In December 2019 (until the 23rd) the monument is under reconstruction. (I'll have to take a picture of it later...)

In this article, I have collected and tried to briefly give information about one of the iconic sights of Nizhny Novgorod, about the monument to Valery Pavlovich Chkalov, which, together with the Chkalovsky staircase and the boat below, is probably one of the main symbols (business card) of the city. I understand that a lot has been written about him, but there is no way to bypass him.

Well, how without secrets third step. See for yourself in the photo below (you can enlarge if you click), the truth is taken from the first step. If someone suddenly does not guess, I will hint at the end of the article :) (after the slideshow from the photo).

Of course, we ourselves, like most Nizhny Novgorod residents, do not admire the monument (we have seen it so many times that we cannot count it), but we periodically come to the site to pick it up. The view there is breathtaking, in any weather :) and time of year. Well, the kids run around the figure in pursuit. In general, our review of this attraction is positive, it is worth a visit.

That's the whole secret of the steps at the monument to Chkalov

If it seems to someone that I forgot to mention something important about this place, please write in the comments.

What made Chkalov famous?

Chkalov Valery Pavlovich- famous Soviet pilot (Hero of the Soviet Union) (1904-1938). He is mainly known for being in command of the crew that in 1937 flew over across the North Pole from the USSR to the USA. The first flight, at that time, from Moscow to Vancouver without an intermediate landing (in 1935, a similar flight by another crew was interrupted due to breakdowns). There was also a legend that Valery Pavlovich flew under one of the bridges Leningrad and there is an episode about this in the film about the eminent pilot. Born in 1904 in the Nizhny Novgorod province. The place was then called the "village of Vasilevo", later it was renamed the city of Chkalovsk. The famous "Nizhny Novgorod" died at the end of 1938 while landing a new aircraft for testing. It is believed that due to the fact that the unfinished aircraft was "driven" by the New Year. For those who are interested in the details of the biography of the test pilot, the most optimal article on Wikipedia.

In 2019 (autumn), I additionally shot a small one-minute video:

Authors this attraction: architects V.S. Andreev, I.G. Taranov and sculptor I.A. Mendelevich. The story about how and why did this monument appear in Nizhny Novgorod, states that Chkalov was friends with Mendelevich and together they chose this site for the monument to Gorky, but two years later (in 1940) after the tragic death of the pilot, a monument to him was erected here at the request of the inhabitants of Gorky (as Nizhny Novgorod was then called).

It's a bit of a stretch to call a pilot a Nizhny Novgorod pilot. He was born in the village of Vasilevo, which later became the city of Chkalovsk, in the Nizhny Novgorod region (then still a province). In Nizhny, he, already an accomplished pilot, came to rest. Before flying, he worked as an aircraft assembler.

The monument consists from a cylinder-pedestal, three steps and directly a bronze statue of a pilot. Valery Pavlovich, as it were, is preparing for the flight, putting on a glove. In addition to the signature on the cylinder, there is a contour map of the northern hemisphere, which Chkalov "crossed". Initially, there was also an inscription "Stalin's falcon", which was removed.

Behind the back of the figure is equipped with a semicircular Observation deck from which starts. In almost any weather, on it, someone admires the opening view of the confluence of the Oka and Volga, the opposite bank. According to the modern on the site there are binoscopes- stationary viewing binoculars. Viewing price: 10 rubles for 100 seconds. One day, the children managed to “look through the sight” :), another time, the bill acceptor swallowed the coin, but did not let them admire the landscape. So, be careful, give other tourists the opportunity to check the performance :) Below are some photos of the monument itself from several sides and the site next to it (taken in 2015).

Now the space surrounding the monument is enough popular Nizhny Novgorod has a place. “Dates” and friendly meetings are arranged here, skateboarders, cyclists, bikers and other “athletes” often hang out nearby. Brief name of the monument - HPV or Valery Palych Chkalov.

The so-called " secret of the third degree”is perfectly visible both from the first and from the second. In my opinion, the first one is even more piquant. I "considered" :) from those steps that are closer to the Kremlin, where the semicircular descent begins. In fact, two "secrets" are being voiced. The first is that pulling on a glove from certain angles looks like an obscene gesture. This is a soft option. If you look at the photo above, from specific steps, you can see that something indecently sticks out from the respected Valery Pavlovich :)

In addition to the monument, tourists will probably be interested in the stairs, the deer on the Nizhne-Volzhskaya embankment, and I'm not talking about the Kremlin :) For museum lovers, I would recommend the Rukavishnikov Estate, which is located near Chkalov. In general, it is better to read about yourself.

Or take a guided tour of Nizhny Novgorod:

This monument and the story of Chkalov are mentioned in Nizhny Novgorod excursions from private guides:

Where to admire great views and check out the monument

Address very simple - Minin and Pozharsky Square (on the embankment), which is next to the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. The site is located on the edge of the square, where the Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment and Georgievsky congress begin, on a slope. Coordinates: 56.329971, 44.009408. By public transport, get to the stops "Ploshad Minin and Poazhrskogo", "Pedagogical University" or "Academy of Water Transport".

So the year of the well-fed yellow pig ends and the New Year 2020 of the little white metal mouse begins.

While the Moscow Metro Museum is under reconstruction, its exposition has been moved...

2018 is the year of the yellow dog and 2019 is the year of the yellow pig. A frisky and cheerful dog passes the reins of power to a well-fed and calm pig.

Dear friends, on the last day of 2017, the fiery rooster, we want to congratulate you on the New Year 2018, the year of the yellow dog.

In the upcoming new year 2017, we wish the fiery rooster to bring you good luck, happiness and bright and positive impressions while traveling.

A country: Russia

City: Nizhny Novgorod

Was passed: 1940

Sculptor: I.A. Mendelevich

Architect: I.G. Taranov, V.S. Andreev


The monument to the Soviet test pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Valery Pavlovich Chkalov, who was the first to make a non-stop flight over the North Pole from Moscow to Vancouver, is a full-length figure of the legendary Soviet pilot. Valery Chkalov, in a flight suit, stands with his arms folded across his chest and his gaze fixed on the boundless blue of the sky. The monument is set on a cylindrical pedestal lined with labradorite. On the pedestal is a map of the world, or rather a view from the North Pole. The map shows the route of the famous flight. And also on the pedestal there is a commemorative inscription: “1904-1938, to Valery Chkalov, the great pilot of our time.”

History of creation

The monument to Chkalov was erected on the square near the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. A beautiful staircase leads from the embankment to the monument, named after the heroic personality of Chkalov. The monument was erected in 1940 on the day of the tragic death of the pilot.

How to get there

The most interesting thing to get to the monument is to come to the Boat Hero stop (route T117, T42). Admire the monument to the Hero Boat and climb the very beautiful Chkalov stairs. Here, near the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, at the crossroads of the Kremlin Street and the Verkhnevolzhskaya Embankment, there is a monument to the legendary pilot Valery Pavlovich Chkalov (Verkhnevolzhskaya Embankment Street, 10a).

Arriving in Nizhny Novgorod, tourists are sure to get acquainted with one of the most popular monuments - a sculpture depicting Valery Pavlovich Chkalov. He dreamily looks into the sky and seems to be preparing for a new flight.

Locals treat this attraction with special trepidation. It seems as if the monument has always been there. Today it is a meeting place, an obligatory point of the tourist route and a symbol of the city. Do you know how this statue appeared near the Kremlin?

History of the place

We will walk to the St. George's Tower. If you turn to face the Volga, the figure of Chkalov will rise to your right, who, like a hospitable host, greets guests.

The very place on which the monument stands is remarkable. At the beginning of the 17th century there was a nunnery here, which in the 19th century was moved to Lyadova Square. The fact is that at that time space was being cleared. Along the walls of the Kremlin, it was planned to equip a recreation area for citizens who could walk along the paths, admire the green spaces and views of the Volga.

In the last century, on the site of the pedestal, there was a cafe where you could enjoy delicious ice cream.

Today, a truly amazing view opens up from here. Bor flaunts on the opposite bank, a new bridge can be seen in the distance, and various ships float importantly and majestically along the river: pleasure boats, steamships, business barges.

Who was supposed to take Chkalov's place?

The great pilot liked to walk along the Volga slope and stopped at the observation deck near the Kremlin wall to admire the river landscapes. He often came to the city, here he had many friends and acquaintances. With one of them, the sculptor Isaac Mendelevich, he talked about the fact that such a remarkable place should have a monument to an outstanding Nizhny Novgorod citizen. The figure of Maxim Gorky would be perfect for this role.

Although the idea was good, it was not given to be realized. After the death of Valery Chkalov, the sculptor insisted that the monument really be erected, but it belonged to the pilot. The project was developed by Mendelevich himself with the help of architects Ivan Taranov and Viktor Andreev.

The monument was supposed to be on the territory of the Kremlin, but Isaac Mendelevich installed the figure of a friend in his favorite place.

Transfer of stairs to the monument

What appeared first - a monument to the legendary test pilot or the famous Chkalov Stairs? The idea of ​​building steps arose long before the Great Patriotic War. Valery Chkalov was familiar with the chairman of the City Executive Committee, Alexander Shulpin, and told him more than once about the need to connect the observation deck with the embankment at the very edge of the river.

The idea of ​​building a staircase grew into the development of a whole project, which was carried out only in 1949. Initially, the steps were supposed to be closer to the Kazan Congress, but the death of Valery Chkalov changed its location and name.

History decreed that the memory of the legendary pilot-hero is securely kept in the hearts of his countrymen, Nizhny Novgorod residents. It is here, where he thoughtfully looked into the distance, admiring the incredible landscapes, that his bronze counterpart is installed. The staircase connecting the Kremlin and the Volga, the main building of the city and the mighty river, proudly carrying its waters, is named after him.


The monument to the legendary test pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Valery Pavlovich Chkalov was erected in 1940 over the Upper Volga embankment in Nizhny Novgorod. The authors of the project are the State Prize laureate sculptor I.A. Mendelevich and architects V.S. Andreev and I.G. Taranov.

On three high steps, lined with black granite, there is a cylindrical pedestal on which stands the bronze figure of Valery Chkalov. The authors of the monument portrayed the pilot at the time of preparation for the flight. It seems that he only has to put on a helmet in order to again go into the transcendental distance. A feature of the sculpture is a characteristic gesture - the pilot pulls a long flight glove over the other with one hand. The polished surface of the pedestal bears the contours of a map of the northern hemisphere. The routes of the legendary flights of V.P. Chkalov to the Far East and through the North Pole to America are indicated on the pedestal by a steel dotted line.

Monuments to Chkalov stand in many cities of Russia, but the most famous is the monument in Nizhny Novgorod. Valery Chkalov glorified his name in 1936, when, together with the pilots Belyakov and Baidukov, he made a non-stop flight over the North Pole from Moscow to Vancouver, USA, where one of the streets was named after him, having overcome 16 minus 12 thousand km in 63 hours. For this feat, Chkalov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The pilot died in 1938 while testing a new aircraft. Chkalov was born in 1904 in the village of Vasilevo, Nizhny Novgorod region, he repeatedly visited Nizhny Novgorod, was elected a deputy to the Supreme Council for the Gorky region.

Valery Pavlovich's favorite place was the Nizhny Novgorod slope (Upper Volga embankment). On one of their visits, together with their friend, sculptor I.A. Mendelevich, they chose a place for the monument to A.M. Gorky. Mendelevich identified a place near the Georgievskaya tower of the Kremlin. But fate decreed that a monument to Chkalov himself was erected on this site in 1940, two years after the death of the pilot. From the monument to Chkalov, the famous Chkalov Stairs descend to the Volga embankment.

Slope and Verkhnevolzhskaya embankment

Otkos is a favorite vacation spot for Nizhny Novgorod residents. The boundless expanses of the Volga, opening from the high bank, have conquered more than one generation of residents and guests of the city. Since the 1830s at the direction of Nicholas I, the “ceremonial face” of Nizhny Novgorod facing the Volga was created here: the picturesque public park “Alexander Garden” was laid out on a sloping slope, the Verkhnevolzhskaya embankment began to be built up with beautiful stone houses. On the right - the building of the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy (the former society "Volga", 1910), to the left - the hotel "Volzhsky Otkos" (architects

A. 3. Grinberg, M. T. Smuroe, 1935).

Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment is one of the highest embankments in Russia. It offers a beautiful view of the Volga River and the surroundings of the city. The Chkalov staircase has 560 steps and is built in the form of a figure eight. The Chkalov Stairs was built in 1949 during restoration work after the Great Patriotic War. A monument to the boat "Hero" was built on the stairs.

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Upper Volga embankment

The monument was erected as a tribute to the great deeds of Nizhny Novgorod, famous throughout the country, a countryman who managed to make a record flight in 1936 across the whole country (Moscow - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky), and in 1937 an unprecedented flight from the USSR to the USA through the North Pole. On December 15, 1938, during the first test flight on the new I-180 fighter at the Central Airfield named after M.V. Frunze (formerly the Central Airfield named after L.D. Trotsky), an experienced pilot Valery Pavlovich Chkalov died. Making a landing approach, the M-88 engine stopped, but Chkalov V.P. heroically controlled the plane to the end and managed to land it outside the area occupied by residential buildings. The pilot himself hit his head on the metal armature that was at the crash site, and died of his injury 2 hours later in the Botkin hospital.

In the same year, after the death of the pilot, the residents of Gorky applied to the city authorities with a request to erect a monument to Chkalov. On the day of the second anniversary of the death of the legendary test pilot, brigade commander and Hero of the Soviet Union Valery Pavlovich Chkalov on December 15, 1940, a monument in his honor was solemnly opened in Nizhny Novgorod. The monument was installed in one of the most beautiful places in Nizhny Novgorod - on the Upper Volga embankment near the Georgievskaya tower of the Kremlin, where Valery Pavlovich Chkalov loved to walk so much. The authors of the project were the Laureate of the State Prize, sculptor I.A. Mendelevich and architects V.S. Andreev and I.G. Taranov. The monument is located on three high steps, lined with black granite. Bronze statue of V.P. Chkalova was cast at the Monumentsculptura plant in Leningrad. The figure of the pilot rises on a cylindrical pedestal, the head is slightly thrown back, the right hand pulls the glove on the left hand. Everything in the guise of a great pilot speaks of his courage, fearlessness, perseverance.

On the polished surface of the cylinder, the contours of the map of the Northern Hemisphere with the routes of two historical flights of the ANT-25 crew under the command of Chkalov are applied. The flight routes of the heroic crew of Chkalov-Baidukov-Belyakov to the Far East and across the North Pole to America are depicted with nickel-plated plates, Moscow as the starting point of the flights was marked with a red ruby ​​star. At the bottom of the pedestal there is an inscription in bronze letters: “1904-1938. To the great pilot of our time Valery Chkalov.