Sasha Cherny, Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg (1880-1932) - Russian poet and prose writer, his work belongs to the Silver Age, he was especially famous for his lyric-satirical feuilletons in poetic form.

Early childhood

Sasha was born in the city of Odessa on October 1, 1880. His parents were of Jewish origin, his father worked as a pharmacist and agent in a chemical laboratory. Later, the family moved to the city of Belaya Tserkov, where the future poet spent his childhood.

There were five children in the family, two of them were given the same name by their parents - Sasha. And so it happened among the Glickbergs that the light child (blonde) was called Sasha Bely, and the dark (brunette) Sasha Cherny. Thus, the future pseudonym of the poet appeared from the children's family nickname.

Sasha Cherny was noticeably different from his sisters and brothers. He had a violent imagination, he was constantly making something, inventing, conducting experiments. He mixed sulfur, tooth powder and petroleum jelly to get waterproof gunpowder, then he tried to make ink from the sap of the mulberry tree. In general, the Glickberg apartment sometimes resembled a chemical plant. For such experiments, Sasha often had to receive from his father, who was distinguished by strictness and a sharp temper.

The Glickbergs were well-to-do, but uncultured. It cannot be said that Sasha had a happy childhood, the boy grew up closed and unsociable.


In those days, it was almost impossible for a child from a Jewish family to get a decent education. Therefore, at first Sasha studied at home.

In order for the boy to enter the Bila Tserkva gymnasium, his parents had to baptize him in the Russian Orthodox Church. The child began studying at the gymnasium already at the age of 10, studying was not easy for him, the guy was expelled several times for poor academic performance. A new fear of the high school yoke was added to the constant home punishments.

At the age of 15, he could not stand it and ran away from home, leaving school. By the way, earlier the eldest child of the Glickberg family decided to take the same step, and Sasha Cherny followed his example.

At first, the boy was taken in by his own paternal aunt. She brought Sasha to St. Petersburg, where he entered the gymnasium to continue his studies. But soon the young man was expelled from there, not having passed the exam in algebra.

Sasha's situation was catastrophic: there was no money for life at all, he wrote to his father and mother, asking for help, but his parents did not answer the letters of his runaway son. The guy became a beggar and started begging.

In 1898, a young journalist, Alexander Yablonsky, began working in one of the largest St. Petersburg newspapers, Son of the Fatherland. He learned about the unfortunate young man who was abandoned by his family, and wrote a report on the sad fate of a teenager.

Zhytomyr and godfather K. Roche

The article was read by one very wealthy gentleman from Zhytomyr, Konstantin Roche, who devoted a lot of time and money to charity. He took the young man to himself, giving him shelter and education. Zhytomyr became a truly second home for Sasha, and he always considered Konstantin Konstantinovich Roche his godfather.

Roche loved poetry, he instilled his love for poetry in Sasha, and soon discovered that the guy himself had a good poetic gift.

Konstantin Konstantinovich helped Sasha get a job as a minor official in the Collection Service. Simultaneously with the work, the young man began to write poetry.

In 1900 he was called up for military service. An infantry regiment was based in Zhytomyr, in which Sasha served for 2 years as a volunteer.

After the service, he went to the small town of Novoselitsy, where he got a job as a customs officer on the border with Austria-Hungary.

But soon he returned to Zhytomyr, where he began to collaborate with the Volynsky Vestnik newspaper. In 1904, his first poetic work, The Diary of a Resonator, was published, the aspiring poet signed "By itself." The local Zhytomyr intelligentsia became interested in the work, and soon Sasha received the nickname "poet".


Unfortunately, the newspaper "Volynsky Vestnik", in which Sasha began to publish his poems regularly, was closed. But the young man was already very much carried away by literary activity, and he decided to move to St. Petersburg. Here he first lived with Roche's relatives, they also helped him get a job in the railway tax service.

He served as a small official, and his immediate superior was a woman - Maria Ivanovna Vasilyeva. Sasha and Masha were very different from each other - both in position and education, besides, the woman was much older than him. Despite these differences, they became close and married in 1905. This gave the young poet a chance to leave his job in the railway office and devote himself entirely to literature.

He began to cooperate with the satirical magazine "Spectator". In issue number 23, the poem "Nonsense" was printed, and for the first time the work was signed - Sasha Cherny. It was November 1905. The poem was a success, and Sasha was immediately invited to many satirical publications.

Several magazines and newspapers began to print it:

  • "Journal";
  • "Leshy";
  • "Almanac";
  • "Masks".

The popularity of Sasha Cherny among readers grew. However, this fact was overshadowed by the fact that after his satirical poems the magazine "Spectator" was closed, and the collection of poetry "Different Motives" was generally banned by censorship due to political satire.

All this led to the fact that in 1906 Sasha Cherny left for Germany, where he was a lecturer at the University of Heidelberg.

The heyday of creativity

In 1908, Sasha returned to St. Petersburg, where the new magazine Satyricon had just opened and he, along with other famous poets, became its regular contributor. Moreover, from 1908 to 1911 he held the position of the undisputed poetic leader of the Satyricon, thanks to the magazine Sasha had all-Russian fame. Korney Chukovsky said about him:

His poems were really on everyone's lips at that time. Readers loved them for their sparkling humor, special bile and bitterness, biting satire, innocence and at the same time impudence, witty remarks and naive childishness. Newspapers and magazines simply fought for the right to publish Sasha's poetry, he, as before, collaborated with many publishing houses:

  • "Russian Rumor" and "Modern World";
  • "Kyiv Thought" and "The Sun of Russia";
  • "Contemporary" and "Argus";
  • "Odessa News".

One after another, collections of his poetry were published: “Involuntary Tribute”, “To All the Poor in Spirit”, “Satires”.

But in 1911, without any reason or explanation, Sasha Cherny left the Satyricon. Perhaps the inner state of the soul affected, the young poet felt that he had exhausted himself in this direction. In the same year he made his debut in children's literature:

  • poem "Bonfire";
  • after him, in 1912, his first prose work was published - a story for children "Red Stone";
  • in 1914 the famous "Living ABC" in verse;
  • in 1915, a collection of children's poems "Knock knock".

Over time, works for children took the main place in the work of Sasha Cherny.

Revolution and war

In 1914, when war with Germany was declared, Sasha was called to the front. The horrors of the war turned out to be a difficult test for the poet, he fell into a terrible depression, he was placed in a hospital. And then he continued his service in the medical units: he was the superintendent of the hospital in Gatchina, then went to the front with the Warsaw Composite Field Hospital No. 2, and helped the superintendent in the Pskov field reserve hospital.

At the end of August 1918, when the Red Army entered the city of Pskov, Sasha left it along with other refugees. He did not accept the revolution. The poet made attempts to come to terms with the new government, but nothing happened, despite the fact that the Bolsheviks offered him to head the newspaper in Vilna. Cherny left Russia in 1920.


First, he and his wife moved to the Baltic States, to the city of Kovno. Then they moved to Berlin. Here he continued to engage in literary activities. The poet collaborated with the publishing houses "Flash", "Rul", "Will of Russia", "Today". In the magazine "Frontiers" Sasha had a chance to work as an editor.

In 1923, a book with his poems "Thirst" was published, published at his own expense. All the works were saturated with longing for the motherland, in their lines one could see the poet's sad situation "under a foreign sun."

In 1924 Cherny moved to France. Here he made every effort to popularize Russian literature abroad. Collaborated immediately with several Parisian magazines and newspapers:

  • "Last news";
  • "Chimes";
  • "Satyricon";
  • "Illustrated Russia";
  • "Revival".

He was the organizer of literary evenings, traveled all over France and Belgium with the reading of his poems for Russian-speaking listeners, every year he took part in the "days of Russian culture". Sasha Cherny released a children's almanac "Russian Land", which told about the Russian people, their history and work.

During the years of emigration, Cherny worked especially hard on prose. He created many wonderful works for children:


In 1929, in the southern part of France, in the small town of La Favière, Sasha bought a plot of land and built a house. This place has become a truly cultural Russian center abroad. Many musicians, artists, Russian writers gathered here, who often came and stayed at Cherny for a long time.

On July 5, 1932, a fire broke out near Sasha's house, a neighboring farm caught fire. He, not for a second thinking about the consequences for his health, ran to help his neighbors, participated in extinguishing the fire. Arriving home, he lay down to rest, but did not get out of bed again, he died of a heart attack.

He was buried in the Lavandou French Cemetery. The closest and dearest person to Sasha Cherny, his wife Maria Ivanovna, died in 1961. Since that time, there was no one to look after and pay for their graves, the couple had no children. Therefore, the real exact burial place of the poet was lost. In 1978, a memorial plaque was installed at the Lavandu cemetery, which says that the poet Sasha Cherny is buried in this cemetery.

Only the memory and his immortal poetry remained. Songs were written to the verses of Sasha Cherny and performed by such popular Russian singers as the Spleen group, Zhanna Aguzarova, Arkady Severny, Maxim Pokrovsky, Alexander Novikov.

The poet and prose writer Sasha Cherny was born under the name of Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg in a fairly large family with five children. Surprisingly, two boys had the same name - Sasha, but one had blond hair and was therefore called "white", and the other was dark - he was called "black". This is the origin of the pseudonym. The author was born in Odessa, October 13, 1880. Soon the parents sent the boy to the gymnasium, but fate turned out so that Alexander left his house and, remaining completely poor, began to beg on the street. The newspaper wrote about a lonely and poor boy. This story touched one gentleman official, K.K. Roche that he decided to take the young Sasha to him. Rocher was a rather noble person and loved poetry, which, of course, contributed to the character of the future writer.

At 21, Alexander went to serve as a private, three years later he began working in customs. In the summer of 1904 they published "The Diary of a Resonator" in one of the newspapers of the city of Zhytomyr under the pseudonym "By itself".

A year later, Glickberg began to live in St. Petersburg, where a series of publications of works began in various magazines: Leshy, Spectator, Almanac, and some others. The poems found many positive responses among readers.

For the first time, Alexander Mikhailovich signed as "Sasha Cherny" in 1905 in his satire "Nonsense". The printing of this poem served to ensure that the journal ceased its work from now on. The author's collection was banned due to censorship.
From the age of 26 to 28, the poet stayed in Germany, studying at a German university, and after that he again came to St. Petersburg and began to collaborate with the Satyricon publication. The author published several collections of poems, his works were published in well-known magazines and newspapers, such as Sovremennik, The Sun of Russia, Kievskaya Thought and some others.

Alexander Glikberg during the First World War was at the front as a private at the infirmary.

In the 18th year of the last century, the poet and prose writer left Russia. He settled first in Lithuania, then in Berlin and Rome, and in 1924 he finally settled in the capital of France, where his collections began to be published. Five years later, he bought a small area in the south of the country, where Russian artists came to visit.

In early August 1932, Alexander Mikhailovich died due to a heart attack. The reason for this was a recent fire, in which the poet helped his neighbors to put out, but when he came home, he fell ill and was no longer able to get up.

Biography by dates and interesting facts. The most important.

Other biographies:

    Thales of Miletus is considered the founder of Greek philosophy, and, accordingly, of European philosophy in general. Miletus is a city on the periphery of Greek civilization, where for the most part philosophy was born

  • Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich

    Nikolai Nekrasov was born on November 22, 1821 in the Podolsk province, in the city of Nemirov. The future writer was of noble origin, but the childhood of the future Russian poet was by no means joyful.

Based on the materials of the collection “Strophes of the century. Anthology of Russian poetry. Comp. E. Yevtushenko. Minsk-Moscow, 1995.

Central Jewish Resource

Regional website for children's libraries

Odessa. Encyclopedia about Odessa

Dmitry Bykov. Black and white
Sasha Cherny and Nikolai Gumilyov during the First World War: “These two warriors are truly the white and black bones of war, the aristocracy and the people, but both have that knightly understanding of duty, which is extremely rare in Russia (the institute of chivalry, according to Pasternak from a letter 1918, Russia did not know). This is a duty, so to speak, independent of the motherland, quite special: one must fight and, if necessary, die for the motherland, not because it is good, and not at all for its sake, but for the sake of oneself and one’s principles.

Memoirs of V.A. Dobrovolsky about Sasha Cherny
Readers should not be misled by the title of the article, in which its author did not say a word about personal meetings with the poet. So this work can hardly be attributed to memoir literature. In fact, we have before us a story about the life and work of Sasha Cherny, which contains many statements of his contemporaries about the poet.

Myron Belsky. In the footsteps of the hidden biography of Sasha Cherny
The author talks about the article by Anatoly Ivanov, who was researching unknown pages of Sasha Cherny's biography. Being inspired by a fascinating story, Miron Belsky went in search of new information about the poet's family...

Alexander Ratyn. A legacy passed down through the centuries (which connected Konstantin Roche with Afanasy Fet and Sasha Cherny)
“Having accidentally read an article in one of the largest newspapers of that time, Son of the Fatherland, about the “sorrowful fate of an unfortunate young man abandoned by his family” (and in fact who fled from his parents), Roche accepts the “exile” in his Zhytomyr house. And instead of the untimely deceased adopted son Sergius, in the life of Konstantin Roche, by the permission of God, another pupil comes - the bearer of the spirit of the new, revolutionary age, in which Roche vainly sought to find his successor. It was Alexander Glikberg, the same one who would soon become known in the literature under the pseudonym "Sasha Cherny".

Alexey Butorov. Poets on the barricades
About the revolutionary poems of Sasha Cherny, published in 1905.

Russian culture of the XX century
Excerpts from contemporaries' reviews of Sasha Cherny's book "Satire", published in 1910.

Grimaces and dreams, intertwined, fought in the Rhine
Between 1906 and 1907 Sasha Cherny studied at the University of Heidelberg. This article, prepared by Oleg Chumakov based on the newspaper Die Welt, tells about the poet's perception of pre-war Germany, the way of life of the then Germans.

Roman Gul. Sasha Cherny (chapter from the book "I took Russia away")
Memories of acquaintance with the poet during the years of emigration.

Andrey Sedykh. Anniversary without speeches
A note from an émigré newspaper of 1930 for the 25th anniversary of Sasha Cherny's literary activity.

About the work of Sasha Cherny

A.I. Kuprin. About Sasha Cherny and his books
“Sasha Cherny alone. And this is the charm of his original personality, and that is why the most respected “publicum” has not yet had time to praise and fall in love with him, and that is why he still has a few admirers and praisers, but on the other hand, freedom is really dear to these admirers-friends, a well-aimed and beautiful word, clothed in bizarre, capricious, charming, compressed forms and anger, and sorrow, and thoughtful sadness, and deep tenderness, and a peculiar, some kind of intimate artless pagan understanding of the wonders of nature: children, animals, flowers.
(pdf format)

Venedikt Erofeev. Sasha Cherny and others
Venedikt Erofeev, in a short essay in his usual manner, formulates his perception of Sasha Cherny: “here is a friendly attitude, instead of distant reverence and adoration. Instead of falling in love - bosomness. And "the closeness and complete coincidence of views," as they say in the communiqué.

Anatoly Ivanov. Insulted love
“Who knows, perhaps immersion in the era of Sasha Cherny, where “people whine, decay, run wild,” will help us to understand something in ourselves, in our troubled time, to approach our moral position responsibly.”

Yuri Leving. Vladimir Nabokov and Sasha Cherny
The well-known literary critic, using specific examples, demonstrates how strong the literary activity of Sasha Cherny had on the work of Vladimir Nabokov.
“Nabokov's experience of using the creative finds of an older friend was limited in some cases to tracing thematic solutions, in others small comedic situations served him as cores in building future storylines. These borrowings were made with ease and even, apparently, with pleasure.

V.A. Karpov. Sasha Cherny's prose in children's reading
The author analyzes Sasha Cherny's children's prose, referring, in particular, to the reasons why the writer's later work, which coincided with his emigration, is mainly devoted to children.
(pdf format)

N.K. Yaroshevskaya. The boundaries of the artistic world of the collection "Children's Island" by Sasha Cherny
“Works for the children of Sasha Cherny, included by him in a collection called “Children's Island”, were published in 1921. The book fulfills his desire to disassociate himself from all political programs and trends and live like Robinson on a quiet desert island”

Verbitskaya Victoria. "Pure" power of "Soldier's Tales" by Sasha Cherny about "evil spirits"
In his work, the critic, like many other researchers, expresses the idea that emigration, which led to nostalgia, played a decisive role in the development of Chernoy's work. Longing for the motherland makes the writer turn in "Soldier's Tales" to Russian folklore, the pre-revolutionary life of the people. The author of the article, in turn, pays special attention to the use of typical characters of pagan and Christian mythology in Sasha Cherny's stories.

Linor Goralik. Hang all dogs!
An extremely lively analysis of the collection of short stories by Sasha Cherny "Fox Mickey's Diary". The author discusses the image of the protagonist of the cycle, i.e. fox terrier dogs. The main idea is this: using this cute pet as the main character, Black gets the opportunity to consider the most ordinary things, without fear of being branded as a "naive moralist." In addition, the author of the article sees in the image of the dog the features traditionally attributed to the Russian intelligentsia - reflection, a keen sense of justice, of course, dissatisfaction with the surrounding reality, naturally, combined with absolute inaction.

E.A. Cousin. The principle of alienation in Russian prose of the late 19th - early 20th centuries: "Kashtanka" by A.P. Chekhov and "Fox Mickey's Diary" by Sasha Cherny
The author refers to the term "estrangement" introduced by V. Shklovsky to denote the process of bringing concepts and phenomena out of the realm of automatic perception into the realm of the cognizable. Shklovsky, in turn, relies on the theory of "alienation" formulated by Brecht, according to which, in order to give significance to ordinary phenomena and details, it is necessary to show them from a different angle as something surprising and incomprehensible. Both Chekhov in "Kashtanka" and Cherny in "Mickey the Fox's Diaries" realize this task by presenting the world of people through the prism of the dog's perception. Of course, the artistic approaches of the two writers have a lot of differences, the analysis of which is also given in the article.

Konstantin Kedrov. Knight of laughter
“Lermontov bitterly exclaimed that life is such an absurd, stupid joke. Sasha Cherny picked up this joke and, as long as he could, joked in unison with this life. He was joking and not even in unison in resonance. Resonance and became the peak of fame "

DOMINO. Sasha Cherny: He laughed when it wasn't funny at all, and when it was funny, he didn't laugh at all...
“Sasha Cherny lives in his satires, in his children's poems, in his soldiers' stories. He lives while they read him, and they will always read him, because his poetry is laughter, it is pure humor without any touch ”


Poems 1905–1906 from the book "Different Motives"

"Satires" (1910)
This collection includes poems from the cycles "To All the Poor in Spirit", "Life", "Literary Workshop", "Involuntary Tribute", "Messages", "Province", "Lyric Satires".
"Satires and Lyrics" (1911)
The collection includes the cycles "Weeds", "Bitter Honey", "At the Germans", "Hop" ("Other Strings").
Poems 1908–1914 not included in books

"Thirst" (1923)
Cycles of poems "War", "In Lithuania", "Alien Sun", "Russian Pompeii".
"Children's Island" (1925)
The cycles "Bonfire", "Animals", "Songs" were included.


Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg, who later became known as Sasha Cherny, was born on October 1, 1880 in the Odessa family of a Jewish pharmacist, where in addition to him there were four more children.

Due to difficulties in entering the gymnasium, Sasha was baptized into Orthodoxy so that he would no longer be subject to the restrictions on the percentage rate for Jews. At the age of nine, he became a student of the gymnasium, but Alexander did not like the rules of the educational institution. At the age of fifteen, he ran away from home, finding shelter with his aunt, who arranged him for a gymnasium in St. Petersburg. Soon Sasha was expelled from the gymnasium, and he was left on the street without a livelihood. His parents refused to help him, the future writer earned money by begging until his story became known to K.K. Roche. The chairman of the Peasant Presence in Zhytomyr, who paid much attention to charity, took the impoverished Sasha Glikberg under his wing. His passion for poetry played a decisive role in the birth of the writer Sasha Cherny. So in 1888 Alexander Glikberg moved to Zhytomyr, where he entered the local gymnasium. However, he never completed his education.


After serving two years (1901-1902) as a volunteer in the Russian army, he began working in the customs service in Novoselitsy.

Upon returning to Zhytomyr, the young author begins to collaborate with the local Volynsky Vestnik. But soon the newspaper was closed, and in 1905 Alexander Mikhailovich left for St. Petersburg. There he publishes poetry in the magazines "Leshy", "Almanac", "Spectator" and many others, earning a living by clerical work.

In 1905, Alexander Glikberg married Marina Ivanovna Vasilyeva. Returning from a honeymoon trip to Italy, he decided to leave his job and deal exclusively with literature.

After the publication of the poem "Nonsense" under the name "Sasha Cherny", the writer was welcome at the meetings of all satirical magazines of that time.

In 1906 he left for Germany, where he entered the University of Heidelberg.

Sasha Cherny returned to Petersburg in 1908. Through the efforts of the magazine "Satyricon", collections of his poems "Satires", "Involuntary Tribute", "To All the Poor in Spirit" saw the light. Many publications were glad to publish his works. The writer also tried himself in the role of the author of children's works, publishing the books "Live ABC", "Knock-Knock" and others.


In 1914, Cherny was mobilized and began to serve in the field infirmary.

In the 1920s, Sasha Cherny left Russia, emigrating first to Berlin and then to Paris. In 1929, Cherny, along with other immigrants from Russia, acquired a plot in the town of La Favière. Russian authors, artists and musicians have always been welcome guests in his house.

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Section 1. Russian writer Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg (Sasha Cherny)

1.1 Biographical analysis

1.2 Youth of the great satirist

Section 2 Creativity of Sasha Cherny

2.2 Life images in the work of Sasha Cherny



sasha black glickberg

The artistic culture of the turn of the century is an important page in the cultural heritage of Russia. Ideological contradictions and ambiguity were inherent not only in artistic trends and currents, but also in the work of individual writers, artists, and composers. It was a period of renewal of various types and genres of artistic creativity, rethinking, "general reassessment of values", in the words of M. V. Nesterov. The attitude towards the heritage of the revolutionary democrats became ambiguous even among progressively thinking cultural figures. In the Russian artistic culture of the late 19th - early 20th century, which became widespread decadence, such phenomena in art as the rejection of civic ideals and faith in reason, immersion in the sphere of individualistic experiences are indicated. The concept of "modernism" included many phenomena of literature and art of the twentieth century, born at the beginning of this century, new in comparison with the realism of the previous century.

Directions opposed to realism began to take shape in the artistic culture in the nineties. Modernism was the most significant of them, both in terms of the time of its existence and in terms of its distribution and influence on social and cultural life. The Silver Age of Russian literature gave rise to many trends in art. During this heyday of literature, Sasha Cherny lived and worked (Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg 1880-1932). The heyday of Chernoy's creativity fell on the period of the October Revolution. He fell into the first wave of emigration. Sasha Cherny did not accept the Bolshevik coup. In the autumn of 1918 he left for Lithuania. For some time he lived in the city of Vilna. Then in Kaunas. From Kaunas in 1920 he moved to Berlin. The creative path of the poet was influenced by his difficult life. Difficult childhood, lack of parental love and their severity, early flight from home and deprivation, all this radically changed the outlook of the future poet, prose writer and translator. Making him a unique master of the "word".

The works of émigré poets are rarely brought to public attention. In most cases, it is believed that they made an insignificant contribution to the development of Russian literature.

With the help of this term paper, I will try to show, using the example of Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg (Sasha Cherny), that the poets of the emigration period made a significant contribution to the development of literature. Perhaps, using my example, I will be able to at least push researchers to a deeper consideration of this problem.

The urgency of the problem. In this work, an attempt is made to remove the veil of secrecy over the life and work of Sasha Cherny (O.M. Glikberg). Many studies were aimed at studying the younger generation of emigrants, forgetting about the contribution to the development of literature, such poets as Sasha Cherny. And therefore, I believe that a deeper investigation into the life and work of Sasha Cherny is appropriate in this period of time. The object of the research is the creative heritage of Sasha Cherny (O.M. Glikberg).

The subject of the research is the life and work of Sasha Cherny.

The purpose of the work is aimed at reviewing and studying the creative heritage of Cherny (O.M. Glikberg), as a representative of the "Silver Age" of Russian literature.

To accomplish this goal, you must do the following:

1) Follow the life path of Sasha Cherny (Glikberg O.M.);

2) To study and systematize the information found on this issue;

3) analyze and draw conclusions regarding the work of the poet

The novelty of this work lies in the fact that a thorough study of the poet's life path will help to reveal the secret of his literary heritage. The structure of the course work consists of an introduction, 2 sections, conclusions, a list of references and applications. Practical significance. This course work can be used as a teaching aid for teaching, and with its help to conduct lessons and lectures on the life and work of O. M. Glikberg.

1. Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg (Sasha Cherny)

1.1 Biographical analysis

Sasha Cherny is one of the poets and prose writers of the Silver Age. I reviewed and re-read many sources of information to prepare my work. Each source gave something new in the knowledge of Black as a creator. A large family, strict and sometimes indifferent parents, a difficult and very stormy childhood mixed with a prosperous and sometimes happy youth - all this was reflected in the work of the famous poet, prose writer, translator and a very talented person. Sasha Cherny is one of the poets and prose writers of the Silver Age.

I'll start with a biography. Sasha Cherny (real name Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg) was born on October 1, 1880 in Odessa in the family of a pharmacist - a family, one might say, prosperous, but uncultured. Father - pharmacist, Mendel Glikberg was born in 1852. Grandfather is a merchant, a trader in iron goods. Mother - Maria Glikberg was born in 1857, this is her maiden name, as there is an entry in the birth registration book of the State Archive of the Odessa Region. Father and Mother of the Black were namesakes. We discard family ties, because: the Torah forbids tying the bonds of marriage with blood relatives and the rabbinate would not register this marriage. The marriage was registered on July 8, 1877, which can be judged from the document of the GAOO on the registration of Jewish marriages. The pharmacist's family had 5 children, two of whom were Sasha. Blond and brunette, "White" and "Black". And so the pseudonym was born. Sasha's childhood cannot be called happy. Mother, sick, hysterical woman, children irritated. The father, who was distinguished by a sharp temper, punished them without entering into the proceedings. Here is what Cherny's wife later said: “No one ever gave him anything when he was a child. And when, in the absence of toys, he found something in the house that could be adapted for playing, he was punished. Therefore, the isolation, which is noted by contemporaries, and the writer's unsociableness was largely formed under the influence of the family.

Another difficult stage in the young life of Sasha Cherny came from the moment he entered the school. At that time, it was not only difficult for a Jewish boy to get an education, but almost impossible. Therefore, I had to first acquire a home education. He managed to enter the gymnasium outside the "percentage norm" only after he was baptized at the age of ten, and even then - in the White Church. However, soon the training turned into a kind of government service, new fears and punishments that were added to the domestic yoke.

From this moment, a new stage of Cherny's life begins, with a lot of adventures and difficulties, joy and regret. When Sasha was 15 years old, he ran away from home. First, the fugitive was sheltered by his aunt, his father's sister, who took him to St. Petersburg, where he continued his studies at the gymnasium. However, he was expelled from the gymnasium for failing an exam in algebra. The fugitive found himself in a catastrophic situation, without any means of subsistence. He wrote to his father and mother, begging for help, but they flatly refused the prodigal son. It is not known what would have happened to the boy if it were not for an accidental combination of circumstances that had a very positive impact on his life.

A happy accident intervened in the fate of the future poet, in the form of two kind and sincere gentlemen. Alexander Yablonsky and Konstantin Roche became a saving case for Sasha. Compassionate people were found - they helped in whatever way they could. Having learned by pure chance about the fate of the unfortunate young man abandoned by his family, aspiring journalist Alexander Yablonovsky told about his sad fate on the pages of the St. Petersburg newspaper Son of the Fatherland, one of the largest publications of that time. The article caught the eye of a major Zhytomyr official, Konstantin Konstantinovich Roche, and he decided to take him into his house. So Sasha Glikberg at the end of 1898 ended up in Zhytomyr, a city that truly became his second home. Here he spent his youth. The gymnasium in Zhytomyr could not be completed due to a conflict with the director: even the intercession of such an influential person did not help, and soon the student was expelled "without the right to enter."

Konstantin Konstantinovich Roche later played a very important role in Sasha's life. Roche was born on December 29, 1849 in the family of a military engineer. And he received a good education and upbringing. Before. Before. Roche, lived most of his days in Zhytomyr. For a long time he was a member of the board of the Volyn provincial presence for peasant affairs, an honorary magistrate. As a hereditary nobleman, he rose to the title of a real state councilor. During the years of the First World War, the revolution of 1917 and the constant changes in power in Zhytomyr during the civil war, he helped people who needed it.

Konstantin Konstantinovich, was a deeply religious person, he tried to instill this faith in his adopted son, Sasha. Roche was noble and prone to pity for the neighbor of poor people. During the First World War, he helped those who were in great need. He loved and respected the peasants very much for their work, and always tried to help them. Here is what he wrote about their work:

“Who endures everything in the name of Christ, Whose stern eyes do not weep,

Whose mute lips do not murmur,

Whose rough hands work,

Giving respectfully to us

Immerse yourself in art, science,

Indulge in dreams and passions.

In the 1920s, Konstantin Konstantinovich became one of the organizers of the Zhytomyr St. Nicholas Brotherhood. After a poor harvest in 1898, Roche organized the Volyn canteen in the hungry places of the Volga region. K. Roche had no children, he adopted the boy Sergei, but he soon died. Therefore, when he read an article about Sasha, he responded with joy.

It should also be noted that K. Rocher had a gift for versification and his poems were filled with love, tenderness and kindness for the people around him. And a very strong influence on his work was made by the fact that he was a very God-loving and God-fearing person. Roche really wanted to convey these points of his work to Cherny, but Sasha already in his youth was distinguished by a sarcastic perception of the world around him.

Roche did not seek to add his poems to popularity. He used his ability to control rhyme as a weapon against lawlessness, and not as an attempt to become famous. Here is what he writes in his work entitled "Testament":

“I will die, but my song of praise, That I sing to my God from my heart -

With love, with a feeling of tenderness, -

In the dust of the archival, maybe they will find,

And again they will sing in the temple of God.

Konstantin Roche never managed to convey his emotional positivity to the young Sasha Cherny, a great poet and prose writer in the future.

1.2 Youth of the great satirist

In 1900, Alexander was called up for military service. Military service left a big mark on Chernoy's life. After serving two years as a volunteer in the eighteenth Galician Infantry Regiment (Zhytomyr), he was transferred to the reserve. He begins his career at customs in the town of Novoselitsy on the border with Austria-Hungary. Upon his return to Zhytomyr, he worked as a minor official in the Collection Service. Here he met his future wife. In the same period, Sasha began to serve the "cruel god of literature." He collaborates in the newspaper "Volynsky Vestnik", which opened on June 1, 1904. His first poems were published under the pseudonyms "By Himself", "The Dreamer", etc. But the true birth of the poet - Chernoy - took place in St. Petersburg, where he, carried away by ambitious dreams, moved in 1905, and where he began working in the tax - Warsaw railway.

The ironic mindset was genetically inherent in Alexander, and this was perhaps the only salvation from despair. However, this irony, addressed to social realities, looked so shocking that the very first publication of the political satire "Nonsense" in the magazine "Spectator", number 23 of November 27, 1905, led to a scandal and the closure of the magazine.

It was a difficult period in the work of Chernoy, since his poems were in great demand by the people, and the press imposed censorship on them. At that time, not every poet could without fear touch on the topics that sounded in Cherny's poems, and the satirical skill with which he presented his works was very popular with readers.

Sasha Cherny married early, in St. Petersburg, his boss, Maria Ivanovna Vasilyeva, who was much older and more practical than the poet. Sasha Cherny was a little afraid of his wife - a student of the prominent professor of philosophy A.I. Vvedensky and a relative of the well-known merchant Eliseev throughout Russia. He had no love affairs, he was a modest family man. The union turned out to be strong, despite the difference in age, position and education. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon trip in the summer of 1905 in Italy. Upon his return, Sasha Cherny decides to leave the hated clerical service in order to devote himself entirely to literary activity.

In 1906, together with his wife Sasha Cherny, he left for Germany, where he listened to lectures at the university for more than a year, communicated with philosophers, which affected both his worldview and his work.

Sasha Cherny studied for two semesters in Heidelberg in 1906-1907. The years of relative prosperity in Germany coincided with a difficult time for Russia after the 1905 revolution. Hence such a sarcastic reaction of the poet to the reality he observes. Even in the almost benevolent poetic sketches of Black Heidelberg "A Street in a South German City", here and there thorns of irritation stick out at, so to speak, the bourgeois comfort of an old town.:

"Beautiful people! No scolding, no pushing.

And Frida and Franz, and Minna, and Max. .. " Annex 1

The restaurant "Perkeo", mentioned by Sasha Cherny, still exists.

The caustic muse of Cherny did not allow the poet to stay in Heidelberg for more than two semesters. Still, the atmosphere of the city was determined by conservative corporate students from Germany itself, and not at all by revolutionary-minded emigrant students from Russia. At the beginning of the twentieth century, visitors from the east were treated with undisguised contempt for the bourgeois comforts, for the European grooming of German life. The poems of Cherny, who was incredibly popular at that time in Russia, are a wonderful tuning fork of public sentiment and, above all, tension, which not only grew in interstate relations, but also reinforced the old stereotypes of how Russians perceive Germans with the power of a poetic medium.

“Wet from the exclamations of the female,

Licking, staring at the Rhine:

“Ah, the waves! Ah, fog! Ah, the coast! Ah, castles!

And pull, like shoemakers, Rhine wine.

Husbands in patriotic excitement

Foreigners puff around

And they scratch the map with pencils

The names of particularly magnificent places ... The wave sings ... And loudly behind

Noisy plump enthusiastic template.

Your Rhine? German Rhine? But is he made of beer,

But is the coastal bold slope made of sausages? ... "Appendix 2

Sasha Cherny, of course, never reached into his pocket for a word and never gave in to his Fatherland either. But from such contempt for someone else's lack of spirituality, it still jars a little a hundred years later. Soon Sasha Cherny returned to Petersburg. Upon his return to St. Petersburg, he is a permanent author of the new magazine "Satyricon" together with A. Averchenko, P. Potemkin, N. Teffi, S. Marshak. Sasha Cherny became the undisputed poetic leader of the "Satyricon" in 1908 - 1911, having won all-Russian fame. His poems, a special mixture of bile and bitterness, salt and innocence, audacity and childishness, were on everyone's lips during these years. As K.I. Chukovsky recalled, “having received a fresh issue of the magazine, the reader first of all looked for poems by Sasha Cherny in it. There was no such student, such a doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer who would not know them by heart. He hit, so to speak, at the very nerve of the era, and the era screamed about itself in his voice.

After the publication of the books "Satires" and "Satires and Lyrics" in 1911, Sasha Cherny seems to disappear from the literary arena. Unexpectedly for everyone, he broke with the Satyricon - once and for all. Left the magazine without any explanation or apparent reason. One can only guess what made him decide to take such a step. After breaking with the Satyricon (1911), Cherny continued to publish in various popular publications: the newspapers Russkaya Rumor, Kievskaya Thought, Odessa News, the magazines Sovremenny Mir, Argus, Solntse Rossii, Sovremennik ”, in the almanac “Rosehip”, etc.

In 1911, Sasha Cherny made his debut in children's literature - the poem "Bonfire". In the summer of 1912, he visits M. Gorky in Capri. Aleksey Maksimovich attracts Sasha Cherny to participate in the collection of works for children "The Blue Book". After this significant meeting, his first children's story "Red Stone" was published, in 1914 - "The Living Alphabet" in verse, which became famous, in 1915 a book of poems for children "Knock-Knock". Works for the little reader occupy more and more space in the work of Sasha Chernoy. The very arrival of the writer in children's literature is furnished with a number of remarkable events. The fact is that the severe psychological trauma inflicted on him in childhood (the atmosphere of severe psychological oppression in the family, flight and many years of wandering around Russia) provided many essential features of his personality and creativity. “By nature, painfully shy, impractical, bilious, such that he does not fit well with people, Sasha Cherny changed dramatically, but when he talked with children, then he became cheerful and gentle.” . It is no coincidence that one of his best children's books was called "Children's Island".

Indeed, the world of childhood was for the writer that utopian island of ideal love, fun and peace, where he wanted to get away from the vulgarity of contemporary life and burdensome memories of the past.

In other words, Cherny's arrival in children's literature is largely due to the fact that the writer himself had no childhood at all.

Hence, the desire to compensate for this heavy loss, to create an imaginary world of childhood in artistic creativity, is psychologically quite understandable. In addition, life developed in such a way that the writer never had children of his own, which was for him both a personal drama and a source of creativity.

In the First World War, the poet goes to the front, where he serves in the 5th Army as an "ordinary volunteer". The soldier, unsuited to military affairs, could not withstand the horrors of the war, fell into a severe depression and was placed in a hospital, and then continued to serve in the medical unit. The book of poems by Sasha Cherny "Thirst", published already in exile - in Berlin, in 1923, is dedicated to the terrible truth about the war.

It was a very difficult period in the life of Cherny, all the military horrors he saw broke his psyche. And Maria Ivanovna, his faithful wife, was always by his side. With her help, Black soon got to his feet.

In 1917, Sasha Cherny was transferred to the Office of Military Communications in Pskov. After the February Revolution, he was appointed by the Provisional Government as Deputy Commissar of the Northern Fleet. In May he visits revolutionary Petrograd. At the end of the summer of 1918, before the Red Army entered Pskov, he left the city with other refugees. Pskov became a turning point in the creative life of Sasha Chernoy.

“In a small Berlin pub, he arranged something like an artistic cafe, in which the emigrant Russian artistic intelligentsia gathered. Cherny was regularly published in the newspapers "Kermi" (Berlin) and "Today" (Riga), edited the almanac "Frontiers" (Berlin, 1922-1923). In 1923, the third book of his poems, Thirst, was published in Berlin, colored with a sense of nostalgia for Russia. In the summer of 1923 Cherny left for Italy, and in March 1924 he moved to Paris. Here he collaborated in the weekly "Illustrated Russia", in "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", in the newspaper "Latest News" and in 1931 - in the revived "Satyricon". During this period, prose occupied a large place in Cherny's work - the mischievous "Non-Serious Stories" (Paris, 1928) and the original in genre, based on folk wisdom, "Soldier's Tales" (came out as a separate book, Paris, 1933 after Cherny's death)."

Since 1924 Sasha Cherny has been living in France. Collaborates in the Parisian newspapers "Latest News", "Vozrozhdeniye", "Illustrated Russia", "Check Back" and the magazine "Satyricon". His activities are connected with the popularization of Russian culture abroad. He arranges literary evenings in the studio of F. Malyavin, travels around France and Belgium with performances to the Russian-speaking audience, annually participates in the "Days of Russian Culture", publishes an almanac for children "Russian Land", which introduced them to the history and work of the Russian people.

In the collection Frivolous Stories (1928) and in the story Strange Summer (1929), Sasha Cherny refers to old Russia. His works are filled with good-natured laughter, humor, light sadness about the irretrievably abandoned homeland. In the stories "Mosquito Relics", "Small Earth Flu", "Pages of Provence", "The Dog Hairdresser", "A Walk in Cabasson" and others. He depicts the miserable life of emigrants, deprivation, humiliation and, at the same time, their mental fortitude and self-esteem - qualities inherent even in "little" people. In imitation of Nekrasov, he writes the poem “Who in exile lives well” (1930-1931).

In 1929, the poet managed to acquire a plot of land in the very south of France, on the Cote d'Azur in the town of La Favière. There he built his own house, which became a real cultural center: Russian writers, artists, musicians came and stayed here for a long time. His death is still shrouded in some mystery, various sources present it in different ways. But one thing is known for sure, that the life of this remarkable man ended tragically: on August 5, 1932, one of the farms in the neighborhood broke out. Sasha Cherny, risking his life, helped put out the fire, and then, having come home, he felt a sharp pain in his heart, lay down on the sofa to rest and did not get up again. There was an attack, very strong and his heart could not stand it. When Sasha Cherny died at the age of 52, Mickey lay down on his chest and died of a broken heart. V. Nabokov, in his farewell speech, said with sadness and tenderness: “There are a few books left and a quiet magical shadow.” The ashes of the Black (Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg) rest in the Le Lavandou cemetery in the Var department. On the tombstone, according to the will, is carved from Pushkin: "There lived a poor knight in the world."

Alexander's wife died in 1961 - the only person who was dear to the poet, since there were no children in the family. After her death in 1978, a memorial plaque was symbolically installed at the Lavandu cemetery in order to somehow perpetuate the name of the legendary poet. Thanks to the care of Korney Chukovsky in the 1960s, all of Sasha's works were published in the Large and Small series of the Poet's Library in several volumes.

His prophetic words came true: “Earthly life is like a refugee stage, only in eternity will we settle down firmly.” Sasha Cherny finally settled in eternity - in Russian literature. He is widely republished, and he strikes readers with two facets of his talent: on the one hand, a mocking and venomous satirist; on the other, a gentle and almost quiet lyricist. Pricklyness and goodness, rebelliousness and meekness, satirical arrows and lyrical sighs peacefully coexist in it. He was a poet and "the crack of the world" went through his heart

By the way, to the question of memory. Odessa remembers that Babel and Kataev, Bagritsky and Akhmatova, Ilf and Petrov were born in it. But the very first of the famous writers, Sasha Cherny was born in it! The Bila Tserkva remembers that Pushkin and Shevchenko, Nechui-Levitsky and Paustovsky visited it, but the fact that Sasha Cherny spent his childhood in it was not remembered by its inhabitants. And Zhitomir, where he studied at the second gymnasium, where he published his first works? Zhytomyr, where he lived for fifteen years - did Zhytomyr really not remember him? The twelve-volume Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia does not contain the name of Sasha Cherny. There is astronomer Sergei Cherny, writer Kuzma Cherny, cameraman Mikhail Cherny, but the poet Sasha Cherny is not in this encyclopedia. And in the article about the city of Zhytomyr, where the best people who honored Zhytomyr with a birth or just a visit are named, Sasha Cherny's name is not there either. It seems that the people who brought popularity to our "small homeland" began to leave people's memory as old houses, decline and collapse under the onslaught of time. Sasha Cherny lived a life full of danger, hardship, fame and friendship, love and hate. Heroic deeds and travels were left behind, and only chronicles remained about them.

2. Creativity of Sasha Cherny

2.1 Creative flight over the waters of the Seine

And he, - probably, it will seem ridiculous to someone, - he has a dog hairdresser.

“Perhaps in ancient times he would have been a sage,

In the corner, on the square sat, shaggy, in a barrel

And told the foolish passers-by the truth

For a handful of beans...

But the modernity of evil:

There are no empty barrels

Citizens go their own way,

Beans have risen in price

Dogs get furry

And someone needs to cut them ... Appendix 3

This is his literary hero. Diogenes cutting dogs on the banks of the Seine. The same straightforward, sometimes rude, but such that he always speaks only the truth. An old intellectual who, by some miracle, stayed on earth when the time of the intellectuals ended.

That's when the days of intellectuals ended. “In Russian pre-revolutionary culture, in the interpretation of the concept of “intelligentsia”, the criterion of engaging in mental labor receded into the background. The main features of the Russian intellectual were the features of social messianism: preoccupation with the fate of their fatherland; striving for social criticism, for the fight against those hindering national development; the ability to morally empathize with the “humiliated and offended”. Thanks to a group of Russian philosophers of the "Silver Age", the intelligentsia began to be defined primarily through a comparison of official state power.

At the same time, the concepts of "Enlightened class" and "intelligentsia" were partially separated - not every educated person could be classified as an intelligentsia, but only one who criticized the "abandoned" government. The critical attitude towards the tsarist government determined the sympathy of the Russian intelligentsia for liberal and socialist ideas.

And this is written by a poet-humorist that once made all of Russia laugh. Why

Arriving here, he did not make France laugh? France loves to laugh since the time of Rabelais, you will earn more with laughter than with tears. If only he hadn't left. In the 37th he would have been 57, in the 49th - 69. But he died in the 32nd. A few years before his friends began to die in Russia. And he was born in 1880, the same year as Blok, and this means that Blok said about him:

We_ are the children of the terrible years of Russia -

Can't forget anything

Poets are not tied to any one time, the best of them become contemporaries of many times and generations. True, other times are not always understood, or vice versa, they are so well understood that they refuse to publish these contemporaries from other times. Thus, the poet who made all of Russia laugh was not published in Russia for more than forty years. But readers did not forget him and repeated what they heard and passed on from generation to generation:

Only admirals remained from the Russian fleet ...

Because the children of terrible years

Russia cannot forget anything.

Of the journals that criticized the reaction of 1908-1912, one enjoyed particular success and was called the Satyricon. Do many of today's readers know about the once popular St. Petersburg magazine "Satyricon"? Hardly. Meanwhile, it was a publication cheerful and caustic, sarcastic and evil; witty text interspersed with caustic caricatures, a funny anecdote was replaced by a political caricature. At different times, such satirical writers as A. Averchenko and V. Knyazev, Sasha Cherny and A. Bukhov collaborated in the "Satyricon", L. ANDREEVA, A. Tolstoy, Mayakovsky were published, famous Russian artists B. Kustodieva performed with illustrations, I. Bilibin, A. Benois. In a relatively short period of time - from 1908 to 1918 - the Russian satirical magazine (and its late version "New Satyricon") created, according to a contemporary, "a direction in Russian literature and an era unforgettable in its history."

“During the heyday of the Satyricon in St. Petersburg in 1911, the publisher M.G. Kornfeld published in the journal library “The General History Processed by the Satyricon”. The authors of this parody-satirical work, reproduced today precisely according to the 1911 edition, were Teffi, V. Dimov, A. Averchenko, the satyric artists A. Radakov, A. Yakovleva, A. Yunger and Re-Mi (N. Remizov) illustrated the book " . . The editor of "Satyricon" was a talented and witty writer A. Averchenko, who not only edited, but also wrote a lot for the magazine (subsequently, these two activities were separated: some wrote others edited). But his main merit was that he collected in the magazine the best satirical writers of that time. In the first issue of the Satyricon, either funny or sad verses were printed:

All in pants cut the same

With a mustache, in a coat but in bowlers.

I look like everyone on the street

And I get completely lost at the corners.

Here is such a person, who came straight from the street and is no different from the others, began to constantly appear on the pages of the Satyricon. Already in the next issue of the magazine, he told readers important news:

The governor goes to aunt

Delicate cream pants

Attached on departure

Dancing things.

This is your obedient servant,

It's called "Sasha Cherny"...

Why? I don't know myself.

This is how the poet subsequently explained the origin of his pseudonym.

And yet what? How did it happen that Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg, the son of a provincial pharmacist, who was born in Odessa, spent his childhood in Belaya Tserkov, and adolescence, youth and a significant part of his youth in Zhitomir, having moved to the capital city of Petersburg, became the famous writer Sasha Cherny? And why Black and not White? White has already been in literature. Andrei Bely at that time was well known as a symbolist, that is, a poet who was very far from the problems of not only Zhytomyr, but also St. Petersburg itself. And the poet Alexander Glikberg was close to these problems. Yes, perhaps, to contrast with the sublime - Andrei Bely - this is mundane, everyday, not from books, but from life conversations: Sasha Cherny. All of Russia listened to him, he had an all-Russian success, including in the police, who closed the magazines that printed him, and even arrested his first book - "Different Motives".

“Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, not only a contemporary, but also a good friend of Sasha Cherny, compared his mask with the mask of Kozma Prutkov, with the difference that the authors of Kozma Prutkov created this mask separately from themselves, I Sasha Cherny put it on myself. For Kuzma Prutkov, the mask always remains a mask, even in lyrical verses their ridiculous, parodic essence is emphasized. And with Sasha Cherny, his mask seems to grow and his satires sound like lyrics. Is it because he left himself the pseudonym Sasha Cherny, so that there would be no temptation to speak from himself? From himself, he spoke only when he was not at home. In exile, he did not need a mask. »

By the time of his arrival at the Satyricon, Sasha Cherny was already the author of a book of poems, arrested during the years of the revolutionary upsurge, and the reaction that came gave him such rich material for creativity. At the very height of its revelry, the main book of his poems was published, which he so directly called: “Satires”.

The issue of patriots is a topical issue even now, since many of them turned out to be ordinary embezzlers. But the question was asked by Sasha Cherny back in 1911. Questions often last longer than answers.

So in the name of what? In the name of what? Now it can already be recognized that this expression was previously understood very specifically, substituting one or the other name, embodied power. Although the expression "in the name" has a purely official meaning and is easily replaced by the prepositions "for the sake of" and "in the name", but we, now we can admit this, often raised the official, secondary meaning to the primary height, and drove the primary ones into places where it was impossible to return them.

2.2 Life images in the poetry of Sasha Cherny

Vital images in Sasha's poetry were of great importance. His satire was taken not from the air, but from what he saw in everyday life. Here is a seemingly scary story. But the author does not call her scary. He calls it a simple, scary word: "Life"

It consists of dark colors, but the picture turns out to be like even light. White color, as you know, consists of far from white color.

And in this kind of light - the whole horror of this picture.

“In the collection“ New about Mayakovsky ”(Literary heritage), Gorky’s words are cited about the influence of Sasha Cherny on Mayakovsky. Noting that in Sasha Cherny's poems "there was no harshness and rudeness, sometimes no less significant and truthful than Mayakovsky," Gorky continues: continuity. Once in Mustamyaki, Mayakovsky spoke out in veneration of Chernoy and with pleasure quoted his most evil verses. The concept of "intelligentsia" arose when the proletariat entered the arena of political life, which gave the very word "intelligentsia" a somewhat ironic connotation. The proletariat is engaged in serious business, digging the grave of capitalism, but what is the intelligentsia doing? It is possible that the proud phrase: "We did not graduate from universities" - arose even before the first university appeared. But the contempt for the intelligentsia reached its highest point after the ignorant bureaucratic forces came to power. Because the bureaucrat is born from the love of ignorance for power, and it makes no difference: his own power over others or the power of another over him. Sasha Cherny wrote about the intelligentsia when they were not going through their worst years, and he, of course, ridiculed her, because he himself was an intellectual. The intelligentsia always laughed at themselves and, laughing, aggravated their vices.

The lodger and Thekla on the couch.

Oh, what a solemn moment!

“You are the people, and I am an intellectual, -

He says to her in the midst of kissing. -

Finally here, now, together,

I am you, and you will understand me ... "

K. I. Chukovsky, with the courage of a real intellectual, comments on these lines: “... this is how monstrous cynicism these intellectuals of the latest formation interpreted the merging with the masses of the people, so desirable for previous generations.” This is precisely what the intelligentsia calls fire upon itself: the autocratic power does not tolerate anything meaningful. Because if you comprehend it, you will have to take it off, and neither she nor these servants and freeloaders want this.

In the sixties, when the first Soviet edition of Sasha Cherny's satires was published, life was significantly different from the one he portrayed at the beginning of the century. In his verses, King Solomon, as before, sat under a cypress and ate a turkey with rice, and still at his feet, like an embodied myth, Shulamith lay - and in life almost no one understood who Solomon was, who Shulamith was ..

God, hasn't anything changed in so many years? Only the Assembly Service is called differently, but the fees are the same and the service is the same.

This is the viability of satire: everything flows, everything changes, but what flows and changes is the same that has always changed and flowed. So another thirty years have passed, and again Sasha Cherny comes to the reader. And it turns out that he still has something to talk about with us:

Spirit of freedom... Toward perestroika

The whole country is striving.

How does he know? After all, he died almost sixty years ago! But it turns out that's not all. It turns out that he has not only knowledge of today's life, but also our today's fears. Everything flows, everything changes. But satire is modern at all times.

One can only wonder how Sasha Cherny dared to name the highest state officials in his satires, for example, the beast of the Minister of the Interior Durnovo (the poem "On the Holiday"), instead of hiding this thought further into the subtext, to bring the minister under the guise of some a donkey, and already in this, a donkey is called cattle, as it should be.

We have grown accustomed to such directness. We are used to satire in which the subtext was laughed at. What was told in the text itself was kind of not funny, sometimes even tragic, but a subtext appeared, laughed and made everyone laugh, both serious text and serious readers.

However, the first three years of the restructuring of the world disappointed him, and in the autumn of 1920 he left Russia. And there, in exile, who needed his satires on Russian affairs? And he had to refuse them, regardless of the successes of the perestroika that unfolded in his country. He wrote lyrics, wrote poems for children, because children are the same everywhere, they do not know any class or national differences.

He created for himself a children's island, a refuge from bleak and adult problems, and in his first book, published in the West, he called it: "Children's Island."

Danish prose in the work of Sasha Cherny was of great importance - for example, "Soldier's Tales". You open it and it smells so much of Russia on you, as if you took it with you to France. In this book there is a fairy tale "True Sausage". It makes one think: when to tell the authorities the truth - before the sausage or after the sausage? Some have adapted so well that you won't hear the truth from them either before or after the sausage. They do not think about the truth, but only about sausage. Therefore, the authorities are always satisfied with them. You have to choose, to sacrifice something: love for the authorities or for sausage. For those who chose the second, everything is fine in life: for those who choose the first, everything is fine only after death. After death, they live a long time, and their life is usually short, very difficult - because of their unwillingness to sacrifice the truth.

This is what the poet had in mind when he instructed his cat:

Never by the seaside

Do not circle, fat man, around the oak -

These tales and ballads
No good bring...
Suddenly you wake up: wilderness and cold
The chain around my neck is getting shorter
And around the ring of a dog ...
You stumble a little - and kaput.

Four years of Berlin, eight years of Paris. But he, a wit and a mocker, did not make Berlin or Paris laugh. And he did not ridicule Russia, although now it could be safely ridiculed without fear of any consequences. Some did just that, even some of those who praised Russia in Russia began to ridicule it when they left for another country. For a person who loves, the shortcomings of the object of his love decrease with distance, and the virtues increase. For a person who does not love, dignity decreases and flaws increase.

There were too many prosecutors!

Who has not condemned your sins?

And now that the road is dark

And the ninth wave hums and roars,

About You, worrying, we remember, -

This is all we have here...

And the former bright paradise rises,

Like childhood in the sun dust...

Love for the motherland cannot be nurtured, as love for the state is nurtured. Because love for the state consists of duty, fidelity, pride, and love for the motherland, tell me, what does it consist of? It is just as impossible to define as it is what love for a loved one consists of.

Province, province ... In the last year of his life in Paris, he bought a ticket and left for the provinces. To Provence. Provence in French is the province.

The town of Lavandu, where he came to die, is on the same parallel as Odessa, where he was born. Or did he specifically choose these places - so that the south of France would look like the south of Russia?

When the first book of Sasha Cherny was published in 1906, he was 26 years old, and he had the same life. And when in 1908 all-Russian glory came to him, he did not know that this glory was only half years old, remaining to live in Russia, and the other half - far from it, in anguish and obscurity. Because all-Russian glory cannot live away from Russia. And just in the middle, at the very zenith of his glory in Russia, Sasha Cherny volunteered for the front.

This is just what they say: the golden mean. His first book, published just in the middle of his life, was confiscated, in the middle of his literary life, emigration, in the middle of a short, but all-Russian glory, a warrior. And also in the middle - between the first appearance of the name Sasha Cherny and the first Soviet edition of his satire-death in a foreign land, in France, in a small town, where not only Russians, but also French poets did not die before him. The same thing happened to Cherny, a difficult childhood, leaving home, meeting a benefactor, heroic deeds, meeting a beloved woman, and in the end, a tragic but heroic death.

Confiscation, emigration, war, death. Here they are, the golden mean of the Russian poet. Sometimes it happened that our satirical writers did not survive in emigration. Averchenko died in the 25th, Potemkin in the 26th, Sasha Cherny in the 52nd. But at home, the former authors of the "Satyricon" did not really survive. Those who connected their lives with the revolution did not particularly survive. Vasily Knyazev, author of "The Song of the Commune" ("Never, never. Communists will not be slaves."). Yevgeny Vensky, author of Dunya the Laborer and Petka the Shepherd. The life of Sasha Cherny was coming to an end, and the thirties began in his homeland. Mayakovsky shot himself.

Love triumphed. And where, who! Sasha Cherny, in his last poem. But he would not have been Sasha Cherny if he had ended his creative life on a serious note.

I thought with relief:

There is still love in the world!

And, yawning, cut the melon

On an open newspaper.

Heat orange haze

Foggy islands in the distance,

And downstairs some boobie

"Stenka Razin" bawled.

"Stenka Razin" This is in France! More likely. Alexander Mikhailovich heard this in his last poem, perhaps on the last day of his life. There, far from his homeland, in the town of Lavandu, on his last day he heard Russia. He always thought about Russia, and not only about her, his life left him around the world. And even at the end of his life, he left as a hero, leaving behind a rich literary heritage. Returning home late at night. Sasha Cherny was walking down the street, he heard calls for help. Without hesitation, he rushed to help put out the fire. And then he came home, lay down and died.

Who would have thought that at the beginning of the 21st century, Chernoy's line would reign in poetry. All modern ironists Alexander Eremenko, Igor Irteniev, Timur Kibirov, Bakhyt Kenzheev and many other names go back to its roots. Sasha Cherny himself, of course, is the successor to the ironic tradition of Kuzma Prutkov. The peak of his fame - work in the magazine "Satyricon", 1908-1910. Strange time of a short flowering of freedom of speech in the complete absence of all other freedoms. Is it any wonder that irony and satire have become favorite genres, have thoroughly supplanted lyricism and high romanticism in poetry.

He liked to complain about a difficult childhood, a joyless youth and gymnasium drill. At that time, everyone complained, whined and caustically sneered. Chekhov set the tone, and then everything went only on the rise.

In 1920, the wise ironist promptly emigrated and was completely bored in exile. He still had twelve years to live. He died of a heart attack at his dacha in southern France. They managed to build the dacha with the money raised from the nominal edition with an autograph with a circulation of 200 copies. They bought it dearly, which means that in exile it was appreciated, remembered and loved. On the grave there is an epitaph from Pushkin: "There lived a poor knight in the world." This is so unlike his satirical poetry.

Having lived for 52 years, Sasha Cherny never found something most important for himself. He wanted to be a children's writer, prose writer, popularizer of the Bible. He was surprised that there was no nature in the gospel. Sasha Cherny himself loved nature, but all this is outside the main texts.

What happened to him after the horrors of the war and the revolution, the homeland that deprived him. "I will never return! My Russia has perished," he once said, and he was absolutely right. And how he laughed at this Russia in 1910, not suspecting that she had only seven years to live. In life, Sasha Cherny appears as an absolutely balanced, buttoned-up mysterious gentleman.

Lermontov bitterly exclaimed that life is such an absurd, senseless joke. Sasha Cherny (O.M. Glikberg) picked up this joke and, as long as he could, joked in unison with this life. She was enough for a lifetime, what was left, and even for literary immortality. If life is a joke of God, then Sasha Cherny (O.M. Glikberg) managed to change her joke. Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg (Sasha Cherny), a writer whose caustic poetic satires, burning wit of beautiful prose are well known to the older generation. But his tricky ones returned to the modern reader only in the early 90s. A native of Odessa, a resident of Zhytomyr, he is connected with Ukraine by his creativity at the level of "blood circulation of culture", intertwined with its very spirit, its "collective subconsciousness".

And today, the bittersweet pill of his "salvation humor" teaches us the dramatic and subtle art of soul survival. He managed to print with a well-aimed word not only a person - an entire era. His rough verse and prose "bitopis" continues to serve as a teaching aid for the prevention of stupidity, swagger, and arrogance. Sasha Cherny (O.M. Glikberg) lived a short earthly life. But his creative legacy will leave a memory of him for centuries. A person who left behind volumes of literary works cannot sink into years. Hard trials fell on his lot, which gave the world the genius of literature. Alexander Mikhailovich Glikberg (Sasha brown) himself created his genius. He tempered and strengthened it with each of his unique works. Mayakovsky knew Cherny's poems by heart, he was fond of Sasha as a poet. The satirical-realistic style of Cherny's poetry terrified the ruling elite of society. He was a prophet of his time, and perhaps not only of his time, but also of our period of life, because even today his poems are very relevant.

We somehow came to believe that émigré literature is a dead-end branch, which, apart from its native soil, withers and grows poorer. However, the best of what was written on the other side by Bunin, Shmelev, Nabokov, Tsvetaeva, Sasha Cherny convinces of the opposite.

The biography of the poet was sad and bizarre, and his work, which became available only recently, turned out to be quite relevant in our realities. Here, the style of narration revived by Sasha Cherny was the best fit - a kind of story that comes from an oral, non-literary language, from what has been preserved in the Russian outback: a juicy and colorful language that has not been "licked" by newspaper civilization.

Sasha Cherny (O.M. Glikberg) lived a worthy literary life, bringing into the poetry of the Silver Age a subtle understanding of the world around him through the prism of satire and mockery of lack of culture and stupidity. He gave poetry a new soul, which can not only suffer and love, believe and remember, hate and forgive, but also show the world the whole ugly face of lack of culture. He gave literature faith in the truth and the uncontrived and cruel reality of life, through which he and many others had to go through all his life. As a gifted poet, one might say a prophet of his own, and of our time, he had to see what many could not even dream of, and he shared all this with his reader, trying to open his eyes to the cruel realities of life. Unfortunately, his archives have not been preserved, and we can only judge him by his published works, but I still have confidence that if the archives survived to this day, it is possible that we would recognize Sasha Cherny from other sides .

List of used literature

1. Bannikov N.V. "The Silver Age of Russian Poetry". Enlightenment, 1998

2. Memoirs of V.A. Dobrovolsky about Sasha Cherny // Russian Globe. -2002. - No. 5.

3. Gumilyov N.S. Letters about Russian poetry - M .: Sovremennik, 1990.

4. Diogenes Laertes. "On the Life, Teachings and Sayings of Famous Philosophers". M.: Thought, 1986.

5. Ivanov A. S. Offended love // ​​Cherny S. Sobr. cit.: V 5 t. M., 1996. T. 6. Ivanov A. Secret biography of Sasha Cherny // Jews in the culture of the Russian Diaspora: Collection of articles, publications, memoirs and essays (1919-1939). - Jerusalem, 1993. - Issue. 2.

7. Ivanov A.S. “There lived a poor knight in the world” // Cherny Sasha. Selected prose - M .: Book, 1991.

8. Karpov V.A. Sasha Cherny's prose in children's reading // School. - 2005. - No. 4

9. Kopylova N.I. The style of "Soldier's Tales" by S. Cherny // Folk and Literary Tale - Ishim, 1992.

10. Kuprin A. I., About Sasha Cherny and other articles, in the book: A. I. Kuprin about literature, Minsk, 1969

11. Kravchenko Yu.M., Peresunko T.K. Sasha Black. - RYAL. 1990 N 4. S. 57-60.

12. Krivin F. Sasha Cherny // Cherny Sasha. Poems - M .: Fiction, 1991.

13. Spiridonova L. Sasha Cherny // Literature of the Russian Abroad. - M., 1993.

14. Trenin V., Khardzhiev N., Mayakovsky and "satiricon" poetry, in their book: Poetic. culture of Mayakovsky, M., 1970

15. Usenko L.V. Smile of Sasha Cherny // Cherny Sasha. Favorites - Rostov n / D., 1998

16. Cherny S. Sasha Cherny: Selected prose. - M., 1991.

17. Black Sasha. Laughter is a magical alcohol // Spiridonova L. Immortality of laughter: comic in the literature of Russian abroad. - M., 1999.

18. Cherny S. Bibliography. Paris, 1994

19. Black Sasha Poems. SP: Petersburg writer, 1996 - 656 p.

20. Black Sasha. Collected works: In 5 volumes - M .: Ellis Luck, 1996.

21. Chukovsky K. Sasha Cherny. Collected works: In 6 vols. - M. 1995. V.2.

22. Shneiderman E., New about Sasha Cherny, “Rus. literature”, 1966, No. 3;





Annex 1

Beautiful people! No scolding, no pushing.

Find out: who is the duke and who is the manicure?

And how delightful the bookshops are,

What garlands of books and engravings!

Covered in crimson, yellow, purple,

They bloom, as in the beds, in a mirrored window ...

Stronger than sausage, stronger than fruit

The cultural heart is captivated by them.

Decently and discreetly smart dachshunds

Flirting noses in low storefronts,

And Frida and Franz, and Minna, and Max

They captivate each other with gentleness min.

Heat. Windows have been opened at Perkeo.

It's nice to sit in the cold and watch:

There is a train of corporants. Behind the droshky droshky...

They sing and laugh. How drunk not to sing!

Fresh and portly, stupid as centaurs.


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