Cracked skin on the heels is an unpleasant and quite common disease. A third of women and men of different age groups face the disease. In addition, cracked heels themselves have an unpleasant appearance, since various infections penetrate into the circulatory system through the cracks. There are a sufficient number of factors why women's heels crack. Before you begin treatment, you need to figure out what led to the appearance of cracks in the skin of your feet.

Causes of cracks

  • Losterine
  • Radevit
  • Aqua peeling

The use of special nutrients is usually carried out in the morning after sleep and in the evening, before going to bed. To enhance the effect of treatment procedures, you should first steam your feet in a sea salt bath for half an hour. Additionally, heels can be removed by removing the keratinized layers.

All products are practically based on Vaseline. Therefore, if your heels begin to crack, you can try applying Vaseline.

Your child may also have a cracked heel. In this case, you will need the help of a specialist who will advise how to treat the problem. If the child is healthy, then regeneration will occur faster compared to adults. You will need to follow the rules of hygiene and use moisturizing baby creams. You also need to monitor your diet, change your baby’s shoes if they are made of low-quality material, and the heel will no longer crack.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods will help you get rid of the problem of cracked heels. Traditional treatment for cracked heels includes a number of recipes.

Ointment made from Vaseline and leaves of live mustache

To prepare a very good remedy, if the heel begins to crack, then mix a tablespoon of Vaseline with half a tablespoon of crushed leaves. The product is stored in the refrigerator. Used 2 times a day.

Potato lotion and bath

For the bath you will need to boil 4 potatoes in 2 liters of water. Then pour the broth into a basin, add 2 tsp. soda The bath should be warm, lower your feet for 20 minutes.

Potatoes and Soda

The boiled potatoes are kneaded and a compress is placed on the heel in a thick layer before waking up in the morning. The ointment can be applied after removing the lotion with warm water and rubbing the heels with pumice.

Oil mixture

To prepare the product, you need to melt 0.5 kg of butter in a steam bath, then add 25 grams of marshmallow and cinquefoil root. Mix and pour into a container. Rub the mixture every day until the heels heal completely.


Knowing what causes the heel, you need to adhere to basic preventive rules:

  • Monitor the condition of the body, proper nutrition, including taking vitamins and minerals
  • Do not exfoliate frequently
  • Wear comfortable, quality shoes
  • Before procedures, always steam your feet, removing the stratum corneum using pumice.

Many people are concerned about the appearance of cracked heels. This causes a lot of inconvenience when walking. Cracks become a source of pain and a source of infection. More often the disorder occurs in the summer. Due to the appearance, it becomes uncomfortable to wear open shoes.

Every year, more and more people are exposed to inconvenience. To choose the right treatment, let’s try to understand the causes of cracked heels.

The causes of cracked heels vary. There are three main groups:

  • Environmental exposure and mechanical damage.
  • A fungus that attacks the epithelium of the skin of the legs.
  • Various diseases of internal organs.

Environmental exposure and mechanical damage

The main enemy of heel skin health is shoes. Uncomfortable, tight shoes interfere with the blood supply to the feet. After just a week of walking in uncomfortable shoes or boots, the skin epithelium will begin to break down. First peeling appears, then small cracks, gradually increasing, causing inconvenience.

A common cause is natural damage, which often occurs in the summer. Walking barefoot damages the skin of your feet and causes cracks. Walking barefoot is good for the body, but after such walks it is necessary to properly care for the skin of the feet, preventing the appearance of cracks.

Often the reason lies in hygiene. There are two extremes. Heel skin care is too infrequent, and vice versa, too frequent. If you often use a sponge, pumice stone and scrubs, various cleansing products, the skin becomes too thin and does not have time to recover. If foot hygiene is not observed, the skin, on the contrary, becomes rough and cracks form.

Fungus that attacks the epithelium of the skin of the legs

Perhaps the most unpleasant cause of cracks. People often do not realize they are infected for a long time. The fungus develops slowly and manages to affect most of the foot. When the signs become noticeable, the sick person begins treatment. It is possible to cure the fungus, but not always. Another treatment will be required. It is not recommended to treat fungus with traditional recipes. The use of antimicrobial agents is permitted only after the approval of a physician.

It's easy to pick up a fungus. Often, swimming pools and pedicure salons become breeding grounds for infection; shoe stores are a common cause. Remember the danger of fungal infection, try to prevent infection in advance.

Diseases of internal organs

An unpleasant cause of cracks in the skin of the heels is a disease of the internal organs. There are few sources, but sometimes it is extremely difficult to find out the root cause. Sometimes you have to undergo examinations for a long period of time. Diseases include:

Possible treatments

The cause determines the nature of the treatment. If the cause is a disease of the internal organs, self-medication is life-threatening. The best solution would be to consult a dermatologist.

If there is complete confidence that the cause of the cracks is mechanical, it is permissible to use folk remedies and medicinal ointments. The two methods can be combined. There is no need to use a recipe from traditional medicine and immediately use a medicinal ointment purchased at a pharmacy. Keep it in moderation.

Recipe based on grease

After a hard day in the evening, it is recommended to wash your feet in warm water using tar soap. Tar soap relieves inflammation and fatigue, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Then wipe dry with a towel. Rub grease into the injured foot. If there are deep cracks in the heels, rub with extreme caution.

Then you need to wrap your feet in polyethylene, wearing warm socks on top, the best option is woolen. Do not remove the compress until the morning. In the morning, wipe your feet with a damp cloth. If you follow the sequence correctly, the effect will appear quickly.

Healing ointment consisting of honey and butter

Folk remedies for the skin of the feet are popular. Recipes based on butter are often used. The oil has a medicinal consistency. It has excellent softening and healing properties.

For this folk remedy recipe you need to mix butter and honey. Apply the mixture to your feet every day for a week. The effect will be amazing. The oil will soften the rough skin of the feet, and the honey will relieve inflammation.

You can’t smear it for more than a week. The skin on the feet can become very moist, and treatment will be in vain.

Oil prepared according to a folk recipe

Commercial creams and ointments use Vaseline as a base. Vaseline has emollient and antibacterial properties. It quickly helps to cope with cracks on the feet; the substance is used to prepare softening oils. Emollient oil is beneficial for any skin type. It is better to prepare the oil yourself. Pharmacy petroleum jelly contains alcohol, which causes an allergic reaction.

At home, prepare medicinal oil and apply the mixture to rough areas. You will need to mix Vaseline, a spoonful of olive oil and half a teaspoon of vinegar. Be careful with vinegar to avoid burns. The folk remedy is only useful when properly prepared.

The resulting oil should be smeared on the feet for five days. After application, apply a bacteriological patch to the skin of the feet. It is not recommended to store unused oil. The remedy loses its benefit. The recipe works well. It is acceptable to use monthly for preventive purposes.

Therapeutic patch as a folk remedy

Cracks in the heels of the feet are a common cause of discomfort for women and men. Tight shoes make walking with cracked heels unbearable. To relieve pain, it is possible to use a special patch. This folk remedy will be a suitable option. You will need to apply a special medicinal ointment to the patch.

Take a lemon and squeeze the juice. Mix with egg yolk and spread on the soles of your feet. Apply a plaster over the mass. With the help of the treatment method, you can go through the day in shoes with the least discomfort. In the evening, remove the patch and wash your feet thoroughly. The skin on your feet will become soft, and gradually the cracks will stop bothering you.

What to do to prevent cracks in the feet

Preventing cracked feet is always easier than curing them.

If the cause is a fungus, it is recommended to consult a doctor, cure the disease, and then use special creams and ointments. Treatment of fungus is in particular demand among men - the stronger sex often has to wear closed shoes. What you shouldn't do is endure pain.

Try to choose comfortable shoes that allow your feet to breathe. A lot depends on the right or wrong choice. If you have to walk in closed shoes for a long time, try using a healing patch. The method will help in treatment and relieve fatigue.

After visiting the pool, sauna or steam bath, you need to use anti-fungal creams. Not all creams sold in pharmacies help. It is better to consult a doctor.

Proper foot skin care is an important reminder. Excessive care will harm the skin of your feet. Not all folk remedies are suitable; treatment is selected individually. Oil, ointment and cream must consist of natural ingredients.

Treatment with folk remedies without consulting a doctor is life-threatening. Do not allow deep cracks in the heels. This will become a source of infection.

If you properly take care of the skin of your feet, beautiful, well-groomed heels will delight you with their appearance.

Cracks in the heels cause a lot of trouble, giving the feet an unaesthetic appearance, allowing infection to penetrate under the skin and exacerbating health problems. Initially, the cracks are barely noticeable; the process begins to develop with small notches that gradually grow. A wound appears in the area where the crack has formed, bleeding and causing discomfort. If your heels are cracked, it is important to begin treatment promptly.

Causes of cracked heels

Many people are faced with the fact that the skin of their heels is rough and constantly getting rough. For some, this problem appears at certain times of the year (winter, summer), while for others it plagues them all year round. This feature depends only on the factors causing such cracks, which develop as a result of internal or external problems.

Rough skin and cracks

To begin treating the disease, you need to understand why cracked heels appear:

  • Incorrect care. Often, most people do not pay attention to their heels. With constant walking, the skin of the feet becomes rough. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the top layer to prevent hardening.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes, having synthetic insoles.
  • Constantly keeping your feet in closed shoes, which leads to a lack of vitamins. Such loss should be restored using fortified creams.
  • Excess body weight puts stress on the feet, being the most common cause of cracks. The action of heavy weight causes the heel to change shape.
  • causes cracked heels.
  • The period of pregnancy and after childbirth.
  • . Heels can crack if a person is worried about the lack of support.
  • The presence of various diseases in the body - diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, hypovitaminosis, frequent heartbeats.

An important reason why heels are rough and cracking is a lack of vitamin A. Retinol promotes protein synthesis, participates in tissue regeneration, strengthening them. Vitamin deficiency indicates dryness, roughness, loss of elasticity of the skin, and cracks.

Such symptoms not without reason signal changes in the body. Retinol deficiency signals cracking heels, resulting in:

  • Poor nutrition, lack of foods that contain vitamin A in the diet
  • Lack of zinc, vitamin E, which helps retinol enter its active form
  • Applications of mineral oil to dissolve vitamin A
  • Hormonal disorders

After the examination, the doctor will find out why the heels are cracking, what diseases caused this, after which the appropriate treatment will be prescribed. After treatment, the skin on the heels will no longer burst.


People who suffer from this disease and do not receive proper treatment complain that the skin on their heels is dry. They talk about cracked heels in the case of type 3 diabetes.


If your heel is cracked, there are a number of reasons:

  • The predominance of large amounts of sugar in the blood vessels, which leads to the proliferation of infection
  • There is little fluid in the body
  • Nerve endings are damaged, as evidenced by very dry skin on the heels

Love to eat delicious food

The most common cause of obesity is dry skin and subsequently cracked heels.

In addition, there are cases when excess body weight leads to roughening and flaking. Peeling and cracks bring a lot of discomfort while walking. Heels may also hurt when standing still.

Binge eating

This is because obesity leads to excessive levels of cholesterol in the circulatory system. Therefore, blood flow and metabolism are disrupted. The circulatory system becomes clogged with plaques that appear from cholesterol, contributing to disruption of the connection between the legs and the central nervous system. Why the skin on the feet becomes thin and prone to developing cracks.

To get rid of the problem you need to lose weight and normalize your diet.


As a rule, heels peel and crack due to a lack of vitamins A, D, E in the body.

Vitamin deficiency mainly manifests its activity in early spring, and can occur at any time as a result of an unbalanced diet. Especially with a deficiency of kerotene and retinol in food. When cracks appear on the heels for this reason, then to speed up the healing process you need to include more greens and fresh vegetables in your diet, and add olive oil to your salad.

Vitamins A and E, which are contained in large quantities, will help remove dry heels and cracks:

  • In the liver
  • Milk
  • In orange fruits and vegetables
  • In nuts
  • In vegetable oil

If you are concerned about dry, cracked and flaky heels, you can take a vitamin complex that includes vitamin A


The infection can penetrate the skin when visiting a swimming pool, bathhouse, or pedicure service. The fungus multiplies due to weakened immunity, infectious diseases and disturbances in the circulatory system.

If there are small cracks, treatment can be carried out using. They relieve inflammation and relieve pain.

In advanced cases, if an abscess appears, a surgical solution to the problem is possible.

Prevention of cracked heels

Cracked heel

There are no specific preventive methods, since cracks are not a separate disease. Moreover, if you use the recommendations in practice, you can reduce the development of pathologies in which this symptom appears. There are a number of conditions such as:

  • Do not wear uncomfortable or poor quality shoes
  • Choose shoes by size, from natural materials
  • Change insoles regularly
  • Eat well
  • Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day
  • Don't wear synthetic socks
  • Before caring for your heels, steam your feet well in hot water.
  • You need to clean your heels with a pumice stone, metal or abrasive brush.
  • Heel care procedures can be alternated to achieve the desired result, and after manipulation, wear cotton socks.
  • After each procedure, you should apply a moisturizer, including at night.
  • To avoid damaging your skin when walking, do not wear flip-flops or sandals.

All these procedures, as well as personal hygiene, will help prevent and, if present, get rid of cracked heels.


Together with the use of drugs for cracked heels, which helps improve blood flow in the legs and feet.

Heel massage

The massage procedure is carried out using cream or Vaseline. It is necessary to use emollients so that there is no mechanical effect on the skin, which can cause peeling and subsequently cracks.

Movements must be performed smooth, penetrating. If you massage regularly, you can observe positive dynamics. Your health will improve significantly, and your heels will stop cracking.

If your heels crack, this can lead to various problems, so treatment must begin immediately.

Cream for cracked heels

Pharmacies offer a large number of products that help with cracked heels. According to manufacturers, it is possible to get rid of the problem in 7 days. You can treat cracks with healing ointments at home, after a doctor’s prescription. The cream must be used after the water procedure and at night.

Use of creams and ointments

Cream “Healing against cracked legs”

The drug is rich in natural plant components, which includes walnut oil, plantain extract, essential oil of fir and tea tree. Thanks to this rich composition, wounds on the heel heal quickly. If you apply cream, it will soften, moisturize, and help with rough feet.

Allga San

Pine cream, which includes vitamin E, mountain pine oil, beeswax, chamomile extract and other softening ingredients. The cream helps in the regeneration of dermal cells. If you regularly use the cream, cracks can be eliminated, and the skin will become smooth and elastic.

Cream "Zorka"

The active ingredient of the drug Floralizin. The cream is used as a treatment for skin ailments and prevention. The medicine copes well with cracks and wounds on the heels.

Radevit ointment

The cream treats skin diseases accompanied by dryness and the formation of cracks. It contains vitamin A, E, D2. The cream helps reduce skin inflammation, eliminates abrasions and peeling on the heels.

Radevit quickly restores damaged tissue and heals cracks.

Croc honey

The cream is intended for healing cracks. It contains sea buckthorn oil, which helps in the fight against all skin imperfections on the legs - calluses, cracks, wounds.

What do perfectly groomed legs look like? Of course, this is a first-class pedicure, satin skin of the feet, pink neat toes... We remember the heels last. Although exactlytheirthe condition can significantly limit the choice of summer shoes and become a permanent aesthetic problem.

Cracked heels- This is the result of roughening and subsequent damage to the skin. They can be eliminated using special procedures that are carried out both in the salon and at home. However, it also happens that painful ruptures indicate the presence of serious diseases - endocrine, vascular, dermatological, here the treatment tactics will be completely different.

In this article, the site will tell you how to properly care for the skin of your feet so that your heels always look like a baby’s, what ways to cope with the problem, and what to do if cosmetology does not give the expected result:

What are the types of cracked heels and why do they appear?

In most cases, we are talking about shallow damage to the stratum corneum of the skin. They do not cause any discomfort; only the aesthetic side of the issue may concern you. But it also happens that the wounds begin to irritate and itch. Gradually deepening, they remind of themselves with pain when walking, standing for a long time, and even just when wearing shoes. It will no longer be possible to ignore such symptoms, and instead of ordinary cosmetic care, serious treatment will be required.

All the reasons leading to cracking of the skin on the heels can be divided into two large groups:

  • insufficient or excessive care, the presence of environmental factors leading to dryness and injury to the skin of the feet;
  • various diseases leading to changes in the soft tissues of the lower extremities.

The first of these includes:

  • habit of walking barefoot or wearing mules;
  • insufficient foot care: if you do not promptly remove dead cells using pumice (graters) or peelings, and do not moisturize in the same way as we do with our hands or face, then the skin quickly becomes rough and loses moisture. Excessive care can also lead to the same consequences: constant use of abrasives (scrubs and pumice stones), peelings;
  • wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes made of synthetic materials, excessive sweating of the feet, lack of habit or ability to change shoes if the shoes are damp or wet;
  • exposure to chlorinated water, as well as components of washing powder, conditioners and other household chemicals that are used when washing tights or socks, or caring for shoes;
  • harmful working conditions (high temperature, contact with toxic substances);
  • smoking and other bad habits;
  • unreasonable diets for the purpose of losing weight, poor diet, insufficient amount of fluid.

Each of the reasons listed above individually is not capable of causing deep, painful cracking. As a rule, there is an impact of several factors at once, and all the changes they cause are completely reversible - often it is enough to remove particles of keratinized skin, and our heels again acquire an aesthetic appearance.

If home care does not solve the problem, visits to a pedicurist provide only temporary improvement, and the cracks begin to hurt when walking and pressing, then you should think about the possible presence of more serious pathologies. These, that is, the second group of reasons include:

  • fungal infection;
  • dermatological diseases such as psoriasis, ichthyosis;
  • excess weight and, accordingly, increased load on the feet when walking;
  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of sub- and decompensation;
  • helminthiasis (presence of worms);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal imbalances caused by diseases of the thyroid and other endocrine glands, pregnancy, menopause.

In this case, to accurately diagnose the concomitant disease and its further elimination, an in-person examination by a doctor and tests will be required.

How to get rid of cracks and get your heels in order?

How to solve the problem will dependdepending on the situationand the personal approach of a dermatologist. The main activities that will help with the aesthetic side of the issue are as follows:

  • Treatment of deep, painful fissures

In most cases, such skin damage does not heal on its own. On the contrary, they gradually become deeper and the discomfort becomes more and more noticeable. The optimal treatment method in this case would be medical glue. It securely holds the edges of the crack and prevents it from deepening. The best solution is special glue FB-6, which is usually sold in pharmacies. If FB-6 is not available, you can use any other, as long as it contains cyanoacrylate. The application algorithm is simple:

  • remove all dirt from the skin of the heels, rinse them thoroughly in the cracked area;
  • dry the skin with a towel and wait for the moisture that the fabric did not absorb to evaporate;
  • Apply glue to the problem area and let it dry (usually just a few minutes is enough).

This procedure will not cause any harm to the body, but the benefits will be obvious: within 1-2 weeks the crack will heal, after which you can slowly grind off the glue with a file.

  • Elimination of external causes that provoke skin cracking

The list goes on. Our main task is to choose the best ways to care for your feet and objects in contact with the skin, which will not cause overdrying and cracking.

  • Establishing proper foot care

It's important not to overdo it here. For example, you should not overuse peelings - hot water, pumice and a good cream or ointment containing urea will be enough. If there are significant layers of keratinized cells, then after steaming, treating with pumice and applying cream, wrap your feet in a plastic bag and put on socks. Gradually, as the condition of the skin improves, it will be possible to abandon the cellophane and leave only the cream and socks.

Heel skin before and after complex treatment of deep and small cracks:

What to do if the cracks do not go away?

If you have eliminated all the factors that can provoke excessive keratinization and damage to the skin of the heels, and regular care does not help solve the problem, there is a high probability that there are chronic pathologies in the body, to find which you need to visit a doctor (you can start with a dermatologist) and be examined.

The first step is usually to take a scraping to check for mycosis. This is a simple test that can detect foot fungus. By itself, it does not cause cracking, but it can enhance the effect of other unfavorable factors. If the result is negative, it will be necessary to continue the search in close collaboration with a physician, dermatologist and endocrinologist.

Cracked heels are a problem that almost everyone has encountered. This problem is unpleasant and sometimes even painful.

Cracks do not appear immediately, but gradually, and if you do not start eliminating the signs in time, this may result in a long treatment in the future.

It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

There can be many reasons, but the main one is that the skin has lost elasticity, moisture and other properties. Cracked heels may have the following causes:

  1. Such skin diseases often occur due to improper footwear. That is, the shoes are uncomfortable, the wrong size or of poor quality. This type of dermatitis can be caused by wearing shoes for a long time.
  2. The cause may be improper blood circulation. The prerequisites for this may be standing work, long walking and excess weight.
  3. The skin on your heels may indicate that you have problems with vitamins in your body. There are either few or many of them.
  4. Metabolism may be the cause of skin problems on the heels.
  5. Fungus is a big enemy to skin health.
  6. Diabetes mellitus very often becomes the culprit of many health problems, the skin on the heels is no exception.
  7. Gastritis, like all problems with the gastrointestinal tract, very often affects the skin of the entire body, including the face and heels.
  8. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules is the main cause of problems with cracked skin.
  9. Excessive skin care can bring negative results. Peeling can be one of the reasons for the appearance of cracks in the legs. Due to excessive and frequent mechanical impact on the skin, it becomes thinner and becomes very weak and vulnerable.
  10. Sun and heat. Many people know that the main problems with the skin of the heels begin in the summer. And the reason is that in the summer we hardly take care of our feet. We walk barefoot on hot sand and asphalt.
  11. Cracks as a result of problems with the thyroid gland and disorders in the hormonal system.
  12. Worms.
  13. Psoriasis.
  14. Diseases of the nervous system.
  15. Mycosis of the feet.

If treatment for cracked heels is not started in time, then various harmful microbes and mites will settle on the skin. All this can lead to inflammation and health problems.

Of course, it is advisable to find out what is the cause of the cracks, and if this is a symptom of a serious disease, then simple baths will not do. You will have to contact a specialist and begin full treatment.

If everything is much simpler, then there are many ways that help.


How to help

Of course, we need to treat. Foot cream that contains vinylin helps a lot. Products with vinylin are among the most effective for problems with cracks.

What treatment methods can be used:

  1. Use of cosmetics and specialized products.
  2. Frequent pedicures.
  3. Products with vitamin A and F.
  4. Therapeutic baths.
  5. Foot masks.
  6. Antifungal agents.
  7. Using scrubs.
  8. You can use the advice of traditional medicine.

What if it's a fungus? This type of skin problem is quite unpleasant because... the fungus can cause burning and itching. Drug treatment with special antifungal ointments and creams will help here.

Poor nutrition

When a person does not know how to control what he eats, this has a very negative impact on his appearance and health.

Poor nutrition can cause heel problems.

  1. Don't ignore the amount of water you drink throughout the day.
  2. Constant diets and fasting must be abolished.
  3. Food should be healthy, with sufficient vitamins and minerals.
  4. It is good to include fermented milk products and seafood in your diet.

Shoes. In this case, treatment of cracked heels should begin with changing shoes. You need to choose new shoes:

  • comfortable;
  • to size;
  • from natural materials;
  • as high quality as possible.

If you have deep cracks in your heels, then in the summer you should avoid sandals, flip-flops, clogs, and all open shoes.

Avitaminosis. It’s worth taking a course of vitamins and diversifying your food with fruits and vegetables. Use products with vitamins A, F, E.

Problems with personal hygiene. Here you can recommend including foot care in your daily routine. In the summer, when many people walk barefoot, you need to wash your feet several times a day. You should wear socks that will protect your feet from environmental influences.


Use moisturizing creams, pumice stones and scrubs. You can become a regular client in a beauty salon; pedicure is a procedure that has a good effect on the condition of the entire foot. Treat and wash your shoes frequently. Take baths several times a week.

Treatment of deep cracks

Deep cracks can cause severe discomfort and have different causes and treatments. The problem causes pain and can cause inflammation and infection. Treating such cracks is not just necessary, but necessary, and the sooner the better.

What not to do with deep cracks:

  1. Walk barefoot and without socks.
  2. Get involved in peeling.
  3. Starve and go on a strict diet.

Ointments, pumice and Vaseline

  1. Of course, remember about Vaseline, which is very good in combating such problems. It can be applied at night or in the morning in a thick layer; it is best to wear cotton socks on top.
  2. To prevent your heels from becoming infected, you should use antibiotic ointment.
  3. Deep cracks can be treated with sealing. For this procedure you will need superglue that contains cyanoacrylate. This glue is sold in construction stores, in regular stores and on the market. Before starting the procedure, wash your feet thoroughly and dry. Open the tube and apply glue along the entire length of the crack. The glue must dry, for this you need to wait a little. This method is recommended by dermatologists and is considered completely safe for health. The glue will help the wound heal quickly. Other procedures should not be carried out within 5 days; after this period, care can be resumed.
  4. To prevent the appearance of cracks or for small wounds, it is recommended to use pumice, before doing this you should soak the skin well.
  5. Cream with salicylic acid helps. It effectively peels off old skin. This cream is recommended to be applied to the heels after using pumice. If it causes a burning sensation, try reducing the application layer.

Honey therapy

Honey is an excellent remedy that will help you cope with this problem. It can be applied to a cotton cloth, which is subsequently applied to the cracks in the heels. This compress is very good to do at night, but the cloth should be secured well. In the morning, the compress is washed off, and a rich baby cream is applied to the heels. To retain moisture, you can use an adhesive plaster, which is attached to the area where the cracks are located.

Grind 2 tbsp. l. roots of this plant, pour 1 liter of boiling water and bring to a boil. The decoction needs to be infused for several hours, preferably in a thermos. This infusion should be used as a daily lotion. Very soon after these procedures you will see positive results.

After identifying the cause of cracked heels, if it is common and not hazardous to health, you can use other folk tips for treatment, which are often recommended by dermatologists.


  1. 2 tbsp. l. Add coltsfoot to boiling milk in the amount of 1 cup. Leave in a water bath for an hour. Place the prepared coltsfoot pulp on gauze and apply to the sore spot. The compress should remain on the skin for at least half an hour. You can do this procedure for the entire time until the cracks heal.
  2. Before going to bed, the skin on your heels should be steamed and then dried thoroughly. Rub honey into the cracked skin and place a cabbage leaf on top and secure. This compress can be left overnight. In the morning, rinse your feet in warm water and apply cream.
  3. Take a foot bath and then dry your feet with a towel. Use olive, flaxseed or sea buckthorn oil instead of cream. Wrap your feet in cling film and put on socks. You can leave this compress on all night. In the morning, take a bath again and apply peeling.
  1. Add chamomile and lavender essential oils to a spoon of Vaseline, a few drops will do. This ointment is stored in airtight packaging. You can apply it several times a day to the problem area.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil and 1 tsp. Add vinegar to well-beaten yolk. This product is applied to the steamed skin of the heels and left covered overnight. In the morning, a bath is made and peeling is used.

All of these recipes are very effective when used daily for several weeks. If you do everything correctly and often, the result will please you very soon.


If all of the above remedies do not bring improvement, the problem does not go away, it gets worse, discharge appears from the cracks, inflammation is felt, the pain becomes unbearable, then this is a reason to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. After identifying the causes, the specialist will prescribe medication.

The causes of cracked heels in men are the same as in women; this list can also include features of professional activity and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Women take more care of their bodies than men. Therefore, they prevent problems at the stage of their inception. For men, everything is much more complicated, so most often they suffer from deep cracks in the heels.

The first cause of cracks is shoes, which, in order to save money, are most often of poor quality and not always comfortable. The reason may be the wrong choice of socks made from non-natural materials.

Violation of hygiene rules is also a common cause in men. Reluctance to change socks every day and failure to comply with hygiene rules in public places lead to the appearance of fungus on the skin of the feet, which, if treated incorrectly or not, can lead to negative consequences.

The cause may also be poor nutrition or health problems that are not paid attention to.


There is only one piece of advice here. If there are problems, then you should not delay treatment. How to treat cracked heels? For cracked feet, men can be advised to take simple baths at home. First, the legs are immersed in hot water and then in cold water. This will not only harden, but also help improve blood circulation, which will allow the skin to recover.

Accompanying illnesses

Cracked heels can occur due to serious diseases, for example, problems with the thyroid gland, metabolic disorders, diabetes and psoriasis.


In such cases, self-medication is contraindicated. If you have diabetes, you should absolutely not steam your feet and it is advisable to use a special cream for treatment.

Don’t forget about prevention, which will help you avoid big problems in the future. Make it a habit to check your feet for different symptoms every day.