Today, more and more acquaintances with girls are moving from real life to the Internet. More specifically, VK. However, when it comes to communication, many guys do not understand at all how to communicate with a girl and what you can talk to her about. Actually, I already wrote an article on how to get acquainted in VK. But direct acquaintance and further communication are different. When you meet, you just use a few templates and quickly take the number. It is not always possible to immediately meet in real life, or the girl does not want to leave her number yet. This is where Internet communication skills come in handy.

Once upon a time, in the early years of the founding of the Vkontakte website, it was much easier to meet girls on this social network. People just registered, have not yet fully mastered their attitude to these sites. Yes, and rolled up to the ladies quite rarely.

But, nevertheless, even today, with the right approach, you can meet and communicate with girls on VK. Below you will find a few rules of communication, as well as specific examples.

How to communicate with a girl in VK - basic rules

#1 Don't be intrusive. Nobody likes obsessive behavior, and you have to be tactful towards the girl. If you do not see enthusiasm from her answers, then it is better to say that you will write to her later. The reasons may be different: she is in a bad mood, she got a deuce at the university, the hamster died, etc. If you do not feel these moments, then you can strongly push the girl away.

#2 Be original and not boring. Forget such phrases as “how are you”, “what are you doing” and the like. They do not want to answer. Try to find a common theme and develop it by adding your great sense of humor and intelligence. This is much better than procrastinating short or long correspondence about nothing.

#3 Don't bombard a girl with questions. If you ask any interesting question, try to develop a conversation or discussion out of it. If you pour questions one after another, it greatly annoys a person.

#4 Don't always stay online. If you constantly stick around in VK, then this suggests that you are an uninteresting person who has nothing to do but sit out his pants in front of the computer. And if a girl notices this, then it will greatly lubricate the impression of you.

#5 Turn on your sense of humor. In order for your girlfriend to begin to experience emotions when communicating with you, use a sense of humor. Indeed, without this component, the conversation will turn out to be serious and boring.

What to talk about with a girl in VK - the best topics for conversation

There are several topics for conversation, which can always be interesting to talk with a girl. For example:


You can find out what a girl is like, what she does, is fond of and how she spends her free time. And also make a conclusion for yourself whether this person is interesting to you at all.


A traditional theme, especially among the British. In some situations, it's nice to talk about the weather.



Perhaps the girl is engaged in some kind of sport. Then it will be a good topic for conversation. Provided that you also like sports.


Here you can find out about the views of the girl on life. How she sees her relationship with the opposite sex.


Many people have a dog, cat, hamster, etc. at home. Relaxed and fun theme.


Nothing without it :-) . Of course, from the very beginning of dating, you should not talk about sex. But in the future, this is a very good topic in order to learn about the sexual preferences of the girl. Show that you are not shy about talking about it. Also, such conversations have a positive effect on quick seduction.

An example of communicating with a girl on VK for the purpose of seducing (excerpt):

Tatiana: That's right. Therefore, you need to clearly express your thoughts and desires.

Mark: I like you, I want to make love to you

Tatyana: Even so at once

Tatyana: Very unexpected

Tatyana: Did you like me the day before yesterday?))

Mark: no, not at all

Tatyana: I liked you too

Mark: that's good

Mark: and I clearly expressed my desire)

Tatyana: Now yes.

Tatyana: Let's make love.

Mark: Saturday

Tatyana: In the evening

Tatyana: I never planned such activities.

Tatyana: And you?

Mark: Me too

Tatyana: Everything happens for the first time

Tatyana: But it will be fair. So?

Mark: That's right. No misunderstandings

Tatyana: And everything is like in adults

Tatyana: And like in the movies)

Mark: exactly)

Tatyana: But still, there will be embarrassment. Is not it?

Mark: slight embarrassment is in place)

Tatyana: But only light)))

Tatyana: Do you like kissing?

Mark: Yes, very much. And you?

Tatyana: And I am very

Mark: Cool

Tatiana: yeah

Tatyana: We have already found one common interest

Mark: good interest))

Tatyana: Excellent)

Tatyana: I think we'll find more)

Mark: No doubt

Tatyana: Mutual confidence)

Tatyana: I just forgot how old you are.

Tatiana: 26?

Tatyana: And when 25

Tatyana: Do you remember how much I

Mark: in July

Mark: 29 like

Mark: right?

Tatyana: Not anymore

Tatyana: Something I'm much older than you (

Tatiana: 30

Mark: ok, 5 years difference

Tatyana: Okay) if so

Tatyana: Time to sleep

Mark: Sweet dreams

Tatyana: Thank you. And you. Till tomorrow

A simple example of a conversation in VK:

Mark: Oh, hi)

Alyona: Hi) why such a surprise?

Mark: somehow our previous conversation was interrupted)

How do you feel?

Alena: the mood is excellent, the session is over! I will go home soon

and how are you?

Mark: I’m fine too, recently returned from the lake, swam in the dark)

but home where?

Alyona: ********* **********

far away

Mark: When are you going?

Alyona: 5 numbers

Mark: I'm going to Poland tomorrow, I'll be back in the evening, we could see each other)

Alyona: I wouldn’t mind, otherwise it’s so boring in the hostel

Mark: Do you live on Pushkinskaya?

Alena: Moscow

hostel near the technical university

Mark: ah, got it

write your number, I'll call you when I arrive tomorrow

Alyona: hey.. well, you're fast))) you go to the Internet, I'll wait for you here

Where're you from? Tell me about yourself?

Mark: let's better at the meeting, so it will be more interesting to talk)

Alyona: well, tell me something, otherwise I don’t know you at all

Mark: is it scary to meet?) I am a decent young man, I do boxing and love to travel)

Alena: wow, that's interesting

boxing, travel

How long have you been boxing?

Mark: 6 years old

Alyona: Have you been traveling for a long time?

Mark: at the end of July I will go to Germany, and from there to Turkey)

Alena: cool)

wait for me tomorrow

Alyona: ok, what time

I just need to collect things tomorrow

Mark: oh, I don’t know, it’s hard to say, that’s why I asked for the number so that it would be easier to contact

Alyona: well

and then I'll have to stay in contact all day

Mark: I think it should be by 7

Alena: good

Now you know how to communicate correctly and what you can talk about with a girl on VK. Good luck!

After reading this article, you will learn how to communicate with a girl in VK so that she falls in love with you without memory. You can meet the girl of your dreams anywhere, but if you saw the page of a beautiful stranger in contact, and now you can’t forget her, you need to understand the basic principles for developing relationships in social networks.

Most of the girls have ceased to respond in any way to offers to get acquainted in VKontakte, since they receive dozens of such offers. So you have to be able to hook her with something - whether it's an interesting message or a beautiful photo on the profile picture.

How to communicate with a girl on VK so that she falls in love - we analyze her profile on a social network

So, before you start communicating with a girl, you need to study her page, find out her interests, hobbies, what she listens to and watches. This is necessary so that you can prepare in advance for what you will talk to her about, and how you can design your page so that the girl is interested in you, and not instantly rejected.

Even if information about her is not available or is not fully described, look at her comments, blog entries. Having considered all the information received, it will be much easier for you to attract attention to yourself, on which her decision will depend on whether to get to know you or not.

In this article, we will tell you not only how to communicate with a girl so that she falls in love, but also explain how to attract her attention so that when you try to get acquainted, she does not refuse you.

We get the first impression of a person visually, so before writing to her, you need to take care of the "cover" of your profile in contact. For this you need:

First. Show how attractive, purposeful, active, cheerful and at the same time serious guy you are. Add some high-quality photos to your page, for example, where you participate in competitions, travel, have fun with friends (just do not need to flaunt photos with alcohol), play sports, attend concerts, exhibitions and much more. Show how cheerful you are.

Second. If, while studying the page, you discovered common interests with your chosen one, be sure to indicate this in your profile. For example, if you love horse riding, write that you are interested in equestrian sports.

Third. Never write false information about yourself, for example, that you are diving, and you do not even know how to swim. You should not post photos of you in your father's, brother's or friend's expensive car.

If you have designed your page according to the above tips, it's time to start communicating with the girl. The first message is just as important as the design of your social media profile.

The first thing to impress a girl is determine who you really are: cheerful or serious, romantic or flirtatious. This will determine what your message will be.

Literacy is the main principle of dialogue. If you are in doubt about the spelling of a word, check it in a text editor or replace it with a synonym. This is important, because the girl will reject you if she sees errors on every word. But if she suddenly makes a mistake, you shouldn’t correct her, because she doesn’t like the tone, and even more so, the girls themselves love to give advice to others.

No need to write a long text, keep the message short but interesting. Write something funny or compliment her. And do not forget to immediately write what you need from her, but not in an orderly tone.

First post written? And if she agreed to meet you, it's time to learn how to communicate with a girl so that she falls in love with VK. Do not smack the fever, do not put pressure on the girl, and do not immediately invite her on dates, she obviously does not agree, because she does not know anything about you yet.

You should not ask her a million questions at once, she will quickly get tired of it, tell her better about yourself, something funny and funny. But do not forget about the need to alternate your stories with questions to her, because if you lay out all the ins and outs about yourself, she will not be interested in you. Talk about your favorite movies, music, hobbies, especially if you have them in common, it will be easier for you to keep up the conversation. Write her a compliment, tell her why you liked her and what won her over. Just don't overdo it so it doesn't happen often and looks like flattery.

After talking for several days in contact, and realizing that the girl still likes you, you can invite her on a date on the weekend. For this you need:

  • Decide where you want to have your first date. It can be a cafe, a walk in the park, a cinema, if you are fond of sports, then you can arrange a bike ride, go to the skating rink, etc.
  • Find out about her plans for this day, and make an appointment in advance, otherwise she may not agree to your spontaneity, as she may have plans. You can give her a surprise date, but not when you take her on a bike ride, as she can come in a dress and heels.

After making an appointment, you need to:

Arrive fifteen minutes early, and don't you dare be late. She may decide that you are not interested, arrogant. And the first impression will be ruined. But if something catastrophic happened, and you cannot come at the specified time, be sure to tell her about it in advance or write in contact so that the girl does not get upset and understands that you, no matter what, take care of her and want to meet .

When you meet, give her something, preferably something that will not deteriorate and will remain a memory of you. The most important thing a man should do on a first date is be a gentleman and confident in his actions. Open the door in front of her, skip ahead, give a hand. Show that you are a confident guy and always decide for yourself where you go, for example, after watching a movie or a cafe.

If you pass by a flower stand, buy her a bouquet, she'll love it.

On the first date, play the role of a listener, ask her questions, get to know her better, but do not create long pauses. Because it can become uncomfortable and awkward. If you don’t know what to talk about with each other, joke, relieve the tension in communication so that the girl opens up to you.

You can use a different style of communication, the main thing is not to forget that you are a person, and it is not necessary to build someone out of yourself. Be confident, don't be shy and don't doubt. Enjoy chatting with the girl you like, go on dates, and you will definitely win her heart.

Discussion: 10 comments

    Of course, I am not an expert, but it seems to me that opening her heart and soul to a girl during correspondence, she understands that you do not wish her anything bad, and she herself opens up to you. It often happens when you have to discuss her problems, this also brings them closer.

    And why seek to ensure that she fell in love by correspondence? If you live far apart, then I still understand. But if in one city? Is it really impossible to come up with something original, call her somewhere, tell her face to face about her feelings?

    Perhaps the girl will feel something for a man, but she will never admit it to him or herself until the moment he takes the first step. Be sure to transfer such sympathy to real life, because a relationship by correspondence certainly will not work for a long time.

    I know how to communicate with a VK girl so that she falls in love! At the same time, I read the article, I realized that I did a lot of actions correctly. To begin with, I analyzed her profile, looked at her hobbies, found something in common, and only then moved on to communication. It looks like everything is too planned and according to the script, but that's how it is.

    Once upon a time, I also asked myself a rather tricky question, how to communicate with a girl so that she falls in love. And then I think I'll be myself. One girl liked my sincerity, showed sympathy. After a while, it had no effect on the other at all. Apparently, she wanted me to pretend and lie to her about myself and my successes. So you can’t fit everyone into one size fits all…

    I've never understood why create your own image, pretend, try to adapt to the tastes of a girl so that you like her? Once I was told that yours will never leave you, and there will be no need to pretend. And so it was. Therefore, I advise everyone to be sincere and not to try to deceive women.

    I often communicate with girls on VK. Therefore, I will say now very seriously, literacy with women during correspondence is very important. I don’t know why it affects them so much, but even if you were the Lord himself, but without mastering the skills of correct writing, over time she will be less and less interested in you.

    At the first communication in VK, it is impossible to fall in love with a girl. At least smart, mature and adequate. Not everything is so simple, you have to spend a lot of time on it. Perhaps another schoolgirl will bury herself in her pink dreams about you, but if a woman has long gone out of adolescence, then you will have to be extremely careful and tactful.

    For some reason, many girls "peck" at a beautiful photo on the profile picture, cars and beautiful words. But if during communication it turns out that such a man is not at all who she imagined him to be, then she may stop communicating. Even if he continues, it's probably because of the typewriter.

Communication with a girl on the Internet is somewhat different from communication in real life. The main advantage of the interlocutor is that they do not see him and do not rush to answer. Remote communication takes place more easily and naturally, a person is less worried and worried. Chatting with a girl on the Internet, of course, is interesting, but first of all, you need to arouse her interest and desire to communicate. If a girl has a nice appearance, it is likely that she receives dozens of messages a day from strangers who want to start a relationship with her. In order for her to respond specifically to your message, you need to know a few tricks on how to please a pen pal.

Internet communication rules

For guys who are not too confident and have low self-esteem, the big problem is how to start a virtual acquaintance. As practice shows, women primarily prefer interesting, assertive interlocutors, and not "handsome" with a sporty appearance. Communication with a girl in social networks, on dating sites or various forums should be relaxed and easy.

Get your profile right

Everyone knows how to create a personal page on social networks, you should not focus on this. The profile must be filled out in such a way that the girl has a desire to correspond with you further. Your photo is a business card that deserves a lot of attention. You should not post a photo where you are standing next to an expensive car (especially if it is not yours). A photo from a fun where you are intoxicated will also spoil your reputation. Choose a photo where you are in an adequate state. First, the lady will look at the photo, and then decide whether she should continue the acquaintance or leave your message unanswered.

When filling out a profile, indicate as much information about yourself as possible, where you should look like a versatile person with a lot of hobbies. Write about your favorite movies, books, places you have visited. The more interesting information about you, the more attractive you look like an interlocutor in her eyes.

Analyze her profile

To please a pen pal, you need to know as much information about her as possible. For example, study her favorite books, maybe the girl is a fan of healthy eating or is a fan of Zenith. If the girl you like in the photo is against the backdrop of an easily recognizable area, develop this theme. She will certainly like your observation and non-standard approach to acquaintance. While everyone will write to her “hello, how are you?”, You will get a good chance to continue virtual dating.

First post

Do not be banal, come up with an interesting message that will catch and provoke a response. If the answer is nevertheless received, this is a good chance that should not be missed. It is necessary to write to a girl competently and interestingly, avoiding insipid expressions.

How to communicate with a girl

So, the answer to the first message has been received, and now the main thing is not to miss your chance. Now, based on her interests, come up with a plan for further conversation. If you get the impression that she is a “cool girl” and makes acquaintances only with wealthy guys for further material relationships, decide for yourself whether you need such an acquaintance or not. You only need to write to a girl with such requests about your material wealth, who your parents work for, and what countries you fly to on vacation.

How to communicate with a girl on the Internet if she is not interested in your financial situation, but is looking for an interesting interlocutor and an extraordinary personality? This is where you need to brainstorm. Talk, for example, about travels, tell about your own, and be sure to ask where she managed to visit. Let your conversation be mutual, not narrative only on your part. Talk about plans for the future, perhaps they will be somewhat similar to you. Every girl is interested in a man who has reached certain heights in his life and is moving towards his goal.

Do not lie

Often young people, in order to fill their own worth, begin to lie with inspiration and invent fables about their lives. It will come out sooner or later. Do not post other people's photos, do not attribute zeros to your salary, in general, do not embellish reality. If you plan to meet early or in reality, you should not lie. It is not necessary to write to the girl all the details about her personal life, keep silent about something, but do not lie.

How to start dating on the Internet and not be disappointed? It is not uncommon for a girl to like a photo, and in the process of communication you realize that this is not the person you need. First of all, decide what you expect from online dating. Perhaps you just want to chat without further meetings in real life, or are you looking for a one-night stand? Or maybe you want to find your soul mate on the World Wide Web?

Proper communication with girls on the Internet implies:

  • Be positive. Even if you have problems, you should not dump them on a new acquaintance. It is always easier to communicate with a positive person and perhaps your beginning correspondence will grow into something more.
  • Be a real man. Women do not like the representatives of the stronger sex, constantly complaining about the lack of money, a strict boss, and life in general. Solve your problems without the help of strangers.
  • Carry yourself with dignity. Do not run after a woman and beg her to talk to you. Ladies quickly lose interest in obsessive men.
  • If you often hang out on the Internet on dating sites, do not get hung up on just one person. Write to several girls at once, so you will get a rich experience of virtual communication. Be moderately self-confident, and women themselves will seek your attention.
  • Follow her new photos, check out her new hairstyle or unusual hair color, stylishly chosen clothes and fashion accessories. Every lady will like it if her outfit is appreciated.
  • Learn to listen. Your interlocutor herself will tell a lot of interesting things about herself, the main thing is to show interest in this. Communication is not a one-sided game, but a mutual exchange of information. If you talk only about yourself, it is unlikely that communication with a girl will last long.

You don’t need to write to a girl with a dry scientific text, dilute your written speech with emoticons, funny speech turns. The usual boring phrase: "What are you doing today?" may be left without attention, and a more emotional version of “Beauty! I invite you to a place where only the most beautiful girls go on weekends!” Thus, you made a compliment and at the same time intrigued your interlocutor.

How to go from virtual dating to real

So, you are actively corresponding and learned a lot of interesting things about each other. Based on the results of the surveys, we can conclude that if a virtual acquaintance did not take place in real life after three months, the situation is unlikely to change in the future. A meeting in real life does not always live up to the expectations of the two parties, here a deception about external data and other inflated information pops up.

The first real date is much more difficult than virtual correspondence. Here you do not have time to think about each answer, instead of emoticons you need to show real emotions, joke, in a word, be at ease and easy to communicate. To avoid embarrassing situations, think ahead about what you will talk about. Topics of problems at work, the global financial crisis, it is better not to touch on your ex-girlfriends. Agree, you will not be entirely pleased if the girl tells how her ex-husband communicated with other women on dating sites.

Communication with the opposite sex on the Internet always raises a lot of questions: how to start a conversation, how to please a girl from the first message, so that further virtual acquaintance develops into a real relationship. Psychologists and experienced users of social networks recommend starting correspondence with non-standard messages in order to stand out from the general mass of fans. If you want a long and open relationship, you should not start it with lies and deceit. Make sure you write messages correctly, use quotes from famous films and books, and in this way you will show yourself only from the best side.

Can you write correctly? Do you know what to text a girl about?

It often happens that you are handsome, got the number of the girl you like. But what to do next? What to write to a girl?

You need to write in such a way that she wants to answer you. So that you only fuel her interest in you. So, what to write to a girl to please her?

Principles of correspondence with a girl:

1. Be original.

Do you know what your trouble is? That you are boring, boring, monotonous and stereotyped. Why would she want to waste time with you?

You think you are right. You are afraid of hurting her, of losing her. You are like an excellent student. But it doesn't evoke any emotion in her. And therein lies your big problem.

You write her standard phrases: “Hi, how are you?”, “Good night”, “Good morning, slept well, what did you dream about?”, “How is the day?” It's all tired, thousands of men write like that!

First, wit is important: jokes, jokes, non-standard answers. All this you must invest in a small SMS, or in correspondence on social networks.

Write non-standard: “Let you dream of pink penguins”, “Did you dream that you robbed a bank?”, “Have you already conquered space today?” And so on. Act according to the situation and be like no one else. That's what rules. The first contact is very important, remember that.

2. Ask the right and open questions.

Open-ended questions are those that she cannot answer in one sentence. For example, yes/no/good.

These are questions like “What did you do today?”, “What emotions did this film evoke in you?”, “What aftertaste did you have after our meeting?”. She will begin to list, answer you in detail. And you will have a conversation.

And further. Don't ask her how she's doing. Ask her how she's feeling. You communicate with a girl and want to evoke emotions in her. So appeal to these emotions, ask about them! “What got you interested in this?”, “What feelings did you have after this event?”.

3. Write ambiguously.

When a man wants to say something to a man, he takes it and speaks. And the second man hears what you told him.

A woman is always looking for subtext in your words. What message do you want to convey to her? What did you mean by this phrase?

So always use ambiguity: “I thought about you and my mood cheered up, I want hugs”. When she went to shower, say: "You're wet, have a good night."

Another plus of ambiguous communication is that you give her the opportunity to think out what you wanted to convey. This is where the female fantasy kicks in. Women love to think.

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4. Humor.

Where without humor? In winter I write to girls: "There is a carrot for the snowman, let's make it." She will immediately have positive emotions from your message.

In the summer you can write something like: "Let's go to the zoo to feed the giraffe."

When she does not respond to your message for a long time, do not write "Hey where are you?". Better say: "Are you alive?". She will immediately turn on her fantasy to answer you in a more original way, and both of you will laugh.

Don't be boring, boy. Use your brain. Because the brain is the sexiest part of a man.

5. Don't give a fuck.

In the truest sense of the word. You don't have to write to her every hour. There is no need to ask whether she ate or not, how she feels, where she is going and whether something hurts her or not.

No need to bully her with questions. Give her freedom and privacy.

6. Be the first to stop texting.

Not a single cool correspondence can replace live, high-quality communication. While you will correspond with her, the other will already invite her on a date and fuck her. Women don't like cops, they love men who act.

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Most couples meet on the Internet, this is the modern way of life and communication. So I met my incredibly beautiful and sexy wife on the pages of a popular social network. networks.

Oh yes, let's get to know each other first, - Kotlyar Dmitry Alexandrovich, who works at the factory, managed to win the heart of an incredible beauty, created an excellent family, and all this with the help of the Internet and the ability to communicate.

I will tell you a few simple, but very important tricks on how to please a pen girlfriend. By collecting and analyzing all the information and actions of friends, you will find real secrets from real men who have achieved their dreams.

By following simple steps to achieve the goal, you can succeed any girl, regardless of her marital status. Simply put - there is a boyfriend or husband, it does not play a special role.

Success from the beginning of communication or how to write a girl to please her

  1. Grammar, spelling and other rules that you simply must, if you don’t know by heart, then learn with the help of a textbook.
    • A person who starts the phrase "Hello girl" in most cases ends up in an emergency. The same phrases include “Sho you are shy at the same time”, etc.
    • The brain of a woman immediately recognizes the illiteracy of the interlocutor, and automatically the subconscious mind makes an assessment and is far from in favor of the one who wrote illiterately.
  2. Explore her interests. The female psyche is arranged in such a way that everything that worries her, she lays out either in the status or in pictures with a hint. With a smart approach and understanding of female nature, you can immediately find out about her hobbies, favorite films or music, attitude to the world, to friends.
  3. Be sure of her marital status, if the girl is free - you already have all the cards in your pocket. If you have a boyfriend or husband, you will have to work hard here, maybe longer than usual. If at the sight of a girl you understand that this is fate, then your rivals, even the strongest ones, are not a hindrance.

So, leafing through the wall or seeing a beautiful girl by chance, you decide that the heart of this lady should belong to you. After viewing the wall and reading the statuses, you determined its interests and you liked them. From which side to approach, so as not to be sent off in three seconds?

The question of how to please a pen pal in VK worries most of us. I think everyone has come across a situation when they saw a beautiful girl, incredible eyes on the avatar take over the brain and rushing into personal correspondence received a refusal, ignore or immediately block to her page.

I suggest, friends, to figure out how to interest girls by starting a correspondence in VK.

We prepare a bait or create an interlocutor, ideal in every respect.

  • We clean our albums with photos - remove without a sense of nostalgia photos with the former, photos in a state of intoxication or those where you have an unaesthetic appearance. It just so happened that girls love beautiful.
  • We remove pornographic texts, videos, photos. This does not paint us, but will show dissatisfaction in this regard.
  • I recommend to everyone! Make a photo shoot by choosing a beautiful but masculine backdrop. A couple of shift suits, a T-shirt or comfortable, casual clothing. Every day, novice photographers, for a small fee, will take you several dozen good photos, where you will be in all your glory. Half done! Now, a young lady who sees your profile with an excellent photo will be able to really appreciate the irresistibility of her fan.
  • Do not rush to start a dialogue. Visit her page, rate photos, statuses. Interest her that she liked, but do not open all the cards at once.

To be honest, when I met my wife, she lived with a guy ... I added her, saw that marital status marked employment and abandoned this attempt. To my surprise, he was added as a friend, but did not communicate with her. I had a picture from the world of philosophy, and I noticed that this girl was interested in the topic of philosophy and meditation. Then something pulled me, I studied the groups of her interests and wrote, as I remember now, utter nonsense on this topic.

She was silent for a long time, did not react, then she gave out that I did not understand this matter and advised me to read certain books, then it would be possible to talk with me on this topic.
Yes, I never read like that in school! I read everything she wrote in three days.

The second attempt was more difficult with communication, he acted very carefully so as not to frighten him away. I sought a meeting from the day of the second attempt 7 months. And only after 7 exciting months of dialogue, he invited me to a tea party.

At first we talked as acquaintances by interests, I myself liked the topic, I could give out my thoughts and reasonings that were no longer stupid.

What conclusions can I draw from these steps?

Girls are unpredictable in their decisions and choices. If you want to like a pen pal, one mistake made in a hurry will cross out all efforts.

What path of communication to go to the heart of a girl?

  • Always be interested in how the day went, what new and interesting things happened. - In no case do not give hints of jealousy or control on your part with your communication. Only sincerity and interest about her pastime. This is one of the main mistakes that girls do not tolerate, they can be controlled only after the start of a relationship, but not before.
  • If you notice even the slightest hint of a bad mood, try not to be pushy. A beautiful bouquet of roses, daisies or a basket of flowers sent as a postcard will certainly please the fairer sex. Various pictures of cute bunnies, cats or dogs are suitable for this type, causing pleasant emotions, a smile and a good mood in a delicate female nature.
  • Create a greeting and farewell ritual. In the morning, send a cute cat wishing you a good day. For the night, send cuddling bunnies, sleeping dogs, etc., depending on the stage of the correspondence and your existing relationship. During the day, you can send her a flower or a cute picture in passing. But I don’t advise you to go too far with this, it’s better to seem like a courageous Banderas than a “cute bunny”.
  • Don't devote all your time to chatting with a girl, even if she is the only one you can even think soberly about. A busy person is much more interesting than a boy who responds within ten seconds to any messages.
  • Any hobby that will characterize you as an interesting interlocutor, a person with a lot of knowledge and knows how to behave in society attracts attention.
  • Develop, learn. Sign up for foreign language courses, swimming. Visit gyms. Etiquette courses will also be useful. Perhaps this baby has always dreamed of learning how to dance partner dances. There are certainly such courses in your city, invite her as a dance partner. Be sure to admire her successes, help to overcome complexes.
  • Become a reliable friend and interesting conversationalist for her. Be an integral part of her daily communication.

When a connection is found and communication between two people is set up, at this moment it is important not to miss a special detail. You must clearly, courageously show that you want a serious relationship. To do this, set yourself the goal of all communication to lead according to the scheme of creating strong relationships, and not friendly communication. And if your lady, with hints of such a relationship, does not begin to move away or refer to friendship, then everything is going according to plan.

Well, if you allowed me to become a friend, then I will suggest recalling the movie "Friendship with Friends". The friendship that is created can easily be the beginning of your relationship.

When communication turned into telephone mode

In order not to stumble immediately after the greeting, I suggest that you carefully study the following list:

  1. To begin, choose a place for a quiet phone conversation where you will not be distracted throughout the conversation. Neither your beloved mother with borscht, nor friends with beer should be a background sound during your conversation. This will not only distract you and prevent you from focusing on buzzwords, but will also show your interlocutor that now there is no time for her.
  2. When talking on the phone, choose a position that is comfortable for you, this is not a video call, so feeling at ease and calm before starting a conversation will be very helpful.
  3. Both communication on a social network using messages and over the phone, take an interest in her pastime and mood.
  4. In search of answers to the exciting question “how will a girl like it on the phone,” many guys are looking for phrases whose list should, like a magnet, attract everyone who hears them. No matter how funny it sounds, there are such lists, and those who doubt their abilities try to use these tempting phrases. Often they fail and say that the list did not work. I do not agree, indeed, phrases like:

But, you need to feel the moment when these very words will amaze the girl and make them repeat them in the left hemisphere for more than one hour before bedtime.

Be sure to watch the intonation in your voice, do not shout at others in the desire to pretend that you are stronger. Any manifestations of rudeness will indicate your over-impulsiveness. Such signs immediately repel the interlocutors, watch your expressions of emotions, and you should definitely not use obscene language in your speech.

As a result, only you choose what to write to the girl you like. If changes happen to you for the better, and the girl you like has not shown reciprocity, this is not the end of the world.

But the next time you try to start an acquaintance, you will definitely be confident in your abilities, and you are unlikely to regret that you have increased your level of knowledge, and, accordingly, have become a much more interesting interlocutor.

Try to improve yourself and then becoming the best, you will certainly win a place in the fantasies of the best girl who will appreciate your personality and you as an interesting and individual man. With this, it is certainly comfortable to run in the morning, dance or swim in the afternoon, but in the evening it is not boring ... to watch a movie.

Good luck on the love front with advice from Dmitry Kotlyar!