Flat feet is a deformity of the foot, which is accompanied by the omission of its arches - longitudinal or transverse. Flat feet are usually diagnosed in children in adolescence, but it can also occur in younger children, it’s just that before the age of three it is difficult to detect the presence of deformity, because during this period the foot of all children, even healthy ones, is flattened.

At the time of birth, the arch of the foot is filled with fat, which makes the foot itself even. Over time, the layer disappears and the correct form of the arch emerges.

Reasons for the development of flat feet in children

Before talking about ways to eliminate flat feet, you need to understand the reasons that can cause it. There are several of them:

  • congenital pathology is the rarest cause of the development of flat feet in children, it accounts for only 3% of the total number of cases;
  • long-term wearing of shoes - numerous studies conducted by medical professionals and doctors of science have shown that children who often walk barefoot are much less likely to suffer from flat feet than those who are constantly in shoes;
  • poor-quality and uncomfortable shoes - the very fact of constantly wearing shoes increases the risk of developing flat feet, if the shoes are also uncomfortable, then the risk increases several times;
  • low physical activity - modern children are increasingly changing walks on the street for a while at the computer monitor. In this regard, the muscles of the foot become weaker and cannot protect it from the load while walking or running. As a result - flat feet;
  • malnutrition - it was also attributed to the factors contributing to the development of flat feet, so it is very important to monitor the full nutrition of the child, enrich it with foods containing phosphorus and calcium.

After the causes of the development of flat feet are listed, you can proceed to the methods of its elimination. It is worth noting that the earlier flatfoot is detected, the more effective its treatment will be.

Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the child, be sure to seek the help of a specialist if it is noticed that the baby is clubfoot or focuses on the inside of the foot while walking - this feature of the gait immediately catches the eye, cannot go unnoticed.

Orthopedic insoles are considered one of the most effective ways to deal with flat feet. They are made of elastic material, so they do not cause discomfort to the child while walking. Such insoles can be used to prevent flat feet and treat existing deformities.

In the first case, the insoles are bought in ordinary specialized stores, and in the latter they are made by a qualified orthopedist based on a cast of the foot or its computer model. Accordingly, the insoles used to treat flat feet cannot be reused, especially by other children.


Exercise therapy is also considered a very effective way to eliminate flat feet in a child. Exercises are represented by a very wide range, so only a highly qualified specialist with a proper education can select them. The set of exercises includes walking. It is performed on the toes, heels, side of the foot.

There are also many exercises with objects - balls, canes, etc. Regardless of which set of exercises is selected for a particular child, the task of exercise therapy remains the same - strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the foot.

Massage for flat feet

It is known that the human foot is held in the correct position thanks to the muscles and ligaments that support it by contracting and lengthening under the influence of loads. And if these muscles are relaxed, not strong enough, then the arch of the foot begins to deform, flat feet develop.

Accordingly, in order for the foot to have an anatomically correct shape, it is necessary to strengthen its muscles and ligaments, you can do this yourself by performing certain exercises, leading a healthy lifestyle, as well as with the help of massage, which can only be done by qualified specialists.

Based on the foregoing, we can identify the main goals that massage helps with flat feet in children: muscle strengthening; removal of muscle tension and fatigue, which occurs during a long stay in an upright position; reduction of pain syndrome; restoration of the spring functions of the foot.

Also, in the course of professional massage, lymph and blood circulation improves, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the foot, the whole organism as a whole.

It should be noted that foot massage is considered one of the most effective methods of preventing flat feet, but it is no less effective as part of complex therapy aimed at its treatment.

As for the methodology for performing baby massage, all manipulations are performed in the position of the child - lying on his back. After some time, the child rolls over on his stomach - the massage continues.

During the manipulations, techniques such as stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibration are used. Particular attention is paid to the muscles of the lower leg and the foot itself. The course of massage for flat feet involves approximately 15 sessions, depending on the degree of deformation. Massage is performed every other day.

Usually the whole massage procedure is divided into two parts. Initially, a general massage is performed, which is done before a lesson in therapeutic exercises. Upon completion of the exercises, it is recommended to do a restorative massage for another 5 minutes.

As for the sequence of therapeutic massage, initially the masseur performs a massage of the calf muscle. Next, a transition is made to the Achilles tendon, then to the outer side of the lower leg. This is followed by a massage aimed at warming up the back of the foot. Next is the foot massage.

After some time, during which the calf muscle is massaged, the massage therapist returns to warming up the foot again. At the same time, depending on the part of the leg on which the massage is performed, the technique of its implementation and the techniques used are different. Therefore, only specialists can be trusted with such manipulations.

In order for the procedures to show all their effectiveness, it is recommended that the child additionally perform physical exercises from the exercise therapy course, which are also aimed at strengthening the muscles of the foot. This can be walking on heels and toes, on the back of the foot, as well as manipulating balls, a rubber pear. In addition, cycling, walking barefoot on sand or pebbles will be especially useful in this case.

Many children suffering from flat feet are recommended to sign up for swimming in combination with massage procedures. In this case, the strengthening of the muscles and ligaments of the foot will occur in a shorter period, and the result will become more noticeable.

The child should be provided with high-quality shoes, equipped with arch support, necessary to maintain the inner arch of the foot. You also need to remember - the back of the shoe should be high with lacing.

Only with an integrated approach to the fight against flat feet, treatment will be successful. Correcting foot deformity in childhood is quite simple, regardless of its degree.

Video - Massage for flat feet in children

Flat feet is a straightening of the longitudinal arch of the foot and an increase in the load on its inner edge. Most often, flat-valgus development of the foot is observed in children, since the bones of babies are still easily distorted and affected.

Foot massage for flat feet

Flat feet in children will help you overcome healing and preventive massage. Any child can do it. With its help, you can correctly place the arch of the foot, reduce pain and muscle fatigue, improve blood circulation and overall well-being.

Massage for flat feet is done every other day for a month, each session takes at least a quarter of an hour. Single lessons will not allow you to succeed.

Massage for flat feet in children includes a massage of the entire surface of the leg, and not just a direct effect on the sole area, since this disease involves significant tension in all muscle groups that need to be relaxed. In this case, significant attention should be paid to the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lower leg, and then the foot.

Massage video lesson for flat feet in children

Massaging the calf muscle should be done with light stroking movements in the foot area. Present everything as a game. Lay your child on their stomach and stretch the foot, while applying a little pressure with your fingers.

To massage the calcaneal tendon, you can use a special rubber orthopedic mat or get to work yourself and rub the foot from the heel to the fingertips with light circular, directed movements.

Correcting flat feet in children, you should massage the outer side of the lower leg, laying the child on his back with a roller under his feet. In this case, it is necessary to rub the fingers in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pads and phalanges, as well as stroke the feet in a circular manner.

Then the stimulation of the back of the sole is done with circular massage movements of the upper side of the foot to the ankle joint and in the opposite direction. You need to massage it very carefully, since this is the most vulnerable area. Sole massage is carried out by rubbing and circular impact on the tips of the fingers and heels.

Massage for flat-valgus foot in children, video

Valgus flatfoot is a deviation of the main axis of the foot, while there is a significant deformation of the arches when the calcaneus looks outward. In everyday life, such a deviation is called "clubfoot". Depending on the type of deformation, attention is paid to the most problematic areas.

With such flat feet in children, massage is carried out in 20 procedures every day, with breaks between courses of 2-4 weeks, with the greatest impact in the middle of the course. It is done gently, without pain, to achieve a complete relaxing effect. Massage with various accompanying restorative procedures will be most effective in case of valgus foot.

Classes for flat feet in children

Massage from flat feet for children is complemented by a set of exercises, since everything together allows you to achieve positive results much faster.

Therapeutic exercises should be carried out several times a day, breaking the complex into parts, paying special attention to developing the correct position of the legs when walking.

The main exercises are: walking on the outer and inner edge of the foot, lifting on toes, walking on a ribbed board and a relief surface, grabbing small objects with your toes, picking up tissue with your toes, sitting "in Turkish", squats. Exercises on a massage mat in water have a firming effect without any extra load, giving the child a lot of pleasure.

The meaning and function of muscles in the development of flat feet

Normally, the foot consists of many small bones, united by ligaments and joints. Their movements and rotation are “guided” by tendons and muscles. During the movements of the leg, the muscles lengthen and shorten again, changing its shape.

All muscles of the foot are conditionally divided into two groups.

  • Located on the sole, as well as the muscles of the back surface. They play an important role in the processes of flexion, extension, spreading and adduction of the fingers.
  • The plantar muscles are divided, in turn, into the muscles that elevate the little finger, the muscles that elevate the thumb and the middle group of muscles. This group is much weaker than the plantar ones.

In addition, the posterior and anterior tibial muscles of the lower leg are involved in the functions of the foot. Not only the biomechanics of the foot, but also the lightness, smoothness, and stability of the gait depend on their condition.

Foot formation in children

In children up to a certain age, the foot seems flat, since the plantar part of a small child is shorter and wider compared to an adult. The baby's heel seems small, and the fingers, as it were, diverge in the form of a fan in different directions. The plantar part in its composition has a fatty layer, which smoothes the arches of the foot.

The flat structure of the foot and the omission of its arches are the reason that children under the age of 3-4 years quickly get tired when walking. Over time, the legs acquire normal shapes, and feet appear on the sole. Flat feet can develop for many reasons, but one of them is muscle weakness.

This can occur due to paresis, paralysis, trauma, previous diseases, as well as a large physical load on the sole. Foot massage for flat feet is one of the methods of complex conservative treatment, which gives good results if used together with therapeutic exercises, wearing special shoes and insoles.

Massage technique

Foot massage for flat feet has its own characteristics and techniques. When conducting it, it must be taken into account that the innervation of the lower extremities begins at the level of the spine, so it will be useless to carry out a separate massage of the legs or only the feet. Experts advise to carry out massage movements, starting at least from the back, then gradually move to the front and back of the thighs, and only then massage the legs and feet.

The techniques that are used in massage of the legs and feet are different, but two are mainly used:

  • Massage for flat feet begins with the muscles of the lower leg (calf), then smoothly moves to the Achilles tendon, ankle joint, from there to the sole. After a few minutes of massage of the plantar part, they again switch to the ankle joint, tendons and calf muscles.
  • General massage, starting from the knee area and gradually descending to the fingertips. After that, the massage of the inner and outer surface of the lower leg is carried out, then they move to the sole and end with the thumb.

Techniques use those that are used in general massage - kneading, stroking, squeezing, vibration, pressure, squeezing. As a supplement, you can use various massage mats or rollers. The only contraindication to the procedure is varicose veins of the legs, which occurs mainly in adults.

For children

Massage for flat feet in children has the following rules.

  • At first, you can apply the simplest techniques and rules, gradually moving on to complex techniques.
  • All techniques are carried out carefully, and when the child screams or cries, they should stop. The reason for this behavior of the child may be a careless movement or insufficient experience of the nurse performing the procedure.
  • Movements are carried out only in the prone position, so that no additional load is created on the entire musculoskeletal system of the child. The joints and ligaments of the baby are not fully formed, and sharp shocks can injure the skeletal system.

Separately, it must be said about massage with varus or flat-valgus deformity, when, in addition to the development of flat feet, the feet fall inward or the heel deviates somewhat outward. With such a deformation, deformation occurs not only in the feet, but also in the ankle, knee and hip joints. Therefore, massage with flat feet of such forms should be carried out carefully so as not to cause discomfort to the child.

How many courses to take

The massage course should consist of at least 12 (with mild flat feet) or 20 sessions (in severe cases), which are carried out every other day. In terms of time, the procedure can take from 7-10 to 20 minutes. At least 3-4 courses can be carried out per year.

With congenital foot pathology, massage can be started already from the age of 1.5-2 months at least 45 minutes after eating. Usually the procedure is carried out until the result is obtained. Massage in adults usually does not give such a result as in children, the reason is that in an adult the muscular-ligamentous apparatus is already formed.

It is not recommended to massage yourself if the parents do not have the skills or special education. In case of any suspicion of signs of flat feet, you should consult an orthopedic doctor for advice and start conservative therapy as soon as possible, in the complex of which massage is necessarily present.

Foot massage for flat feet in children: at home, video, reviews

Tell me, dear parents, do you often stroke the legs of your beloved child? But this should be done as often as possible. These actions will not only give the baby a few fun minutes, but will also have a very tangible effect on the process of his blood circulation. For massaging the limbs, as a method of healing, you need to take it as early as possible. But first we need to understand - what is children's flat feet. Why does it appear at such an early age, and what effective methods of treating flat feet are known today.

Why do you need to do a foot massage with flat feet?

I think that there are very few parents who doubt whether a child needs a massage. Well, for those who are still thinking, I will answer this question concisely and loudly - yes, you need to do this! And one might even say it is extremely necessary. Data claim that up to 70% of schoolchildren have flat feet. Today they are under heavy loads and they are too tired. Here, in order for them to be able to relax and unwind, they just need to do massage procedures. Recently, the foot of our contemporaries is more prone to deformation due to his lifestyle. We often walk around in shoes that are not of high quality, we have hard floors at home, and we rarely go barefoot. As a result, due to insufficient massaging of the feet, we get such a disease as flat feet. A mild degree of flat feet today affects many people, but their complaints are not constant, so many may have a slight feeling of the frivolity of this disease. But, alas, this is absolutely not the case. Flat feet negatively affect the functioning of the upper joints. Because of it, the knee and hip joints are greatly strained, posture may be distorted, and pain in the spine appears. It is in order to avoid such consequences that it is necessary to give the child a strengthening massage even at an early age.

Methods of dealing with early flat feet

To counter flat feet in children, specialists in the field of orthopedics come to the rescue. Thanks to their efforts, special orthopedic shoes appeared, fixing the foot in the desired position. And also for sale is a rug massaging the feet, orthopedic insoles and pads. However, do not forget about the most important and perhaps the most effective method that can be easily carried out by a child at home - massage! Massage is considered the most effective method of preventing and combating children's flat feet. All children, with maybe a few exceptions, are much better at massage than orthopedic devices. Tactile contact is more pleasant for babies. But if we consider more severe forms of this disease that develop by adolescence, then in this case, orthopedic devices are simply necessary.

What is a good foot massage?

When the child is already starting to get on his feet, it is necessary to give him a preventive massage against flat feet. At this time, their ligamentous apparatus is still very weak and massage is needed to strengthen the functions of the leg muscles. If you find the first signs, you can not hesitate. Since the greatest effect of massage against flat feet in children is achieved at an early age, when they are not yet experiencing heavy loads. Foot massage is especially important for a child under one year old. Therapeutic massage done at an early age largely prevents the subsequent appearance of this disease in adults. The primary task of such a massage is the muscular strengthening of the foot. In order to restore the healthy functionality of the foot, it is necessary to conduct a massage course of 12-15 procedures every six months. Already after the fourth procedure, the child will feel lightness and improvement in the legs. We must not forget that the disease, which is not paid any due attention, immediately begins to progress. By massaging a child, great improvements can be achieved even with a very neglected condition of the foot. Today, the majority of parents who delight in the health of their children prefer to massage him more than the other orthopedic methods listed above. And all because such a massage is absolutely harmless.

Foot massage technique

- Stroking: from the ankle joint to the popliteal lymph nodes and further to the inguinal region. When massaging the feet, they stroke with the supporting part of the palm and stroking with a comb-like technique - with the knuckles gathered into a fist. - Rubbing with your fingertips: in a circular motion on the back of the foot and toes, ankles, heels, rubbing the sole with a comb-like technique. - Forcep kneading: the arches of the foot, as well as the elevation of each finger, starting with the thumb. - Vibration: point pressure, tapping, patting, shaking the foot. - Movements of the finger joints: active and passive, i.e. independent and coercive.

Video: Foot massage for a child

ATTENTION: the information is provided for informational purposes, before use, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

Flat feet is a problem that many parents face. The disease gives an incorrect posture and walking of the child. This can affect the abnormal development of the spine and other organs. How to deal with such a disease? One of the available methods of treatment is massage.

What is flatfoot?

- curvature of the shape of the foot, in which the transverse and longitudinal arches are strongly lowered. The bend plays an important role in the distribution of the load on the spine and performs a shock-absorbing function when walking. Flat feet may only be normal in babies.

Feet in children are formed before the age of 12, and any deviation from the norm is considered correctable. When a child begins to walk and at the same time feel pain, this is the first alarming sign of the disease.

Flat foot appearance

Types of flat feet in children

There are several types of flat feet in children, depending on the causes of its occurrence:

  • congenital- with pathology of fetal development in the womb.
  • Rachitic observed in patients with rickets. The disease does not allow the development of the bones of the foot, which subsequently deforms them.
  • Caused by poliomyelitis. The disease paralyzes the tibial muscles and the muscles of the foot.
  • traumatic- the result of an incorrectly fused bone after a fracture of the ankle joint, injury to the ligaments and muscles of the arch of the foot.
  • Static. The most common type of flat feet (80% of all cases). Occurs with weak muscles and ligaments, wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes, constant heavy loads on the feet, in people with obesity.

Types of flat feet

Depending on the type of deformation of the bend of the foot, flat feet can be:

  • Longitudinal- when the area of ​​the foot in contact with the floor is much more than normal.
  • transverse- occurs with an unnaturally large bone of the foot, which is located near the big toe.
  • Longitudinal-transverse- combined violation of the arch of the foot. When standing, the patient has an extended forefoot and full contact of the sole with the floor.
  • Valgus- It is observed mainly in children. The diagnosis is made when the child has a low arch and a bend in the axis of the foot. The patient's fingers and heel are directed in one direction, and the middle part of the foot is in the opposite direction. If you put the child, asking him to bring his legs together, his feet will form the letter X.

Degrees of development of flat feet

Depending on the neglect of the deformity, patients are additionally given different degrees of flat feet:

  • I degree- little noticeable. With her, the baby feels a slight pain in the feet by the end of the day, their ligaments become weaker, and the height of the arch has not changed much.
  • II degree has a number of serious symptoms: the foot becomes flatter, the child experiences severe discomfort when walking, not only the feet hurt, but also the ankle joint and knees.
  • III degree. At this stage, the movement becomes painful and unbearable, the ankle joints are poured. As a result of unnatural walking, the bones in the knees and pelvis change in the child.

Degrees of longitudinal flat feet

The effect of massage with flat feet

Massage with flat feet has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the leg, its joints and tendons, helps relieve tension, pain, and remove swelling. Exercise helps improve blood circulation and lymph flow in the lower extremities.

Foot massage is recommended before or after health-improving gymnastics. Also, doctors advise periodically making warm baths for the legs. All procedures significantly help to fight the disease, both in the initial and deep stages. But it should be borne in mind that different types of flat feet require knowledge of the relevant massage techniques and techniques.

Contraindications for massage

Important factors that are contraindications to massage in children:

  • The procedure is prohibited in case of a rash on the skin or a general illness of the child., inflammatory processes and high temperature.
  • Do not massage a child if he is overexcited, as this can lead to muscle hypertonicity and inhibition of reflexes.
  • Massage can not be performed in acute form of rickets, with infectious diseases, if there are femoral and umbilical hernias, massage is also prohibited for heart disease.
  • No massage allowed with long nails.

Basic rules and principles of massage in children

Before starting any type of massage at home, first of all, you need to consult specialists. They should tell and show in practice the basic principles and techniques of the procedure.

By massaging your child, you establish close psychological contact with him, and the newborn baby will learn to quickly explore the world with the help of tactile perception. Therefore, this procedure from the very first days of life is not only useful, but also necessary for the normal development of the child.

Since the muscles, bones and joints in children are just being formed, parents are advised to adhere to the basic rules and principles of massage so as not to harm the baby:

  • Start and end of massage should start with light strokes. Every day you need to start alternately with arms and legs. That is, if yesterday you massaged your arms at the beginning, today you massaged your legs. This will evenly distribute the load on the body of the child.
  • The procedure is preferably done in a well-ventilated area. and a child-friendly temperature.
  • Main tricks- rubbing, stroking, kneading - are done from the side to the center.
  • During the procedure, observe the child's reaction to your movements. If he shows discontent, tension and feels pain, stop the procedure immediately. Constantly keep in touch with the baby, tell him what you are doing to him now.
  • Try to massage every day at the same time, work out a routine. Relaxing massage is recommended to do in the evening before going to bed, tonic - in the morning before eating.

Never exercise with excessive strength, remember that the child's body is very fragile. If you see that the child is tired of the massage, it is recommended to stop it immediately.

Very young children should not be shaken strongly, thrown up (this is fraught with cerebral hemorrhage), turned head down, lifted by one arm or leg.

Massage for longitudinal flat feet

With this problem, special attention is paid to the development of the inner edge of the foot, the ankle tendon and calf massage to the knee. The procedure should remove the load from the inside of the foot to the outside.

Massage for transverse flat feet

They mainly affect the foot and internal calf muscles, develop the joints of the fingers, in particular the big one. To relieve pain, it is recommended to work with the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.

Signs of transverse flatfoot

Massage for valgus flat feet

In cases of valgus deformity of the foot, they massage the back, lower back and sacral region, buttocks, thighs, lower leg and front surface of the legs. Particularly important are exercises on the foot and ankles.

Massage for flat feet in preschool children

  • As a rule, in children under 6 years of age, flat feet are observed mainly in the initial forms.
  • Preventive and therapeutic massage is a necessary method to eliminate the problem of foot deformity, since the child's joints are not yet fully formed and can be easily corrected.
  • In the techniques of the procedure, attention is paid to the lower part of the legs, the development of fingers and tendons.

Massage and gymnastics

Massage for school children

In older children from 6 to 7 years old, massage for flat feet is presented as an additional therapy, along with taking medication, therapeutic exercises and wearing special shoes.

The main task of massage exercises is to relieve stress, relax muscles and strengthen the joints of the legs.

How to do massage at home?

After consulting with a doctor for prevention and treatment, parents can easily do massage on their own at home. The first session should be no longer than 10 minutes.

Further, the procedure time is gradually increased. From one procedure the expected effect will not be. On average, after 12 sessions, the result of the massage will be obvious. Exercises should extend not only to the feet, but also to the calf, gluteal muscles and back.

The main goal of the movements of the massage therapist is to relieve fatigue and tension from the feet, ligaments and give it the correct shape:

  • It begins with light stroking and rubbing the plantar part.
  • Warm up the inner and outer arch with light pinching.
  • Rubbing the foot with the pad of the thumb in the form of the number 7, starting from the base of the big toe of the child's foot.
  • The method of circular rubbing with the fingertips and stroking the foot with the knuckles.
  • Vibration or point tingling of active points on the surface of the foot.

Foot massage technique for flat feet

Calf massage

The massage of the lower leg smoothly passes after the development of the foot:

  • Rubbing with the palms of the lower leg on both sides.
  • Warm up its inner surface.
  • Tingling all over the shin in the direction from the bottom up.
  • Finish the massage with stroking.

Calf massage

Massage of thighs and buttocks

Massage of the thighs and buttocks is performed using the following technique:

  • Stroking the palms from the buttocks then the sacrum clockwise.
  • Rubbing the outer side of the palm of the lumbar.
  • After each dose, you need to give the baby's muscles a rest by stroking it with the palm of your hand.
  • Particularly useful for this area are vibration, pinching and light tapping with the fingertips.

All movements must be performed very carefully, putting the child on his stomach. Receptions in the form of kneading in this zone are contraindicated.

Back massage techniques for flat feet do not differ much from general wellness massage.

All exercises need to be performed longer and more carefully:

  • Back stroking.
  • A smooth transition to a gentle rubbing of the spine in the direction from the bottom up.
  • Stroking the back from the sacrum to the armpits.
  • Pinching first all over the back, then along the vertebrae, shoulders and shoulder blades.
  • A very effective and pleasant "wave" with the fingers along the back in the direction from the waist to the neck.
  • The end of the massage with light stroking movements.

Back massage technique

Percussion and tapping techniques should not be performed in the area where the kidneys are located.

Massage for the prevention of flat feet

To prevent the occurrence of flat feet, it is recommended to give the child preventive massage immediately from birth. It should be long and regular.

  • Rub the sole with the edge of the palm from the heel to the toes.
  • Stretch the spaces between your fingers.
  • Fix the leg in the ankle area and turn the foot in a circular motion, alternately to the left and right.

Preventive massage

Massage accessories

One of the popular means for the prevention and treatment of flat feet is an orthopedic rug:

  • Its surface is covered with bulges of various sizes and shapes. On it, the child can play, stand or do therapeutic exercises.
  • Due to its irregular shape the mat massages the baby's feet, improves blood circulation.
  • Since doctors do not recommend children with a diagnosis of flat feet to stay on a flat surface for a long time, an orthopedic mat is a necessary part of the treatment complex.

Types of massage mats

Other equally useful gadgets:

  • A worthy analogue of orthopedic - texture ball. This is a small ball, usually with a spiked surface. The spikes help improve blood circulation, while the ball shape helps develop joints and foot flexibility. For children, balls with a diameter of up to 50 cm and an average long spike are best suited.
  • Effective in the fight against flat feet mechanical foot massagers They are abacus with teeth. The massager, through its uneven surface, acts on the acupuncture points of the foot, thereby having a beneficial effect on the entire body.
  • Great helpers in the fight against flat feet are electric massagers. Their principle of action lies not only in acupuncture massage with the help of rollers, but also with infrared heating, which helps to further improve blood circulation in the legs, relieve stress, fatigue and enhance the effect of treatment.

Combination of massage and exercise therapy

It is almost impossible to cure flat feet with a single massage. Basically, it is recommended as an addition to the general complex of treatment of the disease. Preventive and therapeutic massage is best done before and after gymnastic exercises or exercise therapy.

Gymnastics is advised to perform 2 times a day for several weeks. Parents can choose pleasant music to play with their child and come up with some kind of game to captivate the baby in classes.

It is better to start exercises from one time, gradually increasing to 15, while the child should be barefoot:

  1. It is best to start with alternate walking on the heels and toes, on the outside of the foot and on the inside.
  2. Put the child's foot on a small cushion(it can be a cord or a rolling pin) and ask to roll the object from toe to heel.
  3. Put the baby in a chair and scatter small objects (toys) to the right of it. Ask him to throw them with his toes to the other side. The child's hands should be behind his back.
  4. The position of the child is sitting on a chair. Have him pull his toes up and then bend and unbend them.
  5. Ask the child to take a napkin with his toes or a small towel.

Exercises for children from flat feet


Flat feet is a disease both congenital and acquired. The task of parents is to prevent the development of the disease, to choose high-quality and properly selected shoes for the child, to monitor the loads and posture, to do massage and gymnastics from the first months of the baby's life. If the first symptoms are detected, consult a doctor immediately.

Foot massage for flat feet

To improve the patient's well-being when diagnosing flat feet, a relaxing and tonic massage of the limbs is actively used to improve blood circulation and strengthen muscle tone. How to properly massage with flat feet in adults - features and recommendations of specialists.

Foot deformity massage is an obligatory medical procedure

Foot massage techniques for flat feet help eliminate swelling, pain, relieve inflammation, accelerate lymph flow, and improve the depreciation properties of the foot. For the treatment of deformity of the lower extremities, it is important to carry out the procedure regularly, at least 15 sessions per month. The duration of the session is at least 10 minutes.

There are several methods for performing the procedure:

  • Stroking - a gentle surface movement with the palm (hand relaxed), held across or along the muscles, used to relieve spasms, relaxes the skin, normalizes blood circulation;
  • Squeezing - fingers form a bird's beak, movements are performed with the edge of the little finger or thumb, the entire palm is involved in massive areas;
  • Kneading - done in 2 stages, muscle capture, compression / rolling, deep-lying tissues are intensively massaged;
  • Rubbing - the hands are folded in the form of an arch, movements are carried out from the bottom up, and the outer side of the joint is rubbed with the thumb (blood circulation of the muscle fibers improves);
  • Tapping - activates blood circulation in the massaged areas, increases muscle tone, strikes are applied with different intensity, the edge of the palm or the back of the fingers.

Particular attention when performing a massage from flat feet at home should be given to the back surface of the lower leg, where the heads of the calf muscles are located. The pain zone is rubbed with gentle patting movements, without indentation and pain.


Professional massage is used not only to stimulate active points on the sole, but also leads to the strengthening of the protective properties of the body, regulates the work of other organs.


Massage of the lower extremities is not performed when the patient has a high temperature, circulatory failure, allergies, tuberculosis, the presence of tumors, purulent bleeding processes, while carrying a child.

Massage techniques for flat feet

Before doing a foot massage with flat feet, it is important to carry out foot baths with the addition of sea salt, a decoction of medicinal plants, and coniferous extract to a container of water.

To correct flat feet, 2 main techniques are used, which correspond to the degree of foot deformity. Step by step:

  • Patting movements are carried out to warm up the skin, after which the areas from the fingers to the knee are processed;
  • The lower leg is subjected to comprehensive massaging using the technique of rubbing, squeezing and tapping;
  • After the plantar part of the foot is processed;
  • In conclusion, the thumb is massaged with active movements.

Second technique:

  • The calf muscles, the outer part of the lower leg, foot, sole, heel are processed sequentially;
  • Finally, the plantar part of the foot is massaged.

The stages of massage are determined by the peculiarities of changes in the muscles of the feet and legs. It is important to effectively distribute the load on the lower limbs in order to get rid of signs of foot deformity.

Self-massage for foot deformity

If it is not possible to visit a qualified specialist for a massage, you can perform it yourself. Step by step instructions for massage at home:

  1. Pull up the little finger, lower the ring finger, change their location in the opposite direction - the number of approaches is at least 10;
  2. Hold the heel with your hand, and with the other, stretch all the toes one by one. 10 approaches;
  3. Rub the palms of the plantar part of the leg and lower leg;
  4. Treat each finger with patting movements, and then go to the heel zone;
  5. Place your palms on your knee, stroking movements to move to the thigh;
  6. Knead and rub the skin of both legs for 10 minutes;
  7. At the end of the massage, stroke the leg from the foot to the groin area, apply a nourishing cream.

Experts recommend during the treatment to concentrate their movements on the calf muscle, make rubbing movements with the crest of the fist. When massaging the calcaneal tendon, it is necessary to move in different directions - in a straight line, in a circle. Rubbing, stroking and pressing apply in turn.


As a gymnastics, it is useful to bend / unbend the feet, turn them in and out, squeeze and unclench your fingers, collect small objects from the floor - balls, pencils, clothespins.

Self-massage has some disadvantages:

  • General overwork of the body with the involvement of the muscles of the entire motor apparatus;
  • Improper performance of massage actions can aggravate the course of the disease.

This option is always available and can be performed at any time, not only to treat foot deformities, but to relieve general muscle fatigue. Self-massage can be effectively combined with water procedures, therapeutic exercises, paraffin and mud applications, body wraps.

Features of children's foot massage

Massage for flat feet in children must be done with caution, delicately, without causing pain to the child. Perform all basic manipulations in the position - lying on your back, at the end, the baby turns over on his stomach and the foot massage continues.

The therapeutic procedure for the legs is divided into 2 parts - a general massage before a gymnastics lesson, and a restorative one, for 5 minutes. Close attention is paid to the calf muscles, the Achilles tendon, the outer side of the lower leg.

Foot massagers

Self-massage can be performed using special foot massagers for flat feet:

  • For manual use - wheels with spikes, the pumping of which provides stimulation of reflex points;
  • Electric devices for self-massage of the skin of the legs;
  • Hydro massagers - effective elimination of symptoms of flat feet (fatigue, pain in the legs, swelling, hypertonicity), such a massage has a beneficial effect on the immune, nervous and musculoskeletal systems, excellent prevention of problems with the lower extremities.

In combination with a foot massage, a tonic warming bath, contrast dousing of the feet, and cleansing procedures using pumice to remove rough skin are necessarily performed. Aromatherapy enhances the effect of massage.


Positive results are achieved by active and regular exercises. It is important to practice foot massage before going to bed, combining it with therapeutic exercises, thermal procedures.

Flat feet change the classical constitution of the foot, and if left untreated, it leads to violations of the entire locomotor apparatus. Take care of your feet and be healthy!

Flat feet is a type of deformity of the lower limb, which is a pathological straightening of the arch of the foot. The disease develops and manifests itself in childhood. The arch of the foot is formed in children by the age of five. Therefore, it is important to take care of the health of the child's musculoskeletal system from his first step.

Reasons for development

In order to know how to treat flat feet, it is important to study the causes of its occurrence. This is necessary in order to eliminate the factor that can provoke or aggravate the development of straightening of the arch of the foot. The most common reasons are:

  • Pathological development of the lower limb in the womb.
  • genetic predisposition.
  • Prolonged wearing of shoes.
  • Uncomfortable or poor quality shoes.
  • Reduced motor activity.
  • Unbalanced nutrition.
  • Injuries of the lower extremities.
  • Rickets.
  • Overweight child.


There are three types of flat feet:

  1. Longitudinal curvature characterized by compaction of the inner and outer arches of the foot. This is the most common type of this disease.
  2. Transverse curvature characterized by compaction of the transverse arch of the foot and its front part.
  3. Combined view is a complete seal of the foot in all directions.

Also distinguish the severity of the disease:

  1. At the first degree of severity The child complains of weakness and pain in the legs during long walking. Examination of the foot showed no deformity.
  2. At the second degree children complain of the appearance of painful sensations not only during physical exertion, but also at rest. If you examine the feet, you can notice the expansion of the foot in the middle. When walking, it is manifested by clubfoot.
  3. At the third degree severity pain is localized not only in the legs, but also in the back. Visually noticeable deformation of the foot, which is accompanied by the development of scoliosis.


Depending on the age and severity of the disease, the complaints of children differ. Adolescents may be bothered by pain in the legs, back, especially after a physical education lesson or a long walk. The pain can be so intense that the child will ask for pain pills from the parents. At the same time, a small child may notice increased fatigue, tearfulness when walking.

Babies also complain of pain in their legs, asking to be held by their parents. When walking, you can notice clubfoot in children with flat feet.

If you notice these symptoms in your child, consult an orthopedic doctor who will give recommendations on the treatment of flat feet.

Non-drug treatment

Massages are very popular in the treatment of flat feet in children. With it, you can relieve muscle tension, reduce pain, strengthen muscles and ligaments, improve blood circulation and lymph flow.

Therapeutic massage is aimed at restoring the functions of the foot. With it, you can act on the compacted areas of the arch of the foot. Preventive is aimed at preventing this pathology. It is also effective in the treatment of flat feet of the first degree of severity, when the deformity of the foot is not particularly visible.

It should be taken into account that therapeutic massage should be performed by a qualified specialist, but parents can also perform basic exercises at home, having carefully studied the technique.

It is important to perform certain actions during massage:

  • During the procedure, the child should lie on his back or stomach.
  • Massage begins with stroking in order to establish tactile contact with the baby.
  • Rubbing is used to improve the blood supply to the massaged area. Start rubbing from the back, finish with the feet.
  • Kneading is carried out with light movements of the hands without pressure.
  • Vibration - light tapping with the side surface of the hand.
  • Pressure is used to influence the compacted pathological part.
  • Finish the massage with repeated stroking to relax the baby after the procedure.

At home

To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to act on the back, especially on the lumbar region, buttocks, hips, and then proceed to the legs and feet. Since foot damage can provoke diseases of other parts of the musculoskeletal system, the duration of the massage course for flat feet in children should be at least a month.

In the lumbar and gluteal region, it is important to perform all the techniques in sequence. But special attention should be paid to rubbing in the sacral triangle and the area along the spine, starting from the cervical region. It is not recommended to use kneading and pressure in the neck area.

In the femoral zone, it is worth increasing the duration of kneading and pressure techniques in order to tone the thigh muscles and improve blood supply to the knee and hip joints.

The direction of massage of this area is from the bottom up, from the knee to the hip joint.

The lower leg area is massaged in the same direction, trying to influence the calf muscles. It is not worth making an effort, as this can cause pain. Tendons in this area are given special attention. They are rubbed for a longer time. It is also important to stimulate the outflow of lymph from the muscles of the lower extremities.

Of particular importance, of course, attach foot massage. To achieve the effect, the massage of this area takes more time than the rest of the zones. The main emphasis is placed on that part of the foot, the arch of which is affected - the inner, outer or transverse surface.

Start massaging the foot from the toes to the heel. First you need to relax the muscles by stroking. You can't skip this trick. because otherwise the following will bring discomfort to the baby. After that, they begin to massage, starting with the thumb. The emphasis is on the inner edge, affecting all points of the arch of the foot.

After this procedure at home, it is recommended to let the child lie down for half an hour, and it is better to put him to bed.

It's important to know that young children should not be massaged for a long time, unlike teenagers. Flat feet have their own characteristics at each age. At an older age, this pathology of the arch of the foot cannot be completely cured. At the same time, massage in young children can lead to recovery.

It is useful to combine massage with physiotherapy exercises. Exercise therapy is one of the effective methods of treating flat feet in children. Gymnastic exercises lead to the strengthening of the ligamentous apparatus and muscles of the foot. Also recommended are cycling, swimming, rope climbing, walking barefoot on the ground, sand. This combination of actions can lead to a faster recovery.

Also at home, you can use a massager, which will also enhance the supply of oxygen to the affected area.

The orthopedist can advise orthopedic insoles. They are an effective treatment, especially in adolescence. They can be used for both treatment and prevention. Therapeutic insoles are made individually for each child, based on the characteristics of the defect in the arch of the foot. Preventive ones can be purchased at any specialized shoe store.

A massage mat can be bought at any pharmacy. It is easy to use, used for the treatment, as well as for the prevention of flat feet.

It enhances blood circulation, restores trophic processes in the lower extremities, improves the immune system, the tone of the skin and muscle tissue of the foot.

How to make a massage mat with your own hands, see the following video.


Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the development of flat feet in children. The advice is so simple that

One of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children is flat feet.

Flat feet is called the deformation of the foot, expressed in the straightening of the longitudinal arch and fixation in a certain position.

The consequences of such a disease can be quite serious for children's health. Therefore, massage for flat feet in children plays an important role in correcting foot deformity.

How to determine flat feet in a child

As a rule, it is possible to accurately determine flat feet only after five or six years. Why at this particular age? Because up to a certain age, the bone apparatus of a child's foot is considered not to be strong. The foot is easily subject to change, the muscles, ligaments and cartilage structure are poorly developed. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine flat feet.

It is also worth taking into account that at an early age, the sole of the baby seems straight and slightly convex. This happens because the notch of the arch of the child's foot is filled with a kind of fatty "cushion", which hides the bone tissue.

But how, in this case, to determine that the entire development of the foot is going well if the child is not yet five years old? You can define it like this:

take sunflower oil and lubricate the child's foot well with it. Then take a blank sheet of paper and carefully place your foot on the sheet so that the child stands on it for about a minute and a half. Next, take a piece of paper and examine the image.

If the leg is completely imprinted, in this case the child has a predisposition to flat feet. You should pay great attention to this. If your child is already six years old and complains of leg pain and fatigue, you should see an orthopedic doctor.

If the foot is imprinted in the form of a "bean" - you have nothing to worry about. That's the way it should be.

Causes of the formation of flat feet

Factors that influence the formation of children's flat feet can be:

  1. heredity - if someone in the family had this disease of the musculoskeletal system, then the baby has an increased risk of flat feet;
  2. wrong shoes - often, it is the wearing of “wrong shoes” (flat, narrow or too wide shoes) that causes foot disease;
  3. excessive load on the foot - if the child is heavy or overweight;
  4. rickets;
  5. various foot injuries.

All of the above reasons can lead in the future not only to flat feet, but also to the formation of more serious diseases.

Many parents treat this disease with disdain, not taking it seriously. If your child complains of pain when walking, heaviness in the legs, be sure to consult an orthopedic doctor.

Treatment of flat feet with massage

A child with flat feet is one of the first methods of dealing with the disease. aims to strengthen the muscles of the foot, improve blood circulation in this area. In addition, massage also has a mild effect on the joints and ligamentous apparatus, as well as to correct the deformity of the foot that has arisen.

If we take into account the fact that flat feet have a negative effect on the joints of the legs, on the lower parts of the spine, on the bones, it will be right to pay attention to the entire musculoskeletal system and the condition of the spine. The massage technique for flat feet in children must necessarily involve these systems.

It is not uncommon for foot deformity to cause the development of scoliosis. is also required in this case. After a thorough examination, the doctor prescribes special exercises and other manual procedures.

How to massage with flat feet in a child

The course of massage is carried out directly on the legs and feet, as well as on the buttocks - 1 time in a month and a half. If flat feet are accompanied by a violation of posture and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the lower back is also performed.

Foot massage

First of all, the child's foot from the heel to the fingers is rubbed with the palm of the hand or the edge of the palm. This is followed by kneading the entire foot with the thumb. Then, with the pad of your thumb, draw the number "7".

Then the masseur proceeds to rubbing the interdigital spaces, the back of the foot and the lower leg.

Children with flat feet should finish with soft turns: with one hand we fix the foot behind the condyles, and with the other hand we smoothly turn the foot along the inside.

Calf massage

Once the foot massage has been performed, you can proceed to the lower leg massage. To do this, we begin to rub, stroke and knead both sides of the lower leg, with a special emphasis on the front surface, pinching and tapping it. The direction of massage movements is from the ankle in the direction of the knee joint.

Massage of thighs and buttocks

Performed without special emphasis in any area. Stroking, rubbing and kneading the thigh muscles are used. Massage of the buttocks is performed in any direction. Between the main techniques, be sure to include techniques such as vibration, pinching, shaking.

Back massage

In terms of technique and execution of techniques, it does not differ from massage of other parts of the body. The only addition is a longer, intense and thorough rubbing of the back muscles, kneading the lower back. It should be remembered that shock and vibration techniques in the kidney area cannot be carried out.

Massage video for flat feet in children

Parents should understand that the further health of the child's body depends on their attention and care for the child.