The compatibility of the signs of the Dragon man and the Goat woman is intriguing and restless. At the beginning of a relationship, it will be difficult for them to achieve balance, because both signs are quite active and want to express themselves. The Dragon man is more frank and straightforward, and the Goat woman is more reverent, deep and sincere.

goat girl

She is sensitive and emotional, and he is a "shirt-guy" who easily speaks the truth-womb, even when it is unpleasant for her to listen to. Such an overabundance of directness affects the girl Koza like a tub of cold water. However, the problem is not in the bitter truth and its presentation by the Dragon, but in the worldview of the Goat itself.

For her, her whole life is a game and she is the main actress in it. Therefore, where the game ends and the Goat itself begins is a mystery not only for others, but also for the Goat itself. No one is allowed into the world of illusions of this woman and no one is initiated. In other words, she only creates the appearance of frankness, which is also included in her game.

Dragon Man

The Dragon man is almost her opposite - he lives sincerely, and does not play a role. His life is an endless fireworks and eventful. Would he want to be part of such a world? Probably yes. But she will need the strength and courage to accept her partner as he really is.


Without delving into the image of the Dragon, the Goat runs the risk of getting carried away and starting to control it. At the first stage of the relationship, she will still be able to afford a little power and setting conditions, because when “the battle is already lost”, she will not be allowed to catch up. The Dragon man will take on the role of leader and that's it.

If partners have learned to trust each other and have reached mutual understanding, they will have a great relationship. Both the Goat and the Dragon love entertainment, are easy-going and easily go on trips that involve outdoor activities. They will not be bored together, because each stimulates the partner to manifest and develop.

In this pair, the man will be engaged in large-scale projects, developing a material base - he likes it and even needs it. The dragon wants to be in the thick of things and do what he loves most.

The Goat woman will help him organize and become a wonderful mother and mistress in the house. She is not very interested in working from call to call - she will prefer other things: she will devote time to herself and her husband, she will look after the house and children. Such an alignment will please the Dragon man if he is successful in his career and aims for achievement.

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Dragon and Goat. It would seem that the complete opposite, however, the union of these two is not only possible, but also quite promising, but not without certain difficulties, of course, and the compatibility of the Dragon and the Goat is not fiction, but an indisputable fact.

Both signs, oddly enough, are very similar, although there are still differences between them. And yet, they perfectly complement each other, which is important in a long-term relationship.

Goat and Dragon General Compatibility

Both the Dragon and the Goat are too active and active, but each in its own direction, therefore, their life will not be calm until someone alone makes concessions.

Usually, this is done by the Goat, which directs its irrepressible energy to the house and family, unlike the Dragon, which is more interested in the external manifestations of the world. Although there are more than enough ambitions in the Goat.

She requires constant attention from her partner, who often forgets about her.

If these two learn to listen to each other and stop bending each to their own, then it’s quite possible for a couple to achieve a harmonious relationship.

Character Features

The dragon man is a bright, extraordinary personality, with a stormy temperament that will easily conquer any lady.

It is simply impossible not to notice him, since such a man loves to attract all kinds of attention to himself by any means, whether it be an unusual appearance or extravagant behavior.

The dragon is caring and gentle with his chosen one, until she claims to marry him. This person is very difficult to tie the knot. Freedom for him is above all.

If he allows someone to “ring” himself, then it will be the most extraordinary and just as extraordinary a girl as he is.

The Goat Woman is a mystery itself, an incomprehensible mystery.

Soft and gentle, meek and feminine, at the same time unpredictable and difficult to control, she knows how to manipulate her fans and achieve what she wants.

She is not impressed by weak individuals - the choice of such a woman will fall only on a strong and bright man, which is the Dragon.

The Dragon Lady is strong, domineering and always self-confident.

She has leadership qualities, even in the family, even in her career. Such a woman always makes a strong impression on others.

Wherever the Dragon is, everywhere she feels superior to others, and often it comes to megalomania. It is characterized by freedom, inner looseness, vigor, wisdom.

When choosing a partner, she makes too high demands on candidates, which often simply does not exist. It is better for a dragon to live alone than with just anyone. This is her motto.

Men born under the sign of the Goat are charming and attractive, sincere and open, but very changeable and fickle.

They love to shine and always be in the spotlight, and they change their sympathies more than often, however, it is still possible to keep a Goat man near him if, instead of claims and jealousy, surround him with sincere care and create comfort.

Not a single representative of this sign will go to the side, no matter how much he wants to, if a delicious dinner and a cozy, friendly atmosphere await him at home.

Dragon Man and Goat Woman Compatibility

Despite the fact that there are not only common things between the signs, but also many differences, the compatibility between them is quite favorable, and if both really want to, they can make their relationship just perfect.

In love

Although these two look at the world differently, if a true feeling flared up between the Dragon and the Goat, they will in every possible way contribute to its preservation, making concessions to each other.

The Goat woman will allow her beloved to become a leader in the family, and will fade into the background, devoting herself to home and family.

The wisdom and patience of the Goat will work wonders, and the Dragon will gladly take care of his beloved, who will lovingly create all the conditions for this. Such a marriage, as a rule, becomes strong and lasts for many years.

In sex

A pair of a Dragon man and a Goat woman consider sex to be nothing more than creativity, a constant search for new vivid impressions and discoveries. They are not satisfied with the routine and insipidity.

The sexual relationship of these two is an art in which they put their souls, however, here the Goat needs to be on the alert, since it largely depends on her so that her beloved does not cool off towards her.

A man born under the sign of the Dragon loves to be admired, and a woman should never forget about it.

in friendship

Nothing prevents these signs from friendship, since they have nothing to share, therefore, the Dragon and the Goat can be friends for many years and even become bosom friends.

They have many common interests, so they are never bored together. In addition, they will gladly rush to help each other in difficult times, if the need arises.

In work

In work, a tandem can achieve better compatibility, where the Dragon man is the leader, and the Goat woman is the subordinate.

The leadership and perseverance of the Dragon man and the high efficiency, flexibility, diplomacy and negotiation skills of the Goat lady will help such an alliance achieve high results in any field, especially when it comes to your own business.

In percentages

The percentage of compatibility of a pair of Dragon male - female Goat is quite high. General compatibility is estimated at 68%, compatibility in love - 70%, in sex - 80%, and in friendship and work - 81%.

In the signs of the zodiac

The Dragon man and the Goat woman, born under the zodiac sign Aries, find it very difficult to find a common language, since both are too ambitious, however, if they have a desire to build an alliance, they will have to make concessions.

With the Goat woman, who appeared under the sign of Taurus, the Dragon man will have a difficult relationship due to the fact that the Goat-Taurus is a born leader, just like the Dragon.

The most favorable will be the union of the Dragon man and the Goat-Gemini woman. These two have a lot in common.

The Dragon man and the Goat-Cancer woman are unlikely to be able to create a favorable relationship due to the excessive vulnerability of the latter, as well as the Dragon with the Goat-Lioness, which will suppress the freedom-loving Dragon.

But with the Goat-Virgo Dragon, a man will be truly happy.

The sensual and wise Virgo will never go too far because of the excessive enthusiasm of her beloved, but will simply imperceptibly and flexibly turn the relationship in the direction she needs, so much so that the Dragon man will not even notice how he ended up in the sweet captivity of the charming Goat-Virgo.

The Dragon man and the Goat-Libra woman are so bright and extraordinary, and also very similar, that they simply cannot fail to notice each other among the gray crowd, but with the Scorpio-Goat, the Dragon is unlikely to get anything good, as she is too jealous and quick-tempered.

Lady Sagittarius, born in the year of the Goat, is too active and active, strong-willed and strong, a born leader, leader. It will be difficult for her to sacrifice everything even for the sake of love and give up her leadership to the ambitious Dragon, but Capricorn-Goat, soft and feminine, is very capable of such a step for the sake of her lover.

The goat, who was born under the sign of Aquarius, is very fickle, therefore, with the same fickle male Dragon, she is unlikely to be able to maintain a relationship for a long time, and Goat-Pisces, on the contrary, are distinguished by unprecedented constancy and selflessness in love, thanks to which they will give everything, but make your loved one happy.

Compatibility Goat Man and Dragon Woman

The strong and domineering Dragon and the changeable, like the wind, and charming male Goat is a rather strange combination, however, still possible if there is a deep true feeling that flared up between these two.

In love

According to the horoscope, in a love relationship, a couple can achieve harmony and perfection, despite some disagreements between these signs.

They are both emotional, sensitive and romantic, despite the Dragon's ambitiousness, which she practically nullifies, sincerely falling in love with a charming handsome man.

It is the Dragon woman who can tame the windy and fickle male Goat, creating coziness and comfort for him, however, she is not one of those who will tolerate her partner’s narcissism and his frivolous attitude to life.

He will also have to put in some effort to maintain his alliance with the Dragon.

In sex

In sex, the compatibility of the Dragon woman and the Goat man is perfect. Both love tenderness and affection, and also strive to please each other. They do not need extreme or any frills.

Calm intimacy, filled with sensual caresses, becomes stronger with age.

in friendship

Regardless of gender, the Goat and the Dragon are always good and loyal friends, and their friendship can last a lifetime. Having many common interests, they enjoy spending time in each other's company. They are never bored.

In work

In tandem work, the Dragon woman and the Goat man can reach certain heights, since both signs have good business acumen and complement each other.

For example, the Dragon with her iron logic lacks the infinite imagination of the Goat man.

In percentages

The compatibility of the Goat man and the Dragon woman in percentage terms is quite high. General compatibility is estimated at 71%, in love - 78%, in sex - 89%, in friendship and work - 94%.

In the signs of the zodiac

It will be quite difficult for the Dragon woman to tame the wayward, independent and capricious Goat man, born under the zodiac sign Aries.

The Goat-Taurus is very charming and sociable, but he lacks the independence to make any decisions, therefore, he seeks to find himself a strong partner, such as the Dragon woman.

It will be difficult for a Dragon woman to build a relationship with a Goat-Gemini man, despite her strength, since such a man is incomprehensible and uncontrollable, and his life style frightens and causes rejection.

And with Cancer-Goat, on the contrary, everything will work out as well as possible. Calm and balanced Goat-Cancer will become a faithful and reliable lover for the Dragon.

The Dragon Woman has good compatibility with the Goat-Lion and the Goat-Scorpio.

These men are best suited for the Dragon, but the Goat-Virgo and Goat-Libra are somewhat weak in character and are highly dependent on their partners in a relationship, which a strong Dragon woman may not like.

The Goat-Leo, despite the strength of his character, for the sake of his beloved, can refuse leadership, which is very flattering to the Dragons, and the inconstancy of the Goat-Sagittarius eventually begins to infuriate the adamant Dragon woman.

With the male Goat-Capricorn, the Dragon will be calm and comfortable, and with the eccentric and jealous Goat-Aquarius, she will only dream of peace.

With a wise and sensible Goat-Pisces man, the Dragon girl will find true happiness.

How to improve the relationship between the Dragon and the Goat?

Despite good compatibility, disagreements between the Dragon and the Goat can still happen.

In order to avoid conflict situations, they need to be as sincere as possible with each other, and resolve all omissions and problems immediately, and not postpone until later.

Signs also need to keep their ambitions and emotions in check if they want to maintain their relationship for a long time and not complicate family life. Compromise is the key to a long and lasting family relationship between the Goat and the Dragon.

If we briefly describe the tandem of these two signs of the Chinese horoscope, then the Dragon is the head and logic, that is, the earthy component of the tandem, and the Goat is imagination and muse, that is, the fiery part of the couple.

The high compatibility of the Goat and the Dragon allows these two to live in love and harmony for many years, making only minimal efforts for this.

If you happen to meet on the path of life of the Goat and the Dragon, then at first glance they will understand that they fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. These two get along wonderfully and understand each other perfectly. For this reason, the compatibility of the Dragon and the Goat (Sheep) is high. We will learn in more detail about what the horoscope says about the relationship of this couple.

General description of relationships

A person born in the year of the Dragon is used to speaking frankly, but at the same time he is always ready for discussion and discussion. It is his sincerity and straightforwardness that the Goat (Sheep) will first of all appreciate. Although no one wants to hear bad things, especially from the closest person, therefore, in the future, this same trait can become a bone of contention. Goat (Sheep) is a person who takes everything to heart, it is easy to hurt and offend her. She is used to the fact that all life is an acting game, where she plays the main role. The whole world should revolve around her so that she is the center of attention.

The dragon always feels where is fiction and where is real life. He does not think a day without adventures and bright events, he will try to involve the Goat in his hobbies. Will she be happy with this development? Of course, yes, because it is so important for her that someone takes patronage over her. Moreover, it tends to be led, and not to occupy a leading position. If someone is ready to make sacrifices in the name of love and marriage, then this is the Goat (Sheep). This happens for the reason that she is able to soberly assess the situation and make a decision that is beneficial for everyone.

In order for the compatibility of the signs Dragon and Goat (Sheep) to be maximum, you need:

  • so that both members of the union are set to work and interact;
  • The Goat (Sheep) does not need to be given the reins, as it can lead relationships to a dead end;
  • it is important not to dwell on adversity so that it does not become an unsolvable problem.

Marriage of a Dragon man and a Goat woman

Relationships in a pair of a Goat woman and a Dragon man cannot be called special, since they develop classically. The goat is an exemplary wife who stands at the stove for a long time, her house is always clean and tidy. The husband is engaged in earning money and providing for the family. The upbringing of children falls entirely on women's shoulders. A woman usually does not work, because she simply does not have enough time for this, however, she also does not have much desire to develop in terms of a career.

Although it is also impossible to call her a stupid housewife, since she is always interested in the life of her husband, acts as an adviser in his work. It also happens that the Dragon and the Goat organize a joint business, where the Goat acts as an ideological inspirer, and the Dragon takes care of management issues and the financial side.

On the positive side, it can be noted that their family is always calm, there is no place for conflicts and quarrels, but on the other hand, it is boring. Often it is the measured, eventless course of life that becomes the cause of contention, the initiator of which is most often a woman. But, in general, the marriage can be considered successful, the compatibility of the Goat woman and the Dragon man is approximately 60%.

Are Dragon Woman and Goat Man Compatible?

Here, everything is not going so smoothly, because you can call such a pair compatible with a big stretch. These two will have a hard time in marriage and love, in friendship and working relationships. The bad character of the Dragon woman is to blame for everything; in principle, she has a hard time in relationships, no matter who her other half is. Although, if we are talking about a short-term romance, where there are no obligations to each other, they are as comfortable as possible.

If the partners are interested in the union to exist as long as possible, it is necessary to distribute the roles equally, that is, to be equal. If there is a struggle for supremacy, then the couple in the union will not be able to get along. Both the Goat (Sheep) and the Dragon should be able to develop outside the home and family, for example, to pursue their own hobby or work. Moreover, vacations with friends without a partner should be welcomed by both, so they will rest from each other. You can not drive your soul mate into the framework, this will negatively affect the climate of family relationships. You need to understand that the Goat man and the Dragon woman should feel confident in such a tandem, and therefore give each other more freedom.

You should not put pressure on your chosen one, especially for a woman, because she loves to dominate a man in marriage. You need to understand that both are in the same team, and do not fight against each other. If you adhere to such rules, the marriage will exist for a long time, and the problems, if any, are insignificant.

What awaits the Dragon and the Goat in friendship

It is worth saying that the Goat and the Dragon can become great friends, as they know how to help and empathize with each other. Their compatibility in friendship is very high, often they become best friends. Even if we are talking about friendly relations between opposite sexes, they will never cross the line of friendship, there is no place for temporary intrigues and love either. They have a lot of common ground, they will never get bored with each other, as they have something to talk about. It is worth saying that such relationships can last for years, representatives of the signs will never leave each other in trouble.

What awaits them at work

The Goat and the Dragon, a woman and a man, get along well in professional relations, finding a common language for them is not a problem, they are actively involved in the negotiation processes. In addition, both have ambitions that both need to be able to realize. If the Goat and the Dragon are given a joint job, they will surely bring the matter to perfection, while all the interests of the company will be observed.

If they happen to work on a creative project, then compatibility is maximum. The Goat has a creative potential that will help her bring the Dragon to life. He does not have such abilities, he most often acts as a performer. If we briefly describe their relationship, then the Dragon is the head and logic (the earthy part of the tandem), and the Goat is the muse and imagination (the fiery part of the couple).

In conclusion, let's say that the Goat and the Dragon are a couple that has the right to exist. Of course, alliances like this don't have a life of marshmallow-vanilla adventure, but in general, everything will be fine.

The union of such a pair as the Dragon and the Goat is very intriguing, but restless, because in the first couple it will be difficult for them to find common ground and balance among themselves. The Dragon in such a pair is more straightforward, frank in its own expression, while the Goat, on the contrary, is the standard of sincerity and patience, tact.

In such a pair, it is the latter - the very emotionality and sincerity, gentle awe, the Dragon is such a kind of shirt - a guy who can say everything he thinks in the face, acting on the interlocutor like a cold shower.

As practicing astrologers note, the Goat and the Dragon are a promising couple in terms of compatibility. But the thing is that the relationship between them will be determined by the reaction of the Goat to the imperious encroachments and leadership of the Dragon - the first, by virtue of its independent nature and independence, does not like to be commanded, indicated what and how to do.

It is important for the Dragon to find an approach and be able to manage the Goat wisely - you should not impose your own life disposition by force, looking for a balance between independence and intimacy.

Goat man and Dragon woman - compatibility in love and marriage

In a marriage created in a pair of a Goat man and a Dragon woman, true love and harmony will prevail - the spouses will easily understand each other. Their idyll will be based rather on an ideology where a woman is the guardian of the family hearth, and a man is her protector, friend and husband.

The Goat man in this tandem should grow financially- it is material well-being that will lead to the fact that the Dragon woman will surround him with care, balancing his whims. As practicing astrologers note, the basis in marriage for a couple of a Goat man and a Dragon woman will be precisely finances - material wealth and a common business will hold them together better than common children and a beloved dog.

Dragon Man and Goat Woman - Compatibility in Love and Marriage

Marriage in a pair of Dragon man and Goat woman is based on a common understanding and common, similar interests.- they can discuss topics of interest to them for a long time, make plans for the future. Such a couple will not be bored spending evenings only together - it is the excellent compatibility of the Dragon man and the Goat woman that will help create a beautiful and harmonious union.

The only thing that practicing astrologers advise in this tandem is that a man should not pay much attention, attaching importance to the tears of his chosen one, her whims.

For their part, astrologers advise the Goat woman to release her chosen one into the clouds- you should not prevent him from soaring in height, because there he can find a plan for their material well-being. The main thing is that everything will work out for you, because the Dragon man will never miss his chance.

Dragon and Goat - cons of the union

With all the existing advantages of this union - internal harmony and mutual assistance, support, the ability to forgive and excellent friendly relations, it also has its drawbacks. Speaking of such minuses, practicing astrologers highlight the fact that between the Dragon and Goat pair often there are attacks of jealousy and groundless quarrels are frequent.

Yes, and over time, feelings can cool down, although a frank struggle for leadership will warm them up - this is such an interesting and unusual union of the Dragon and the Goat.

Business Compatibility

The most favorable union of the Dragon and the Goat will manifest itself precisely in business - in this pair, it is the Goat that will generate grandiose plans and successful financial projects, inspiring the Dragon to the exploits. At the same time, the latter, for its part, will implement all plans - this is a real tank, going ahead, a motor with hundreds of horsepower, capable of achieving a lot.

The Goat and the Dragon are ambitious and active, never miss their chance and have natural charisma., good developed intuition, which will build a good material basis for the union. The Goat is a true organizer, but the Dragon is a leader walking in the thick of things.

Compatibility in bed

In a love relationship, both partners are true romantics. However, the Goat is in no hurry to realize his own fantasies in reality, while the Dragon does not hesitate, and without any delay, embodies his dreams in the love field.

The sexual relationship of the couple will always be oh so diverse - both representatives of the eastern horoscope love frequent changes, change the atmosphere of their own love airfield.

Relations with the Goat in sex will always be interesting, full of impressions and novelty - she knows how to subtly capture the essence of everything that happens, has a wonderful imagination, is very inventive in love joys.

At the same time, the Dragon is quite capricious in matters of love pleasures and the Goat may not always cope with his straightforward, somewhat rude pressure. In such a pair, Kose should remember that her chosen one loves to be admired - otherwise, he will simply cool off towards her and go to the left to look for a nature more admired by him.

friendship compatibility

Strong friendly relations in this pair can be formed for many years - they are united by common interests. In addition, there is simply nothing to share in friendship between the Goat and the Dragon, and they will be able to complement each other.

So many unusual and creative ideas of the Goat will inspire the Dragon, and the latter will give her the confidence and determination necessary to implement them. He will be delighted with the artistry of the Goat, she will also be impressed by his power and strength, sociability, ability to listen and provide support.

Percent Compatibility

Practicing astrologers talk about a good combination of the Dragon and Goat pair - in percentage terms, they talk about the overall compatibility level of 68%. Compatibility in love in a couple is 70%, the ratio in marriage is 67% in bed, while the level is higher - 80%, in friendship - 81%.

The compatibility of the Dragon and the Goat in a love relationship will depend on many external and internal factors.

The very first is the desire of each partner to create a strong tandem, a family, and in order to strengthen it, practicing astrologers recommend adopting the following rules:

  • each partner should treat his chosen one with respect- mutual understanding and the ability to listen to the end, understand and forgive will be strong bonds in their union;
  • support in any endeavor will not only help to bring the plan to life, but also to strengthen the family;
  • in a difficult and controversial issue - put yourself in the place of a partner, look at the question from his side;
  • spend time together more and more - a common hobby and business will help learn to listen and hear each other;
  • work together on some interesting both project- many astrologers say with one voice that the creative union of the Dragon and the Goat can reveal new masterpieces to the world;

Astrologers practically do not take a forecast of the development of relations in this tandem - everything is quite complicated and serious. Here, much will directly depend on the readiness of each partner, their desire not only to work on themselves, their relationships, but also on the ability of each of them to give in, to support their chosen one.

When the spouses manage to create their own plan, they will spend more time together, sharing their thoughts - the tandem will be successful, and the couple will live happily ever after. But if the couple cannot achieve mutual understanding, the partners will not be able to hear each other - the union is doomed to failure and a quick break in relations.

Compatibility male Goat and female Dragon is based on mutual respect of partners. The combination of the Goat man and the Dragon woman is special and intriguing. At first, it will not be easy for them to achieve balance, because both he and she are active people and want to realize themselves in external activities. If the Goat man is more sensitive, deep and sincere, then the Dragon woman is frank and straightforward in her self-expression. He is more emotional, and she is used to chopping off her shoulder and being honest about what she thinks. Such an excess of female directness acts on the male Goat, like a cold shower.

The Dragon Woman is most often cold to love, she breaks the hearts of her admirers and does not accept their courtship. It is simply impossible not to notice this person, she is bursting with inner strength and energy. The Dragon Woman is such a pragmatic person that she simply does not allow her feelings to take over. However, the Sheep-Goat man may still be an exception for her. If these signs meet, they will be together. A dragon woman and a Sheep-Goat-man can become a very romantic and beautiful couple, but over time their happiness may be shaken due to some disagreements.

Excessive pride can be fatal for their relationship, so they need to start thinking first of all not about themselves, but about their soulmate. The Goat-Sheep man in such an alliance will often be on the sidelines, which will eventually begin to annoy him and ultimately require serious action on the part of both partners. The compatibility of the Dragon woman and the Sheep-Goat man is not the best, but nothing is impossible for two loving hearts.

Goat Man and Dragon Woman in Love

According to the compatibility horoscope, the union of the Goat man and the Dragon woman can turn out to be very interesting, since both partners are emotional, they are somewhat similar and at the same time very different from each other. Their romance will be filled with exciting moments, and if they can come to mutual understanding and respect, then they will create a strong family, promising for the personal growth of everyone.

The Goat man often lives in a world of illusions, he creates a feeling of sincerity, but this is only a mask, and sometimes he does not even know about it himself, since this game is not played out of selfish motives, but for the purpose of protection. At the same time, the Dragon woman is very straightforward. She is very strong and expects the same strength from her chosen one, so she prefers to directly express her opinion, which is not always pleasant for the Goat man. He would rather hear "sweet lies".

At the same time, it is the Dragon woman who can push the Goat man to development, to exit the illusory world and realization in the real world. But at the same time, the most important thing is to present the information correctly, in the form of advice and offers of help, and not harsh criticism. If the Goat man does not budge and does not strive to match the level of the Dragon woman, she is unlikely to pull him along, because she considers this unpromising.

Goat man and dragon woman in a relationship

The problem is not only in the “bitter truth” in the interpretation of the Dragon woman, but in the worldview of the Goat man. He is used to playing at life and does not always show the seriousness necessary at a particular moment. It may be that he constantly lives in his illusory world, where there is no access to anyone from outside. It seems to him that he is quite frank and all this is just part of the game of life.

The Dragon Woman, on the contrary, lives sincerely and does not like to wear masks. This helps her to saturate her life with events and fireworks. Most likely, the Goat man will gladly fit into her bright world, but he will need a lot of courage to accept his partner as she is. If, instead of knowing the depths of the soul of his beloved, the Goat man becomes self-admiring and wants to control her, he will face a natural rebuff. He will be able to afford a little power, but not immediately.

The Dragon woman will not drag the Goat man along with her, and in order for the opposite situation to develop, he will have to try very hard. After all, the Dragon woman is not one of those who will sit at home, and the Goat man is not at all the one who will take on the entire burden of responsibility for the family.

In order for relationships to develop successfully, they need to be taken care of. After all, a short love affair and a family are completely different things. If both partners work and earn money, share household duties and spend joint leisure time together, this will greatly help maintain and strengthen relationships. It is also important that none of them strive to be the main thing in relations, equality should reign here.