen product, press it after defrosting. If the fish releases a large amount of liquid, then it could not have done without polyphosphates.

It is best to choose a fillet fresh or at least chilled. All this shows how difficult and responsible the choice is. In the current realities, it is so easy to fall for the tricks of businessmen. Buying salmon instead of trout is not the most pessimistic option! We can only advise you to find a trusted seller who is attentive to the purchase of goods.

Some salmon lovers prefer to retrain as fishermen and go to the protected corners of their homeland. They visit territories where waste is not thrown away and where fish feed on organic food.

Attention, only TODAY!

Have you ever eaten white or red trout? Which fish is best? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. It is known that trout is a common name for several freshwater forms and species of fish that belong to (Salmonidae). There are trout in three of the seven genera of the family: char (Salvelinus), salmon (Salmo), contains Atlantic species, and Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus).


Have you ever seen a white trout? What kind of fish is this? Trout is a common (collective) name for several types of salmon fish, as we discussed above. Each type of meat has its own color, and can be white, red or pink. In many ways, this nuance depends on the amount and type of food, habitats.

The fish that is sold in large quantities in supermarkets and shops is white trout, which is artificially raised in fish farms. It has white meat, and sometimes pink.


White trout. What is this fish? Representatives of trout in their vast majority do not differ in large sizes. Usually their weight is 200-500 g, and the length of the body is 25-30 cm.

These parameters are mainly characteristic of brook (river) and rainbow trout, which are grown in ponds, pools and cages. Some individuals grow large and gain weight up to 2 kg. But such giants can only be found in the wild.

Different types of trout are colored differently. It all depends on the conditions you grew up in. The coloring of individuals is considered classic, in which the back is olive dark in color with a greenish tint. These fish have light sides with transverse stripes. Small spots of black or dark red color are clearly visible on them (in some individuals they are also circled with a light border). The abdomen is white with a shade of gray (sometimes casts of copper).

Basically, one species has predominantly light tones, and the other has dark ones. It depends on the transparency of the reservoir in which the fish lives, food, season and sometimes on the composition of the bottom. For example, light silvery fish live in lime water, and if the bottom is peaty or covered with silt, then the individuals will have a dark color. If the trout is well fed, you will not see spots on its sides. When changing their place of residence, they may appear along with the stripes and disappear again.


Many people like white trout. What kind of fish is this, people often ask. Trout lives in small streams, seas, large rivers and freshwater lakes. Some species often change habitats. So, he goes into the river to spawn, leaving his offspring there, some of which return to the lake, and some remain to live in the river. The same thing happens with the marine species, which spawns in freshwater rivers.

All types of trout are included in three basic genera, which consist of the following varieties:

  • Genus of loaches: large-headed, lacustrine, Dolly Varden, silver, American trout (palia).
  • The genus of Pacific salmon contains the following species: Apache salmon, sea gold, rainbow, "Gila", Caucasian, "sea Biwa".
  • The genus of noble salmon consists of the following species: Sevan, Ohrid, marble, brown trout, Adriatic, Amu Darya, flathead.


Everyone wants to try white trout. What kind of fish this is, not everyone knows. So, we have already said that she lives in streams, rivers, sea, lakes. This fish is most common in Norway and the United States, countries where trout sport fishing is popular. In Europe, it can be found in forest or mountain streams (rivers) with a rapid current, in the water of which there is a lot of oxygen.

A large number of trout is found in Ladoga and Onega lakes. She also lives in Armenia in the waters of the alpine Lake Sevan. There is a type of trout here that you will not find anywhere else, which is why it is unique. There is this fish in the Baltic states: here it lives in the rivers that flow into the Baltic Sea. There are many deep-water reservoirs in which trout also live.

The habitats of this fish may expand or change. For example, this happened with rainbow trout, which at first could only be seen in North America. Today it is distributed throughout Europe, as it was brought and propagated artificially.

amazing fish

Do you like trout? Do you prefer red or white fish? Trout dishes are exquisite, very tasty and healthy. Its meat contains a huge amount of vitamins (D, E, A), amino acids, minerals, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. The latter are especially useful for the human body. Trout is used for heart ailments, it removes excess cholesterol, and is also a great diet food.

White fillet in the oven with vegetables

So, let's find out how to cook white trout. This fish is very tasty. Her meat is really white. Its price is low, so this fish is available to everyone. To prepare this dish, you need to buy one carcass of white trout, seven potatoes, one bell pepper, salt, leek, sunflower oil, seasoning (basil, marjoram or thyme).

You also need to prepare a baking dish with high sides for baking. So, first, the walls and bottom of the mold are thoroughly treated with oil. Then wash the onion, cut into rings and arrange them in a form. Next, peel the potatoes and chop finely. Put it in a mold and sprinkle with seasonings and salt.

After that, clean the white trout carcass, cut off the gills and tail, cut into pieces up to 2 cm thick. Rub each piece of trout with salt, and put on top of the potatoes. Then you need to wash the pepper and peel (remove the core). Cut it into small pieces and place on top of the fish.

Now preheat the oven and put the dish in it for about 30 minutes. White trout with vegetables can be served without salad. Bon appetit!


Many have seen photos of white trout. What kind of fish, you already know. Find out how to cook a trout steak. It is prepared very quickly and easily, and looks royal on the table. Rustic potatoes (crumbly boiled tubers with greens) are suitable as a side dish.

So, you need to take: 700 g of trout, cut into steaks, half a lemon, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, pepper, rosemary, salt and herbs. First, the steaks need to be washed with cold water, put in a bowl. Then sprinkle them with pepper and salt, rosemary, pour lemon juice. Leave for half an hour. Heat oil in a frying pan. Next, transfer the trout to a hot surface. Grill over medium heat for 8 minutes, then flip each steak with a spatula and cook for another 5 minutes.

Then cover the pan with a lid. Reduce heat and simmer steaks for 6 minutes. Serve this dish on the table immediately, garnishing it with lemon slices and herbs.

Trout is a name that combines several forms and species of freshwater fish at once, which belong to the Salmon family (Salmonidae). Trout are included in three of the seven currently active genera of the family: char (Salvelinus), salmon (Salmo) and Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus).

Trout Description

Trout are characterized by several common features.. On the tenth part of their relatively large body, located under the lateral line and in front of the vertical, which is lowered from the dorsal fin, there are 15-24 scales. The total number of scales above the anal fin varies from thirteen to nineteen. The body of the fish is laterally compressed to varying degrees, and the short snout has a characteristic truncation. The vomer has numerous teeth.


The appearance of a trout directly depends on the belonging of this fish to a particular species:

  • Brook trout- a fish that can grow in length by more than half a meter, and at the age of ten an individual reaches a weight of twelve kilograms. This rather large representative of the family is characterized by the presence of an elongated body covered with very small in size, but rather dense scales. The brook trout has small fins and a large mouth studded with numerous teeth;
  • lake trout- a fish that has a stronger body compared to brook trout. The head is compressed, so the lateral line is clearly visible. The color is distinguished by a red-brown back, as well as silver-colored sides and belly. Sometimes there are numerous black spots on the scales of lake trout;
  • Rainbow trout- freshwater fish, characterized by a rather long body. The average weight of an adult fish is about six kilograms. The body is covered with very small and relatively dense scales. The main difference from the brethren is represented by the presence of a pronounced pink stripe on the belly.

Different types of trout differ in coloration, depending on the conditions of life, but the classic is considered to be a dark olive color of the back with a greenish tint.

This is interesting! According to some observations, a well-fed trout is always more uniform in color with a minimum number of spots, but the change in color is most likely due to the movement of fish from a natural reservoir to artificial waters or vice versa.

Character and lifestyle

Each type of trout is distinguished by its individual habits, but the nature and behavior of this fish also directly depends on weather conditions, habitat, and seasonal features. For example, many representatives of the so-called brown "native" trout are able to make active migrations. The fish does not move very globally compared to sea trout, but may constantly move upstream or downstream during spawning, feeding or searching for habitat. Lake trout may also make such migrations.

In winter, the spawning trout goes lower, and also prefers to stay near springs or in the deepest places of the rivers, as close as possible to the bottom of the reservoir. Muddy spring waters and floods very often force such fish to stay close to steep banks, but with the onset of summer, trout actively move under waterfalls, into whirlpools and river bends, where whirlpools are formed by the current. In such places, trout live sedentary and lonely until the onset of late autumn.

How long does a trout live

The average life expectancy of trout living in lake water is noticeably longer than that of any river counterparts. As a rule, lake trout live for several decades, and for river dwellers, the maximum is only seven years.

This is interesting! On the scales of trout there are annual rings, which are formed as the fish grows and look like a new hard tissue growing along the edges. From such annual rings, the age of the trout is calculated.

sexual dimorphism

Adult males differ in some external features from sexually mature females. As a rule, the male has a smaller body size, a larger head and more teeth. In addition, at the end of the lower jaw of old males there is often a noticeable upward bend.

Trout species

The main species and subspecies of trout belonging to different genera of representatives of the Salmon family:

  • The genus Salmo includes: Adriatic trout (Salmo obtusirostris); Brook, lake trout or brown trout (Salmo trutta); Turkish flathead trout (Salmo platycephalus), Flying trout (Salmo letnica); Marble trout (Salmo trutta marmoratus) and Amu Darya trout (Salmo trutta oxianus), as well as Sevan trout (Salmo ischchan);
  • The genus Oncorhynchus includes: Arizona trout (Oncorhynchus apache); Clark's salmon (Oncorhynchus clarki); Biwa trout (Oncorhynchus masou rhodurus); Gil trout (Oncorhynchus gilae); Golden trout (Oncorhynchus aguabonita) and Mikizha (Oncorhynchus mykiss);
  • The genus Salvelinus (Loachers) includes: Salvelinus fontinalis timagamiensis; American char (Salvelinus fontinalis); Large-headed char (Salvelinus confluentus); Malma (Salvelinus malma) and lake char (Salvelinus namaycush), as well as the extinct Silver char (Salvelinus fontinalis agassizi).

From the point of view of genetics, it is lake trout that is the most heterogeneous among all vertebrates. For example, the British population of wild trout is represented by variations, the total number of which is incomparably greater than that of all people on our planet combined.

This is interesting! Lake and rainbow trout belong to the Salmonidae family, but are representatives of different genera and species that have the same ancestors, which split into a couple of groups several million years ago.

Range, habitats

The habitat of different species of trout is very extensive.. Representatives of the family are found almost everywhere, where there are lakes with clean water, mountain rivers or streams. A significant number lives in fresh water in the Mediterranean and Western Europe. In America and Norway, trout is a very popular object of sport fishing.

Lake trout inhabits exceptionally clean and cool waters, where they often unite in flocks and live at great depths. Brook trout belongs to the category of anadromous species, as it is able to live not only in salty, but also in fresh waters, where several individuals unite in not too numerous flocks. This type of trout prefers areas with an influx of clean and oxygenated water.

Representatives of the rainbow trout species are found within the Pacific coast, as well as near the North American continent in fresh water reservoirs. Relatively recently, representatives of the species were artificially moved to the waters of Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Madagascar and South Africa, where they took root quite successfully. Rainbow trout do not like excess sunlight, so during the daytime they try to hide among snags or stones.

In Russia, representatives of the Salmon family are found on the territory of the Kola Peninsula, in the waters of the basins of the Baltic, Caspian, Azov, White and Black Seas, as well as in the rivers of the Crimea and Kuban, in the waters of the Onega, Ladoga, Ilmen and Chudskoye lakes. Also, trout is incredibly popular in the conditions of modern fish farming and is grown artificially on a very large industrial scale.

Trout diet

Trout is a typical representative of aquatic predators. Such fish feed on a wide variety of insects and their larvae, and are also quite capable of devouring small relatives or caviar, tadpoles, beetles, mollusks and even crustaceans. During the spring flood, the fish tries to stay near the steep banks, where large waters are very actively washed out of the coastal soil by numerous worms and larvae used by the fish for food.

In summer, trout prefer deep pools or river turns, as well as sections of waterfalls and places where whirlpools form with water, allowing the fish to hunt effectively. Trout feed in the morning or in the evening. During a severe thunderstorm, schools of fish are able to rise closer to the surface itself. In terms of nutrition, trout juveniles of any kind are quite unpretentious, and for this reason they grow extremely quickly. In spring and summer, flying “food” is used as food for such fish, which allow them to work up a sufficient amount of fat.

Reproduction and offspring

The spawning time for trout in different natural habitats is different, depending on the latitude and temperature regime of the water, as well as the height above sea level. Early spawning is noted in northern areas with cold water. On the territory of Western Europe, spawning sometimes occurs in winter, until the last decade of January, and in the tributaries of the Kuban - in October. The Yamburg trout goes to spawn in December. According to some observations, fish most often choose moonlit nights for spawning, but the main spawning peak falls on the time period from sunset to total darkness, as well as in the predawn hours.

Trout reach sexual maturity at about three years of age, but even two-year-old males very often have fully mature milk. Adult trout spawn not on an annual basis, but every other year. The number of eggs in the largest individuals is several thousand. As a rule, four- or five-year-old females carry about one thousand eggs, and three-year-old individuals are characterized by the presence of 500 eggs. During spawning, trout acquire a dirty gray color, and reddish spots become less bright or completely disappear.

For spawning, trout choose rifts that have a rocky bottom and are dotted with not too large pebbles. Sometimes the fish is able to spawn on rather large stones, in conditions of a cartilaginous and fine sandy bottom. Just before spawning, females use their tail to dig an oblong and shallow hole, cleaning the gravel from algae and dirt. One female is most often followed by several males at once, but the eggs are fertilized by one male, which has the most mature milk.

This is interesting! The trout is able to choose its partner based on olfactory and visual characteristics, which allows representatives of the Salmon family to produce offspring with the desired characteristics, including resistance to diseases and adverse natural factors.

Trout caviar is quite large in size, orange or reddish in color. The appearance of fry of lake trout is facilitated by washing the eggs with clean and cold water saturated with a sufficient amount of oxygen. Under favorable external conditions, fry grow very actively, and the food of juveniles includes daphnia, chironomids, and oligochaetes.