Trying to order Korean-style carrots at a restaurant in Seoul will almost certainly turn into a fiasco. In Asian countries, nothing is known about this snack.

The dish was invented by Korean emigrants who did not find anything similar to the national kimchi, as well as Chinese cabbage for its preparation, on the shelves of Soviet stores. a plant atypical for the middle lane was decided by carrots.

The Korean culinary invention was to the taste of the Russians. Most people buy Korean carrots from the supermarket, although they can also be prepared at home. It's not as difficult as it seems. It takes very little time and does not require outlandish products.


  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • ½ cup vegetable oil;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (without a slide);
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 dessert spoon of vinegar essence;
  • 1 teaspoon red ground pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper.

Step 1. Peel and three carrots

Wash and clean carrots. The easiest way to do this is with a vegetable peeler. If the vegetable is dry, soak it for 2-3 hours in cold water. Carrots will absorb moisture and be juicy again.

For carrots in Korean, you need thin, like noodles, straws. On a regular grater, you can’t rub this one. So use the special one.

Simple models of graters for Korean carrots cost about 100 rubles

Put the grated carrots in a deep bowl to make it easy to mix.

Step 2. Add spices

Sprinkle chopped carrots with salt, sugar, red and black pepper. You can also use a ready-made seasoning mix for Korean carrots (sold in stores) and add spices to your taste. So, many people like the taste of ground coriander and curry in this appetizer.

Add vinegar essence, mix everything with your hands and leave for 10-15 minutes. Carrots should give juice.

Step 3. Fill with oil

While the carrots are infused, and pass the garlic through the press. Sprinkle them over the carrots, but do not stir.

Heat (but do not boil!) vegetable oil in a frying pan. Pour it over the garlic. Mix everything thoroughly with a wooden or silicone spatula or just two forks.

Some people like Korean carrots with onions. In this case, it must be fried and added to the appetizer before pouring oil. You can also add roasted sesame seeds: with them, the appetizer will sparkle with other flavors.

Step 4. We pack and eat

Carrots in Korean are almost ready. You just need to decompose it into sealed plastic containers and put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, and preferably at night.

Korean carrots can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. So feel free to prepare for the future.

Salad "Carrot in Korean" has become a favorite snack of the Russian table. Its spicy taste excites the appetite, and the bright rich color of the dish can decorate not only everyday, but also festive tables. In addition, by experimenting with seasonings and ingredients, you can create a completely new extraordinary salad that meets your taste. In our article, we will tell you how to cook Korean carrots (you will surely like this recipe), as well as reveal the subtleties and tricks of culinary technology that will help give a unique taste to the dish.

How did the Korean dish appear in Russian cuisine?

In fact, such a dish as Korean carrots has never been heard of in Korea itself, and in other Asian countries. This recipe appeared thanks to the invention of Korean emigrants living in the territory of the former USSR. Not finding Chinese cabbage, Chinese pear, rice flour and the necessary varieties of fish on the shelves of stores, foreigners replaced such main ingredients of the traditional kimchi dish with those products that they found on sale. Thus, Russian carrots in Korean were invented. This recipe assumes the presence of simple and available ingredients in our open spaces.

Cooking features

At first glance, it seems incomprehensible and difficult to prepare such a salad. Therefore, most people prefer to purchase finished products in the store. In fact, cooking Korean-style carrots at home is not difficult. The necessary list of products used in the classic recipe can be found in any kitchen. You just need to be patient and learn a few secrets of making spicy snacks.

The secret is in the spices

Asian cuisine cannot do without spices, and this carrot dish is no exception. Seasoning for carrots in Korean is the very zest that gives the salad piquancy and spiciness. The classic recipe uses only coarsely ground red pepper and roasted sesame seeds. But if you want to get exactly the taste of the store, you will also need garlic, coriander, sometimes onions are added.

To prepare a dish such as Korean carrots, this recipe involves hot dressing, namely sunflower or sesame oil. Often this oil is additionally flavored by adding spices to the pan.

It is impossible to cook real Korean carrots without a special grater. Only with the help of such a device will it be possible to properly cut carrots. The vegetable in the salad should be in the form of thin long strips. Only in this way will the carrots be properly soaked and saturated with spices and oil, will be moderately soft and at the same time crispy.

Monosodium glutamate: harm or benefit?

Monosodium glutamate is almost always added to finished products. This synthetic substance enhances the taste of the ingredients that make up the dish. Thus, the salad seems richer, tastier. But this additive is addictive, which means that you will buy this particular product again and again, motivating this choice with the pleasant taste of the salad. But whether monosodium glutamate is needed in a homemade recipe is up to you.

Classic Recipe Ingredients

How to cook Korean-style carrots at home according to a classic recipe? For this you will need:

  • kilogram of carrots;
  • 2 large spoons of 9% vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • red pepper (large pieces) to taste;
  • a third of a glass of vegetable oil.

The above ingredients are the main ones. Additional components can be added to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Grate carrots on a special grater or cut by hand. A regular grater or the attachments of a food processor are not suitable for slicing Korean carrots.
  2. Sprinkle chopped carrots with salt and sugar, and add vinegar. Remember the salad with your hands, trying to evenly distribute the marinade over the vegetable slices.
  3. Now you need to leave the workpiece in a warm place so that the carrots start up the juice. This process usually takes 15 to 30 minutes depending on the variety and maturity of the vegetable.
  4. Drain off the juice from the carrots. Form a mound of grated carrots and sprinkle red pepper slices on top. If desired, you can add coriander and ground black pepper to the salad in the same way at this stage. If you decide to add monosodium glutamate, then you need to do this immediately after you drain the juice. Then you need to sprinkle the carrots with the additive and mix. Only after that you can form a slide and season with spices.
  5. Then heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. But don't bring it to a boil! Boiling oil releases carcinogens, and in addition, it will spoil the taste of spices and, as a result, the entire salad. If you want to add onions to carrots, then fry them in oil at this stage of cooking, and then proceed to the next step.
  6. Season the salad with hot oil, pouring it in a thin stream directly on the spices. Under the influence of hot temperature, the spices reveal their aroma and saturate the cutting with sharpness. Stir the resulting Korean Carrot salad with a wooden spatula.
  7. If you are a fan of spicy, we recommend adding finely chopped garlic. This should be done only after the salad dressed with hot oil has cooled down. Since if you add garlic before the specified process, then its color and taste will change.
  8. Now, if desired, you can fry sesame seeds in a dry frying pan and sprinkle Korean carrots. You can also add finely chopped cilantro.
  9. The finished salad should be left in a warm place overnight so that the carrots are saturated with spices and acquire that very familiar and beloved taste.
  10. In the morning, the Korean Carrot salad will be ready. The recipe is simple, but requires the implementation of all recommendations. Store the dish in the refrigerator, in an airtight food container.

Non-traditional recipes

Tired of the classic Korean carrot? This recipe can be modified and modified to your liking. So, for example, you can add raw fish, slices of boiled beef, seafood (boiled squids are most often used) - choose according to taste, desire and opportunity.

Korean-style cooked carrots are also added to chicken and meat salads. So, for example, you can prepare a puff salad using fried mushrooms, Korean carrots, boiled chicken fillet and wheat croutons, smearing all layers with mayonnaise. It turns out a hearty, original salad for the festive table.

An original festive dish will be a salad with carrots and chicken. To prepare it, you need to mix ready-made spicy carrots, slices of boiled chicken fillet, red bell pepper, fresh cucumber and tomato. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise or cream sauce. Add grated hard cheese and croutons. It turns out a fresh, but quite nutritious salad.

In addition, Korean-style carrots are often cooked with cabbage, eggplant, and mushrooms.

To prepare such a dish you will need:

How to cook carrots in Korean with cabbage?

Preparing such a salad is quite simple:

At home, it is not difficult to prepare Korean Carrot salad. The recipe requires adherence to technology and an understanding of flavor combinations. Minimal culinary skills will help you create an original spicy salad on your own and please not only your loved ones, but also guests!

This quick and easy Korean style carrot recipe is just amazing. It will help you out on the eve of the arrival of guests or serve as a worthy snack and substitute for a traditional salad. Korean-style carrots cooked at home is one of the most budgetary recipes I know of.

The basis of the dish, of course, is carrots. In addition to it, sunflower oil, onion, garlic, salt, sugar, vinegar, hot pepper and the highlight of the whole recipe - coriander are used in the preparation of Korean carrots. It is coriander that gives that recognizable taste that is characteristic of carrots in Korean. Without coriander, it would be a completely different dish. To cook Korean-style carrots at home, you can use both ready-made ground coriander and coriander in grains (as I did). But the grains will have to be slightly crushed in a mortar. But when using grains, Korean-style carrots will be much tastier and more aromatic, it will be as close as possible to the one that the Koreans themselves eat.

It is very interesting that Korean carrots can be eaten as a salad, an appetizer or an independent dish, or can be used to prepare more complex dishes. For example, salads. I already have one such salad with Korean carrots on my site, this is one of my favorites. I suggest trying to cook a double portion of Korean-style carrots, so that it’s enough to eat and leave for a salad.

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Servings - 3


  • 500 g carrots
  • 2 tbsp vinegar 9%
  • 2 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt (incomplete)
  • 20 ml sunflower oil
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 tsp coriander seeds
  • 0.4 tsp red pepper powder
  • 3 garlic cloves

Korean carrots, recipe with photo

We clean and wash the carrots, rub it on a grater. To prepare Korean-style carrots, a special grater is used, which allows you to chop the carrots in such a way that a kind of “noodles” is obtained. Of course, if there is no such grater, then without any problems you can grate the carrot on an ordinary fine grater.

Put the grated carrot in a bowl and add two teaspoons of sugar and one incomplete teaspoon of salt to it. Since carrots vary in sweetness, you may need to add a little more salt, but this should be done at the very end.

We also add 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar to the carrots.

Take a teaspoon of coriander seeds.

Grind the grains with a mortar.

Add chopped coriander to carrots. Also, for cooking carrots in Korean, you need a small amount of hot red pepper (in powder form). If you are not a fan of spicy, then pepper can be omitted. Mix the carrots with all the ingredients added above.

Now we are starting to prepare another very important ingredient, without which Korean carrots simply would not have taken place. Randomly chop one large onion.

We heat the pan and add 20 ml of sunflower oil to its surface. Fry the onion until golden brown.

We only need the oil in which the onion was fried, so we remove the onion, and pour the oil with onion flavor into the carrot. In this case, it is very convenient to use a sieve, then not a single drop of oil will be wasted. Using a garlic press, squeeze three cloves of garlic into the carrot.

Once again, mix the carrots well and leave it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. If you can't wait, then you can serve literally immediately after mixing with butter.

Korean carrots are a dish whose recipe has spread all over the world and is firmly entrenched in many countries. Preparing a delicious salad at home is not difficult, everything is quite fast and simple. Let's not rant, let's get started!

Korean carrot: "classic"

  • onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • salt - 4 gr.
  • sunflower oil - 120 ml.
  • carrot - 0.25 kg.
  • vinegar - 15 ml.
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 12 gr.
  • coriander - at the end of a knife
  • spice "Pepper mix" - to your taste

We tell you in detail how to cook traditional Korean carrots correctly.

1. It should be understood that you first need to purchase a Korean carrot grater. Then the root crop is washed, cleaned, passed through it.

2. When the base is ready, you need to chop the garlic cloves with a knife, add to the carrots and season with spices. Sugar and salt are also added here.

3. Now it's time to heat the pan, pour the recipe oil into it, add the onion chopped in half rings and fry. When it turns brownish, the entire mixture from the pan is added to the carrot billet and kneaded.

Korean carrots and its traditional recipe are sold at home quite quickly.

Korean style spicy carrots with chicken

  • vinegar (6-9%) - 25 ml.
  • soy sauce - 45 ml.
  • chicken breast - 0.2 kg.
  • carrot - 0.15 kg.
  • onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • dill (greens) - 20 gr.
  • garlic (cloves) - 3 pcs.
  • sunflower oil - 125 ml.
  • basil (greens) - 10 gr.
  • spices for chicken - 6 gr.
  • chili pepper (spice) - to your taste

This Korean carrot recipe is quite unusual, we suggest you implement it at home.

1. Combine all loose spices in one bowl. Pass the peeled carrot through a grater, pour with vinegar. Rinse and chop all the greens according to the recipe.

2. Heat the oil, fry onion half rings on it until brownish. Discard the onion, you won't need it. Enter crushed garlic, soy sauce and chicken pieces here.

3. Bring the contents of the pan to readiness, then mix all the ingredients in the container according to the recipe. Let the dish brew or taste right away.

Korean carrots with garlic and sweet pepper

  • granulated sugar - 35-40 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 120 ml.
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • garlic slices - 7 pcs.
  • carrot - 0.4 kg.
  • black pepper, coriander, salt - 4 gr.

Korean carrots, or rather a recipe with bell peppers, will appeal to everyone without exception. Moreover, at home it can be prepared quickly.

1. Arm yourself with a special grater, pass the washed carrot through it. Combine with all spices and granulated sugar.

2. Combine the vinegar solution with oil, season the pickled vegetable with this mixture.

3. Crush the garlic cloves into a pulp, mix into the main mass. Add the chopped pepper to this as well.

4. Leave the dish to infuse for a couple of hours, in the allotted time the vegetable will release the juice, the salad will turn out juicy.

You have learned another way to make delicious and spicy Korean-style carrots at home.

Korean-style carrots with sesame seeds and soy sauce

  • a mixture of vinegar and soy sauce (50/50) - 100 ml.
  • carrot - 0.5 kg.
  • garlic cloves - 6 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 20 gr.
  • sesame seeds - 15 gr.
  • oil - 175 ml.
  • black pepper with salt - to your taste

1. Combine the carrots passed through a special grater with a mixture of vinegar and soy sauce.

2. Pour in granulated sugar, salt, season with pepper. Pour in the oil, add the gruel of garlic.

3. Mix everything thoroughly, then seal it tightly and send it to infuse in the cold. Before tasting, drain the liquid and add sesame seeds.

Carrots in Korean with ready-made seasoning

  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • vinegar - 60 ml.
  • carrots - 0.5 kg.
  • vegetable oil - 90 ml.
  • salt - 30 gr.
  • seasoning for carrots in Korean - 60 gr.

Korean carrots are considered a favorite salad of many people. The recipe is simple. At home, you can quickly prepare a savory dish.

1. Chop carrots into slices, then chop into strips along the entire length. You can use a special grater.

2. Sprinkle the workpiece with salt and mix thoroughly. Leave for a while.

3. Chop the onion in half rings and fry. Strain, all you need is oil. Squeeze the carrots, pour in the vinegar and add the seasoning.

4. Mix and form a slide. Pour in oil. Stir the ingredients again and refrigerate to infuse. The procedure will take about 5 hours.

Korean carrots without seasoning

  • vinegar - 60 ml.
  • carrots - 0.6 kg.
  • sugar - 35 gr.
  • salt - 12 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 130 ml.

Korean-style carrots without seasoning has a simple recipe. Stock up on essential supplies at home.

1. Chop carrots into long strips. Mix with salt, sugar and vinegar. Leave for a while to marinate.

2. Mash the carrots and leave for another quarter of an hour. You can add red ground pepper to taste.

3. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Pour over the carrots and stir. Place the carrots in the refrigerator overnight.

Carrots in Korean quickly

  • vinegar - 70 ml.
  • vegetable oil - 120 ml.
  • carrots - 0.6 kg.
  • ground black pepper, salt and sugar - 12 gr.
  • bay leaf, cloves and coriander - to your taste
  • garlic - 3 heads

Korean carrot has another cooking recipe. Salad is easy to make at home quickly.

1. Grate carrots on a special grater. In parallel, boil the oil in a convenient way. Fill them with carrots. Stir in the garlic paste.

2. Add all the spices to the products. Mix the salad well and leave to infuse. You can place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

It is not difficult to understand how to cook Korean carrots. Salad at home turns out pretty quickly and, moreover, has an amazing taste.

Sokolova Svetlana

Reading time: 2 minutes


Korean-style carrot (carrot) is an easy-to-cook at home and very tasty snack, loved by many. This is a light vegetarian dish with lots of spices and low calories.

To cook Korean-style carrots at home, you need a minimum amount of ingredients: carrots, garlic, sunflower oil, spices and spices. If you wish, and if you have additional components at hand, you can diversify the recipe, change the taste of the Korean salad and surprise your guests.

In the article I will give a classic recipe for Korean-style carrots and non-standard cooking options, cooking technologies with and without sterilization, with harvesting for future use or for fresh serving. First, I will briefly tell the story of the appearance of the dish in Russia. It is extremely simple, but incredibly entertaining.

"Non-Korean" Korean carrots

The unambiguous name indicates that the dish belongs to the traditional cuisine of the Land of Morning Calm. This is wrong. Korean-style carrots were invented by ethnic Koreans living on the territory of the Soviet Union, who replaced the classic ingredients (Beijing cabbage, daikon) with ordinary domestic carrots with spices due to a shortage.

  1. Rinse carrots thoroughly under running water before peeling.
  2. Young carrots have a delicate skin that easily peels off when washed with warm water and rubbed with a sponge.
  3. It is better to scrape a stale vegetable with a sharp knife or use a special vegetable peeler for potatoes.
  4. A metal scraper sponge is an indispensable tool for cleaning a large number of carrots, subject to a limited time. Peel off the skin evenly by running a sponge over the surface of the vegetable.
  5. Rinse the vegetable again under running water before rubbing.

Seasoning for Korean carrots

The store sells a large number of ready-made spice sets for Korean carrots. If you wish, it is better to cook Korean seasoning at home. I offer a classic simple recipe.


  • Granulated or dried garlic
  • Ground pepper (red and black)
  • Salt,
  • Ground coriander.

The addition of the last component gives the dish a characteristic nutty-spicy flavor, for which we love carrots so much.

Classic Korean Carrot Recipe


Servings: 6

  • carrot 1 kg
  • garlic 5 tooth
  • vinegar 4 tbsp. l.
  • sugar 3 art. l.
  • sunflower oil 100 ml
  • salt 5 g
  • coriander to taste
  • ground black pepper taste

per serving

Calories: 137 kcal

Proteins: 1.2 g

Fats: 0.9 g

Carbohydrates: 12.9 g

30 min. Video recipe Print

    Wash fresh carrots thoroughly. I grind carefully. I take a special carrot grater for rubbing with thin straws.

    I add vinegar to the vegetable, pour vegetable oil, pour sugar. I shift the garlic passed through the press. Salt, season with black pepper and coriander.

    I stir the resulting mixture. I taste it. Depending on taste preferences, additionally pepper or add other spices.

    I remove the Korean-style appetizer to marinate for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, not forgetting to cover it with a plate on top.

Korean-style carrots for the winter in jars


  • Carrots - 1.5 kg,
  • Garlic - 9 cloves,
  • Water - 3.5 cups,
  • Sugar - 9 large spoons,
  • Salt - 1.5 tablespoons,
  • Vegetable oil - 300 ml,
  • Vinegar 9 percent - 5 large spoons,
  • Ready mix of spices for Korean carrots - 1 large spoon.

How to cook:

If available, use a special device - an electric shredder-grater. Thanks to the device, the process of cooking carrots in Korean will speed up several times.

  1. I rub the vegetable on a regular coarse grater.
  2. I'm peeling the garlic. I take a special garlic press. I put each clove and grind.
  3. I mix the grated vegetable with the garlic passed through the press. I add a special mixture of spices to prepare a dish in Korean. I mix. I leave it for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Thoroughly rinse 0.5-liter jars. I sterilize.
  5. I lay out the vegetable mixture in jars, leaving 1-2 cm of free space to the neck.
  6. I pour water into a large saucepan. I put sugar and salt. I pour vegetable oil and add vinegar. I turn on the fire above medium. I bring the water to a boil, boil for at least 2 minutes.
  7. I pour the hot marinade into jars. I close the lids and set the jars on the floor. I cover it tightly with a blanket. I let it cool down to room temperature. Blanks can be stored in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

Videos cooking

Recipe without sterilization with onion passivation


  • Carrots - 700 g,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Spices for vegetables in Korean - 2 teaspoons,
  • Garlic - 2 cloves,
  • Vinegar - 2 large spoons,
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • Sugar - 1 small spoon.


  1. I cut the carrots into thin strips or rub on a grater. I add sugar and salt. I mix. I add a mixture of seasonings, add vinegar. I let the vegetable preparation brew for 3-4 hours.
  2. I'm cooking onion stew. I clean the onion, fry in vegetable oil (half a tablespoon is enough) until light golden. I add carrots.
  3. Finely chop the garlic. I shift to carrots in Korean. I insist the dish for 30-60 minutes. I put it in jars and close the lids.

Blanks without sterilization will remain fresh for a long time, but it is recommended to eat Korean-style cooked carrots 45-60 days in advance.

Quick recipe with a quick marinade

A very simple technology for cooking Korean-style carrots with a minimum amount of ingredients and a very quick marinade. Add more spices to taste.


  • Carrots - 500 g,
  • Garlic - 2 things,
  • Black ground pepper - 1 teaspoon,
  • Sunflower oil - 10 g,
  • Soy sauce - to taste.


  1. I clean my vegetables. I rub on a grater.
  2. I take a frying pan. I pour vegetable oil. I heat it up on high heat. I spread finely chopped garlic. Add black pepper, stir and remove from heat.
  3. To the grated carrots add the fried garlic, mix. I pour in soy sauce. I let it brew for 20-30 minutes. I serve a quick Korean-style carrot on the table.

Korean-style homemade carrots without vinegar


  • Carrots - 3 things,
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon,
  • Garlic - 3 cloves,
  • Sunflower oil - half a tablespoon,
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.


  1. I clean my carrots. I rub on a special grater to get a thin straw.
  2. I peel the garlic cloves. I pass through a special crusher. I mix with carrots. I add salt, lemon juice, ground pepper. I interfere thoroughly.
  3. At the end, I add vegetable oil to the prepared carrots in Korean.

How to make bunito salad

Recipe for a spicy salad of boiled chicken and carrots in Korean.


  • Chicken fillet - 300 g,
  • Hard cheese - 200 g,
  • Eggs - 4 things,
  • Homemade Korean-style carrots - 350 g,
  • Mayonnaise - 150 g,
  • Salt, ground pepper, coriander - to taste,
  • Parsley - for decoration.


  1. I cook chicken fillet in a pan. In a separate bowl, I cook hard-boiled eggs.
  2. I take out the boiled meat. The broth after the chicken fillet turns out to be slightly rich. I pour boldly. I transfer the meat to a plate, leave to cool.
  3. I rub the cheese on a fine grater. I peel boiled eggs. I separate the protein from the yolk, grind it on a grater. I rub the protein on a large fraction, the yolk on a small one.
  4. I cut the cooled poultry meat into pieces. I cut. I add salt and pepper, for a special flavor - spicy coriander.
  5. I take a large flat dish. I spread it in layers, forming a beautiful salad, like a mimosa. I put the chicken fillet at the bottom of a large plate. I pour mayonnaise on top, then spread the Korean carrot. After the vegetable, grated hard cheese follows. I'm squeezing mayonnaise.
  6. I add protein (be sure to pour mayonnaise), and on top - grated yolks. I decorate a delicious salad with Korean-style carrots with fresh herbs. I use parsley leaves.

Video recipe

How to make Korean-style carrots with eggplant

Delicious appetizer with an original combination of eggplant and carrots and spicy spices.


  • Blue eggplant - 3 pieces,
  • White sesame - 1 large spoon,
  • Sunflower oil - 50 ml,
  • Soy sauce - 1 large spoon,
  • Garlic - 2 cloves,
  • Carrots - 2 things,
  • Onions - 2 heads,
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon,
  • Ground coriander - half a teaspoon,
  • Nutmeg (ground) - 1 pinch
  • Salt - 1 large spoon,
  • Apple cider vinegar - 50 ml,
  • Fresh parsley - to taste.


  1. I wash my vegetables thoroughly. I remove the tails from the eggplant. I cut into straws. I transfer it to a large plastic dish, add salt and leave for half an hour.
  2. I cut the onion into rings. I rub the carrots on a grater (better than a special one). I put nutmeg, coriander to chopped vegetables. I set the vegetable mixture aside. I don't fry.
  3. I take a deep frying pan. I add oil and heat it up. I squeeze the chopped eggplants, drain the juice. Fry over medium heat until light brown.
  4. I put hot eggplants to the carrot-onion mixture. I add vinegar, pour soy sauce. On top I spread the garlic, chopped with a special press. At the end I sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  5. Thoroughly mix the ingredients. Top with chopped parsley. Let cool, cover with a lid and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. After steeping and cooling down, a delicious Korean-style eggplant-carrot appetizer is ready to serve.

Korean carrot calories

Carrots, garlic and spices are not the most high-calorie combination of foods, so a Korean snack can be considered a light meal.

There are about 100-130 kilocalories per 100 g of the product.

Despite the low energy value, the salad has a high content of vitamins and useful minerals, but you should not abuse spicy food (especially with increased acidity of the stomach, other problems with the gastrointestinal tract). Use Korean-style carrots as an additional side dish to main dishes, such as homemade lasagne, chickpea falafel, marinated pollock.

Homemade Korean-style carrots are a simple and unsophisticated, but very tasty snack. It is considered a welcome guest on any table, it is appropriate both for everyday lunches and dinners (in moderation), and for a festive feast for the New Year, like Olivier