Whether you manage to spend the energy you get from food, whether you need to limit yourself in nutrition or add physical activity in order to gain and maintain optimal weight, the calorie counter application will answer these questions. The simplest of these applications display the balance of eaten / spent and motivate not to eat a second pie. More functional ones will tell you exactly how to change the diet, that is, what to eat in order to achieve your goals, and what kind of physical activity you lack. Let's try to identify the best calorie counting app.

Calorie Counting Apps – The Aporta Blog Team Recommends

#1 MyFitnessPal Calorie Counter - All-In-One

Once you've installed a calorie calculator app and created an account, you'll need to enter your age, gender, height, weight, lifestyle, and calorie tracking goals. Based on these data, the program will give you how many calories you are supposed to gain and spend per day (for example, the author of this review, leading a computer lifestyle, MyFitnessPal determined 1760 calories: to match, you need to eat healthy porridge, meat and vegetables, and less of all kinds of bread ). Now we keep a calorie diary: we add meals and workouts.


Calorie counting app for iPhone, Android devices and Windows Phone.
Synchronized with PC: your diary can be viewed and edited on a computer.
You can exchange data with friends and achieve goals together - such a fitness social network.
Simple management, a large database of products and dishes (5,000,000 items), as well as types of physical activity (more than 350), from which you can choose what you ate today and how you trained.
Possibility of making your own meals and exercises.
Barcode Scanner.
A pedometer that will allow you to more accurately calculate how much energy you burn.
The ability to set goals for weight (gain, maintain, lose), nutrition (calories, balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates), quantity, quality and duration of training, as well as take into account the amount of water you drink.
Nutritional goals can be expanded to include micro and macro elements.


Going into dishes and entering the desired product or recipe into the search, you will be given +100500 of its items with different weights, calories, additives, firms, etc. You can choose something similar to what you ate, but if you need accuracy, you still have to find out the calorie content of your portions, and add new dishes.
With simple dishes, everything will be correspondingly simple, but with the calculation of dishes more complicated than boiled chicken, you will have to sweat, despite all the conveniences of calculation. But almost every application is not without these disadvantages (besides, analogues often do not have such an assortment of dishes and the freedom to add their own recipes).

Bottom line: judging by the number of installs, simplicity and functionality, MyFitnessPal is, if not the best application for counting calories, then one of those.

#2 Lifesum Calorie Counter – Diet & Tips

This is a calorie counting app for android and iphone devices. The principle is the same: create a profile, set a goal, start keeping a calorie diary, the application gives the result. In the presence of an extensive database of exercises and products, a barcode scanner and other usefulness.

The program sets the date by which you will reach the goal, which serves as additional motivation.
Each product is assigned a rating, the application evaluates how well you eat, whether you drink enough water and how well you lived the day in terms of physical activity.
If you enter detailed information about a product (for example, by scanning a barcode), Lifesum will tell you what to eat to complete your daily goal. For example, if you have already gone over fat at lunch, the application will recommend greens for dinner.
Lifesum is compatible with fitness apps and supports popular diets.

The downside is that many features are available in the paid version.

However, you will be offered to pay extra for the functionality not only here. Yes, and in a free form, Lifesum is a handy thing for maintaining proper nutrition, combating a sedentary lifestyle and insufficient water intake.

Some More Best Calorie Counting Apps

#3 Calorie Counter PRO MyNetDiary – which product is better

The application for iOS and Android is good for everyone: here is a detailed analysis of what you ate, a guide to foods and workouts, regular analysis of your progress, and diet planning.

One of the features of the program is the comparison of products: the application will tell you which one is healthier, contains fewer calories, fat, etc.

Entering food is simple, plus there is a so-called photo food service: if a product is not in the database, you need to take a picture of the label in front and a description of the composition in the back (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), and the application developers themselves will add the product to the database. But everything is in English)) So if you have varival with English, and you are not embarrassed by a foreign set of products, welcome to Calorie Counter PRO MyNetDiary.

#4 Calorie table - takes into account metabolism

Most calorie-counting apps count only physical activity as a minus, but if you remember the lessons of biology in high school, at rest, our body also spends energy. These are, of course, tears compared to physical exertion, but if you keep track of calories, you should already follow it to the fullest.

The feature of the Calorie Table application is a more accurate calculation of the calories expended, including the consumption of our silushka for metabolism and mental activity.

The calorie table for android devices and windows phones will calculate your income / consumption in kilocalories and kilojoules, and there are enough Russian products in the database. But the application requires an Internet connection.

#5 DietaDiary.com Calorie Calculator - BJU Machine

Calorie Calculator is an Android application that seems to be optimal for proper nutrition. It has what most applications lack - automatic calculation of BJU.

A feature of the counter is the automatic calculation of proteins / fats / carbohydrates: you just need to indicate the weight of the product.

The application from DietaDiary.com distinguishes using from different devices, including a computer, automating the calculation of the caloric content of dishes, simple entry into a diary and editing recipes. One thing: the application does not take into account the consumption of calories, you will have to separately download Google Fit or something like that.

The secret to losing weight is to burn more calories than you burn. And the best way to count calories eaten and burned is with the help of mobile applications. We will talk about the most convenient of them today.

All these apps work in much the same way: you indicate what you ate and how much, as well as what sports exercises you performed and how much. Some applications are able to compose diets and offer sports programs for the most effective weight loss.

Lifesum's slogan is strange - "Eat fat - lose weight." Don't let it confuse you, the app developers know what they are talking about. Lifesum helps to select foods for a specific goal (quick weight loss or gentle) and optimizes the supply of nutrients during exercise. You don’t have to limit yourself in a variety of products, the portion size is important. The app is compatible with Google Fit, Google's fitness service for Android users.

The calorie also syncs with Google Fit, so you don't have to enter your physical activity data - the app automatically learns how many kilometers you walked or ran and how many calories you burned. Information about the foods eaten will have to be entered manually, but you will clearly see on the graph whether you are losing weight or getting fat.

The application from FatSecret is one of the most popular among weight loss Android users. It has everything you need: food nutrition information, food barcode scanner, diet recipes, exercise diary, weight chart and progress history.

Calorie calculator is the app with the most brutal interface. It shows you how many calories you need to consume to start losing weight based on information about your current weight, height, age and gender. There are no complex heaps in it, but there is almost no visibility either.

The calorie calculator application is a specialized calculator that automatically calculates the calorie content of foods consumed. It is convenient to use for those who want to track not only what they eat per day, but also the number of calories in the diet, control the diet and achieve their goals in improving the figure and improving the condition of the body.

Based on the information provided below, the user will select a personal best android calorie counting app.

Key Features of the Best Calorie Counting Apps for Android

Applications have the following characteristics:

  • Calculation of the required daily calorie intake for the owner, according to individual characteristics.
  • The presence of a list of products with a specified calorie content, amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Tracking weight and other parameters of the figure.
  • Applications take into account the amount of water drunk per day.
  • The ability to count calories in the food you eat.

Programs have differences in design and design, the presence of additional functionality, products available in the application database.

Before you start using the calorie counter app for android, which is best for the user according to individual requests, you should take into account the facts from the listed applications.

My FitnessPal

The best calorie counting app for android. The leader of the list, based on its characteristics and ease of use, the My FitnessPal program has a huge list of food items with calculated calorie, protein, fat and carbohydrate composition - about 6 million. The developers did not stop at this figure, constantly supplementing the list. The application has many additional features:

  • the ability to create your own menu, including any number of dishes;
  • viewing statistics of changes in user parameters;
  • Barcode Scanner;
  • tracking of physical loads used for training exercises, it is permissible to add approaches and repetitions of each;
  • maintaining statistics of both types of load - power and cardio;
  • filling out a food diary not only from a smartphone, but also from a website.

Most of the features of the My FitnessPal app are available to all users free of charge. An additional part for use requires a paid subscription.

Interesting fact! For those who track the calorie content of food, it is important to know the definition of calories. A calorie is a unit of measure for the energy produced by the body from incoming food.

Fat Secret

The advantage of this calorie counting app for Android is free access to all its features, no ads. It has a wide range of products with their nutritional value, the use of a product barcode. A standard workout exercise list is used to account for calories burned. The functionality of Fat Secret is inherent in the feature of replenishing the food diary with personal photos of the diet.

Lifesum is one of the best calorie counting apps for Android.

A definite plus of the Lifesum application is its bright design. There are standard functions for adding dishes from an individual diet, entering products by barcodes, using a food list with nutritional values. Comfortable use of Lifesum is accompanied by a daily reminder that you need to drink a certain amount of water, weigh yourself, it is time for the next meal. Access to the application is free. It is possible to purchase a premium account, which allows you to use all the functions available to the program.

Interesting fact! If we consider the technical side of the issue, we must say that 1 calorie is required in order to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. Accordingly, 1 kilocalorie contains 1 thousand calories, and the weight changes from gram to kilogram.


All standard features are available. The disadvantage of the YAZIO application is the lack of a function to replenish the database with personal recipes. With YAZIO, you can also track all kinds of your own physical activity. It has limited access to functionality - to acquire the ability to use all you need to spend money on a premium account.

Dine4Fit, a calorie counting app for Android that is gaining popularity among users, in addition to its classic functions, allows you to find out information about the presence of salts, cholesterol, fatty acids, the exact glycemic index, trans fats, vitamins, and trace elements in most foods. Materials on food storage and selection are freely available. The work of Dine4Fit is significantly hampered by the inconvenience in using the list of products, the long time that the application spends on loading.

Calorie counter

The advantage of this program is the free operation without an Internet connection. The application is simple and easy to use, not overloaded with unnecessary features. All standard features are included in the Calorie Counter functionality. Despite the minimalism of the application, user ratings are satisfactory.

Easy Fit

A wonderful Android calorie calculator for fans of animations and colorful design. The user has a choice of 24 available colors. In addition to the bright design, Easy Fit pleases owners with stable operation. Despite the presence of all the main features, the program has an insignificant drawback - due to the development by foreign programmers, the user may miss the usual food. Their absence is filled by adding any products. Easy Fit works without the Internet.


The food calorie analysis app works in sync with Google Fit, which eliminates the need to manually fill in daily running or walking activity data - the function is performed automatically. The statistical graph informs the user about the progress or lack thereof according to the monitored parameters.

How to lose weight? This question regularly arises before millions of people around the world. And this is strange, because the answer to it is very simple and understandable. This most “secret” answer and how the iPhone can comprehensively help you lose weight was discussed in this material.

There is absolutely no secret to a successful weight loss technique. All a person needs in order to start losing extra pounds is to spend more calories than he consumes. This simple formula is the whole point of losing weight. To starve yourself with strict diets, which for some reason are given the names of popular performers of the domestic stage for promotion, and even more so, you don’t need to switch to goji berries or other nonsense.

But since everything is so simple, why do so many people have problems with being overweight? There are many reasons, but the most common problem is that people don't count the calories they consume. There is no control whatsoever. At the same time, people really try, as indicated by the highest popularity of the search query “eat little, but the weight does not go away.” It is not enough just to eat little or nothing at all (which is extremely harmful). You need to eat more and qualitatively in terms of calories.

Watch What You Eat

From here follows the main rule for those who want to lose weight - "watch what you eat." You can eat whatever you want, but at the same time consume a reduced level of calories for your body, do not move very much and still lose weight. The main thing here is to get used to daily calorie counting.

Healthy! By the way, about the speed of losing weight. Without harm to health, you can only lose weight by 1 kilogram per week, respectively - by 4 kilograms per month. These are norms calculated by specialists, exceeding which can be dangerous.

Gone are the days when people counted calories in notebooks. Now, in order to keep a food diary, it is enough to launch a special application on your smartphone and enter the name of the food or dish eaten. Good calorie counters will guess what the product is from the first few letters, add it to the list eaten for the current day and count how many calories, proteins, carbohydrates and other nutrients you have consumed.

Calorie counters, the best of which we will discuss below, also allow you to pre-calculate a reduced calorie rate for you personally. It is quite possible to use them, but we will recommend a separate service for this - this .

This daily calorie calculator will ask you to enter your gender, height, age, activity level, current and desired weight. You can even choose the date by which you want to lose the right amount of kilograms, however, the service will correct you anyway and tell you the date and number of calories for safe weight loss. There are several different formulas available to choose from, which are generally considered relatively the same.

The number of calories that you need to consume daily weight loss figured out. It's up to the "small" thing - to carefully and honestly keep a food diary. There are plenty of calorie counters on iPhone and iPad, but there are three really good apps: MyFitnessPal , life sum , « FatSecret Calorie Counter ».

The logic for using each of these applications is extremely simple. You are required to enter data about food eaten during the day (or once at the end of the day) and track whether the number of calories consumed exceeds your norm. Every day in which the final calorie intake is below the norm can be considered successful - you have lost weight! The main thing here is not to overdo it, because the body can regard the lack of calories as hunger, after which it will inevitably switch to an economical mode. The latter means that you will not succeed in losing weight, even with a very moderate diet.

From the three applications listed by us, you can choose any. All of them are free (include optional in-app purchases), so we advise you to test everything for yourself. In one you will like the interface or the method of entering food more, and it will become your main calorie counter.

Drink 1.5-3 liters of water per day

Although counting calories and reducing them to the required rate for weight loss is already enough to achieve noticeable results, there are other effective ways to help you lose weight. One of them, as you already understood, involves the use of 1.5-3 liters of pure water per day.

To calculate how much water you need to drink per day, there are also various calculators. We can recommend here this service, which takes into account not only gender, weight and physical activity, but also indications for use.

Also, the calculation is possible in special applications that help track the amount of water drunk during the day. The main benefit of such applications is that they remind you of the need to drink water and motivate you to do this seemingly simple task.

There are hundreds of water tracking apps on the App Store. The best are " My Water" (for free), " Reminders to drink water" (for free), Water(15 rubles) and " Time to drink water"(75 rubles).
The main difficulty with drinking plenty of water daily, as with a food diary, is that this action takes some getting used to. All the applications listed above will deal with this with the help of highly customizable reminders.

Do exercises

Physical exercise will make your weight loss not only more effective, but also tasty. The latter is achieved due to the fact that the more calories you burn per day, the more calories you can afford to consume. And it all depends on your activity. When visiting a fitness club, you can at least lean on sweets, and doing only exercises in the morning - allow a couple of extra sandwiches.

Not so long ago we wrote about how the iPhone helps in sports. There we listed best apps for all the popular activity types, be sure to check it out if you want your smartphone to start helping you do that too.

In the framework of this article, we will only talk about charging and an excellent application for its implementation. We decided to single out only charging because of its versatility - a person of any degree of employment will have enough time for it. And this is not an exaggeration, it takes only 7 minutes to charge, very rich and efficient.

We are talking about the so-called 7-minute workout, which is very popular all over the world. It is based on the principle of "high intensity cycling", which is the most effective and safe way to lose weight and improve the condition of the muscles and respiratory system.

This program is the basis of a dozen applications of the same name from the App Store. One of the best of its kind, we consider an application with an unsightly name " 7 minutes exercise". Despite the name, the inside of the app is impressive. It not only motivates you to complete a 7-minute workout every morning, but also guides you through voice control, records your exercise history and has flexible settings for any user needs.

move more

Most often, overweight problems occur in people with a sedentary lifestyle, which office work usually imposes. It is very important for such people to increase activity by starting to walk more. Walk anywhere - along the alley, embankment, around the stadium, the main thing is movement. Moreover, we note that it is recommended for people with a lot of weight to walk, and not to run, since in the latter case there is a very strong load on the joints and there is a risk of seriously ruining health.

Walking without a goal and motivated only by the hope of losing weight is pretty boring. Well, who better to help overcome boredom than the iPhone. From pedometers in the App Store, we highlight two applications: Pacer And Stepz. Both apps are free, have nice and informative interfaces, Apple Watch support, and most importantly, a goal setting system. It is the practically achieved goal, set in advance, that will motivate you not to go straight home after work, but to walk a couple of circles around the block.

For those who find traditional pedometers boring, we offer an original solution - Pokemon GO! The phenomenal game that entertained millions of people around the world within months of its release is a great walking motivator. It's simple - you go not to wind up the counter, but in search of new virtual Pokemon. This search is quite interesting. The only thing we want to warn you about is safety and do not disappear into the smartphone screen on busy streets, it can be dangerous.

Pokemon GO is still unavailable in Russia, but install it on iPhone very simple .

Let's summarize. If you start counting calories, drinking clean water, setting aside seven minutes a day for training and walking more, the result will not be long in coming. In a month you will lose at least 4 kilograms, and after six months you will be able to get rid of all excess weight. We wish you successful work on yourself!

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Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


For keeping a sports diary, counting the calories of foods on a diet, weight loss apps for Android have been created that allow you to lose weight rationally and quickly. Thanks to the programs, a person receives motivation to change the figure for the better, accustoms himself to proper nutrition according to the required calorie content and water balance. You can download applications for free on Google Play, some of them are paid, but have advanced features.

Slimming program for Android

Against the backdrop of a general enthusiasm for health, harmony and proper nutrition, apps for losing weight have appeared that you can download to your phone and monitor your weight. The programs have a lot of built-in information on the calorie content of foods and dishes, BJU norms, steps taken and clean water consumption. Such a weight loss trainer for Android will be able to motivate you to go in for sports, daily physical activity and avoid food that is harmful.

Program for counting calories for Android

To properly lose weight, reduce the calorie content of consumed foods, a program for calculating calories has been created. It is a built-in calculator where you can enter all the food eaten in a day. The program will calculate the calorie content, mark the norm or excess, and help you find out the optimal number of calories that you need to burn for a person's weight loss, depending on gender, age, and physical activity.

Popular weight loss apps for Android that have a built-in calorie counter:

  1. Sandwich - created by Russian developers, has a large assortment of products sold in domestic supermarkets. There are functions for compiling a food diary, a reference section on the methodology for calculating the optimal caloric content of the diet, a barcode scanner.
  2. Lose weight without a diet - the user chooses from graphic pictures what he ate per day, and the program reports on the composition and calorie content. Possibilities for weight loss: photos of the dish, water accounting, control of body parameters.
  3. The calorie calculator is a narrowly focused application, it counts only calories without BJU, then the values ​​\u200b\u200bare compared with the optimal ones for the user. Features: calendar management, daily limit, the amount of food already eaten.

Android running app

A popular tracker is a running tracker that helps the user track the distance traveled, the number of steps and the calories burned. It must be synchronized with the application for a more convenient and visual display of information. For this, special applications for Android have been created:

  1. Personal trainer for running - no personal data entry, training takes place according to an average program. Record speed, distance, the ability to listen to music while running. The version is free, but has a number of extensions - Personal Trainer, Marathon and others.
  2. S Health is a branded Android application for interacting with Samsung smart watches. In the background, it monitors activity, collects data, and processes it. It has a built-in pedometer, thermohygrometer, pulse counter, analyzer of sleep, stress, food consumed.

Fitness Apps for Android

A smart watch, bracelet or fitness tracker for Android requires a special application to interact and display information. Popular programs are:

  1. Accupedo, Noom Walk, Moves, Steps Mania - accurate pedometers with the function of storing history, plotting. GPS is required to work.
  2. 7 Seven is a sports motivation program for busy people. Includes seven daily exercises to be done for one minute each. The program counts time, shows technique and progress.
  3. Just 6 Weeks is an application for performing simple basic exercises (squats, push-ups, planks) for 10 minutes three times a week. The result of losing weight is promised in six weeks. Features: workout reminder, performance statistics, difficulty levels, description.

App for weight control

Weight loss programs for Android will come in handy to help balance nutrition and increase physical activity:

  1. We lose weight together - there is a list of dishes for determining calories, a list of diets, a section with demotivators, exercises to keep fit, articles about losing weight.
  2. GymBoom - an electronic training diary that saves the results of trips to the fitness room, creates a personal exercise program. There is motivation, reports on classes, a guide to exercises.
  3. Endomondo Sports Tracker - suitable for running, cycling, walking. Shows distance traveled, speed, calories burned in real time.

Program for counting calories and BJU

If only the definition of daily caloric content is not enough, a program for calculating BJU, developed for Android, will help out:

  1. Fat Secret calorie counter - helps you quickly find information about the calorie content and nutritional value of a dish, includes a large assortment of brands and restaurant food. Opportunities: to choose from - a scanner or manual entry of a barcode, a diary of nutrition and exercises, a calendar, a weight tracking table, a progress log.
  2. BMI calculator Ideal weight - calculates body mass index, height-to-waist ratio, body fat percentage.
  3. E-supplement - helps to identify whether there are harmful components in food, warns of the dangers of additives with the prefix E.

The best weight loss apps

According to the ratings, based on user reviews, the top weight loss apps for Android were compiled, which included programs for accounting for calories, calculating BJU, water balance and sports training. These programs were downloaded by users over 5-10 million times, which became the reason for their popularity and allocation to a separate category. You can find them in the official Google Play account.

Calorie Counter by MyFitnessPal

According to reviews, the best calorie counter for Android is an application of the same name. It was developed by MyFitnessPal, which created a "pocket nutritionist". The Calorie Counter application controls nutrition, has a food database with 5 million ingredients, a food and sports diary, statistics and reports on the menu, nutrients. The program has built-in dynamics charts, meal and exercise designers, a code scanner, meal reminders. Of the minuses - intrusive advertising.

App My weight loss coach

The application My weight loss trainer for Android is considered to be motivational. After launch, a virtual copy of the user is created, which changes as a real person goes in for sports. Functions: nutrition control, task completion, motivational pictures and quotes, tips, tasks to combat excess weight, you can use rewards for movement and dietary restrictions, carbohydrates.

Runkeeper GPS running, walking

Fitness plan 30 days for Android

It will help you lose weight in a month with a diligent attitude to training, the 30-day Fitness Plan application. It includes simple yet intense bodyweight exercises designed by professional trainers. Features: gradual increase in load, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, monthly plan, video guide, recording the process and achievements.

Application Time to drink water

To maintain water balance, the Water Time program, developed for Android, will help. If you install it, it helps to return a good habit, sends reminders to take a glass of water. How to use the Water Time app: upload your data, set reminder options, mark every glass of water, coffee or tea you drink. The program will calculate the optimal amount of liquid, tell you about the intake and fulfillment of the norm.


For professional runners, the Runtastic Android program will be useful. The free application takes into account the user's data, has a built-in map, on which the distance traveled is marked using GPS. Pros: high functionality, calculation of calories burned and distance, taking into account the rise, terrain, built-in player. Cons: there is no Russian-language interface, the functions of measuring the pulse and sound commands are paid.

Ducan's diet

Those who lose weight using a special system will like the Dukan Diet or iDukan Android application. When uploading, personalize the data - you need to enter the actual parameters of height, weight, desired result. The program will calculate the time to lose weight, calories in two stages - Attack and Cruise. Nutrition and body parameters are shown every day. Pros: graphics of weight loss and remaining extra pounds, plan functions, calendar, diet today, recipes where you can add your products.