If you dream of linking your life with the Armed Forces, you should think about a military university. There you can get a profession and knowledge that will allow you to build a career in the military sphere.

Today we will talk about who and under what conditions can enter such a university.

You can choose a universal profession that will be in demand in the "citizen"

How to choose a university, where to apply?

First of all, decide on the direction of training and the type of troops in which you want to continue to serve: sea, land, air. When choosing a specialty, consider your abilities and inclinations, the army needs both the humanities and "techies".

You can choose a universal direction that will be in demand in the civilian world. These include: engineering, psychology, pedagogy, management, personnel management, journalism, medicine, etc. Here are a few universities where you can get universal professions:

The name of the university

Enlarged direction, specialties

Psychology of official activity

economic security

Legal support of national security

Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior

Translation and translation studies

Conducting a military brass band

Military journalism

Moscow, st. B. Sadovaya, 14

Technique and construction technology

Military administration

Technique and technology of land transport

St. Petersburg, emb. Makarova, 8

Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes

Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems

St. Petersburg, K-64, Tikhoretsky prospect, 3

Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirova

Medical business



Medical and preventive business

St. Petersburg, st. Academician Lebedeva, d. 6, lit. E

Military Institute of Physical Culture

Service-applied physical training

St. Petersburg, Bolshoy Sampsonevsky prospect, 63

A list of other military educational institutions and the minimum threshold scores are on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Who can apply

The rules for admission to military universities are established by the Ministry of Defense. Requirements for applicants are much higher than in civil institutions. Required conditions for admission after school:

  • the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • obtaining the first higher education;
  • age from 16 to 22 years;
  • suitability for military service for health reasons;
  • the absence of unexpunged and outstanding convictions and other problems with the law.

In addition, you need to have good physical fitness and a positive reference from school. They will not be admitted to a military university if you have health problems.

These include the following diseases and disorders:

  • mental disorders;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • malignant and benign formations that disrupt the functioning of organs;
  • anemia;
  • obesity of the 3rd-4th degree;
  • AIDS and HIV;
  • scoliosis of the 2nd degree;
  • flat feet of the 3rd stage;
  • enuresis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, polyps, etc.;
  • pathology of the organs of vision;
  • severe cardiovascular disease;
  • food allergy.

Fitness for health reasons is determined by the draft board at the military registration and enlistment office

Who has special rights and benefits upon admission

  • Without entrance examinations in general subjects, they have the right to enter prize-winners and winners the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad, as well as prize-winners and winners of international and list Olympiads approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. This right can be used in case of admission to a specialty in the profile of the Olympiad. If the direction is different, you can get the maximum scores in the subjects of the Olympiads.
  • You can count on the advantage in admission and out-of-competition, subject to successful completion of professional selection, if you belong to one of the categories:
    • orphans;
    • children left without parental care;
    • persons under 20 years of age who have one disabled parent of group I with an income below the average subsistence level;
    • victims of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
    • children of military personnel, prosecutors, as well as employees of the internal affairs department, the judicial system, drug control, fire and customs systems who died in the line of duty;
    • children of the fallen Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as holders of the Order of Glory;
    • children of military personnel who have served for at least 20 years, including those dismissed upon reaching the age limit or health status.
  • Another privileged category - military personnel who served on conscription or contract. If you do not enter the university the first time and serve in the army, after it you will be able to use special rights. How to enter a military university after the army, read our article.

What entrance exams do you need to pass?

When entering military universities, you will have to take the exam. Most institutions require specialized mathematics and Russian. Third exam depends on the direction profile. For example, physics is required for military-technical specialties, social science - for legal and legal, chemistry and biology - for medical, etc.

In addition to the exam, you must pass the internal physical fitness exam. It consists of the following standards:

  • run 100 m;
  • running 3 km (for girls - 1 km);
  • pull-ups on the crossbar (for girls - press);
  • swimming 100 m (not in all universities).

Some universities additionally conduct creative and professional tests. For example, there are creative exams in the specialty - "Conducting a brass band", and professional - "Service-applied physical training", "Legal support of national security" and "Translation and translation studies".

For girls, there is a slight relief when passing physical standards

How to enter a military university: step by step instructions

We have prepared a complete algorithm of actions for you.

Step 1. Decide on a university

You need to choose direction and . After that, go to the institution's website, find out the rules for admission and the list of entrance tests. In the same place you will find the admission control figures and the passing score for the last year.

Step 2. Pass the exam

You need to pass the required and core subjects. If you have not fully decided on the university, take several specialized exams. This way you will have more options to choose from.

Step 3: Pre-qualify

To do this, you need to submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration no later than April 20. If you are enrolling in a university that requires obtaining access to information constituting a state secret, no later than April 1. In the application, indicate basic information about yourself, as well as the university and specialty where you plan to enter.

In the military registration and enlistment office you will pass medical and psychological examination. The selection committee will decide on your eligibility.

The application must be accompanied by:

  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • autobiography;
  • a reference from the school with a recommendation record on admission to a military university;
  • a certificate from the school on current academic performance;
  • professional psychological selection card;
  • medical examination card and other medical documents;
  • three certified photos without headgear 4.5 x 6 cm;
  • a copy of an identity document;
  • copies of documents confirming special rights and individual achievements.

When making a positive decision, the military commissar sends your documents to the military university. Further, the selection committee of the educational institution decides whether to allow you to professional selection or not. The written decision comes to the address of the military registration and enlistment office. In case of refusal, the reasons must be indicated.

Step 4. Pass the professional selection

  • determination of fitness for health reasons;
  • conducting psychological testing, on the basis of which the study of the socio-mental state is carried out;
  • entrance examinations, which consist of an assessment of general education (USE), passing physical standards and conducting professional and creative exams (in some specialties).

Upon arrival at the university, you need to provide a passport, a military ID, original certificates and documents confirming special rights and individual achievements.

Based on the results of professional selection, a competition for enrollment is held. Candidates with special rights pass first, the rest of the places are distributed in accordance with the scores, which are summed up for all tests.

The educational process in a military university is very different from civilian educational institutions. You will find tough discipline, living in the barracks and heavy physical exertion. In addition to lectures and practical exercises, you will undergo combat, fire and tactical training. Upon graduation, you will be required to work in the military field by distribution for at least 5 years (according tolasno obligatory contract for budgetary military training). Getting into a military university is difficult, but possible. Start now to prepare hard for exams and improve your physical fitness.

Education in a military school after the 9th grade is very popular today among patriotic youth. This makes it possible for graduates not only to complete their school education within its walls, but also to master one of the prestigious military specialties. The list of military schools in the country that accept young men after the end of the ninth grade will help you choose the right institution for study.

Military professions

Admission and study at a college or technical school with a 9th grade certificate are becoming more and more relevant. Young people know that when studying in any secondary specialized institution, they will not only complete the program for grades 10-11, but will also master the basics of their chosen profession, while their former classmates are still sitting at school desks.

Also, everyone is well aware that it is much easier to enter a university with a diploma from a technical school or college. Military schools in Russia provide students with the same conditions and benefits as any vocational schools in the country. Enrolling in one of the many military educational institutions, ninth-graders will be able to master any of the prestigious qualifications in the following areas:

  • ground troops;
  • marine;
  • railway;
  • airborne;
  • Cossack troops;
  • military-technical;
  • military justice;
  • military musical.

All of the above types of troops are annually replenished with the ranks of graduates of cadet and military schools, in which ninth grade graduates aspire.

Military Space Cadet Corps

Primary military education is an excellent opportunity for young men to receive a full school education and receive the necessary physical training at a full state board, allowing them to continue their military career.

Among the military schools in St. Petersburg there are educational institutions that have been preparing talented officers and ensigns for the Russian army for many decades. The Military Space Cadet Corps is one of them.

Founded in 1996, it accepts children whose fathers serve abroad or in "hot spots", orphans and sons of dead officers, and prepares them for further admission to military universities.

All cadets live and study on full state support, gaining the following skills and knowledge:

  • patriotic education;
  • warfare;
  • general education program;
  • physical training.

To study at the Military Space Cadet Corps, you must submit documents from 15.04 to 01.06 to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence.

Cadet Corps Kemerovo

Today, Russian military schools and cadet corps are the best alternative to the usual general education program for boys, as they receive more versatile development, both intellectual and physical.

The profession of a signalman in the age of electronics and mobile phones is still very important, since it is these specialists who not only lay a telephone cable even in the most inaccessible places, but also encode messages between army units and automate communication systems.

The Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics in Kemerovo was opened in 1999 with the aim of preparing young people for further admission to the higher military communications institutes. This is facilitated by both the general education program and physical training, as well as a specialized more in-depth study of a number of disciplines not taught in ordinary schools, and the basis of fire training.

On the basis of the cadet corps, research, scientific and experimental activities are carried out. One of the requirements for admission to this educational institution is the study of English or German at school. The selection to this primary military school after the 9th grade begins with the approval of the applicants' documents by the admissions committee, after which they will have to pass a dictation in the Russian language, an exam in mathematics and physical training.

Kronstadt Naval Military Cadet Corps

Founded in 1995 as a cadet corps, it was transformed into a naval one in 1996. To study at this military school after the 9th grade, you need not only a report card with good grades, but also documents that speak about the achievements of the applicant:

  • Participation and victory in school competitions.
  • Commendations for good performance.
  • Diplomas of the participant of reviews and competitions at any level: from local to regional or international.
  • Documents confirming sports achievements, for example, youth category or the title of master of sports.

All candidates are expected to be tested in Russian and English, mathematics and physical training. In addition to the main program, cadets can take the basics of naval training, auto business, programming, military regional studies and others.

The Kronstadt Naval Military Cadet Corps is a prestigious educational institution, 90% of whose graduates become career officers in the Russian army.

Military Technical Corps

Troops such as engineering are providing army units not only with the necessary field fortifications, but also with pontoon crossings, the construction or repair of roads, sapper work, the extraction and purification of water, reconnaissance, camouflage and mine clearance.

The military engineering school is the initial level of training for future military builders and engineers. One of these is the Military-Technical Cadet Corps in Togliatti.

The selection of candidates is carried out in several stages:

  • First, the selection committee examines personal files and additional documentation about achievements in sports or school olympiads and reviews.
  • Selected candidates receive a notification of admission to the exams, after which they take written mathematics and Russian, and a physical fitness test.
  • Enrollment is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of passing exams and sports standards.

Out of competition, with positive evaluations on tests, orphans of servicemen who died during the performance of a combat mission or children of soldiers and officers serving in war zones are accepted.

Suvorov School (Perm)

For young men who have made a choice in favor of a military career, joining the Suvorov Military School after grade 9 is one of the best options to start it. The first such educational institutions were founded in 1943; over the entire period of their activity, thousands of young people came out of their walls, who became worthy officers and defenders of their homeland.

The Suvorov Military School of Perm is the “youngest” of all, since it was founded in 2015 and transferred to the command of the commander. A distinctive feature of such educational institutions is that, in addition to the main general education program, young men receive knowledge and skills:

  • aircraft modeling;
  • in the culture of speech;
  • in sports such as skiing, goroshny, handball and athletics;
  • fire training and orienteering;
  • in German;
  • in ballroom dancing.

Although it has been operating for only 2 years, the high level of training of cadets there is at the same level as in all similar institutions in the country.

Military School of Krasnodar

The transformations that took place in the educational system of Russia led to the best. Especially when it comes to raising the status of educational institutions. So, on the basis of advanced training courses for employees of special bodies, opened in 1929, the Krasnodar Military School appeared in 1964.

Today it has the status of a higher military school and trains specialists in the information security of automated systems. Considering that information wars can cause damage no less than military operations, such a transformation is only for the benefit of the country and its army.

Military Music School

The only one of its kind, the Moscow Military School "grew" from the school of students of military musicians of the Red Army, founded in 1937. In 1956, it changed its status to Suvorov's and only in 1981 acquired the name that has survived to this day - the Moscow Military Music School.

It trains soloists, choreographers, musicians of military bands and music teachers at art schools and other educational institutions. A wide educational program includes not only the school course of grades 10-11, but also the study of musical disciplines, such as solfeggio, conducting, performing activities, cultural studies and much more.

Here they accept girls and boys after the 9th grade, who have a craving and ability for music.


For young people brought up in the best traditions of patriotism, military schools are a great chance to start studying their favorite business right after the 9th grade, while simultaneously receiving a quality education in many scientific and cultural fields, which is not provided by any general education school.

Military school is the first step towards a career in the army. How to enter this educational institution - read in our material. We have collected the most up-to-date information for you and prepared a step-by-step guide.

Military school - the first stage of military education

Where to go?

The military school is the basic level of military education. Here you will receive a general secondary education with a military professional orientation. The main goal of such educational institutions is to prepare for further admission to higher military institutions.

You can get this type of education in cadet corps and schools, Suvorov and Nakhimov, as well as military music schools.

Most often, enrollment in basic military educational institutions begins after the 4th grade. After the 9th grade, you can get in if there are free vacancies. You can enter the Suvorov schools under the Ministry of Internal Affairs after the 8th grade or the 2nd year after the 9th. Every year, each school sets its own enrollment plan. Information about it can be found on the school website or in the admissions office.

We have prepared a list of institutions where they accept after the 8th and 9th grade in 2018.

Name of educational institution


Moscow Military Music School

them. Lieutenant General V. M. Khalilov

Moscow, pos. plant Mosrentgen, st. Hero of Russia Solomatin

Cadet School of IT-technologies of the Military Academy of Communications. Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny

St. Petersburg, K-64, Tikhoretsky prospect, 3

Cadet Sports School of the Military Institute of Physical Culture

Saint-Petersburg, Bolshoi Sampsonievsky prospect, 63

St. Petersburg Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

St. Petersburg, st. Kronshtadtskaya, 3

Novocherkassk Suvorov Military School

Rostov region, Novocherkassk, st. Pushkinskaya, 47/63

Astrakhan Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Astrakhan, st. Embankment of the river Tsareva/1st Control, 9/1

Chita Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Trans-Baikal Territory, Chita, st. Truda, 16

Elabuga Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Republic of Tatarstan, Yelabuga, st. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya, 25

Grozny Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Michurina, d.189,

First Border Cadet Corps of the FSB

Saint-Petersburg, Pushkin, Sofia Boulevard, 2

You can enter the higher military schools only after the 11th grade, the rules for admission to them and military universities are the same.

Good grades in school can be a bonus when entering a military school

What are the admission requirements?

Among those wishing to get into military schools, a competitive selection is carried out. Mandatory conditions for participation in it:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age not older than 16 years;
  • for the 1st year of the Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the age is not older than 17 years, for the 2nd - not older than 18;
  • 1st and 2nd health group in physical education;
  • good school performance;
  • no problems with the law.

When entering a military music school, you must have musical skills (playing an instrument, singing, etc.). A sports cadet school requires a sports category in one of the compulsory sports.

They will only take you to a military school with a good reference from the school

Special rights and benefits upon admission

The following are entitled to the enrollment advantage:

  • orphans and children left without parental care;
  • children of military personnel, including those dismissed upon reaching the age and state of health (provided that they have served for at least 20 years);
  • children of military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies who died in the line of duty;
  • children of Heroes of the USSR and holders of the Order of Glory.

Also, benefits upon admission can be obtained for special sports and creative achievements, excellent studies at school, victory at olympiads and competitions in the profile of the school.

What needs to be submitted?

For admission to any military school, you need to pass entrance tests, which include:

  • Psychological testing.
  • Exams in general education subjects, which take the form of an interview or test. Most often, you need to take the Russian language, mathematics, computer science, physics or a foreign language.
  • Passing physical standards: pull-ups, 100 m and 1 km run.
  • Creative tests depending on the profile of the institution. For example, in a military music school, you need to play a solo program on a musical instrument and pass a written solfeggio dictation.

Admission procedure: step by step guide

Reception of documents in military schools begins much earlier than in secondary specialized institutions. In addition, the participation of your parents will be required. Therefore, do not postpone everything until the last moment, start preparing from the third quarter. We have prepared a detailed action plan.

Step 1. Pass a preliminary medical examination

To do this, contact the clinic at the place of residence or registration. You need to undergo a full medical examination, the results of which are recorded in the 026u card. The document must contain the entry “Recommended for health reasons for admission” indicating the full name of the educational institution to which you are enrolling.

Step 2. Form a personal file for admission

For this you will need the following documents:

  • Statement from you and your parents. Forms and samples can be found on the website of the institution.
  • Copies of birth certificate and passport (2nd, 3rd and 5th pages).
  • Autobiography. Filled in in any form. Provide basic information about yourself and your immediate family members. Don't forget to list your special accomplishments and hobbies. A sample can also be found on the website of the educational institution.
  • Certified copies of a personal file from the school, a report card with final grades for 3 quarters and current grades for the 4th quarter.
  • Pedagogical and psychological characteristics from the school with a recommendation record for admission.
  • 4 photos 3 x 4 cm with space for a print.
  • Copy of medical insurance policy.
  • Copy of medical card.
  • A copy of certificate 026u, certified by the doctor's signature and the seal of the clinic.
  • A copy of the conclusion about the physical education group.
  • A copy of the history of development and an extract from it.
  • A copy of certificates from the psycho-neurological and narcological dispensary.
  • A copy of the vaccination certificate.
  • Certificate from the place of work of the parents.
  • Information about the composition of the family.
  • Copies of documents confirming your special rights and achievements.

All documents must be stapled and placed in a folder.

Step 3. Submit documents to the educational institution

This must be done from April 15 to June 1, to the Suvorov schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - no later than April 1. Documents can be submitted in person or by mail. When sending by mail, make out a registered letter with a list of attachments. After that, the selection committee considers your personal file for compliance with all parameters. In the cadet school of IT technologies, from June 1 to June 15, you need to additionally pass testing in a remote form.

Step 4. Pass the entrance tests

Until June 25, you must receive a call to the school indicating the date of the exams or a written refusal explaining the reasons. Entrance tests are taking place from 1 to 15 July. Upon arrival at the educational institution, bring the originals of all documents. Based on the results of the exams, all scores are summed up and entered in the list. First of all, candidates with special rights are enrolled, then with higher scores.

Studying at a military school will provide you with a bonus when entering a military university. You will have an advantage in enrollment. Another plus is that it will be much easier for you to study than for yesterday's schoolchildren.


Hello, I am 15 years old, I am in the 9th grade and after the ninth grade I want to enter the Kazan Military School. Can I apply if I have 3 in the certificate?

Anas Yuldoshev, good afternoon! Try to contact the college admissions office and clarify the requirements for applicants. They will be able to give you the most accurate answer.

Hello. I am 16 years old. At the moment I am in the 10th grade, but I want to leave and enter the Moscow College of Music. Certificate of completion of grade 9 with good grades.
Tell me, can I do it?

Tatyana Zaitseva, good afternoon! If the college has no age restrictions, then it will work. There are no other obstacles.

Hello! I am in the 9th grade and this year I am taking my exams. Can I enter the Suvorov Military School if I have 3 in my certificate?

Densema Shirabon, good afternoon! You can try, because the admission rules did not say anything about the number of triples. But you will need to take entrance examinations at the school itself.

Hello again! Thank you for your answer! By the way, I completely forgot to ask. Will I be able to get a higher professional education at MBAA if I leave after the 9th grade?

Andrey Tokarev, good afternoon! Yes, there are two programs of secondary vocational education in MVAA: 02/09/04 Information systems (by industry) and 02/13/11 Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry)
You will be able to enter them after the 9th grade

Is it possible to enter the Ussuri Military School, after the 9th grade, I'm currently studying in the 10th grade and I want to enter the 9th grade certificate

Andrei Pushkarev, good afternoon! School enrollment starts in 5th grade. term of study - 7 years. Therefore, after the 9th, it will not work out. Try using the search engine for universities / colleges to choose an educational institution that you can enter after the 9th or 11th grade.

Hello, I graduated from the 9th grade, I'm 16 years old. Is it possible to enter a military university after the 9th grade or only after the 11th grade and is it necessary to take a foreign language

In Russia, there are several dozen military schools, cadet corps and schools. Suvorov and Nakhimov schools are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also subordinate to the Ministry of Defense are cadet corps, but not all of them. Many cadet schools and colleges are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Image source: tularegion.ru

Unlike civilian universities and colleges on programs of secondary vocational education in military universities You can enter only on the basis of 11 classes. IN cadet schools and buildings Basically, recruitment is carried out in 5 classes, that is, on the basis of 4 classes. But there are exceptions. Here is a list of cadet schools where you can enroll on the basis of 9th or 8th grade.

Cadet corps and schools, where they accept on the basis of 9 classes:

  1. Governor's Cadet Boarding School of the Police (Kemerovo)
  2. Governor's Cadet Boarding School of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (Plotnikovo settlement, Keerovo region)
  3. Permanent residents of the Kemerovo region are accepted
  4. Cadet school of IT-technologies
  5. Cadet Engineering School at
  6. Military-technical cadet corps in Tolyatti (on the basis of 8 classes)
  7. Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps
  8. Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps

Here, cadets master the school curriculum, undergo enhanced physical training, and additionally study military affairs, combat training and other special disciplines, depending on the type of troops. Graduates of military schools are issued a certificate of complete general education and are assigned military qualifications according to the profile of the educational institution.

Grade 9 graduates who wish to start a military career can also enroll in military schools. There are only two such educational organizations in Russia.

Each military college has its own professional orientation (naval, ground forces, missile troops, airborne troops, railway troops, Cossack, military-technical, military-musical, military justice).

Military schools of Russia, carrying out admission on the basis of the 9th grade:

  1. Moscow Military Music School named after Lieutenant General V.M.Khalilov
  2. Ulyanovsk Guards Suvorov Military School (accept students in grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)

In schools that are under the witchcraft of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you can enter on the basis of the 8th grade. However, if there are free places in the second year, graduates of schools on the basis of 9 classes are accepted for study. You can find out about this opportunity directly at the school or on its official website.

List of schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for graduates of 8 classes:

  1. Astrakhan Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  2. Grozny Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  3. Elabuga Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  4. Novocherkassk Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  5. St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  6. Chita Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Documents required for admission to a military school

Graduates of the 9th grade, as a rule, citizens of a minor age. Therefore, in the first place, it is necessary to submit an application from the parents or legal representatives of the applicant to the selection committee. The application for sending a candidate to study at a military school must also be accompanied by:

  1. birth certificate
  2. document confirming the citizenship of the applicant (passport)
  3. characteristics of the candidate from the school
  4. medical documents (policy, certificates, test results, etc.)
  5. certificate of secondary general education (GIA results)
  6. photos, etc.

The admission committee of the school may require a student's portfolio with all his academic and extracurricular achievements. If the applicant has benefits and advantages for enrollment, he must provide supporting documents.

Entrance tests to military schools

Image source: www.menswork.ru

Admission to all military educational institutions is carried out on a competitive basis. Applicants of cadet corps, schools and colleges pass entrance exams in general subjects. As a rule, these are tests in the Russian language and mathematics. But there may also be additional exams in physics and informatics (depending on the profile of the cadet school). Under what applicants can be accepted according to the results of the OGE on relevant subjects. For example, for admission to the Cadet Corps at the Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is necessary to provide the results of the OGE in the Russian language, mathematics, physics and computer science.

Applicants to the military music school pass creative entrance tests, namely , musical instrument (practically), solfeggio (written and spoken), elementary music theory (written and spoken). Tests in musical disciplines are carried out in the scope of the educational program of the children's music school.

Also, future Suvorov and Nakhimov students must pass psychological testing. Based on the test results, the selection committee determines the candidate's readiness to study at a military educational institution.

Many are intensively preparing for entrance examinations in general subjects, and practically do not pay attention to passing physical training standards. In all military schools, even in music, applicants take an exam in physical culture: this is an assessment of the level of strength, speed-strength fitness and general endurance. Based on the results of the test, the most prepared candidates are selected for cadets. For example, 10 or more pull-ups on the high bar, a 60-meter sprint in 9 seconds, a 2 km cross in 9 minutes is rated as "excellent".