Many people are interested in how to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital in Sberbank? Families in Russia with the advent of a second or subsequent children gain the opportunity to resort to a method of state support - maternal (family) capital (MSK). One of the most used options for this measure is to invest in mortgage loans to improve the living conditions of the family. Due to the growing popularity of this type of lending, there is an interest in how to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital in Sberbank.

How to pay off a mortgage using maternity capital

There are several ways to spend MSC on paying a loan for real estate. After registration and the delivery procedure, the certificate can be spent on a down payment, as well as for early full or partial repayment of a housing loan at Sberbank.

The procedure and procedure for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital require the collection of numerous certificates and documentation. The list of securities submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFRF) for the further opportunity to spend MSK varies somewhat depending on the type of object being credited and the repayment option.

If at the time the right to use this measure of state support arises, the family is already paying off a housing loan, you will need to order a certificate from Sberbank on the balance of the debt and submit it to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, attaching all the required documentation, and declare your desire to transfer money.

If the MSC funds are planned to be spent in order to make the first installment, along with the application and papers for considering a loan application and a certificate for mother capital, a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the residual balance of the MSC funds should be presented. This will need to be done within 90 days after Sberbank makes a decision to approve the loan, and the document itself is valid for 30 days and is submitted to the bank along with the documentation for the loaned housing.

Upon approval of the PFRF application, the money is transferred to an account with Sberbank. The operation takes no more than 1 month and 10 days from the filing of an application for a certificate.

An indispensable obligation for the payment of a mortgage by mother capital is the condition for the location of real estate in the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, the property must belong to the whole family in the order of shared ownership, or you will need to draw up a receipt for the mandatory inclusion of real estate in the common property and certify it with a notary.

When can I pay off the mortgage with maternity capital

Repayment of a mortgage with maternity capital in Sberbank is possible simultaneously with the appearance of a second or subsequent children, since the expenditure of MSCs on a down payment, early partial or full settlement of a housing loan is an exceptional situation and does not oblige the child, with the advent of which the right to demand a certificate, to reach a three-year age.

Taking into account the above information, the use of maternity capital to pay off a mortgage at Sberbank is one of the most affordable options for Russian families raising 2 (or more) children.

What documents are needed for repayment of maternity capital

Simultaneously with the application for the intention to dispose of the mother's capital, a package of documents is provided to the FIU. For any method of using a certificate for calculating a mortgage loan, the main list includes:

  • passport;
  • document on registration (stay or residence);
  • passport of the spouse (spouse) of the certificate holder, if he (she) is a party to the transaction;
  • marriage certificate;
  • if the application is submitted by a representative - his passport, as well as a notarized power of attorney for his authority;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance of the MSC recipient.

In addition to the above documents for the first installment, you will need:

  • a copy of the contract for the acquisition of real estate (participation in shared construction or a building permit) issued to the recipient of the certificate;
  • an extract from the USRN on the rights of the person to the object of lending (unless the transfer of rights is provided only after paying the full cost) in the case of the purchase of a dwelling;
  • a document on payment for participation in shared construction and on the balance of the debt;
  • loan contract;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • the obligation to register housing acquired or built using MSC funds as joint ownership of the whole family, written and certified by a notary.

To make an early payment using a certificate, in addition to the main list of documents, the following are provided:

  • mortgage agreement;
  • loan contract;
  • a certificate from the Unified State Register of Real Estate Registration about the possession of property rights of all family members to the object of lending;
  • certificate of the amount of debt on the payment of mortgage interest and the amount of the principal debt;
  • a copy of the agreement for participation in shared construction or a copy of a construction permit - provided that the facility has not been put into operation;
  • a document on the crediting of the loan funds by bank transfer to an account with Sberbank opened by the recipient of the certificate or his spouse;
  • a written obligation to legislate the residential premises purchased or built with the help of MSC funds into the joint ownership of the family (spouses and children), written and certified by a notary.

Early repayment of a mortgage in Sberbank

Early repayment of a mortgage at Sberbank is carried out upon an application containing the following information: full name of the payer, number of the mortgage agreement, account for debiting money, amount and date of payment. At the same time, there is no commission for early repayment, as well as a limit on its volume.

If part of the MSC has already been spent on some needs, the remainder can be spent exclusively on payment on an already existing loan. An important note will be the mention that the maternity capital for payment of the initial mortgage installment in Sberbank can only be used in its entirety in the absence of debiting funds for other expenses.

Obtaining a new payment schedule or a certificate of loan repayment

Subject to the approval of the PFRF application for the desire to use the funds of the MSC and the transfer of maternity capital, Sberbank employees draw up a new payment schedule that reflects a decrease in the monthly payment, while the duration of payment does not change in any way.

Recipients of a certificate who are ready to send it for mortgage payments are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to reduce the mortgage term when using MSC. It is worth noting that such an opportunity appeared in Sberbank quite recently and requires a personal appeal to the bank branch, where you need to draw up an application, expressing a desire for partial early repayment, indicating the need to reduce the loan term and maintain the amount of the monthly payment.

In a situation where there is a full early payment of the mortgage, the payer must receive a paper on the termination of debt obligations to Sberbank. To do this, you should contact the bank employees to draw up an application that indicates the number of the loan agreement, the date of full repayment of the loan, the number and personal signature of the applicant. Such a certificate will allow you to ensure your own peace of mind, as it documents the fulfillment of all debt obligations to the bank.

Video how to get a mortgage using maternity capital:

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Recently, it has become increasingly difficult to purchase a home without any debts. To this end, young families take mortgage loans, hoping to then pay them off with the help of state support, namely maternity capital. The subtleties and difficulties of this procedure will be discussed.

How to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital

First, let's look at what both of these concepts include.

A mortgage is a loan for the purchase of housing, in which this housing is pledged. Typically, such loans are issued for a long period, they have lower interest rates, but higher requirements: to the length of service of the borrower, salary, down payment, etc. Also, the bank must evaluate the apartment in order to understand how adequate the requested amount is. The borrower is undoubtedly the full owner of the property, he can live in it, register anyone, make repairs, but cannot sell and exchange without the permission of the bank.

Maternity capital (at the moment it is a little more than 420 thousand rubles) is issued once in the name of the mother after the birth of the second (third, etc.) child, if he was born after 2007. This money can be used to improve the living conditions of the child. It is for its protection and support that this capital was created. The mother cannot invest the specified amount in someone else's apartment, donate it, invest in repairs or divide it during a divorce. You can buy with this money only the apartment in which the share of the child and all other family members is officially allocated.

Now regarding how to take a mortgage and repay with maternity capital. Not all banks like to work with mother capital. Because this money is mythical for them, non-existent at the moment. This is just a form of state support. But this does not apply to all banks. Many of them are always ready to help and are happy to meet halfway.

Often women are interested in whether it is possible to pay off the husband’s mortgage with maternity capital, for whom should a loan agreement be drawn up? On anyone, if this anyone is a member of the family. Husband, wife, or both, it doesn't matter. However, it is important that all family members are the owners of the apartment. If you apply for a loan for one family member, he must sign a document in which he undertakes to allocate shares to the rest within a certain time after buying a home.

When can I pay off the mortgage with maternity capital

So, this is the case when the loan was taken before the birth of the second (or third, fourth, whatever) child, thanks to which you received a certificate. Previously, there was a ban, according to which the terms for taking a loan were set (after 2010). Now there are no restrictions. Whenever you become a borrower, the capital can be used to repay the loan. In this case, the bank has no right to refuse you.

Many people think that money can only be used after the prescribed 3 years. This is true, but in case of early repayment it does not matter. It does not matter how old the child is, once you have received the certificate in your hands, you can use it for these purposes. Consider the algorithm of your actions.

  • After the certificate is officially received, you collect the documents in your bank, which will be listed below, and go with them and with all copies to the Pension Fund (now you can sign up there in advance by phone so as not to stand in line with a small child).
  • There you submit an application for the disposal of capital. For about a month, the fund will consider your application, check the documents, and then give an answer. If it is positive, the entire amount will be credited to the bank account within 2 months after the approval of the decision.
  • Then you go to the place where the loan was received and there you submit an application that the debt has been repaid, and you receive documents on recalculation.
  • The same must be done if you are interested in how to pay off part of the mortgage with maternity capital. The remaining amount will be recalculated and papers will be issued to you.
  • Remember that you can “close” only the body of the loan (principal debt) or the interest that is accrued on top of it. No fines or penalties will be paid with this money.

How to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital in Sberbank: documents

The list of required documents in all banks is approximately the same. More often than not, people prefer to contact Sberbank, so let's talk about what documents it will require.

All papers are carefully checked. With any mistake, everything will come back, you will have to go to the Pension Fund again. Therefore, check everything in advance: all names, dates, seals. Employees of the Pension Fund and Sberbank will definitely help you, but be careful yourself too: do not confuse surnames, signatures before and after marriage, etc.

Take all the originals with 2-3 copies at once, so that later you do not have to run around and copy something.

  • Passports of husband and wife, birth certificates of all children. Be sure to make copies of the main page of the passport and residence permit.
  • Capital Certificate. Original and copy required. Sometimes they may ask for a certificate of the state of the account at the moment to make sure that you have not spent any funds. But this is requested from the Pension Fund itself. Therefore, if necessary, you do not need to go anywhere.
  • SNILS. Take everything to all family members with copies.
  • Take all the agreements that the bank issued to you when you received the loan. Even if it seems to you that this paper is not needed, take it. Well, if you kept all these papers together. Everything you have, copy.
  • Before you go to the Pension Fund, take a certificate from the person who gave you the loan (his last name, first name, middle name are indicated in the contract). Go to him and ask for a certificate, which should indicate how much your debt is at the moment, with seals and signatures.
  • You can also get your account statement there. It is usually not required to copy it, but the original is taken away.
  • If the apartment is registered for one family member, he brings an obligation in which he promises to allocate shares to everyone within a certain period of time. This will need to be done necessarily in justice at the place of residence.
  • Take with you a certificate of ownership of the apartment. If there are several owners, take everything with copies.

These are all the documents you may need.

Matkapital as a down payment

You already know what you need to pay off the mortgage with maternity capital. Now let's talk about what to do if you became a borrower after the birth of a child or just want to become one. In this case, in order to use the money, you will have to wait 3 years after receiving the certificate.

Not all banks are ready to issue loans in this way due to certain risks. And then they already have the right to refuse. However, many accept mother capital as a down payment: Unicredit, Sberbank, and VTB 24 recently joined them in this regard.

If the answer to the question of whether it is possible to repay a joint mortgage with maternity capital is obvious, then everything will be a little more complicated with the down payment. You will have to collect a little more documents and go to various authorities a little more often. So, you already have a capital certificate, the next step is to find out how much the bank agrees to give you. You submit the following documents:

  • Questionnaire with the borrower's data
  • Passport with registration
  • SNILS or driving license
  • Certificate of income from work
  • Copy of work book
  • Certificate for mother capital and a certificate of its condition
  • Marriage certificate and husband's passport, if the loan is for him or both

You can get a more accurate list of documents at the branch of the selected bank, where employees will explain everything to you in detail.

If your profile has not aroused suspicion and the application has been approved, feel free to choose housing with a cost not exceeding the specified amount. The apartment will need to be assessed to find out its real value. After all these procedures, the bank will issue you a letter stating that a loan for a certain amount is approved. With him and with all the documents that have already been mentioned above, go to the Pension Fund to apply for the disposal of public money. If everything is in order there and you were allowed to use the funds, and also issued a certificate of the exact amount of capital, you return again to the one who issued the loan to you with these papers and present everything that you have for the desired apartment: a contract of sale , even if preliminary, etc. At the bank, you will need to sign a loan agreement. Then you go to the PF again with an agreement and an obligation to allocate shares to all family members. And only after that the money will go to the account.

This scheme seems complicated and incomprehensible, but there is no need to be scared. They will help you and explain step by step where to go now and with what papers. Remember that before signing the contract, you have to think about everything: how many years you will pay the mortgage, what monthly payments you need to make, whether you still need money for repairs, etc. Bank employees are obliged to inform you about everything.

Is it possible to immediately repay the mortgage with maternity capital: difficulties

Difficulties rarely arise, since banks usually oversee such transactions and monitor compliance with all the rules regarding documents. However, the likelihood that you will be denied the use of capital, all the same. The bank may agree, but it happens that the documents do not pass the verification in the PF. It doesn't matter how much you borrow. There are no restrictions on which mortgage can be repaid with maternity capital. Any - for finished housing, for a new building, for the construction of your own house. You may be denied for the following reasons.

  • Incorrectly collected or executed documents. You missed something, but the fund employee did not notice. Documents will be returned. They will call you, ask you to convey something or redo it. It's not terrible, it just takes a little more time.
  • The rights to additional state support measures have been terminated. This means that you have already spent the capital. Usually you are warned about this by registered mail.
  • Amount exceeded. If you have requested an amount more than you are entitled to, the documents will be returned back.
  • Restriction in parental rights in relation to a child for whom money has been allocated. This is a measure that usually ends in deprivation of parental rights. Together with the right to education, parents lose all benefits and materiel.
  • If the child was taken away for some reason and the guardianship authorities have the relevant papers, this will definitely be found out during the check.
  • If the mother or child does not have Russian citizenship. But in this case, obtaining a certificate itself will be difficult.
  • In case of adoption of the second or third, etc. the child's mother has the right to receive matkapital. But if she received it, and the adoption process was stopped or canceled, she will not be able to manage the money.

Is it possible to pay off a military mortgage with maternity capital

A military mortgage is the same loan, but on more favorable terms, designed to support military personnel. There is a special accumulative system, according to which it is possible to repay a loan only with state funds, but for this you need to remain in the service all the time that payments are in progress.

In this case, you first need to apply and become a member of this program. After 3 years, when enough funds have accumulated in the account, it will be possible to purchase a home. Real estate is calculated in such a way that 18 square meters will be allocated for each family member. If a soldier wants a larger apartment, he will have to invest his own money.

The borrower cannot leave the army if there are no good reasons: the age limit for service, health status, important family circumstances.

Maternity capital is used in the same way as with a conventional loan. That is, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to repay part of the mortgage with maternity capital is definitely positive. It would seem, why extinguish if the state pays? And then, in order to quickly get an apartment in full ownership, remove the burden and live in peace.

For a woman, the repayment of such a loan with capital is of particular importance. Initially, mortgages and housing are issued only in the name of the borrower who is serving. If she wants to use the certificate, she and the children must be made owners. But this is possible only in the case of official registration of marriage.

For the first installment, you also need to wait 3 years, you do not need to wait for repayment. The documents and algorithm of actions are the same as for a conventional mortgage.

Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children” was adopted in order to create conditions that would provide these families with a decent life. The law was repeatedly supplemented with various provisions, in 2019 its validity period was again extended. It is this form of state support for families that is called maternal (family) capital. The most popular ways to use this form of state support for the family are the acquisition of housing and the repayment of mortgages by maternity capital.

Maternity capital (matkap) is an inalienable property right to directly spend a certain amount from the state budget to meet the material needs of members of a large family with maternity capital. For the purposes of this Law, families with many children are considered families that have two or more children, and the date of birth of the last child must be after January 1, 2007. That is, a mother who gave birth to a whole triplet on December 31, 2006 is not considered to have many children, and a mother who gave birth to only twins the next day, January 1, 2007, is considered the opposite. The law applies only to Russians, that is, at least the mother and her two children must be citizens of the Russian Federation.

For 2019, the amount of maternity capital is 453,026 rubles. You can use it without waiting for the child to be 3 years old.

Maternity capital is not a cash prize for the birth of a second child, the state strictly limits families in what it is ready to allow spending maternity capital. The list is not too big. Money can be spent on:

  1. Improvement of living conditions. This includes the cost of buying a home. It is possible to repay the mortgage with maternity capital, including the ability to repay part of the body of the loan and pay interest on it. More than 95% of those who received it manage the funds of maternity capital in this way.
  2. The funded part of the mother's pension. In this case, the capital really turns from family to maternal. This form is not very popular, due to difficult to predict inflation and unstable legislation.
  3. Education of children. This is the least common form of application of matcapa.
  4. Relatively recently, it became possible to pay for a vehicle purchased for family needs with maternity capital. There are not enough statistics yet, and it is difficult to say how much this option will be in demand.
  5. Adaptation of a disabled child in society (purchase of the necessary funds and services).

So investing your maternity capital in a mortgage is a smart choice.

The state strictly controls the use of maternity capital for its intended purpose. Attempts to cash out family capital are illegal and subject to criminal prosecution.

It is important that the presence of adopted children gives the family the same rights as those born. It is not necessarily the mother who receives the maternity capital. It could be the father or the adoptive parent. In the event of the death of both parents, the maternity capital is inherited by the children.

The procedure for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital

When thinking about how to invest matcap, remember that all citizens eligible for matcap also have the full right to repay a mortgage loan with maternity capital. This has not always been the case, and in the past, banks have been reluctant to use maternity capital to pay off mortgages. At present, the obligation to ensure the repayment of the mortgage by maternity capital is assigned to banks at the level of legislation, and the bank simply cannot refuse your right to invest maternity capital in a mortgage.

Mortgage repayment by maternity capital can be implemented in three ways:

  1. Maternity capital can be used to close the first installment on a mortgage.
  2. You can make early repayment of the loan body, in full or pay off part of the mortgage.
  3. It is also possible to pay only interest on the loan.

Each of these methods has its pros and cons.

There is a risk in attracting a matcap to pay off a mortgage from the very first conversation with the bank. Maternity capital may well provide mortgage repayment, at least in part. But the bank may suspect you of a possible loss of work, the need to switch to part-time employment to care for children. To insure, the bank may offer you an increased interest on the loan, a reduced loan term or other additional conditions. On the other hand, having already made a matcap, you will not look for too much for the first installment, and monthly payments will be feasible from the very beginning.

Can I pay off my mortgage early? Yes, this is a permitted mechanism, and financially beneficial for the borrower. We wrote about this earlier. You can pay off the mortgage with maternity capital if you have the opportunity to invest in paying on the same terms within two months. It will take two months to consider your case in the pension fund and re-register a loan at the bank. But then serious relief will immediately come - the body of the loan will decrease significantly and the interest payment will be recalculated.

You should pay off one percent on a mortgage loan only as a last resort. The conditions for repaying the mortgage with maternity capital are such that the bank will receive all its money, and ahead of schedule. You may have temporarily lost your solvency and, at the same time, received the right to family capital. Then, in order not to lose the apartment mortgaged in the bank, you are forced to invest in paying for servicing the loan at any cost. And hope that the situation will change for the better soon. But, as soon as things go smoothly, and it will be possible to repay the mortgage with maternity capital, do it.

Having decided on the choice of option, contact the bank for a special certificate on the current state of your loan. With this certificate, go to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), where your case will be considered and a decision will be made. If it is positive, contact the bank, he will recalculate.

Documents for the bank to pay off the mortgage mat capom

To contact the bank, you need a certificate for receiving maternity capital. To obtain it, contact the FIU office at your place of residence with an application. In addition to the application, you must submit:

  • Russian passport of the applicant;
  • parents' marriage certificate;
  • Russian birth certificates for children.

In difficult cases, certificates of adoption of children, documents certifying the Russian citizenship of children, parents or adoptive parents, certificates of death of parents or deprivation of their parental rights, documents on the powers of a trustee and others may be required.

Having received a certificate in your hands, contact the bank with an application for early repayment of the mortgage loan body, in whole or in part, or about your desire to repay the interest on the loan at the expense of maternity capital. When submitting an application, you will have to present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a Certificate for obtaining maternity capital. The bank will issue you a certificate on the state of the loan with a separate indication of the balances of the body of the loan and interest for its maintenance.

Depending on the current status of the property that the bank lends to and you are required to pay regularly, you may need copies of a certificate of registration of ownership with state authorities, a contract of sale, an agreement on equity participation in the construction of a property. If you do not have them on hand, ask the bank for the necessary copies.

Documents for the pension fund to transfer mat cap to the bank

After receiving the certificate, you will have to contact the PFR office at your place of residence with a request that it approve the transfer of money from your maternity capital in favor of your credit institution in order for it to repay your mortgage. The application, drawn up in a special form, will have to attach a whole package of documents. It includes:

  • identity card of the citizen submitting the request;
  • maternity capital certificate;
  • a valid loan agreement, without fail with a mention of the target nature of the loan;
  • certificate of the state of the debt, broken down by body and interest, with bank details;
  • documents on the ownership of your housing - a copy of an extract from the USRR or a certificate, an agreement on the acquisition of an object;
  • the applicant's obligation to formalize the property in family ownership no later than 6 months after the transfer of rights to it, and this document must be certified by a notary.

In some cases, in order to arrange the repayment of the mortgage, other documents will be needed at the request of the FIU.

In the fund, you must ask for a receipt, with the date of receipt of the application. Starting from it, the FIU has exactly one month to make decisions on paying money to the bank. A written decision must be sent to you. In case of a positive decision, the fund has another 10 days to actually transfer money to the bank.

Do not wait for the expiration of this second month, apply to the bank with an application immediately upon receipt of a positive decision. Ask your credit institution to fully repay your loan if the matcap is enough for this. If not enough, you have a choice - to ask for a reduction in the loan term, while the monthly payment remains the same, or for a reduction in the amount of payments, while maintaining the loan term. This is already the subject of your agreement with the bank. One way or another, the bank will recalculate and provide you with an updated payment schedule.

Possible reasons for refusal and what to do in such a situation

Two instances can refuse to repay a mortgage loan - the bank and the pension fund. The probability of refusal from the bank is minimal. If the bank has already decided to invest and financed the purchase of housing, then it makes no sense for it to refuse to receive public money to repay the loan. This reduces its credit risks, increases capital turnover, creates a reputation, finally. So the bank will most likely be on your side. What he knows - he will tell you where he can - he will help.

The Pension Fund of Russia is another matter. It is entrusted by the state with control over the spending of state budget funds, and all responsibility for possible violations lies with the FIU. So the fund will, in case of the slightest doubt, examine your package of documents under a microscope, interpreting all doubts in favor of the state. Fortunately, there is a legislative restriction on the list of reasons that are considered legal grounds for refusing an applicant by the FIU. This list includes:

  1. Mistakes were made while preparing the package of documents and submitting the application.
  2. If an incomplete package of required documents is submitted.
  3. If the applicant is deprived of parental rights by the time his application is considered.
  4. If the guardianship authorities have imposed restrictions on the applicant's rights to dispose of the certificate.
  5. If the applicant has committed criminal acts against his child.

These reasons are divided into two groups. The first is errors in the implementation of the rules for filing an application (clauses 1.2), and the second is a change in the objective circumstances of the case (clauses 3,4,5).

Your actions, in case of refusal for reasons from different groups, are fundamentally different. If the return of documents is due to the fact that, in the opinion of the fund staff, you have violated the regulations, try not to argue with them. Most likely, they are right - dozens of cases go through them every day, they know exactly how to pay off the mortgage with maternity capital, and you are doing this for the first and last time in your life. Do as it is said: try to convey the certificate, provide a copy, make adjustments to the amount - it is better to save time, nerves and close the issue.

Another thing is refusal due to changed circumstances. It all depends on your rightness or theirs. If the circumstances have really changed - put up with the position of the fund and fight for the opposite change in circumstances - recognition of parental rights, an acquittal by the court, and the cancellation of the decision of the guardianship authorities.

But if the fund made a mistake or interpreted the controversial circumstances not in your favor, fight. We must act actively - complain to the higher authorities of the Pension Fund of Russia, sue, look for supporters in social networks - this is an excellent way to influence the fund. Finally, contact the media, and justice will surely prevail.

We are waiting for your questions in the comments. Have you had any difficulties paying off your mortgage with maternity capital?

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Maternal (family) capital- a form of state support for Russian families raising children. This support is provided from January 1, 2007 upon the birth or adoption of a second, third or subsequent child with Russian citizenship, provided that the parents have not exercised the right to additional measures of state support.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation, in whose family a child has appeared, can apply for a subsidy from the state.

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Main conditions:

  1. This minor family member is not the first child.
  2. The date of his birth must fall within the period of validity of the law (after 01/01/2007).

A subsidy means a sum of money that is exempt from income tax. It changes a little every year and for 2015 is 453,026 rubles. It is impossible to dispose of this money at your own discretion. They can only be used for the needs provided for by the bills and not earlier than the moment when the child reaches the age of three. Until that day, parents can only receive an appropriate document, namely a certificate.

What to use?

  1. To pay for the education of one of the children. With the help of this document, a number of family issues can be resolved. For example, to provide a child with an education. The social payment can be used to pay for the education of any of the children in a given family. In this case, funds can be transferred to various educational institutions:
    • Kindergarten.
    • Various development centers.
    • School of Music.
    • Art school.
    • Payment for accommodation in a student hostel. A bill to use this money for the education of one of the parents was considered, but was rejected.
  2. Transfer to a pension fund in order to increase the future pension of the mother. This option for using the certificate is due to the mother being on maternity leave for a long time, during which no contributions to the Pension Fund are made. Consequently, this will subsequently have a negative impact on the size of the pension. The subsidy corrects this situation and if it does not provide a decent material base in old age, then it slightly increases the pension benefit.
  3. To purchase or build your own home. The certificate allows you to solve some housing issues, since it confirms the right to receive social funds for the following purposes:
    • Renovate or expand your home.
    • Contribute part of the amount to build a house.
    • Become a participant in shared construction or participate in a housing construction cooperative.
    • Pay off a mortgage.

There are cases when people tried to use this money for purposes not provided for by law, for the sake of which various manipulations with cashing out were carried out. However, you should know that any actions of this nature are criminally punishable.

Is it possible to pay off a mortgage debt with maternity capital?

The acquisition of residential real estate is the most common use of funds allocated by the state in connection with the appearance of another child in the family. But in order to deposit the amount received from the state to repay a mortgage loan, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of this difficult procedure.

It is important to know that maternity capital funds are the property of the whole family. A person who wants to use them to purchase an apartment is obliged to arrange residential real estate in such a way that each and every family member is a partial owner. In other words, share ownership. Such actions will protect against the illegal sale of housing, since it is almost impossible to carry out actions with an apartment owned by a child.

Stages of mortgage repayment

The basis for receiving state support within the framework of this project is the presence in the family of a minor citizen, whose date of birth falls on the period from the date of the adoption of the bill to the present day. But, neither parents nor adoptive parents can claim to receive these funds after the birth of a child (regardless of what account it is), if financial support under the program referred to in this article has already been provided to them.

In all other cases, in order to receive financial support from the state, you must follow the step-by-step scheme presented below:

  1. Bank visit. First, you need to notify the lender of your intentions. Employees of the bank that provided the mortgage loan must issue a document that will indicate the amount that makes up the balance of the debt. Until the entire amount of the loan is repaid, the housing is owned by the lending bank. Therefore, the bank must also submit a document confirming the right to housing.
  2. Visiting bodies of the Pension Fund. At the branch at the place of permanent registration, you need to draw up an application in the prescribed form. The application is accompanied by a complete package of documents:
    • Documents received from the bank.
    • Original passport.
    • Passport of a foreign citizen and permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.
    • mortgage agreement.
    • Original certificate. The application is usually made on behalf of the mother. If the loan agreement is issued to the father, you must submit the original and a copy of the marriage certificate. All submitted documents are checked by specialists within thirty days.
  3. After submitting the documents, the applicant is issued a receipt. The term for consideration of the application is one month.
  4. A month later, the applicant receives a notification. If the employees of the Pension Fund make a positive decision, the amount of money allocated by the state to support the family is transferred to the credit institution within two months.
  5. If the amount of maternity capital was sufficient to repay the debt to the bank, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of absence of claims from the creditor. This certificate is issued at the branch of the bank where the contract was drawn up.

With the funds allocated as maternity capital, you can pay off both the entire remaining debt and part of it. If only part of the debt is repaid with these funds, the monthly loan payment is reduced. From the moment of the conclusion of the loan agreement and until the repayment of the debt by the maternity capital, there are no time limits. That is, it is possible to repay it, in this way, just a few days after the mortgage is issued.

In many cases, a loan for the purchase of a residential apartment is issued not for all family members, but for one of them. But in the event of liquidation of the debt on this loan with capital funds, it is necessary to go through the procedure for registering shared ownership. A confirming document stating that this has been completed must be submitted to government agencies no later than six months after the mortgage is repaid. The document must first be certified by a notary. The amount of the remaining debt should not be lower than the requested part of the maternity capital. In this case, penalties and fines are not included in this amount.

How and where to get a certificate?

You need to submit an application, passport, birth certificate, SNILS and, if necessary, an adoption document to the local branch of the FIU. All papers must be submitted at the same time. The complete package, along with the application, can also be mailed. In a month, the applicant will receive either permission or refusal.

The reason for refusal may be:

  1. One of the parents was deprived of parental rights.
  2. The children of the wife are adopted by the husband.
  3. Invalid information.

The application is usually made on behalf of the mother. The father is eligible for the subsidy on the following grounds:

  1. He is a single parent and one of his children was born after the bill was passed.
  2. The mother is deprived of parental rights for any reason.
  3. Mother died.
  4. The applicant's wife refused the adoption.

Only Russians can apply, even if the child is also a Russian citizen. But if the mother is declared dead, but was a citizen of the Russian Federation, the father, regardless of whether he is a citizen of the Russian Federation or not, can apply for a certificate by presenting a photocopy of registration in Russia and a death certificate to the PFR department.

Can all banks accept maternity capital?

There are cases when a credit institution refuses to repay a debt through social payments. Such a refusal has no legal basis. In this case, the borrower must boldly defend their rights. According to the current legislation, all banking structures, without exception, do not have the right to refuse to pay mortgage debt with maternity capital.

The only thing the lender can insist on is to determine the part of the debt that the borrower will repay in this way. Sometimes . In other cases, it can be used to reduce the amount of the principal debt. This allows you to significantly reduce the overpayment.

Social payments to the family cannot be used to pay off penalties and fines on a housing loan.

Real estate requirements

You should be aware that not all real estate can be purchased under this program. The financial assistance that a family can use under the State Support Bill can be used to purchase a new home. But only if this purchase can lead to better conditions.

If parents intend to use the funds received to purchase an apartment, it must meet certain criteria:

  • Represent an isolated room.
  • To be in all respects suitable for permanent year-round habitation.
  • Comply with the requirements of established sanitary and technical standards.

It is impossible to purchase housing for maternity capital if it is located in the basement, it does not have system heating, the rooms do not have natural light. It is impossible to buy an apartment with the funds received from the state, which is located in a building that does not have equipped systems for drinking and hot water supply. All the norms that an apartment must comply with are listed in the regulations on living conditions.

It is impossible to buy a part of the apartment with the money received within the framework of the project. Parents or legal representatives of the child, who have the right to receive maternity capital and wish to use this right to improve their housing, can only buy out a share in a residential property, being the owners of the rest.

With the help of state support for the birth or adoption of a second child, you can buy a house. But it should be free-standing, have basic capital structures. It must also have no more than three floors and be intended for one family. You can buy a house with maternity capital only if this procedure is designed to lead to an improvement in living conditions. It will not work to buy a house in this way, which is considered dilapidated or emergency, and in which not all communications are connected.

Pension fund failure: reasons

A request for the transfer of funds to the account of a credit institution may be refused by the PFR authorities. There can be several reasons for refusal:

  1. Incorrect application form.
  2. Missing one of the required documents.
  3. The applicant became the owner of a maternity capital certificate, but subsequently lost the right to it (deprivation of parental rights).
  4. Restriction of parental rights to an adopted child.
  5. Committing a crime against a child.
  6. Requirement of an amount exceeding the amount of maternity capital.

The refusal decision must be made in writing. And if this decision is due to the absence of any documents or is caused by errors in the application, you just need to correct the shortcomings and submit the documents again.

If the applicant considers the refusal unfair, he can apply to the courts or to the higher bodies of the PFR. However, practice shows that for all its duration and necessity, this procedure leads to the desired result. Rejections are quite rare.

One-time payment from maternity capital

This payment in 2016 is 20000 rubles. It can be provided:

  1. Citizens of the Russian Federation, in whose family the second child appeared no earlier than 2007.
  2. Persons who have adopted a second child.

A family whose replenishment will take place from October 1 to December 31, 2016 must apply to the relevant authorities for a lump sum payment by April 1 of the next year.

An application can be submitted by personally visiting the PFR office at the place of permanent registration. It can be mailed as a valuable letter. You can also use the multifunctional centers located nearby.

List of documents:

  1. Documents proving the identity of the applicant and the child.
  2. Certificate.
  3. SNILS.
  4. A document from a bank with account details that is open to the applicant.

The above documents can be submitted to the appropriate authorities by an authorized person. In this case, a power of attorney must be available. All documents must be notarized.

Regional maternity capital

The project on state support for the family is carried out at two levels: federal and regional. In many regions, financial assistance is provided with the birth of a third child. This is the main difference between regional and federal capital. Each region is trying to help mothers with many children to the best of its ability. As a rule, such assistance is a payment in the amount of one hundred thousand rubles. In some regions, these funds can also be used to purchase a car or land.

Sometimes funds received as social assistance to a large family are used to purchase special medical equipment for a child. In some cities of Russia, at the birth of a third child, local authorities allocate a land plot.

Conditions for receiving:

  1. The family has lived in the region for a certain number of years.
  2. The third child appeared in the family during the period of the maternity capital law.
  3. Cash cannot be used immediately after birth.

The amount of regional capital, as well as federal capital, changes annually.