Find out from the online dream book what the Mouse is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What does the Mouse dream about and what does it mean:

If you dreamed about mice, this is fortunately, joy, successful overcoming of obstacles. Seeing white mice is a particularly auspicious symbol. Catching a mouse, running after it - to matchmaking, good plans for the future. Catching a mouse means that you will experience satisfaction from passion, take revenge on the traitor. There is a mouse - to the need to be more careful, danger is possible, to kill a mouse - to sadness.

If you saw bats in a dream - this is a very bad dream - to sadness, bad news, trouble, a thief in the house. Seeing a flying bat means rejoicing in the failures of your sworn enemy. To kill a bat - to recover from a dangerous disease, to get rid of mortal danger.

Miller's dream book

Why does the Mouse dream in a dream?

This dream portends domestic troubles and insincerity of friends. Things will go downhill.

If you kill a mouse in a dream, then in reality you will defeat your ill-wishers. Letting her run away is a struggle with a dubious result.

A girl's dream about a mouse warns of secret ill-wishers. Perhaps they are plotting a scam. If she sees a mouse on her dress, this is a sign of an upcoming scandal in which she will be involved.

For a woman, this dream promises a very skillful and dexterous enemy.

Idiomatic dream book

Why is the mouse dreaming

"Mouse fuss" - petty, trifling matters, vanity; "poor as a church mouse"; "quiet as a mouse" (not very noticeable). “nibbles like a mouse” - concern, obsessive, restless feeling. "white mouse" - an expression of surprise; weirdness. "mouse" - a gentle caressing expression; something relatively harmless.

Children's dream book

Symbol meaning:

Mouse - Some minor trouble will happen, you will get into a mess or become a laughing stock; if the mouse has a too long tail, it means that you simply have problems with the computer, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why is the Mouse dreaming?

A mouse in a dream portends domestic troubles and insincerity of friends; an unforeseen course of your affairs is possible. To kill a mouse in a dream means victory over ill-wishers. Letting her run away is a harbinger of a struggle with varying success. A mouse seen in a dream warns a young woman about the appearance of secret ill-wishers in her, about a possible deception on their part. If she sees a mouse on her dress, this is a sign of an upcoming scandal in which she will play a major role.

Small Velesov dream book


Mouse - Mockery, enemy, illness, hunger, trouble, losses through relatives; catch - a girl will be born; mice - there will be hunger; flying - troubles, hidden thieves, a thief in a hut, death; the cat catches mice - chores due to evil tongues.

Universal dream book

Mouse means:

Mouse - A small animal that can crawl everywhere; depending on the real attitude in life towards them, it can mean both a minor nuisance and a sentimental attitude towards someone.

Gypsy dream book

Why does the Mouse dream according to gypsy traditions

Mouse - Seeing means a cunning mockery from a vicious woman; a bat does not bode well and generally means secretive enemies.

Aesop's dream book

Allegories about the Mouse

It symbolizes ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness. Mice are associated with folk signs and sayings that could give rise to the image of a mouse in your dream: “The mouse overcomes - before hunger; mice get out of the house - before the fire", "There is something that the mouse gnawed, the teeth will get stronger", "If the mouse gets into the bosom, then it will be a big trouble", "Mice will gnaw through clothes (dress) - to death", "Do not name, caressing , kittens as mice: the mother will bite them.

The bat is the personification of the night, blindness. But according to some folk beliefs, a bat can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope, and even happiness. So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that occurred in your life, in one way or another related to folklore motifs. Watching a mouse running away from a cat in a dream is a sign that you will happily be able to avoid danger.

Feeding a mouse in a dream - a dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you. There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so don't act arrogant towards them at this time.

Setting a trap in a dream in order to catch a mouse is evidence that in real life you are a very enterprising, resourceful person who can find a way out of even the most difficult situation. If you dreamed that you killed a mouse or caught it in a mousetrap, then such a dream means that you have a very difficult task ahead of you, and you can only get out of it as a winner thanks to your courage. Seeing a large number of mice in a dream is a happy way out of problems.

To see a bat in a dream - a dream tells you that in real life you need to learn to adapt to all circumstances, so you can easily avoid any danger. Watching a bat fly in a dream is a sign that your long-standing hopes are destined to come true. Perhaps such a dream suggests that your business, despite all the forecasts, will end successfully.

Seeing a wounded bat in a dream is evidence that you should beware of night time. You may be in danger of being robbed. If you dreamed of a bat hunting insects, such a dream portends great happiness. Maybe you have a profitable business ahead of you, which will bring you considerable material profit and respect for the people around you, as the dream book says about this dream.

Family dream book

If the mouse gets to the very feet, it's time to go shopping, prices may rise soon. If the mouse is sleeping, everything is in order with the children, both with health and with their communication with their peers. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, it is a sign that you are carefully hiding something from a loved one, but be more careful, it is better if he learns your secret from you.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How does the dream book Mouse interpret?

Mouse - Secret enemy, enemy; loss through loved ones, acquaintances, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Mouse from your dream

Mouse - Secret ill-wisher; old unresolved obsessive problem, thought, feeling; white - fidelity in unnecessary relationships; mechanical, electronic - creative ideas, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Old French dream book

What is the dream of the mouse, interpretation:

Mice in a dream warn you of deceit on the part of a loved one.

Islamic dream book

Why is the mouse dreaming

Mouse - If someone sees that a mouse has been eating food or anything else in his house, this is to shorten life, this dream is deciphered from the dream book.

Modern dream book


Mouse - Hidden Enemy

Dream Interpretation of Azar

What did the Mouse dream about according to spiritual sources

Mouse - Enemy, secretive, invisible, unfamiliar.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Mouse

To danger. You should be as careful as possible and not make acquaintances with people in whom you are not sure or afraid of them. The energy of a good person is usually clean, you do not need to "filter" your emotions in relation to a well-charged person. But if you feel discomfort when communicating with someone, then this person does not have a completely healthy biofield and may try to influence you in some way. Catching a mouse or seeing a mouse caught in a mousetrap - a dream means either profit, or receiving a gift, or a good purchase for the house.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why is the Mouse dreaming:

To see hordes of mice in a dream - war, pestilence, famine. Seeing a dead mouse in a dream is experiencing financial difficulties. If in a dream a flock of bats attacked you, then in reality you will encounter terrible evil. The dream in which you feed a bat from your hands means that you need to show patience and endurance if you want to prevent dangerous events.

Esoteric dream book

Mouse in a dream:

Mouse - Little stupidity, stupid position. Catching a mouse in search of entertainment will put you in a stupid position, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book of Khubaishi Tiflisi

Mouse in the ancient sense

If anyone sees that a mouse has been eating food or anything else in his house, this is to shorten his life.

Mouse (bat) - Symbolizes an invisible danger or intuition, knowing secrets. Bats on the move - bad news, someone's evil force. Sleeping bats - your intuition will increase and help you understand the situation, as the dream book says about this dream.

Family dream book

Mouse see how to unravel the symbolism

Bat - Your case will be dubious and unreliable. So do not risk your honest name for the sake of a gamble. The least that can happen is you get into debt. And it may even lead to a run-in with the law. It's not worth the risk. If you dreamed of a lot of mice that fly around you and try to attack, then you will be “gotten” from all sides, both at work and at home. And the best thing you can do is ignore the claims.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did the Mouse dream

Dreaming black mice in a dream symbolize your enemies. If you saw gray mice clearly in daylight and could control their actions, the intrigues of your enemies will not cause you serious damage. However, mice dreaming in the dusk of the night, and especially bats, are a harbinger of serious troubles that enemies hiding under the mask of friends will cause you.

A particularly dashing sign is a white mouse. In almost all cases, this animal carries with it the imminent death of one of the close people. But don't be too scared. This is just a dream and it is not intended to upset you, but to warn and prevent bad events.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book of the Mouse

  • You will doubt some of your actions in reality. To avoid sharply negative consequences, in the next 2-3 weeks, do not enter into adventures, do not take risks and do not bet too large sums.
  • The subconscious is trying to reach you especially eloquently if in a dream you saw a flock of bats that circled over your head. You are afraid that you will start having problems on all fronts - at work, at home, among friends. Avoid dubious transactions so as not to get involved in large and bad debts.

Romantic dream book

Why is the mouse dreaming

  • [For people in love, dreaming bats predict the imminent appearance of a rival or rival who will resist the alliance with their loved one with all her might. The best thing you can do is not pay attention to the schemers - this will lead to the fact that they will soon become bored and leave you behind.
  • If you dreamed of ordinary mice, do not worry about your relationship with your partner. Sleep is a harbinger of a stable and calm marital relationship.

Some ladies are very shy and squeamish about small rodents in reality, and therefore they believe that mice in a dream will obviously bring trouble. But everything is not so clear. Why an animal appears in our dreams often symbolizes part of our own character, as well as events related to our loved ones.

If we take an old dream book and look at the interpretation of a mouse in a dream, we will find out that seeing rodents means both positive changes in fate and some problems.

Why do mice act? The first thing to think about is size. They are small, which means that there is a question, seemingly small, but it is worth paying attention to. If you run away from mice, this is a signal that the people around you do not treat you with due respect. You allow them to push you around, load you with unnecessary work.

Miller's opinion

According to Miller's dream book, mice in a dream mean people close to us who live together in dreams and whom we take care of. Therefore, what happens to mice, the same events are in reality projected onto our relatives. If they are cheerful, frisky and joyful, then our relatives will also be in good health and mood. But if the mice dreamed of being sick, weak, then in reality a disease or trouble with one of the household members is possible.

Why act rats and mice? It is known that in reality rats are famous for their extraordinary ingenuity and intelligence. Mice are pretty smart too. Only rats are enemies, and mice are friends and relatives. It is primarily about intuition, resourcefulness and dexterity. Therefore, the dream book advises to use all forces to the maximum. It is these qualities, and not physical strength, that you are advised to use a mouse or rat seen in a dream to solve some important task.

dead mice

A dead mouse in a dream indicates that you have neglected something in vain or ignored your duties for too long. But in vain! Maybe because of their own excessive self-confidence, they missed a close connection and understanding with their relatives and now it's hard to fix it.

But the nimble mouse caught in the hands is a great dream, predicting that all obstacles are left behind. You are the winner. You are waiting for either an increase in the career ladder, or good news at home.

Types of rodents

Why do little gray mice act? - this is a coming series of small unforeseen cases or problems. If you cope with them, you will receive a reward that you have not thought about or dreamed of. The main thing that the dream book warns about is not to put off these things for later!

Bats are harbingers of some health problems. But if in a dream you managed to kill or catch the "flyer" - great luck - either you managed to destroy the machinations of a dangerous enemy, or the disease that tormented you will pass very soon.

What do dream books say. According to popular belief, if a woman dreamed of mice, she would soon become pregnant. Not a single dream book predicts such a development of events, but if you dream of becoming a mother, then believe the prevailing sign, and perhaps very soon the cherished thought will materialize. So why do mice dream? This is not a very good sign, Vanga's dream book predicts.

If in a dream an animal, without fear, almost approached you, then prices for the most necessary products, household items will soon rise. It is curious what a mouse can dream of on Tuesday night. It turns out that you have a secret from the closest. Whether you share with him the most intimate, or keep a secret, depends on you and the circumstances. Think before you indulge in revelations.

If you see sleeping rodents in a dream, then Vanga's dream book reassures overly caring mothers - children are completely safe and do not experience problems in communicating with their peers, they easily get along in any team.

Loff's dream book promises to someone who noticed rodents stealing food from you in the night dreams, a quick exposure of the hypocrite nearby. Someone, cleverly disguised, spreads gossip, dirty rumors about the dreamer. It's time to find out who this spiteful critic is.

Approximately also interprets: what do mice dream of, predictor Tsvetkov. This is a sign that next to the sleeper there is a secret enemy, weaving intrigues, frustrating plans. You need to be more careful in your actions and statements, if you watched rodents in a dream, - such a hint is given by Meneghetti's dream book. The fact is that just after such a dream, awkward situations are likely. Your behavior must be impeccable, otherwise your reputation and position in society will be at risk.

From the psychological point of view of Dr. Freud, dreaming rodents are the dreamer's dissatisfaction with his partner, the relationships that have developed in the family. Subconsciously, a person is trying to find a way out without taking decisive action yet, or fumbling, as rodents like to do.

The mouse, as Hasse's dream book indicates, is an enemy. If in a dream you not only saw her, but also caught her, and even killed her, then you can hope that this is exactly what will happen in reality. Detractors, competitors will understand that you are stronger and stop fighting.

A word of caution, this is what a living rat dreams of, according to Longo. The Seer recommends analyzing your feelings in communication with various people. Do you feel unreasonable awkwardness, discomfort? Know that this person does not love you. Try to end all relationships with such a person.

Color six and size

The interpretation of dreams largely depends on the color of the coat. Why, for example, dark, black mice dream? Animals of this color portend a series of minor problems. You will certainly cope with them, but spend a lot of time and effort. A gray mouse will be dreamed of by a person who is extremely unsure of his abilities. He is too self-critical about himself, and therefore unhappy. You need to stop this self-flagellation and love yourself!

The red mouse is identified with a particularly insidious person who is next to the sleeping person. The dream interpretation suggests that this friend or relative uses all your weaknesses as soon as possible. So, be extremely careful, attentive, do not give generous promises.

A dreaming rodent of solid size according to the dream book displays in the subconscious fears of competitors, rivals in reality. The bigger the animal, the more fearful you feel. In principle, any of them is not worth a damn, as they say.

One tiny mouse, as they say in the dream book, also shows how you really feel in front of the household. A tiny rodent will obviously not even embarrass you, will not force you to change your mind. In addition, you are so confident in yourself that you prefer to act, relying solely on your own strength, without assistants and allies.

Why is a dead mouse dreaming? The dream interpretation warns against material losses and other financial problems. A mutilated animal is an even sadder vision, the meaning of which, in that someone brought damage to the dreamer, jinxed him.

A young woman who noticed a small rat while she was sleeping is warned by a dream book about enemies that have appeared. She needs to be more delicate, not get involved in squabbles, and show feminine cunning. Thus, she will be able to prevent the intrigues of a person who is opposed to her.

A gigantic amount of additional obligations will be placed on your fragile shoulders. There is no way to avoid these tasks, assignments, that's what the mouse dreams of, in a trap. An even more bleak picture is drawn in reality.

If you see also mice with mother. This means that, despite the efforts of the slanderers, they will not succeed in discrediting you. Close and devoted comrades will not believe this lie and will help you overcome this difficult period of life.

Catch, drive rodents

Do gray robbers move freely around the house and eat food without hindrance? Such a vision suggests that your life is going on as usual. Peace in the family, interesting and profitable work.

Night dreams about how you follow a rodent in a mousetrap are a clue that envious people have become more active and are preparing traps for you. Come on, it's going to be hard. But you know about the machinations that are being prepared, so everything will be fine!

Experiences the day before can be transformed in a sleeping state into a story about how you crush rodents. Perhaps you are simply exhausted mentally and physically by your rivals that you are ready to literally destroy them. And they completely forgot about the attention to their loved ones.

Rejoice if you had to catch mice. Running after them in a dream, you can begin to implement the most ambitious plans. Any undertaking in business will bring profit. The same plot promises the young lady the visit of her boyfriend's parents, who will come in order to marry the young.

What is the dream of a mouse caught in a trap set by you? In this case, you have the right to rely on your ingenuity, ingenuity, experience. In life, everything will turn out exactly the way you would like.

Keep in mind that a dream that you managed to grab a fleeing mouse with your hands, on the contrary, is a negative prophecy. You have to blush with shame, being in a ridiculous position. So, when you wake up, try to be three times more prudent than usual, so as not to be the object of ridicule and bullying.

The dream book will reassure you if you remember how the sleeping consciousness broadcast the flight of the mouse flock. Upon awakening, everything adds up, as you did not even dream: opponents eliminate themselves, giving you the opportunity to become a leader in a certain area. Just great. When you managed to eat the animal in a dream. Yes. It seems terrible, but it's a phantasmagoria. And its meaning for you is just fine: overnight, all competitors, spiteful critics, haters will disappear from your path.

Why do the mice you feed dream about? This plot falls in front of a real situation in which the support of comrades is required. The dream book reminds you how important it is to maintain friendly relations.

A sleeping girl wakes up in horror from a terrible picture: a mouse in bed! Then she needs to know that the coming day is preparing a lot of unpleasant surprises. But she does not need to complicate and exaggerate their significance, otherwise it will only get worse.

Why dream of a mouse biting you? Family and relationships with relatives will haunt you as soon as you wake up. Just a whole series of small problems, skirmishes will begin after such a sleepy picture. The same vision for an unmarried lady predicts a conflict with her partner, the groom. He is annoyed by his girlfriend's behavior. He is ready to take revenge on her for this. A rodent bite is also a dream before relatives try to deceive, betray you. Yes, and friends will not behave in the best way, speaking hypocritically behind your back.

Cats and mice

Being in the arms of Morpheus, do you watch how your cat bravely fights with rats? Great, the dream book gives you hope for a solid income. When a cat destroys uninvited guests in gray wool with tails, then try to count them. The more victims Barsik has, the greater the profit.

Why do mice dream of running away from a cat? You can interpret these dreams on your own, realizing that there is an irreconcilable enmity between these two groups of animals. At the same time, mice are your companions, keeping calm and well-being in the house, and cats personify your enemies in real life.

Therefore, if in a dream a cat brought a rat as prey, in reality you can get rid of your pursuers, competitors, and live happily, in prosperity and peace. And what is the dream of the mouse that the cat ate? The interpretation of the dream book suggests that someone will be tough on your family.

If a cat shows you a captured live and nimble mouse, then you will soon realize that it is possible to decide the fate of the villains who have been obstructing you for a long time. How to act in this case, to show rigidity or generosity? It's up to you to decide.

When a rodent is eaten by a strange cat, then the circumstances in reality will turn out so that the enemies will fail without your will and participation. You are lucky, or higher powers have decided the matter in your favor.

How to define a prophetic dream

After interpreting a dream, we think about when dreams come true. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he had a dream and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - what phase of the moon is today and what lunar day.

Comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can assume whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.

Why do mice dream - a mouse in a dream, which means

Since ancient times, people, and especially women, have been afraid of rodents. These small animals have never been loved and respected by people. Therefore, most dream books, especially old ones, interpret the appearance of rodents in a dream as a nuisance.

Is it really worth preparing for something bad if you dreamed of a mouse - gray, white, black, red or flying? What does it mean to see them in a dream - one or many, dead or alive? Dream Interpretations give an interpretation of such dreams, telling what a person can expect.

What do mice and rats dream about

According to the dream book, rodents portend petty intrigues, troubles at work and in personal life. People say that when you see a mouse, you need to prepare for difficulties and problems. Something bad can come from friends or unpleasant surprises can happen at work. But if she was killed, then the situation is resolved well.

  • The gray rat should serve as a warning to a person about the many enemies that will cause anxiety and unnecessary trouble.
  • Lovers should understand such a dream as a warning about rivals who are ready to go to great lengths to achieve their goal.
  • If you managed to catch a rodent, then this promises some kind of useful gift, a surprise.
  • If the sleeper chased his prey for a long time and eventually caught it, then one must expect the satisfaction of some of his needs (for example, sexual, physiological, financial, etc.).
  • Did you have a good run? Get ready for pleasant acquaintances, plans for the future.
  • If she jumps on you, then this is a huge scandal that awaits in the near future.

Why does a bat dream in a dream

Flying is another symbol that can come to a person at the time of rest. Dream Interpretations also give an interpretation of such dreams. This dream speaks of secret thoughts, dark thoughts, confusion.

Traditionally, this frightening animal speaks of gloomy, decadent thoughts. At the same time, the flying night has a direct connection with the occult, the world of the unknown, magic.

  • If you dream of a flying vampire who is tangled in her hair or sat on her head, then this says that there is an elderly woman in life who greatly influences the sleeping person.
  • If she managed to kill her, then this speaks of a victory over her own fears, problems and troubles will definitely recede. Such a dream is considered auspicious, and usually after it comes relief, inner peace.
  • According to the dream book, a white bat does not bode well, but rather signals difficulties, danger, and even death.
  1. In the traditional interpretation, she is the messenger of death.
  2. In the modern version of dream books, they say that she dreamed not of physical, but of spiritual decline. It may be that you have to go through spiritual death and be reborn.

Why do small mice dream

To see little mice in a dream - problems in the family, domestic troubles. The rodent is clearly an unfavorable image. Such dreams usually appear at those moments when a lot of negativity has accumulated in life.

  • Why does a mouse dream in a dream for a woman? This dream speaks of secret ill-wishers.
  • If he sees her on his dress, then this is a big scandal.
  • When I dreamed not of a big, but of a small vole, then in the near future a woman may discover the name of a friend who spreads gossip about her.

A white mouse is dreaming of a toothache, fuss, troubles. According to other interpretations, such a dream portends joy, favorable changes.

Many white rodents promise joy, happiness, pleasant chores. Vanga argued that many white rodents promise a favorable set of circumstances.

Black - promises trouble, however, they can be small and insignificant.

What is the dream of a little gray mouse

If you dream of little gray ones a lot - according to Vanga's dream book - you need to prepare for difficult times that will come very soon.

After waking up, you should take a closer look at your immediate environment, perhaps someone harbored a grudge, evil. It is better to find out the relationship now, so as not to run into serious problems very soon.

See a rat in a dream

  • If rats dream in a dream, then there is little good in this.
  • If you see her that she bit a young guy or girl by the hand, then this should be interpreted as an early meeting with a soulmate.
  • A good sign would be a rat crawling over a sleeping person, which promises romantic experiences that can develop into a strong union.
  • An unkind omen will be attempts to catch up with the animal. This is a warning about danger, but dream books cannot tell where to expect it.
  • But to kill a rodent is also a good sign, as it promises victory in business, the resolution of even the most difficult difficulties.

Mice dead and dead interpretation

Mice can dream dead, alive and dead.

Dead rodents are not the most pleasant sight that can disturb sleep. The interpretation of this symbol may speak of a traitor who is very close by.

see a lot of mice value

To see in large numbers the interpretation in the dream book warns of impending problems. This dream usually comes at the onset of hard times.

A dream can be a warning to carefully manage money, save a little.

Why do mice and cats dream together

A cat chasing a mouse is a sign of bad news. The owner of the vision can be surrounded by enemies from both sides.

A cat and mice portend danger, and in double quantity.

It's good if the cat catches its prey.

What is the dream of a small mouse or a big one, a lot of small mice? Basic interpretations - what do little mice dream of

Dreams sometimes give us unforgettable moments of happiness, but they can also bring trouble to life. If something disturbs you in a dream, you don’t need to be upset, it’s better to interpret it.

Why is the little mouse dreaming? Worth sorting out.

Why do little mice dream - the main interpretation

Many of us love animals. Some even keep them at home. But mammals like mice evoke twofold emotions in humans. On the one hand, they may please someone. They are so small and fluffy. But only house mice are beautiful, but when it comes to street mice, they are mostly disgusting.

Why is the little mouse dreaming? Dream Interpretations interpret such a dream as a harbinger of trouble and trouble. What you should pay special attention to in a dream:

How many mice appeared in a dream;

Whether they were small or large;

What color are they;

What do mice do in their sleep?

Who else appeared in the dream;

What feelings did they make you feel?

It is important to remember exactly where you encountered rodents. If the meeting took place in your house, and you saw a small white mouse on your floor, such a dream promises you troubles, but they will soon become pleasant. If the mouse crawled along the wall, and even tried to climb the ceiling in some way, such a dream portends a lot of trouble that will plunge you headlong into the routine of everyday life.

If you dream that some woman brought a mouse into your house, such a dream clearly indicates the intervention of envious people and ill-wishers. Someone has been jealous of you and your success for a long time, do not let anyone stop you from becoming happy. In the dream in which you see yourself surrounded by mice, try to remember whether they squeaked or not.

Sometimes, through the squeak of mice in a dream, you can clearly hear intelligible human speech. Thus, you will be given hints from above so that you can make the right decision in a sore point.

The color of the mouse is also important:

The black mouse dreams of illness and hunger;

Gray mouse - to big trouble;

White mouse - to the hassle;

Red mouse - to problems in the love sphere.

If you dream that you are looking out of the window of your house, and there are a huge number of mice in the yard, such a dream speaks of the fact that you are condemned behind your back. For you, this is nothing unusual, but nothing pleasant either. Try not to give gossipers a reason to talk. And do not respond to their provocations. To make a difference, stop making excuses.

If you dream about how someone turned into a mouse - take a closer look at who it was. If we are talking about a person close to you, do not trust him with secrets. Most likely, he will let you down. If we are talking about a person you do not know, expect intrigues from the outside. Someone else will impudently intervene in the course of your life.

If you are trying to catch a mouse and you can't do it, you will try to catch luck by the tail and it will slip out of your hands. If you killed a mouse in a dream, you should not be glad that your troubles will end soon. Such a dream speaks of the beginning of a new difficult period in your life. You barely survived the previous trials, now you have a new round of negative events.

If the mouse comes to life in your dream, such a dream promises you new opportunities. You can not only revive relationships, but also achieve a lot in the professional field. If you dream that you yourself have turned into a mouse, such a dream means that you tend to condemn others, although you personally make the same mistakes.

To dream of mice that gnaw on your things is to have health problems. If you dream about how you feed a mouse - do not be afraid of changes in life, they are predictable. It cannot be said that all of them will be positive, but most of them will be painless for you.

If in a dream you see a huge mouse that scares you, troubles will be contrived by you. You tend to exaggerate the scale of the disaster, you should not be so disappointed in reality. In fact, your inner enemy is your own fear. He controls you, does not allow you to develop.

Why do little mice dream of Freud's dream book

A little gray mouse in a dream is interpreted by Freud as a hidden sexual desire that you do not give an outlet for. You may suffer because your sexual energy is stagnant. You need an experienced sexual partner. Even if you are in a relationship - such a dream speaks of unrealized sexual energy, you do not get an outlet for emotions in your couple.

If you see in a dream a lot of small mice that are trying to bite you, you should not place great hopes on your partner. He will make you worry and nervous because of his selfishness. You need to be prepared for the emotional outburst that he will make you experience. On the one hand, such a situation can benefit you - you can take a fresh look at the joint relationship. On the other hand, you may be disappointed in your partner as a person.

For a pregnant woman, mice in a dream are a bad sign. She needs to take better care of her health. If she was nervous recently, you should not return to solving this issue. Now she needs rest and rest.

If a woman dreams of a huge gray mouse, such a dream speaks of a rival who has long laid eyes on her lover. If a mouse attacks a woman in a dream, such a dream means that meetings between lovers are already taking place. If the mouse, silently, disappears into the hole - such a dream portends a loss of interest in a rival to a man.

Why do little mice dream of the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says what a small mouse dreams of - it dreams of troubles and health problems. If you dream that a mouse is hiding under your bed - someone is very jealous of your family happiness and now you and your spouse may be in trouble.

If the mouse ate all your food, financial problems await you, you should accumulate reserves so that in difficult times you can always find money for the most necessary things.

A dream in which mice appear in a mouse indicates that your problems will multiply just as quickly. If you see only a few mice, it means that you still have not long to resolve difficult situations. But, if there were a lot of mice, you will simply plunge into the routine.

The dream in which you feed the mouse, and it bites your hand, speaks of the betrayal of a close friend, a person close to you, a loved one. You will be betrayed by the person you trusted the most. If you dream that mice literally attacked your house, try to restrain your emotions in the near future. You don't want to present yourself in a negative light right now.

If you dream that you are drowning mice, you will quickly recognize the enemy and neutralize him just as quickly. Unfortunately, you will have to learn about a few more betrayals that you have undergone before.

What is the dream of a small mouse in other dream books

Miller's dream book says that mice dream of unpleasant events associated with the house. Also, such a dream may indicate financial problems if the mice gnawed on bills in a dream. If you killed a mouse in a dream, your enemies will be defeated.

If you chased a mouse in a dream for a long time and let it run away, you will struggle with a result that you doubt for a long time. If a young woman dreams of a mouse that just looks at her, she will have to fight the enemies alone. They intend to deceive and frame her. It can be about both personal life and the professional sphere. The mouse that sits on her clothes - she will become the central figure of a huge scandal.

Longo's dream book says that the mouse dreams of danger. Do not make new acquaintances in the near future. You should still have enough communication without them. Do not engage in questionable intimate relationships. If someone flirts with you at work, you should not pay special attention to it. A person does not need you, but a certain service from you.

A dream in which a mouse fell into a mousetrap promises getting rid of failures in love as well. Such a dream portends many positive events in the near future. The dream book does not advise you to often remember the past and become discouraged. The dream book advises moving on in the direction of positive life changes. It is worth listening to dreams, they sometimes give very practical advice, revealing to a person several options for the development of events in the future.

Dream Interpretation of a Mouse to see in a dream what does it mean and why is it dreaming?

Mouse Dream Interpretation

For a large amount of time, mankind has been trying to understand and find a scientific explanation for the night scenes they have seen. It is known: pictures of dreams are an encrypted signal of our subconscious. Having unraveled the plots we have seen, we get the opportunity to warn ourselves against future troubles. But for the correct interpretation of the plot, it is necessary to adhere to such simple rules:

  1. Remember dreams in detail. Do not forget about the small details, as even the smallest trifle can drastically affect the entire decoding of sleep.
  2. It is necessary to use a dream book. In it you can find a selection of detailed interpretations of night visions.

Let's try to figure it out: why do mice dream? Perhaps you have seen rats in the plot of dreams? Or maybe you dreamed of hamsters? In real life, all these rodents can cause an explosion of not fake emotions. Some people, seeing rodents, begin to admire them, while others squeak and shudder at their unpleasant appearance.

Our dream book will try to reveal several variations of the plot seen. The main thing to note is that if the day before you saw mice and rats, or you even just happened to hear the unpleasant rustle that these rodents make, then this dream is simply a reflection of thoughts and emotions experienced.

If you dreamed of mice

Dreaming of a mouse

Did you happen to see mice in a dream? Beware of the betrayal of friends in real life, as well as all sorts of troubles that will arise in all areas of life. Another interpretation says: the dreamer will be given a chance by fate to find out who spreads malicious gossip about him. Try to stop communicating with this person.

How did the animal behave?

Why do mice dream of running fast and squeaking loudly? This means that a person should beware of false rumors and gossip behind his back.

When interpreting, remember exactly what color you dreamed of rodents.

What size was she?

The big mouse seen in the plot of dreams is a harbinger of a feeling of inner fear. What will happen will be directly related to the professional sphere.

If small rodents dreamed, the vision warns a person: troubles can arise unexpectedly. In some cases, a vision indicates that the dreamer is strong in spirit and does not need the support of others.

Many mice

If in the plot of dreams they saw more than one mouse, but there were many animals, it means that a difficult period begins in the life of the sleeper. But the dream book reassures the dreamer: the difficulties will be temporary, whoever sees this dream will certainly be able to adequately cope with all the upcoming difficulties. Dreaming of a horde of mice attacking - in reality a great evil will happen.

Did you catch mice in night vision? So, you will be in an uncomfortable position. Another plot indicates that you like to seek adventure, which often creates problems for yourself.

For a woman, rodents seen in a dream are a sign that someone is setting traps for her in order to harm the dreamer.

Mouse bitten?

There is a vision in which a rodent has bitten you - to troubles in family life. For a woman, such a dream plot indicates that she is not satisfied with her relationship with her partner. There is another interpretation of this vision, and it portends the betrayal of a loved one or loved one.

Dead rodent

Seeing a dead mouse is a financial problem. For an unmarried girl, such a plot portends the appearance of a rival.

Have you seen in a mousetrap

in a mousetrap

In a dream, they caught the animal with a mousetrap - which means that the dream should be taken as a warning that the enemy sets traps for the dreamer.

Kill a rodent

If a rodent was killed in the night story, then in reality the dreamer will be able to cope with his enemy. Crushing them means that in real life the dreamer is tired of the increased activity of his enemies.

What does the dream mean in which the plot was seen: the cat caught and now wanted to eat its prey? This means that the dreamer needs to show flexibility and cunning in order to achieve success.


In a dream, rodents ran away from the dreamer - which means that in real life, he who sees such a plot of dreams will not be able to achieve what he wants.

Where did you see the mouse

It is important to note in which room the rodents were seen.

  • A whole horde ran in the dreamer's apartment - to conflicts in the family.
  • At the work of a sleeping person - a dream book advises a person not to respond to nit-picking and claims that will occur at his work.
  • There is a dream where the mice swarm in the basement of an empty room - to big financial expenses, for which you will have to regret in the future.
  • The plot of dreams in which they saw rodents in the field is of good importance - this is a dream for profit.

Dreaming of rats

If in the plot of dreams, the dreamer happened to see rats, then this rodent indicates more serious enemies.

The rats seen in the plot of dreams are a reflection of the dreamer's inner world.

The interpretation indicates that seeing dead rats means that a person has a troubled conscience. It is dead rats that are dreamed of as a symbol of a perfect misconduct.

Looking at the rats, the dreamer was disgusted - his actions are unpleasant to the sleeper himself.

If a rat dreamed

But if a person’s conscience is actually clear, then seeing rats in night dreams means the appearance in life of a sleeping person who harbors anger at him and now he is determined to harm him.

The interpretation indicates:

  • White rats dream - beware of women.
  • Seeing rats with a dark color - the danger comes from a man.

Does the dream in which rats dreamed not bode well? The interpretation calms the dreamer, if in the plot he managed to destroy the rats - this portends a victory over all life's difficulties.

Rats drown in water - the enemy will not be able to achieve what he wants.

Dreaming of hamsters

In the plot of dreams, they didn’t see rats or mice, but did they dream of hamsters? The dream book advises the dreamer: no need to fuss otherwise ruin everything. Is there a dream in which the sleeping man got himself a hamster? Experience the feeling of greed.

What does it mean if you happen to catch a hamster in a night vision? Your friend will harm you.

Hamsters in cages symbolize your greed.

Sleep with rodents in famous dream books

How do other popular dream books interpret the plot with small rodents and rats? What does the dream vision mean?

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The famous Bulgarian seer Vanga said that seeing rodents in a dream is a bad sign. Vanga argued that if in the plot of dreams the dreamer saw a mouse near him, then this means that in real life there will be an increase in prices, which will significantly affect the sleeping person's wallet.

Vanga's dream book says that living mice dream as a sign that the dreamer's children get along well with their peers.

Dream Interpretation of G. Miller

Problems in personal and professional life

The dream book of the American psychologist G. Miller is quite popular, as it contains more than ten thousand interpretations of the dream plots seen. How does this dream book decipher the vision in which mice or rats dreamed? According to Miller, sleep is a bad sign. A person who sees such a vision will experience problems not only in the family, but also in the professional sphere. But, if the dreamer managed to get rid of small pests in his dreams, then the dream portends a successful resolution of all problems.

The dream book says: a girl dreamed of a dream - which means that the dream takes on a special negative meaning. The enemy is determined to act. I dreamed of a mouse that climbs on her clothes - she will not be able to avoid a scandal in real life.

Online dream book

The online dream book says that seeing a mouse in a night dream is a sign of domestic troubles and deception of friends. When you happened to kill her in a dream, it means that in real life you can easily deal with your enemy. Dreaming of running away from you - you won’t be able to overcome circumstances.

To dream that a rodent jumped on a woman's dress means that the woman will be the cause of a big conflict.

Family interpreter of dreams

A mouse is dreaming - to a conflict in the family.

A woman in night vision to see her - a secret enemy conceived a deception.

To kill a mouse is a favorable vision, indicates victory over enemies.

Aesop's dream book

Small rodents - in the character of the sleeper there are such traits as dexterity and weakness.

When you see that the cat tried unsuccessfully to catch the mouse and eat it, you can avoid danger.

A mouse in a mousetrap - thanks to your courage, you will achieve what you want.

Modern interpreter

The mouse dreamed - you will find out the name of the enemy.

To kill her is a victory over the enemy.

Fleeing from the dreamer - with great difficulty defeat the enemies.

To see a lot of rodents - to financial income.

For a girl to see a dream with rodents, it means she needs to take care of her reputation.

Mice on a woman's clothes - expect cash receipts.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

According to the interpretation of this dream book, there are such interpretations of a dream in which mice dream:

  • To see is to joy.
  • White - troubles will pass safely.
  • Trying to catch - the dreamer will be able to take revenge on the traitor.
  • The mousetrap is dreaming - to slander and gossip.

As you can see, the interpretation of dreams indicates that rodents such as mice and rats dream of trouble and quarrels in real life. And only the decoding of the 21st century dream book portends favorable events.

Your mark:

In their dreams, people see different things, and it is believed that each image contains important information regarding the present and future. Whatever dream book is used to interpret dreams, mice in most cases will have a negative meaning or serve as a warning.

Why do a lot of mice dream?

Such a plot belongs to the category of negative dreams, since in most dream books it predicts trouble in all areas of life. For a young girl, the dream of a large number of rodents indicates the presence of envious people in life. Mice in a dream can mean the following:

  1. To see a large number of rodents next to you means that you will soon be able to find out the name of the person who spreads unkind rumors.
  2. Night vision, in which there were many mice in the house, according to the dream book, promises trouble at home or at work. To experience strong horror at their sight means that a situation will soon occur that will cause confusion.
  3. Mice that hordes move along the street portend a profit or a joyful event.
  4. If the dreamer ran after a large number of rodents, then this indicates successful undertakings.

Why is the black mouse dreaming?

In nature, a black mouse is extremely rare, and if it appeared in a dream, then according to popular dream books, you should take a closer look at your inner circle, since there is a person nearby who causes irritation. Other interpretations of dreams are known:

  1. If a woman dreamed of a mouse with a black fur, it means that an enemy will soon appear who will spoil her life.
  2. The rodent behaved aggressively - this is a warning about the occurrence of a serious illness.
  3. Night vision, where it was possible to catch a black mouse, promises the discovery of a terrible secret or the identification of enemies.
  4. Watching a rodent run away is a good sign, indicating that in real life it will be possible to avoid serious danger.
  5. According to the dream book, mice with black fur in a dream can bring seemingly minor troubles in real life, but at the same time they will turn out to be very troublesome in the end.
  6. For a young girl, a black mouse personifies the gossip behind her back, which is spread by familiar people.
  7. A large number of rodents, according to dream books, indicate that in order to implement your plans, you will have to deal with numerous troubles.

Why is the white mouse dreaming?

Since the white color carries a positive meaning, then dreams in which rodents with such hair appeared often promise favorable events in many dream books. There are several popular interpretations:

  1. To dream of a white mouse that fussed means you should be on the alert, because a loved one is a hypocrite.
  2. A large number of rodents portends positive events and a good combination of circumstances.
  3. A girl to see a dream in which a white mouse runs across her dress is a harbinger of a serious scandal.
  4. If a white mouse ran up to the feet, then this can be taken as a signal of the onset of a prosperous period for making a long-awaited purchase.
  5. For parents, a sleeping mouse is a good omen, which means that everything will be fine with the children in the near future.
  6. Night vision, where white rodents had to be fed, is advice in dream books that you need to be more tolerant and show tolerance for people who are weak.
  7. Seeing an inanimate mouse is a bad sign, indicating the occurrence of material problems. To solve them, show patience and having the ability.

Why is the red mouse dreaming?

Almost always, such a dream is the personification of an insidious enemy who is close and is preparing his plan. If in a dream a mouse with red hair was dreamed, then in the dream book it is a symbol of cowardice and the dreamer often tries to shift his responsibility to other people. Such a plot can also be a warning about destructive envy from others.

Why is the bat dreaming?

Dreams in which the main object was a bat, as a rule, in dream books, personify fear, trouble and health problems. In order to get more accurate information, it is necessary to take into account what the bat did in a dream, how it looked and other important details.

  1. An aggressive bat portends losses, sorrows and health problems in loved ones. The dream interpretation recommends that extreme activities be abandoned in the near future, since there is a high risk of injury.
  2. The night vision in which the bat has bitten serves as an indication that it is necessary to work on yourself and stop being pessimistic about life. Another such plot can warn of serious health problems.
  3. I dreamed of a bat in the house, which means, according to dream books, in the near future you will have to go on a long journey or business trip.
  4. A dream in which an animal is tangled in hair predicts the appearance of a wise adviser in life and with her help it will be possible to avoid problems.
  5. To find yourself in a cave where the presence of a large number of bats is felt means that in real life someone will try to draw you into a dubious business, so you need to carefully consider all your decisions.
  6. If the bat was sleeping, this is a warning that minor troubles should not be ignored.

Why do mice dream in bed?

A night vision in which rodents were found in bed means an offensive in life in dream books. In addition, you should beware of enemies who get too close. For a young girl, a dream promises minor troubles. It is worth finding out why mice dream in a family bed, and such a dream means that one of the partners has a secret.

Why dream of squeaking mice?

To obtain complete information about dreams, it is necessary to interpret not only visible objects, but also sounds. If you are interested in what it means when mice dream, but they are invisible, but the squeak is heard clearly, you should know that most dream books consider such a plot a warning about the possible penetration of thieves into the house. If a mouse squeak is heard, it means that in the near future it is worth being on the alert and not talking too much, as enemies will try to harm.

Why dream of a mouse attack?

A dream in which an aggressive animal attacked and wanted to bite warns of an unexpected manifestation of discontent on the part of a calm and modest person. There are other interpretations:

  1. In some cases, such a plot promises treason or revenge on the part of loved ones.
  2. If in a dream there were mice with white fur that wanted to attack, this is an omen of numerous troubles, and it may also be an indication of the presence of an enemy in a close circle.
  3. The attack of rodents was stopped, which means that it will be possible to emerge victorious from a real conflict situation.

Why dream of catching mice?

Almost all dreams in which rodents were the main object of the plot have a negative interpretation in numerous dream books. Dreams in which mice had to be caught were no exception. In most cases, they promise domestic problems and indicate the insincerity of loved ones. There are several popular interpretations:

  1. Catching and eventually catching a mouse in a dream is a harbinger of victory over competitors.
  2. Watching a cat chase a mouse means you will soon receive bad news.
  3. A dream about mice, in which it was possible to cover the rodents with some kind of container, in dream books promises the fulfillment of the plans.
  4. Catching mice in a dream with bare hands is a signal of providing an opportunity to expose envious people.

Why dream of a mouse bite?

Such a dream should be taken as a warning that betrayal should be expected. For a young woman in a relationship, a rodent bite is an indication that her lover is cheating. There are other versions of the dream:

  1. If you bitten a mouse in a dream, and it was gray, then colleagues at work are insincere.
  2. Black rodents represent a strong secret enemy.
  3. A dream in which a mouse has bitten and the wound has become inflamed means that you need to beware of gossip.

Why dream of killing a mouse?

In most cases, such a night vision predicts getting rid of minor domestic troubles. In dream books there are several interpretations of dreams in which a mouse had to be killed in a dream:

  1. Killing your own pet is a sign indicating the insincerity of friends.
  2. If a mouse attacked and had to be killed, then in reality it will be possible to defeat enemies.
  3. Indicates a well-known dream book - mice that have fallen into a mousetrap personify the accumulated ones.
  4. If the rodents were poisoned with poison, then in real life it will be possible to defeat competitors by peaceful means.
  5. A dream in which a mouse was killed with bare hands is a good omen, indicating readiness for a decisive step.
  6. Trampling or slamming an animal with slippers is a favorable sign, meaning that it will be possible to quickly deal with enemies.

Why do dead mice dream?

In most cases, such a dream promises problems in various areas of life. For more information from dream books, consider other plot details:

  1. If dead rodents were in the house, then the problems that have arisen will concern housing.
  2. A night vision in which mice were strangled by a cat predicts the appearance of an influential person in life and he will help to cope with existing problems.
  3. If you are interested in what a dead gray mouse is dreaming of, you should know that this is a harbinger of the appearance of an enemy that can spoil life.
  4. A large number of dead animals indicates that you will soon have to defend your reputation.
  5. A dream in which inanimate animals were found on the doorstep of a house is a favorable sign in dream books, meaning that in real life it will be possible to protect yourself and loved ones from possible problems.
  6. Dreaming of mice that were inanimate and were in the water, which means that tears will have to be shed in the near future.

according to the dream book of animals

Chthonic symbol, meaning the forces of darkness, incessant movement, senseless excitement, turmoil. In Christianity, it symbolizes the devil, the devourer. The mouse is depicted gnawing at the root of the Tree of Life. Among the Greeks, it is an attribute of Zeus Jupiter, Sabazius and Apollo, it is assumed that the mouse served as food for his snakes. For Jews, it means hypocrisy and duplicity.

Mouse in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

To see hordes of mice in a dream - war, pestilence, famine. Seeing a dead mouse in a dream means experiencing financial difficulties. If in a dream a flock of bats attacked you, then in reality you will encounter terrible evil. The dream in which you feed a bat from your hands means that you need to show patience and endurance if you want to prevent dangerous events.

Why is the mouse dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

secret enemy, foe; loss through close acquaintances; to catch - plans will come true; white - marital fidelity.

Dreamed of a mouse

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a mouse in a dream portends domestic troubles and insincerity of friends. Things in business will become discouraging. To see that you have killed a mouse means that you will defeat your ill-wishers. Letting her run away is a harbinger of a struggle with a dubious result. For a young woman, a mouse seen in a dream is a warning about her secret enemies. There is also the possibility of deceit, which is planned by them. If she sees a mouse on her dress, this is a sign of an upcoming scandal in which she will play a major role.

Dreamed of a mousetrap

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a mousetrap in a dream means that you must be careful, as cunning and unkind people are plotting against you. Seeing a mousetrap full of mice in a dream portends that you may fall into a set network. Putting a mousetrap in a dream means that you will be inventive and deftly circle your enemies around your finger.

What is the dream of a bat

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to death; to see how it flies around the room is a sudden departure.

Seeing a bat in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

As you know, the bat sleeps during the day and flies at night. Despite the darkness, her movements are very precise, she is perfectly oriented even in complete darkness. In ancient Rome and ancient Greece, the bat was mistakenly attributed to sharp eyesight, it symbolized vigilance and insight. In Homer, the souls of the dead had bat wings. The leader of the coven of witches in the legends of the gypsies and on the Tarot cards XV card has the wings of a bat. These wings are declared a sign of the devil. Bats were persecuted and exterminated until our century. In Europe, they were nailed to trees to scare away demons. The bat is a symbol of the ability to feel the hidden forces of nature. Fortune tellers decorated their wagons with images of bats. The bat is a symbol of fear, death and night. In Central American and Brazilian mythology, the bat is a powerful deity of the underworld, sometimes depicted as devouring the sun. In China, a bat is a symbol of good luck, and two bats on a greeting card mean a wish for fertility, health, longevity and a dignified death.

Why is the rat dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

grief, tears, danger; to kill a rat - luck, the greater, the larger the killed rat was in a dream; white rat - hidden danger, fidelity in unnecessary relationships, someone's disposition.

Seeing a rat in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

The animal of the plague, God's punishment, symbolizing death, decay, the underworld. In China, it personifies baseness and timidity, the First animal of the Twelve Earthly Branches. In Christianity, the symbol of evil, the emblem of St. Fima. In Hinduism, it personifies prudence, foresight. The rat serves as the warhorse of Ganesha, the winner of obstacles, symbolizing a successful attempt.

Dreamed of a rat

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing rats in a dream means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions are also possible. To grab a rat in a dream means that you will despise human baseness and adequately defeat your enemies. Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

Rat in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The rat is a symbol of legibility, fastidiousness, fertility, death, good luck. Seeing a sea of ​​rats eating crops - this dream warns that if measures are not taken to conserve land and reasonably exterminate agricultural pests, this can turn into an ecological disaster that will lead to starvation. Seeing an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage means that negotiations with a northern power will not be as easy as it seems at first glance. The dream warns that appearance is deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate a soft character and a disposition to compromise. Seeing pairs of rats walking down the street like people is a harbinger of the fact that in 2020, conservationists will announce the year of the inviolability of living beings. To see a ship controlled by rats - this symbol means that before the era of general prosperity, you will have to go through a difficult period, which will begin with a flood in 2066. Seeing people preparing a dish of rats means that 2008 will be marked by a general worship of rats, experiments on which will make it possible to discover a medicine that is very necessary for a person. Seeing people with rat tails is a sign that warns of illness, should suggest health and concern for the safety of life. Seeing that the rats are preparing for an attack is a harbinger of aggression from the UK.

4.56 /5 (16 )

In life, mice cause quite conflicting emotions in people. Some begin to play with them, others simply see them off, while others may even faint. From the point of view of dreams, mice sometimes carry quite a variety of information. Why do mice dream in a dream excites many, since the animal is often destined to tell people in dreams about future events in reality.

Seeing mice in a dream

In reality, few people feel real sympathy for rodents. Unless, lovers of the exotic. Indeed, for ordinary inhabitants, mice are pests who, in addition to gnawing food and wires, do not know how to do anything.

In fact, rodents play a huge role in nature, and in dreams they can give a very valuable clue. Therefore, in most cases, you should not be afraid of them.

What is it for

Sometimes people who dream of a small rodent feel like gray mice in reality. They are afraid to take a step because of the negative programs embedded within them. Therefore, a dreaming mouse can tell a person that it’s enough to be afraid. Now is the best time to take action.

Watch the video. Why do mice dream?


Sleep experts say that women most often dream of mice.

If you dreamed of a rodent running around the dreamer's dress, you should expect a scandal with relatives, moreover, a very grandiose one.

During the interpretation of sleep, you need to pay attention to the place where the gray rodent dreamed. If in the kitchen, then you should expect a family celebration. If the mouse runs around in the bathroom, then to an unexpected and pleasant gift from loved ones.


A young lady who dreamed of rodents in a dream needs to take a closer look at her object of sympathy. Especially if the mouse was crawling on the bed. It is likely that the rodent tells the girl about the betrayal and betrayal by the beloved man.

60% of dreams portend trouble

Also, the mouse can warn about envious people who are trying in every possible way to intrigue the girl.


For pregnant women, the mouse says that you need to carefully monitor your health, especially in such an important period.


Most often, a representative of the stronger sex dreams of a mouse when he needs the help of friends in resolving any issue, but he is afraid to ask for it due to pride, believing that such a request will demonstrate his personal weakness.

The mouse tells the man that he should not be afraid to ask for help. At the right time and in the right place, he will receive it, and friends in trouble will not leave and understand.

If a rodent has bitten a sleeping man, a man should beware of financial betrayal. A colleague or partner will set him up, feeling personal gain. That’s why you need to pay more attention to your surroundings at work.

dream interpretation

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of sleep, it is important to analyze all authoritative sources and compare data. The more information, the more clearly the night prediction from the rodent looms.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller, a mouse in a dream symbolizes a possible betrayal by close friends.

If a young girl dreamed of mice, then they warn that she had enemies. Enemies will act both secretly and openly to harm the dreamer and her plans.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga considered the invasion of rodents in a dream from the point of view of agriculture and the economy. The soothsayer foreshadowed a weak harvest and an increase in prices for vital products.

If the mouse dreamed on Tuesday, then the dreamer has secrets from a loved one. It is worth talking about this if they are directly related to a specific person. Otherwise, everything may turn out not in favor of the sleeper, despite the absence of harm in his behavior.

The mouse can also symbolize financial difficulties, problems in personal and family relationships.

Aesop's dream book

If the dreamer manages to see how the mouse runs away from the cat, this is a good sign, portending the avoidance of problems in reality, which will happen thanks to the dreamer's ingenuity. Feeding the mouse from your hands is an indication that the dreamer needs to be more tolerant of others. It is possible that soon you will need help and support. Because arrogance is now useless.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Hasse believes that a mouse in a dream is a harbinger of the appearance of ill-wishers in the dreamer's life. The outcome of the collision depends on the behavior of the rodent.

If you happen to kill a mouse, the enemies will not be able to harm a person.

If the mouse ran away, then small intrigues will be crowned with great success, and the enemy will prevail.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Tsvetkov says that mice warn of ill-wishers and losses both among the dreamer's relatives and himself.

Mice dreamed: what does it mean

Often, mice in a dream signal that the dreamer avoids awkward and ambiguous situations. Otherwise, he himself can seriously ruin his own reputation.


Seeing white mice in a dream is a positive sign. There will be positive changes in the near future that will bring joy and help you believe in your own strength again.


In such a dream, the mouse seems to tell the person that he is losing sight of the little things. Concentrating on global goals, he does not pay attention to important details that play a huge role in achieving success. As soon as the dreamer learns to see this, he will become more successful.


Red mice warn that a particularly cunning enemy has appeared in the dreamer's life. You should not succumb to provocations, you need to carefully think over your steps, then the situation can be brought under control.


Gray mice usually represent a person's inner fears or impending dangers. Sometimes the dreamer feels himself in the role of a gray creature. In this case, it is worth changing your attitude towards yourself, then others will no longer consider a person an inconspicuous mouse, they will pay attention to him, and life will enter a new, more favorable direction.

If you dreamed of several different mice, you should try to reunite the interpretation of colors together. This will give you the most accurate assessment of the situation. If any color prevailed in a flock of mice, then the essence lies precisely in this shade. The rest play a secondary, but still important role.

Watch the video. What do our most popular dreams mean?


If a big mouse is dreamed, such a dream is the personification of the attitude of the sleeper towards enemies. The larger it is, the more fear a person experiences in the face of an enemy. In this case, mice symbolize troubles that will soon be resolved without causing much damage to the dreamer.


Small creatures indicate that the dreamer is obviously not afraid of enemies, although he has them. And he has every reason to treat ill-wishers condescendingly: his actions are thought out and justified, he has a good reputation. The actions of the enemy will not bring damage in the near future.


If calm rodents dream, the dreamer should take a closer look at the environment. It is possible that among the imaginary friends there is an offender who is not using the dreamer for the best purposes.


If you dreamed of aggressive rodents, you should expect attacks from a previously calm person from your environment. He is unlikely to harm the dreamer, but he will be able to spoil the nerves.

6 out of 10 dreams - to positive events

If you manage to kill or drive away the rodent - a good sign, then the dreamer will be able to avoid the machinations of ill-wishers.


A dead rodent in a dream portends material difficulties. And if he is also mutilated, then they try to negatively influence the dreamer with the help of magic in order to harm financial affairs and success.

A lot of

If in a dream a lot of mice attack the dreamer, then in life you will have to go through bad times. Problems will fall on a person like from a bucket, and in different areas of life.

If the house in a dream is filled with rodents, you should take a closer look at your surroundings. It is likely that you are surrounded by evil people who manipulate you. At the same time, the negative impact is covered with a mask of kindness and care.

In order to reduce the harm from such people, you need to learn to distinguish between lies and truth.

Dream Interpretation: mice in a dream

A mouse in a dream often reflects a person's subconscious state. If in reality a person feels anxiety from communicating with someone, then he should minimize contact with this person. It is possible that a person skillfully manipulates the dreamer or tries to somehow use him for his own purposes.


If in a dream a rodent bit the dreamer, he should be wary of minor troubles and troubles in life, quarrels from scratch are possible.

If you had to watch a mouse bite, it is likely that one of your friends is spreading negative rumors about a person behind your back or one of your relatives will betray him.

run away

Running animals mean the dreamer's complete victory over competitors. He will overcome them very soon, and the enemies simply will not have any trump cards or spare moves left.

If you also ate a mouse caught in a dream, then the victory will be triumphant, quick and unconditional, the enemies will no longer bother.


If mice bathe in their sleep, but do not drown, you should be more careful. No matter how hard the dreamer tries to fight the enemies, now they are clearly stronger than him. The only thing left is to lie low and wait for the right moment to respond.

Fall into a mousetrap

If mice fell into a mousetrap in a dream, the dreamer should be more careful. Enemies are not asleep and have already set their traps.

Only thoughtful actions can save the situation, it is better to avoid reckless actions. If you neglect the hint, the dreamer will soon have a hard time.

Run into the house

If mice run into the dreamer's house, you should take a closer look at the environment. It is quite possible that someone shows persistent interest, and in every possible way will try to get to know a person better, even against his will.

Catching a cat or a cat

If you happen to see a cat or a cat catching a mouse in a dream, this dream promises financial profit.

If you watch how a cat catches rodents, remember their number. After all, the more they are caught, the more solid cash the dreamer will break in life.

In general, it is believed that if a person sees a hunting animal in a dream, especially a cat, this is a good sign. After all, a cat and a mouse in nature are enemies. Therefore, this dream symbolizes victory over enemies and troubles, and the onset of a brighter future in the near future.

And eats

The dream interpretation in this situation speaks of the defeat of the enemies. But only here, unlike the previous version, cruelty will be present in the fight. It is worth paying attention to whose dream the cat was.

If the animal belongs to the dreamer, then the victory over the enemy will be conscious and thoughtful. If the animal was someone else's, it means that the enemy himself will make a mistake, which will eventually lead to the collapse of all plans and the loss of the ill-wisher.

Why do mice dream

Some dream books claim that mice symbolize minor dirty tricks and problems. After all, it is precisely the troubles that are associated with rodents in ordinary life. However, there is another interpretation that speaks of the dreamer's cunning, dexterity and good ingenuity. Sometimes a dream indicates that you need to be less suspicious, now this is unreasonable.


Crushing mice in a dream most often means a hidden dislike for problems and competitors. They tortured the dreamer so much that he wants to get rid of them as soon as possible, to crush them.


If you happen to catch a mouse in a dream, the dream promises positive changes. If the dreamer had to run after a rodent, then they will be quite successful. You can safely make plans, because they will certainly come true.

And if a person caught an animal with the help of improvised means, we can talk about his initiative and resourcefulness. Thanks to these qualities, a person will be able to achieve what he planned.

But if you happen to catch a rodent with your bare hands, you should be wary of getting into ridiculous situations, they can play a cruel joke on a person and ruin their reputation.

People around will remember this for a long time, and the circumstances will be such that a person will only have to gain strength and wait out the black streak, trying not to respond to the ridicule and bullying of the environment.

Watch the video. The most interesting facts about dreams.


If you had a chance to feed rodents in a dream, this means that you should not break ties with friends. It is likely that their help or support will soon be needed.